Saturday, August 31, 2019
Solid Waste Management In India Environmental Sciences Essay
In this study, some jobs in solid waste direction in India will be discussed every bit good as the attempts made by the authorities and the occupants of India to assist cut down the jobs in pull offing the solid waste generated by the occupants. Background map_of_india50.jpg India is known as one of the most thickly settled states in the universe. It appears to be the 2nd state to hold the highest figure of occupants. With the entire population of 1.2billions, the direction of solid waste in India has encountered jobs. Each twelvemonth, the population grew by 3-3.5 % , as this factor arises, the rate of solid waste coevals besides lift up to 1.3 % . The solid waste direction members in India must form and pull off the direction magnificently in order to supply a better life environment to the worlds, animate beings and workss. An first-class solid waste direction besides helps in supplying a good environment which has low pollutions including air, dirt, and H2O pollutions. Therefore, there are Torahs, regulations, ordinances, statute laws and regulations enforced by the authorities to do the citizens adhere to as one of the ways of pull offing the waste coevals. The chief metropoliss in India, Mumbai and New Delhi have appeared to be in the list of 25 Most Dirtiest Cities in The World. Mumbai and New Delhi placed at 7th and 24th topographic points severally which the latter is less soiled. Problem Waste direction is the chief job in India, faced with rapid population growing, disorganisation of metropolis authoritiess, a deficiency of public consciousness and engagement of public. Furthermore the inadequacy municipal solid waste aggregation and improper segregation of municipal solid waste and improper processing of solid waste can besides lend to chief jobs waste direction this is due to missing of some technique, actions and direction from governments to better municipal solid waste. Effects ON POOR WASTE MANAGEMENT Health issue is the major job in India as many of the disease came from the pollutions made by them. Health issue arise due to hapless waste direction for illustration is malnutrition, particularly the kids which is the status that develops when the organic structure does non acquire the right sum of the vitamins, minerals, and other foods it needs to keep healthy tissues and organ map. ( Medical dictionary,2012 ) Furthermore, wellness issue such as dandy fever, febrility, Hepatitis, TB, malaria, pneumonia, and besides hapless sanitation due to hapless waste direction. India besides ranked 3rd among the states with the most HIV affected. Due to hapless waste direction by the governments, handiness of clean and safe H2O is minimized because of people threw rubbish at the river and the quality of life will diminish. PROBLEM Resolution: THE MANAGEMENT There are many attacks done by the state in pull offing the solid waste coevals. One of the ways is by jurisprudence enforcement. These are the Torahs that are regulated in the state: – One of the governments that responsible is Centre of Environment and Development, Thiruvananthapuram ( CED ) is the Centre of Excellence ( CoE ) of Ministry f Urban Development, Government of India on â€Å" solid waste and Wastewater direction â€Å" . The chief aim of the ( CoE ) is to develop the scheme and model for solid waste direction ( SWM ) and Wastewater direction ( WWM ) in the Urban local organic structures ( ULBs ) of India and besides to established of a cognition Centre on solid waste and waste H2O direction. Example of waste direction system National Acts of the Apostless and regulations:NATIONAL ACTS AND RULESThe waterA ( bar and control of pollution ) Act, 1974 The H2O ( bar and command pollution ) regulations,1975 The H2O ( bar and command pollution ) CESS ACT, 1977 H2O A ( bar and control of pollution ) A CESS RULES, 1978 The air ( bar and control of pollution ) act, 1981 The environment ( Protection ) Act, 1986 The Bio medical waste ( Management and managing ) regulations, 1998 Municipal solid waste ( direction and managing ) regulations 2000 The fictile waste ( direction and managing ) regulations, 2011 E-wasteA ( direction and managing ) regulations, A 2011 EPA -Rule and Implementation Information for Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills EPA-Non-hazardous Waste Regulations EPA Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Regulations Legislative acts, Regulations, and Regulatory Guidance Example of waste direction system in province of India: The Karnataka town and state planning act, 1961 Shimla municipal corporation ( sanitation and public wellness ) Bye-laws, 2004 Municipal Corporation of Brihanmumbai, municipal solid waste ( prohibition of littering and ordinance of segregation, storage, bringing & A ; aggregation ) regulations 2006 Greater Mumbai cleanliness and sanitation bye-laws 2006 Andrha Pradesh H2O resources regulative committee act – Andrha Pradesh H2O reform ( 2009 )TechniqueAction1.municipal solid wastes aggregationS State authorities should implement a new strategiy which prohibit littering of municipal solid waste in metropoliss towns and urban countries. The undermentioned stairss shall be taken by the municipal authorization: Organizing door-to-door aggregation of municipal solid wastes through any of the methods, for illustration community bin aggregation ( cardinal bin ) , door-to-door aggregation, aggregation on regular pre-informed timings and programming by utilizing bell tintinnabulation of musical vehicle ( without transcending allowable noise degrees ) Planing a systematic manner and united attempt for aggregation of waste from poorness countries or vicinities including hotels, eating houses, office composites and commercial countries. Bio-medical wastes and industrial wastes shall non be combined with municipal solid wastes and such wastes should follow the regulations individually specified for the intent. Horticultural and building or destruction wastes or debris shall be individually collected and disposed off following proper norms. Similarly, wastes generated at dairies shall be regulated in conformity with the State Torahs. Isolated animate beings such as Canis familiariss and cats shall non be allowed to travel about waste storage installations or at any other topographic point in the metropolis or town and shall be managed in conformity with the State Torahs. The municipal authorization shall advise waste aggregation agenda in vicinities.2.Segregation of municipal solid wastesSegregation stuffs should be done by municipal authorization by promote recycling and reused waste by create or organized an consciousness plans and run. The municipal authorization shall take in charge phased plans to guarantee community participate in waste segregation programmed. For this intent, the municipal governments shall set up regular meetings at quarterly intervals with representatives of local occupant public assistance associations and non-governmental organisations.3.Storage of municipal solid wastesMunicipal governments shall set up and keep storage installations in such a mode as they do non make unhygienic and in healthful conditions around it. There is some illustration standards shall be taken to set uping and keeping storage installations: The measures of waste coevals should be counted in order to make adequate storage installations in a given country and the population densenesss. Furthermore, a storage installation shall be so located that it is accessible to user. Storage installations to be set up by municipal governments or any other bureau shall be so designed that wastes stored are non exposed to open atmosphere and shall be aesthetically acceptable and user-friendly.4.Transportation system of municipal solid wastesVehicles used for transit of wastes shall be covered. Waste should non be seeable to public, nor exposed to open environment forestalling their sprinkling and unpleasant odor. The undermentioned standards shall be met is: The storage installations set up by municipal governments shall be daily attended for glade of wastes. The bins or containers wherever placed shall be cleaned before they start overruning.5.Processing of municipal solid wastesTo minimise load on landfill the municipal governments shall follow suited engineering or combination techniques to treat the municipal solid waste. The biodegradable wastes shall be processed by composting, vermicomposting, anaerobiotic digestion or any other appropriate biological processing for stabilisation of solid waste. Assorted waste incorporating recoverable resources shall follow the path of recycling. Incineration with or without energy recovery including pelletisation can besides be used for treating wastes in specific instances. Municipal authorization or the operator of a installation wishing to utilize other state-of-the-art engineerings shall near the Central Pollution Control Board to acquire the criterions laid down earlier using for grant of mandate. RECCOMENDATIONS Even though the state already has Torahs, but there are one job that caused the direction to neglect ; the overpopulation. India is a underdeveloped state where the population exceeds the bound, low degree of instruction, hapless installations, unstable economic system and hapless hygiene. What our group could urge is encounter the overpopulation job. Overpopulation permits the more waste coevals which adds to more jobs to the preexistent waste direction. The direction must believe increasingly as the rate of the population progresses. Besides, the direction must be able to anticipate the approaching jobs in respect of the promoting rate of population. It is besides recommended that the authorities should set instruction as one of the precedences so that nearing the citizens sing the importance of appreciating the female parent ‘s nature would be easier.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Brian Mulroney
Throughout Canadian history there have been many influential political leaders in the past, but none as powerful or significant as Brian Mulroney. Despite the many political criticisms, Brian Mulroney served as the longest conservative prime minister in Canada, he attained a struggle through his pre-political life, which lead him to cleaning up his act and leading the conservative party to the greatest majority in Canadian history, he goes on to serve the legacy of one of the greatest political leaders of all time. Martin Brian Mulroney was born in 1939, the son of an electrician, in the town of Baie Comeau, Quebec. He attended a very strict military all boys’ school until the age of 16 when he entered Saint Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. There he earned an honor degree in political science and he was active in campus politics. Before he graduated he was to become the Prime Minister of St. FX’s famous mock Parliament, a position that had been held for years by Liberal students. It was during these years in Quebec that Brian became known as the life of the party. He frequented most Montreal nightclubs and was quite a lady’s man. He also became a slightly more than social drinker. After becoming a lawyer in 1965 he joined a law firm known as Cate Ogilvy, later becoming a partner in that firm. In May 1973 at the age of 34 he married a beautiful 20 year old Mila Pivnicki, daughter of Yugoslav immigrants, and they had three children. Mulroney worked energetically for the Progressive Conservative Party as a young lawyer. Although Mulroney had not yet held public office, he ran for election as Conservative leader at the party's 1976 national convention. He waged a vigorous and expensive campaign but lost to Joe Clark after being criticized as the Cadillac Candidate for spending so much money. This was a very bleak time in his life, he took the Leadership loss very personally and it almost ruined him. A few years after taking the job of President of the Iron Ore Company of Canada he decided that he would clean himself up. In 1977 Brian went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for people who didn’t want the world to know they had a problem. In 1982, because of an economic depression, the Iron Ore Company of Canada was forced to close one of its mining and milling towns in Quebec. At first this appeared to be a disastrous political setback however, he turned it into a public relations triumph by making the people of the town in question believe that there were other alternatives when there were none and by negotiating settlements for the workers who had lost their jobs. This earned him respect and won him general support and his reputation was enhanced. In mid-1983 Clark's leadership was being questioned, Brian Mulroney was again a candidate who campaigned, he actually had been paying people to ruin Clarks chances of getting the nomination again. He was elected party leader on June 11, 1983 and he entered the House of Commons on August 28, 1983. Despite inexperience, he was an effective leader of the opposition against Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Trudeau retired and John Turner took his place. The new Prime Minister had a lack of political skills, having been out of politics for some nine years. Consequently, Turner's electoral campaign against Mulroney was difficult. This contained three debates between the two party leaders, during which both English and French were spoken. In these debates, Mulroney, who is bilingual, won wide support for the Conservatives. The election result was the greatest triumph for a party in Canadian history. The depressed state of the Canadian economy and Canada's somewhat tense relations with the United States were problems that Mulroney promised to deal with if his party were returned to power. With unemployment at more than 11 percent, Mulroney also said to make job creation his first aim. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect January 1, 1994. NAFTA was launched 15 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace and Brian Mulroney is to thank for this. Mulroney's legacy is complicated and even emotional. March 31, 2009 it was reported by that a Conservative official claimed Mulroney was no longer a member of the party. They claimed his membership expired in 2006 and was not renewed. Additionally, Mulroney allegedly â€Å"called a senior party official two months ago to ask that his name be pulled off all party lists and materials and that communications with him cease. †However, A Mulroney confidante, speaking on condition of anonymity, called the party's claims preposterous. ‘He's part of the history of this party, you can't rewrite history. If they're worried about branding, then shut the inquiry down. They're the ones who called the inquiry. ‘ Mulroney possessed many important significant attributes to being one of the greatest Canadian politicians. As well as some great failures in his career as P. M. Mulroney would be remembered for some good things he had done such as the Nunavut Agreement with the Inuit of the eastern arctic, which set in motion the creation of a third Canadian Territory. He was also an architect of the Francophone summit, which is a yearly meeting of the leaders of the worlds French speaking nations. Though Mulroney had retained a parliamentary majority in the 1988 elections, widespread public opposition to the free-trade agreement and his inability to resolve the Quebec problem caused Mulroney's popularity to decline sharply, and he resigned in 1993. He was replaced as P. M. and head of the Progressive Conservative Party by Defense Minister Kim Campbell, a girl. In conclusion, Brian Mulroney was one of the greatest prime ministers of all time, he served as the longest conservative prime minister in Canada, he attained a struggle through his pre-political life, which lead him to cleaning up his act and leading the conservative party to the greatest majority in Canadian history, he goes on to serve the legacy of one of the greatest political leaders of all time. Work Cited Blake, Raymond Benjamin. Transforming the nation: Canada and Brian Mulroney. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Nightingale and the Rose
I like this story entitled The Nightingale and the Rose because the power of love shown by the nightingale is so amazing. The Nightingale willing to sacrifice himself for something he believed in, that why he had a great power to fulfill his dream to made a red rose flower for the student. The plot of the story is very simple. A young student thought that he was madly in love with the professor's daughter. He felt miserable because he could not find a single red rose in the whole garden to give to his love, and he knew that without the rose she would not agree to dance with him in the ball to be given by the prince the next day. The Nightingale overheard this and was deeply touched by what she believed was the expression of the young man's true love. So she decided to help the young man, but she was told that the only way to get a red rose in this cold winter was for her to build it out of her music and her heart's blood. The Nightingale of course also valued her life, but she was ready to lay down her own life for the happiness of the young couple. She therefore did what she was told to do. The next morning, the most beautiful red rose appeared, but the Nightingale was found dead under the rose-tree. Not knowing what it had cost to produce the rose, the student thought that he was very lucky to find this flower and he immediately plucked it and ran to the professor's daughter. The professor's daughter, however, turned him down because she had already agreed to dance with the Chamberlain's nephew who had given her precious stones. The student was very angry, so he threw the rose away and returned to his reading. This is a touching story of love, but not the love between the young student and the professor's daughter, because neither of them understood what true love is. The girl was interested only in power and money, and the young man, in what he considered practical. The only person who understood love, treasured love, and was ready to sacrifice her life for love was the Nightingale. For her love is eternal music, love is the most precious thing: even more precious than life itself, and true love is always in the giving rather than in the taking. The main theme of this story is love, in fact the young Student needs a red rose to conquer the girl he affirms he loves, even if at the end she doesn’t appreciate his act. This makes us understand two things: on the one hand, that love often brings sorrow, as happens to the tender Nightingale whose gesture of love is not understood by the silly Student. On the other hand, it is very difficult to distinguish between real, authentic love and a more superficial sentiment, and only a very sensitive person can appreciate the full value of this feeling. Besides there are other themes: ingratitude, because the Student is ungrateful towards the Nightingale, whose act of love he is too arid to grasp; generosity, because the altruist Nightingale sacrifices her life to help the Student and her sacrifice is actually wasted. As for the girl, she is not merely superficial but also vain and materialistic, as she loses all interest in the Student once she is promised something more ‘precious’ like the jewels of the Chamberlain’s nephew. This fairy tale is very incisive and, despite its apparent simplicity, leaves the reader with a clear moral message: it is important to remember that some people sometimes sacrifice their life or suffer to help others, but at the end they aren’t returned with the same emotional intensity and their actions are not even fully understood. This is a moral message that should be born clear in mind, in an age and period when most people appear to be interested only in their own welfare, without being able to look beyond their limited, subjective perspective, thus failing to see what or who is outside the borders of their very narrow egoistic world.
Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Sales Management - Essay Example It is difficult for the sales persons to agree that their product is inferior to another competing product. Under such circumstances, sales person will try to convince the customers at any cost. On the other hand many others are of the view that being truthful in an imperative for sales success. Relationship building is accepted as the core of every business activities at present and sales is also not an exception. Telling lies or cheating customers will never help the sales persons in establishing strong relationships with the customers. Customers who once cheated by the sales people will never come back to the same organization. This paper analyses the question; is sales ethics an oxymoron. Is sales ethics an oxymoron? Selling ethically, like all High Probability Selling principles, has been proven to statistically boost the probability of closing sales. Many salespeople report that truthfulness also reduces the stress and anxiety associated with the selling process. Radically Hone st Selling is a Win-Win situation for both Buyers and Sellers. Buyers conduct business feeling treated fairly and respectfully. Salespeople enjoy their work more - and enjoy greater financial rewards (The Truth About Truth in Selling: Sales Ethics is NOT an Oxymoron, 2004).1 Shortcuts will help people to achieve temporary gains whereas in the long run shortcuts may create problems. In sales operations also the above fact is true. A sales person may succeed in selling his product or services using shortcuts or exaggerated claims; however the customer will realize the trap later and he may take legal actions against the company or the sales person which may destroy the reputation of both the company and the selling people. On the other hand, if the sales person adopts only the straight ways to sell his product, the customer may give more mouth publicity to that product which may raise the reputation of the company and the selling people. Both the buyers and the sellers should have met their objectives in a deal so that the relationships with the seller and the buyer may be strengthened. â€Å"A study in Business Horizons magazine from In diana University, found that customers increasingly base their buying decisions on whether they be lieve a company is ethical. Cynicism promotes fick le buying habits†(Bucaro , 2006, p.1)2. Corporate social responsibility is a much debated term in business arena at present. Ethical selling habits are one of the major elements of corporate selling habits. A socially committed company should never try to cheat the customers with the help of exaggerated or misleading claims about their product. Ultimately, every social setups and systems are meant for the wellbeing of the society and no company or salespersons can survive for longer periods by neglecting the needs of the society. Putting blame on others for one’s own faults is not a good business or selling strategy. In the eyes of the customer, the reputati on of the company and that of the selling person will grow only when the sales person was able to keep honesty in his approaches. Exceeding the needs or expectations of the customer will always help the sales person in building the reputation of the company. Instead of blaming the products or services of the competitor, the sales person should try to convince the customers with the help of the features and qualities of the product or service he is selling. The sales person sh
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The oppression of women in KINDREDand Identity crises Essay
The oppression of women in KINDREDand Identity crises - Essay Example Although Dana is wise, independent and young, yet she is only recognized by her race by other characters in the novel. That is the fundamental reason why her fate leads her to servitude in the plantation. There, she happens to meet Carrie who makes her realize that she can not change her skin’s color by rubbing Dana’s cheek. Dana has to live with it. Kindred is one of the most bloodiest novels in that there are frequent events of rape, whippings, dog attacks, hangings and similar acts of brutalities. It is noteworthy that most of these forms of brutality are offered to the women in the novel. The novel perfectly conveys how the African American women were threatened and oppressed in the 19th century. Decisions of the women characters in the novel and their personalities are fundamentally influenced by the oppression there are offered by the white men. Quite often, there are events of rape. The white males feel that they own a right as well as a duty to inflict physical abuse upon the women. On the other hand, the black women are quite well aware of the fact that their attempts to escape the plantation would be rewarded with whipping on the least.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How Does Social Media Influence Companies Research Paper
How Does Social Media Influence Companies - Research Paper Example The emergence and ascendancy of social media have been awe-inspiring. Social media has become a very powerful communication tool and has revolutionized the way in which people interact and connect with each other. The use of social media is not restricted to individuals alone. Companies have recognized the importance of this media and have jumped onto the bandwagon. It is hard to find a company competing in the present day cut-throat environment and not deploying social media in its communication strategy. Social media is currently being used by companies to advertise their products, communicate internally, engage customers, listen to them and capitalize by generating a positive word-of-mouth. The advertisement spends on social media are expected to continue their northward trend. Globally, companies are expected to spend $23.6 billion on social media advertising this year. By 2017, this expenditure is expected to soar to $35.98 billion. Estimates also reveal that by 2017, adverti sement on social media will represent 16 percent of the total advertisement expenditure incurred by companies on different types of digital media (Cohen, 2015). The data clearly establishes that social media has attracted a considerable amount of advertisement expenditure which was earlier incurred by companies on traditional media like television, print, and radio. While there are various social networking sites, Facebook has emerged as the biggest beneficiary when it comes to advertising on social media.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Lab report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Lab Report Example This time, put a known weight of 200 grams on one end and an unknown weight on the other, and slide the clamp bearing the known weight until equilibrium is reached. Put on record the positions of both weights and weigh the one with unknown mass. One such instance of applying equilibrium of rigid body is when one desires to find the mass or weight of an object given masses of other materials that can be put on balance and adjusted to equilibrium. For instance, a setup where the shaft, lever, and handle are welded together which can be worked by modifying forces on certain regions so as to facilitate or prevent rotation of the rigid structure. (1) Compute the weight of the meter stick from the data of Procedure 4 by the method of moments. Compare your result with that obtained by direct weighing of the stick. In particular, note whether the two measurements agree within the errors associated with each. (2) Using the point of support as the axis in Procedure 5, compute the moment of force of each of the weights and also of the meter stick, assuming its weight to be concentrated at its center of gravity. Add all these moments together, paying attention to their algebraic signs. Compare this net torque with zero, noting in particular whether zero lies within the error associated with your result. Solution: Using torque (Ä) = force * distance for each moment about the new point of balance where forces to the left of the balance point may be treated with negative moments and forces to the right of such point with positive moments by convention, then (3) Compute the weight of the body used in Procedure 6 by the method of moments. Compare the measured weight of this body with the computed weight, noting in particular whether the two weights agree within the experimental errors involved. In the experiment, the summation of forces exerted by the weights, the support clamp, as well as
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Homosexuality - Essay Example In order to understand homosexuality in a better way, we must understand the cause of homosexuality. Love between the members of any specific gender is the cause of homosexuality. Feelings of love and care are not gender specific. It is not necessary that these feelings always arise between the individuals belonging to opposite genders. Sometimes the feelings of love and care also arise between the individuals belonging to the same gender. Those feelings become the reason for any two individuals from the same gender to get involved in a relationship between each other, which is often referred as homosexuality. â€Å"Homosexuality involves our underlying bisexuality at play when we naturally feel more attracted to the same rather than the opposite sex†(Roy). Homosexuality also gives rise to another critical issue, which is same sex marriage. The government of the United States of America does not allow same sex marriages. The government of America believes that marriage is a sacred relationship, which should always involve individuals from opposite sexes whereas gay or lesbian marriages result in destroying the basic sprit of the relationship of marriage. However, in some states of America, courts have allowed people for same sex marriages. Some of those states include Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut. The courts of these states declared that marriage is a civil right, so gays and lesbians also possess this right (Cahill 4). In these states, although people belonging to same sexes are allowed to get tied in marital relationships with each other, yet their marriages or living status as a couple is not regarded by the majority of the US population. Homosexual couples face many problems in any specific society. One of the major problems, which homosexual couples face, is the discouraging behavior of the people who know them. If we talk about homosexual marriages, we can say that majority of people usually do not encourage homosexual marriages because they think that such marriages are just for the fulfillment of sexual desires instead of making a sacred relationship. People believe that gay and lesbian couples adversely affect the norms and values of a society. People also look suspiciously towards gay and lesbian couples and do not respect them as traditional couples. Therefore, such couples undergo a hard struggle in order to be accepted by the society in which they live. Another issue, which homosexual couples face, is opposition from the supporters of traditional family systems. Traditional family supporters believe that family system is essential for the existence of a society. They firmly believe that men are made for wome n and women are made for men. They think that gay and lesbian couples weaken the foundations of a family system because neither they can give birth to babies nor they can completely fulfill the sexual desires of each other. Traditional family supporters also think that such marriages or relationships result in decreasing the work force of the country because of their inability to give birth to babies. The viewpoint of homosexual couples is different from the traditionalists. They believe that same sex marriages do not violate the family values as they also have the feelings of love
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Violence in hockey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Violence in hockey - Research Paper Example On January 17, 2010, Sunday, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League marked a hideous, aggressive, brutal, and deliberate elbow violently given to head of Mikael Tam of Quebec Ramparts who was smacked down to ice trembling and did not even breathe for 30 seconds. (Mahari, 2010) On January 2, 2009, Whitby Dunlops, a senior AAA hockey player, who was a defenseman, died after going through a severe coma for three weeks in Ontario, Canada. He hit his head on the ice when falling on it in an awkward manner whilst he was engaged in a fight and lost his helmet in a game in December 2008. Hockey is one of the best games but these brutal acts are mitigating its fun. Head shots are basically attacks from one player to another and are just claimed to be part of the game. This discussion has always been part of the sports world and is still prevalent. Players’ helmets’ should be fastened and should be part of safety precaution. (Mahari, 2010) Violence has been part of hockey’s culture for decades now. Fightings have been part of the game and so is approval of â€Å"good penalty†; officers’ disrespect, frightening behavior of players towards each other and anti-social role model behavior have been accepted as well. Why are these well accepted? Why have we made it part of our game and life when these are atrocious acts? (Pascall & White, 2000) As the game’s attractiveness changed over time an augmented exposure for redundant hostility, fighting and violence grew within the game. As an outcome, the cost of violence has been very severe in this sport. There have been incidents of concussion, head injury and spinal disturbance. Athletes are frequently exposed to preventable and less severe injuries. (Pascall & White, 2000) Head shot injuries should either be banned or completely eradicated from the game as a remedy for violence. The British Columbian government is trying to tackle this issue via SPORTSafe Program. This was
Friday, August 23, 2019
EXPEREINCE ATTENDING A REGAEE PARTY OR CONCERT - Assignment Example Even the people’s clothes mirror their current state of mind: psychedelic t-shirts of all colors twisting and turning, as if someone spilt buckets of color on them and then let them go outside. I walk slowly among the crowd, pushing my way through to the bar, and even though the place is crowded, no one seems to mind you pushing them to pass by. They are smiling, nodding in acceptance and good mood, completely letting themselves go, losing themselves in the hypnotic power of music. The rhythm is so intense that it takes hold of you and it doesn’t let go. The people resemble one huge tidal wave of color, of nations, black, white, red, yellow, it doesn’t matter. This is where the whole world is united through music, they are one and I am a part of this divine unity of color. I reach the bar and ask for a drink. The bartender is a young guy, with hands of an octopus, moving so quickly that you can barely see them. With the glass in my hand, I turn to the crowd and j ust watch them, responding to the voice of the DJ, who created a magical relationship between himself and this human tidal wave which is hypnotized by the power of love, unity and human brotherhood that this music conveys. I close my eyes and let myself go†¦
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Discussion on Quantitative Reasoning for Business Course Essay Example for Free
Discussion on Quantitative Reasoning for Business Course Essay Discussion on Quantitative Reasoning for Business Course Self Reflection Paper 10/15/08 Discussion on Quantitative Reasoning for Business Course For many years, the quantitative or mathematical approach to business problem solving was the cornerstone of MBA programs worldwide. The traditional approach has been a rational analysis: information is collected, collated, analyzed and interpreted, alternatives are formulated, and a logical choice is consciously arrived at (Bagchi, 2005). In practice this means: â€Å"the more information, the better; ‘cool and calm’ strategic thinking should not be ‘debased’ by feelings; efficient thought and behavior must be called upon to subjugate emotion†(Sadler-Smith, 2004). The Quantitative Reasoning for Business course would provide me with the prerequisites necessary to master the rational analysis. In recent years, however, the usefulness of the quantitative analysis training for future managers has been put into doubt. The requirement for fast decisions and the limits of human beings’ rational information-processing capacities may combine to impose severe demands upon executives’ cognitive capabilities to handle masses of information at the necessary speed (Sadler-Smith, 2004). That is when intuition comes into play. Intuition is difficult to describe but easy to recognize. Many of us will be intimately familiar with our own intuitions and will probably be able to identify, and may even envy or admire, those individuals who confidently display a ‘gut feel’ for complex situations and who appear to have an ‘instinct’ for grasping key issues quickly. This quality can be nurtured through life experience. The optimal solution thus, might be a combination of two approaches depending on circumstances. The relationship between intuition and rationality can work in two ways. For example, proceeding from intuition to rational analysis represents a ‘validation’ sequence in which gut feeling may be checked out by rational analysis by posing questions such as ‘Do the data support my hunch? Proceeding from rational analysis to intuition represents an ‘incubation’ sequence in which intuition provides an expertise-based or feelings-based validation for judgments arrived at through rational analysis (Sadler-Smith, 2004). In summary, quantitative training will probably benefit me by preparing me for the future courses in economics, finance, accounting, operations, and research (Quantitative Reasoning for Business Overview, nd). More importantly though, it will prepare me for the future ‘real world’ w ork, even when its direct usefulness is not as extensive as often believed its proponents.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Innocence Commission Essay Example for Free
The Innocence Commission Essay Introduction:            Criminal justice in most of the judicial bodies should be based on truth and fairness in order to give a rightful conviction. Effectiveness of criminal justice is portrayed by their ability to identify offender after thorough investigations are carried out so that one can be sure that the person being accused of offence is truly guilty. Fairness is reached when there is enough evidence given at all points, there is legal representation of prongs in criminal justice which are undermined by wrongful conviction. Wrongful conviction makes one to face torture or punishment for the mistake that he or she did not commit and the one who has actually committed crime finally goes free. Causes of wrongful conviction            There are quite a number of issues which cause wrongful conviction to individuals who are innocent. Wrongful conviction results to someone being arrested for crime which he or she has not committed. Wrongful conviction can be caused by:- Government mis-conduct Junk science False confession Government mis-conduct.            Wrongful conviction can be facilitated by misconducts by the government. This is evidenced when police use their powers excessively to deal with a crime which they are not fully aware of its cause. In this case individuals are convicted for their honest mistake that they make. They are usually convicted and no evidence is used to show that they have committed that mistake. In other cases weak evidence are portrayed but they do not show or indicate that, that particular person has committed that crime. Corruption in police force and in various judicial bodies has lead to wrongful conviction of individuals who have not committed crime. In most cases the accused can be judged wrongfully when the accuser give bribe to the police or judge who in return does no listen or take evidence from the accused and therefore he or she ends up being confirmed guilty of the mistake which he or she did not commit.  Mistaken identity can be another factor that can facilitate government mis-conduct. This happens when police do not take time to get enough details of the person that they are supposed to arrest and therefore they end up arresting someone similar to the one who committed the crime (DPIC. 2008). In other cases, people can bear the same name and when police are investigating on the crime, they do not take time to know the exact person they are supposed to arrest. In resent days, government mis-conduct has remained as one of the major cause wrongful conviction in most individuals who fails victims of wrongful conviction. Junk science            In confirming an individual who has committed crime, various scientific studies can be carried out by trained experts. These studies help to reveal the identity of the one who committed crime. When the evidence of identifying the person is mis-handled or unqualified individuals are used to carry out the research, wrongful conviction can occur since the pure identity of the one committed crime is not revealed and this can else show identity of another individual. Evidence is usually collected at the scene of crime and when its not handled accurately it can be mis-handled or labeling exchanged which end up giving false results in regard to crime. The task should be carried out by experienced individual who are fully trained so that reliable results in regard to the one who committed crime are produced. This however, can be possible by ensuring that there is quality control and assurance when conducting the laboratory procedures. Therefore in carrying out scientific study to help in determining the one who committed crime, care need to be taken so that the evidence is handled correctly to give reliable results which would not result in wrongful conviction. False confession.            In most cases, wrongful conviction has been caused by false confessions. False confession can come about when the one confessing or giving evidence of the crime is mentally ill. Mental illness can make someone to confess on a crime which he or she has not committed or if the mentally ill person is giving evidence he or she can give wrong allegations concerning the accused. In other cases, police can use force and torture to individual to force someone to confess crimes which they have not committed. Police can false individual to give evidence after torturing individuals who finally gives up and decide to give wrong evidence out of torture that they get. Individual can be tortured also to give wrong allegations on someone else who has been convicted wrongfully (Holligan, 2003). These wrong evidences consequently results to convicting individuals wrongfully. During conviction of individuals, correct evidence should be gathered from mentally fit individual and police should not be allowed to torture individuals to give evidence in regard to crime and therefore they should be left to give evidence freely.            Court should come up with various ways to ensure that cases of wrongful conviction are fully eliminated or they are reduced to minimum level to help those individuals who suffer greatly in prison while they are innocent as a result of being convicted wrongfully. The court has established various ways of ensuring that the problem is dealt with accordingly. This ways include: The court should first establish the main causes of wrongful convictions. Court should carry out research on these causes so as to ensure that they are dealt with fully. The court should review cases so that they can have better understanding of wrongful conviction. Appropriate constituent should ensure that they have the best practice. Issues of systematic level in examination of wrongful conviction should be examined. This can be enhanced when court get involved in commission which will ensure that all the above is addressed and the issues of wrongful conviction are reduced.            The court before giving their final ruling on the one who committed crime, the magistrates should first ensure that they are aware of the many causes of wrongful conviction so that they can establish them and understand them fully before giving their judgment on crime. By being aware of these causes, the courts ensure that judgments are not based on unreliable evidence and therefore judgment should always be based on reliable evidence (Sprouts, 2005). This evidence should be given forth by reliable individual who can be fully trusted of evidence that they produce in court to help in ruling of the convicted individual.            Before giving out ruling, the court should ensure that it has carried out reliable research so that they can deal with cases which are brought forth rightfully (Rosen, 1992). These researches will help to establish whether the evidence collected is reliable. Research such as cause and result of wrongful conviction should be carried out so that the court can understand the torture that those who are convicted wrongly undergo. Therefore, by carrying out various researches, the court can finally be able to always give the rightful conviction.            Another way of reducing these wrongful conviction the court need to review various cases which have been wrongfully convicted so that they can evaluate the cause of those cases and come up with measures of ensuring that they are finally resolved. Best practices should be carried out by the court to ensure that those cases that they handle and the evidence that they use in ruling are reliable so that they can avoid unreliable sources which will cause wrongful conviction of individuals. Such practices includes, using experienced experts to gather enough information in regard to the crime being investigated.            Systemic levels of examining various cases should be enhanced by court which will help the court to follow the case step by step so that the ruling given is the right one. Step by step follow up of cases can give reliable results to base judgment on. These systemic orders should be carried out by the court from the time the crime is committed and the scene of crime, to collection and presentation of evidence to the court by reliable individual. When these are followed, reliable evidence is finally gathered which prevents wrongful conviction.            There are quite a number of individuals who were convicted wrongly in and faced trial of crimes that they did not commit. One of the outstanding examples of an individual who was wrongfully convicted is David Milgaard who was wrongfully charged of raping Gail Miller out of false confession. Out of pressure and continued intellogation by the police, David’s finally changed the truth concerning the evidence they had in regard to the crime until it took to the version of police which lead to arrest of David. All the witnesses who were called upon to give testimony in regard to David were intimidated by the police who made them to give wrong information. After going through torture, the witness had to give information which pleased the police so that they could use it to file charges on David for crime which he had not committed. David tried to persuade the court but no one could listen to him since they believed that they had enough evidence. But after a lot of effort which was employed by David and the family, they finally managed to get reliable evidence out of DNA testing which they used to prove that David did not actually commit that crime. According to federal government, they compensated David for being convicted wrongfully. In this case, torture should not be used to get evidence and reliable evidence should be used before convicting an individual.            Another victim of wrongful conviction is Richard Alexander who was accused falsely of four rape cases after the statement which was released by the victim. After DNA study was carried out, it did not show him as the suspect of the case but the victim confessed that he was the one who committed that crime. During his stay in court, investigators were convinced that he is guilty since there are more rape cases which occurred when he was in custody. This enabled him to prove himself innocent since the other three cases mentioned him but by that time he was in police custody.            Another individual who was wrongfully convicted was Alan Crotzer who was sent to prison in 1982. Alan was convicted of being among the three men accused of robbing white occupants in their apartment in Timpa and rapped a woman and a child (Wickham, 2007). They were accused of sexually assaulting them and leaving them tied to a tree. Crotzer was arrested since his picture was picked at the scene of crime. Crotzer was convicted wrongful and sentenced for a period of 130 years. He was behind bars for 24 years but after DNA test was carried out he was finally released and proved innocent.            Therefore, in conclusion, wrongful conviction has caused many innocent individuals to suffer for mistake committed by other individuals who finally goes free. For fairness to be reached, the court should ensure that investigation and reliable evidence are used to determine the one who has actually committed the crime. Wrongful conviction results to torture and should be minimized and avoided at all levels. Reference: Rosen P. (1992). Wrongful conviction in Criminal Justice. Retrieved from: Wickham D. (2007). Wrongfully convicted man. Retrieved from: Sprouts M. (2005). Swanns way. United State: Barne and Noble Holligan B. (2003). Adventure and Law and Justice. Sydney: UNSW DPIC. (2008). Causes of Wrongful Conviction. Retrieved from: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/Desktop/Causes%20of%20Wrongful%20Convictions.htm
Understanding Business Organisations
Understanding Business Organisations TASK 1 The government has an important role to play in providing easy, low-cost access to information. Numerous studies and reports call for a more coordinated access for businesses to information on markets, industries and regional economies. In this case, most SME’s want better information about the local and regional economy to help position their businesses and raise competitiveness. Therefore, there is an urgent need for these government funded organizations to play the role of considering a more formal mechanism to listen to the needs of businesses, improve access to information and ensure they provide partial electronic services to people and small businesses through Government portals. The stimulation of the SME’s by these funded organizations can reduce the level of unemployment and contribute to a more equal distribution of economic powers. The development of the SME’s is important for the social and economic development of the country, since they increase competitiveness and mobilize idle funds to productive aims. The business community (the SME’s) has unique information needs that need to be addressed with a specifically designed information system integrated in the National Treasury, Kenya Revenue Authority, Home Affairs State Department and Immigration Office. A multi-faceted approach to information provision is necessary because of the variation in needs, literacy and business prospects. Training needs of both the business managers of the SME’s and information specialists should be identified and recommended as part of the business information system design. TASK 2 UNIT: Understanding Business Organizations TITLE: Technology Advisory Group Task 3 Organization chart for T.A.G ORGANISATION STRUCTURE The structure adopted is functional organizational structure which will involve organizing the activities of the advisory group around areas of specialization. This approach involves a considerable amount of process standardization within the organization, with the real decision-making authority centered at the top of the organization. EFFICIENCY INTO OPERATION BY THE STRUCTURE the organization will achieve significant efficiencies in terms of process flow and management methods as the staff will be allowed to focus on one specific functional area to the exclusion of all else. It is ideal for the organization because it is easier to monitor and update the training of employees when they are focused on narrow functional areas. The organization will also use this approach to cultivate a group of extraordinary specialists who can strongly impact the functions of the company. KEY MANAGEMENT PROFILE Administration and Finance Their role is to provide a general oversight of the operations of the organization.The team will consist of a General Manager, Finance Manager with 1 administrator and ICT Manager with 1 administrator. This team will be responsible for effective planning, delegating, coordinating, staffing, organizing, and decision making to attain desirable profit making results for the organization (Sayles 1979). Marketing and PR Their function is mainly to increase sales for the organization. Assigned here will be the Head of Marketing, two(2) executives inMarketingand two (2) executives in PR. As the teams begin to work together they need to come up withconcrete and up-to-date plans to maximize profits while creating long-term customers as well as adding value to the product and our services. IT Consultants – They play the role of advising businesses on how best to use information technology to meet their business objectives.Two(2) Senior Consultants will be in charge. In addition to delivering advice, four(4) Middle-Level Consultants and four (4) Junior Consultants will oversee the workshops that will look at the technologies that can be underpinned by Superfast Broadband. They will work hand in hand with five(5) IT Trainers, two(2) website administrators and two(2) graphicdesigners to manage, implement, deploy, and administer IT systems of the organization. TASK 5 BUSINESS PLAN FOR T.A.G The intentions of Technology Advisory Group is to offer clients with an all-inclusive assistance through free consultancy and specialist advice on business prospects offered by Superfast Broadband In the form of articles and blogs written by IT specialists.The three year goals for Technology Advisory Group are the following: Achieve break-even by Year 2. Establish along-term contract with the Central Government. Establish a minimum of95% customer satisfaction rate to establish long-term relationships with our clients and create word-of-mouth marketing. T.A.G has established a status for quality work and plans to continue to heighten its image in the trade. The organization endeavors to become a well-known benefactor of IT related guidance to SMB’s through the following: Increasing service backings by consolidating specialist workshops which will look at the technologies that can be fortified by Superfast Broadband, including Cloud Computing, collaboration and interactive websites. Increasing obtainability and accessibility to present and future customers through a range of pamphlets and case studies that give hands-on insights into the enactment of Superfast Broadband by small businesses Crafting innovative, unique, and cost-effective interpretations to hitches currently met by customers. Technology Advisory Group has established community calendaring and groupware applications for use by the organization. This will support in providing a modest, convenient tool for the organization and staff to consolidate, plan, track projects and workshops. T.A.G will leverage its profile-raising services to help offer secondary income streams as the organization will inaugurate induction of free email services, business directories, and other related services which will entice current and prospective customers to our offices and workshops. These will be used to generate advertising proceeds, as well as increase publicity of our range of services. To generate sales, T.A.G has incorporated the use of direct marketing which will focus on Trade Shows. T.A.G will partake in selected local and national shows that will provide an opportunity to develop exposure. This is a very effective tool in creating responsiveness and stimulating lead activity.And also Contact Campaigns as this initiative will encompass various methods of reaching potential customers to generate interest, followed by direct mail to the potential customer. The organization has a well-articulated human resources strategy which ensures that labor regulations are stringently followed and that all pamphlets relating to labor law are upheld hence confirms that the employees are exceedingly inspired to ensure that they are industrious. T.A.G has articulated human resources scheme that is in line with those that directly deal with intensifying through attainment. Strategies that should be put to ensure that the company achieves further growth Marketing strategy The organization has to put more exertion in having access to the global market. It should put more effort in advertising of its services to other parts of the ecosphere that it has not accessed the market. It should discover probable market such as other African republics. T.A.G should upturn the number of workshops and virtual assistance services and through this; the company will offer its customers with a choice of service to pick from. The organization should guarantee that its branding and packaging are of high standard and should change with customers change in taste and fashion. The company should contemplate using publicizing tools such as S.W.O.T analysis in guaranteeing that it retains its control of limited market and as a means to subsist in an atmosphere that has stiff competition. Information system strategy Technology Advisory Group should deliberate on using more than one software when executing a given assignment. The administration should concoct a way in which the systems are incorporated. This is to warrant that proficiency is upheld and the work done is precise and can also certify that fraud activities are curtailed. Human resources strategy The organization should also upturn the number of university fresh alumni who are undertaking management drills. This is decisive in that it will advance new skills and different concepts from these graduates and this will support the Technology Advisory Group in development. It is persons who make an organization to grow therefore, to ensure that T.A.G has a stout pool of human resources, it should contemplate efficient in training for employees to keep them informed on new skills so that the enterprise can keep pace with other major conglomerate corporations in relations to human resources. Competitive Edge The Technology Advisory Group should emphasis precisely on facilitating small and emergent businesses exploit their potential for accomplishment by distinguishing itself in the following means: Cost-effective personal interaction with IT consultant presence: T.A.G should target new expanses with local consultants, permitting it to personally cooperate with small businesses without needing to bring consultants to the region. A diverse network of consultants and alliance partners: By relying on a nationally circulated talent base harmonized to work together tenuously, the organization should be able to bring together an assortment of skills to encounter the needs of its clients. Positioning Statement The Technology Advisory Group delivers much needed skills and experience to small to medium business initiators to help their businesses embrace the Superfast Broadband. Our services are bespoke specifically to the distinctive needs of small to medium businesses and focuses on up-to-date citations of specialist suppliers of Superfast Broadband and allied services that can advance overall business performance. With a scarcity of available talent plus the usual budget pressure usually associated with small businesses, our services provide a cost-effective substitute to attaining faster communications inorder to advance the ways in which they do business. The Technology Advisory Group will position itself as the prominent marketing and management consulting firm focusing solely on small businesses. Projected Profit and Loss Key expenses will comprise the cost of payroll for the growing staff, marketing to endorse the Superfast Broadband in the community, and the organizations rent and devaluation. The organization will show a revenue in the first year which will continue to propagate. This is anticipated due to the high gross margins of marketing internet broadband to small and medium businesses Annual sales projection Annual sales projection Task 6 Formal communication Communication is the process through which one person conveys information to another person through applicable medium. These are the major communication systems implemented as these terms are used recurrently in organizations. Upward communication Is the process of information travels from lower to higher ranks in the hierarchy.Various mechanisms can be implemented by T.A.G to facilitate upward communication. Examples, Suggestion boxes, group meetings and participating in decision-making. This is maintained to get feedback to managers from employees. Downward communication Is the process of information flowing from superior to subordinate – from managers to operating staff.Itis related to the hierarchical structure of the organization as messages seem to get large as they travel downward through successive levels of the organization. Example, annual reports, notices and employee performance feedback. Horizontal communication Flow of messages across functional areas shared among people on the same hierarchical level of an organization. This form of communication facilitates for problem solving, task coordination between departments and project teams. How can intranets and groupware help improve communication? Intranets Organization information can be warehoused centrally and retrieved at any time due to superior internal communications. sharing of resources and best practice as virtual groups can be deliberated to expedite information sharing and collaborative working improved customer service better access to accurate and reliable information by your staff leads to heightened levels of customer service forms can be accessed and completed on the computer, then forwarded as appropriate for approval, without ever having to be printed out, and with the benefit of an audit trail Groupware It facilitates users to post ideas, questions or suggestions on given themes of discussion as it allows users to engage with other members of the group thus enhancing business alliances. It permits users to send messages to other members of the organization and outside of the organization. It ensures that users can retain online calendars viewed by other colleagues to assist with the arranging of meetings and project planning as users are able to identify when members are available or times when they are consumed with other tasks. Task 7 Managing virtual teams Virtual teams are defined as â€Å"affiliated individuals using computer-mediated telecommunications to share information electronically†(Kirkman, Rosen, Tesluk, Gibson, 2009, p. 54). Challenges posed by virtual teams in managing individual teams Physical Observation Limitations managers are physically limited to observe their employees’ performance and efforts, and how to implement effective methods for going about measuring productivity, building trust, and managing teams given their particular constraints (Kirkman, Rosen, Gibson,Tesluk, McPherson, 2002). This renders the manager unable to provide constructive performance feedback and harness the full potential of the team. As a result, monitoring and measuring performance remain problematic and sources of concern (Kurkland Bailey, 1999). Overemphasis on Output Evaluation Evaluation of virtual team performance is a challenge when managers directly focus on outcomes rather than process especially when those results prove difficult to measure and observe.Therefore, Managers cannot accuratelyascertain performance due to reduced capability toobserve and monitor the process. Employee Equity and Organizational Justice Issues Virtual team members may feel organizational injustice when compared to those who are present in the actual workplace. Professionally, employees fear that being â€Å"out of sight†infers being â€Å"out of mind†fororganizational rewards thus becomes a significant challenge whenevaluating members of virtual teams against those at the physical office (Kurkland Egan, 1999). Recommendation on how T.A.G will address this challenges Increasing Information Flow–the virtual team project manager should institute mutual knowledge among team members through team building activities and grant members access to evocative project documentation, which lists acronyms and other project specifics important for team members to understand (Davis Khazanchi, 2007). The â€Å"Balanced Scorecard†– the virtual team manager should create an all-inclusive balanced scorecard based on T.A.G’s priorities when evaluating performance. This may consist of the organization’s values in the fields of growth, profitability and customer satisfaction. This enables managers to have a far more transparent understanding of the effectiveness of their virtual team and create more standardized methods of evaluating future virtual team performance. References: Boddy, D. (2005). Management: An introduction. 3rd edition.England, Pearson education, Prentice Hall. Campbell, D Craig, T. (2005).Organizations and the business environment.2nd edition.Oxford, UK, Butterworth-Heinemann. Davis, A., Khazanchi, D. (2007). Does mutual knowledge affect virtual team performance? Theoretical analysis and anecdotal evidence. American Journal of Business, 22(2), 57-65. Kirkman, B.L., Rosen, B., Gibson, C.B., Tesluk, P.E., McPherson, S.O. (2002). Five challenges to virtual team success: lessons from sabre, Inc. Academy of Management Executive, 16(3), 67-69. Kurkland, N.B., Bailey, D.E. (1999). Telework: The advantages of working here, there anywhere,and anytime. Organizational Dynamics, 28(2), 53-68. Mullins, L.J. (2010). Management and Organizational behavior. 9th Edition. England, prentice hall financial times.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Will NOT Reduce Crime :: Second Amendment The Right To Bear Arms
The right to bear arms is guaranteed in the constitution by the Second Amendment. Liberals are looking to amend the constitution any way they can. They want to ban handguns or at least restrict sales. Studies have shown that gun control cannot stop people from committing the crime. While the Founding Fathers of this country were developing the system of government, as set forth in the Constitution, many feared that a standing army controlled by a strong central government would leave them helpless. The federal Constitution contained no provisions to prohibit a standing army or allow states to create their own militias. The Constitution was signed by thirty-nine men from the twelve states represented at the Constitutional Convention on September 17 1787; three delegates refused to sign because of the absence of a bill of rights. Two years later, the First Congress agreed on twelve proposed amendments to the Constitution. During this time, debate focused on a standing army versus a state militia and citizens' rights, and even obligations, to carry arms. Before addressing arms and the militia in the Bill of Rights, however, two militia clauses were included in the U.S. Constitution. The militia clauses say that Congress shall have power to provide for calling fort h the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay -- People Ralph Waldo Emerson Biography Essa
Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts. Early in his life, Emerson followed in the footsteps of his father and became minister, but this ended in 1832 when he felt he could no longer serve as a minister in good conscience. He experienced doubts about the Christian church and its doctrine. These reservations were temporarily alleviated by his brief association with Unitarianism, but soon Emerson became discontent with even their decidedly liberal interpretation of Christianity. After a while, however, he discovered the writings of British poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, and used their works to shape his own. Emerson’s wife died in 1831, an event that likely pushed him towards a path of self-discovery. At the end of 1832, Emerson left for Europe. While there, he had the opportunity to meet some of his literary idols: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Thomas Carlyle. These relationships would continue to inspire Emerson as he forged his unique relationship with the universe. When Emerson returned to America in 1833, he began a career as a lecturer and published his first book, the now famous, Nature. After a series of radical lectures, Emerson shifted from sometime preacher and scholar to speaker and full-time author. His work, Essays, was published in 1841. This work only added to his notoriety as a nonconformist. He continued to intermittently publish and lecture in the United States, until he embarked upon a series of lectures in Europe in 1847. Emerson returned to the United States, and resumed lecturing and writing. He made numerous trips to speak around the nation, and again in Europe, until his death o... ... scholars all over the world, and taught at some of the earliest levels in the American education system. He is the embodiment of the American spirit, a man full of freedom and determination, restless in his search for a unique understanding of life. Works Cited Baym, Nina, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Sixth Edition. Vol. A of Literature to 1820. New York: Norton, 2003. Buell, Lawrence. â€Å"Ralph Waldo Emerson.†Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 1: The American Renaissance in New England Ed. Joel Myerson. Gale, 1978. 48-60. Literature Resource Center. Porte, Joel. Representative Man: Ralph Waldo Emerson in His Time. Oxford UP, 1979. A Short Biographical Sketch of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 11 Nov. 2002 Yannella, Donald. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston: Twayne, 1982.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Today is Only the Beginning, My Past is a Complete Mystery :: Personal Narrative Writing
Today is Only the Beginning, My Past is a Complete Mystery It's funny how weeks pass so quickly and so much fills this life; I can't remember how one day is different from the next. Lately, a moment's peace means a falter of plans. My order is changed. Emotions, actions, events, and things go on around me, and I live through them not know how it was done. Sometimes there's reflection; it's haunting until tomorrow, and I have no idea what tomorrow is. Strangely, I think of why I'm here and wonder who I am behind this faà §ade, this name-looking for a balance and a connection, never knowing where to find it, and nobody else knows either; voices talk on the telephone about it for hours, or sit there drawing some strange parallels one afternoon. It all ends up somewhere in an unconsciously dreamworld; alas the perplaxity in distinguishing truth from reality is plaguing. Thinking of how to connect the two, three, and forty thousand images that fly by me day in and lights out, waking up and shock hits. All I want to do is do what I want to do, an d do what I have to do, and like it, and get something out of it. Never does a thought cross my mind that there may someday be disappointment. And, when the sun rises every morning, more things muddle some understanding and shake my order, catching me by utter surprise. Secret hopes that will one day lead me to whatever i think I am going to find, lie before me a mystery. Months mesh into one another. I went out into the backyard to look for violets, the small wild ones. My aunt had secretly shown me where they were one day after lunch. I still remember my plaid pants were the same color as the violets, with a solid purple shirt, and my almost white Keds sneakers. We went up into the attic where she kept her sewing basket, and I picked out what I thought was the prettiest ribbon to tie together my prescious hand-held flowers. It was a frazzled, satin off-whitish with embroidered lace around it. I knew my flowers had to be worthy enough to deserve such a royal bow. So, we had sneaked around the corner of the house to the sunny spot; that's where they grew the best. Originally, I had picked the flowers without the stems.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Amelie Landry Professor Evans English 102-2WA 20 March 2012 Diagnostic Imaging: A Sound Career in Sonography One of the main reasons for choosing a healthcare career in todays society, aside from the basic need for a self sustaining income, is the opportunity to make differences in peoples lives. With the demand for healthcare professionals and alternative medicines on the rise, so is the need for adequately educated trained personnel. Diagnostic Medical Sonography is becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to radiologic procedures such as x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Accounting for approximately 50,300 jobs in the United States in 2008, compared to the 214,000 jobs held by radiologic technicians, according to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sonography is a small yet rapidly growing field. In diagnostic imaging, there are several procedures that aid doctors in the diagnoses of ailments in patients. Radiology, commonly known as x ray, uses radiation to prod uce a picture on a film. Another common imaging method is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which uses giant magnets and radio waves to create an image.However, sonography uses sound waves to generate an image. Through the use of special equipment and computers, diagnostic medical sonographers direct high frequency sound waves into parts of a patient’s body through a wand called a transducer. The transducer sends and receives reflected echoes of sound, much like a dolphin uses â€Å"echo-location†(Merton). The initial responsibility of a sonographer is to explain the procedure to the patient and obtain any additional medical history relevant to the exam.During the exam a sonographer determines which sonogram images are of the best quality and documents any abnormal findings. Elizabeth Jackson, a graduate of diagnostic medical sonography, states â€Å"There is a diverse spectrum of anatomy a sonographer looks at every day which makes it essential that they know what t hey are looking at, what to look for, and what pathology looks like in order to convey what they see to the Radiologist to make an accurate diagnosis. †Interpersonal skills and communications are vital to the success of the diagnostic process.Detailed oriented individuals with biological science and mathematic backgrounds contribute to the field of sonography. The increasing demand for diagnostic imaging and therapeutic technology promises an exceptional outlook for sonographers. The majority of diagnostic medical sonographers are employed by hospitals, but accessibility to low-cost portable ultrasound equipment has led to a growing number of career opportunities at clinics and diagnostic centers (Rising Demand for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers).They now have access to portable units as small as laptop computers making commuting from hospital bedsides to clinical practices easier. Since some sonographers make their own schedules through contracts with clinics, these portabl e units make traveling much more convenient. Less means more in terms of health risks. Unlike some imaging methods, sonography doesn't involve radiation, harmful side effects, nor complications from repeated exposure for both patient and sonographer.Although, due to repetitive movements they are unfortunately prone to musculoskeletal pains. In a report, Murphy and Russo show â€Å"In Figure 1 an illustration of the anatomical sites of discomfort reported by sonographers, showing that higher numbers of respondents experienced discomfort in the shoulder, neck, low back, wrist and hand/fingers. †A sonographer must apply moderate pressure on areas of a patient’s body in order to get an accurate reading with the transducer. These ergonomic issues arise when sonographers are unaware of their body mechanics.Fortunately, there are strategies that influence a better working environment. After evaluating the risks associated with becoming a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonogra pher some might find the monetary compensation, and the cost associated with obtaining the education comforting. The U. S Bureau of Labor Statistics also suggests, â€Å" the middle fifty percent of sonographers earned between $52,570 and $73,680 in 2008. The earning potential of a sonographer is highly dependent upon their level of education.Post secondary education is a must, therefore program or college tuition can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $30,000 depending upon the level of program chosen (What It Costs). The cost of obtaining a bachelors degree in diagnostic medical sonography equates to about half of an annual salary. Before entering the world of sonography, an individual must first decide which learning path is right for them. The educational journey for a sonographer may vary from one to four years depending upon the certificate or degree completed.The typical educational path takes approximately two years (United States). The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical So nography(ARDMS) recommends that a student attend programs governed by The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHP), considering the accreditation is a requirement for taking national registry exams. Prior to admission into a sonography program, the applicant must at least have a high school diploma or GED.Individual schools have different criteria for entry into their program. For example, Delgado Community College requires one of three things: an associates degree, a bachelors degree or successful completion of their Radiologic Technology program. Hospitals may also offer a vocational program. It’s an acronym jungle for the potential sonographer. Upon successfully completing an accredited sonography program, a student has up to five years to apply and take their national registry exam.Once the applicant has been accepted as a candidate by the American of Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS), he or she has only ninety days to actua lly take their exam. A candidate who successfully completes their exam earns the credentials of a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS), a Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer (RDCS), or a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT). These credentials are dependent upon a graduates specific choice of modality in the field (Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography).With technological advances leading to improved diagnostic capabilities, learning for a sonographer is perpetual. According to the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, continuing education units are required to maintain their registered title. The ARDMS also mandates a minimum of thirty continuing education credits (CE’s) within a three year period from an accredited teaching facility. Failure of the sonographer in completing the CE requirements usually results in a temporary loss of their credentials and a fine assessed in addition to the regular fee of renewal.So when doing research for a specific healthcare career, careful consideration of all variables is a must. With the growing demand for more outpatient diagnostic imaging sites and a alternative innovations, a sonographer can expect a variety of employment opportunities. It may be a toilsome path for some to walk, but the reward in assisting physicians to make a difference in peoples lives may be all it takes to obtain a sound career in diagnostic medical sonography.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Causes of Increase in Price of Essentials in the Last Five Years
Term Paper Causes of increase in price of essentials in the last five years Department Of Economics East West University Submitted by: Afia Ibnat Sajoti : 2012-2-31-118 Nusrat Jahan : 2012-3-30- fzuuiuhio Date of submission: Table of contents: 1. Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 2. Abstract: Increases in price level are also referred to as inflation.Such price increases in an economy are usually due to the effect of macroeconomic factors like demand, supply and consumption. All other macroeconomic factors that affect increases in price level are somehow related to these three factors. Those other areas include interest rate, monetary policies and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Since mid-2007 basic food prices have rock eted with disastrous consequences for poor consumers.The spike in international market prices through the first half of 2008 has now subsided. Still prices of rice, wheat, corn (maize), and edible oils remain well above the levels of just a year ago and are likely to remain elevated and volatile for years to come. Two separate dynamics need to be understood in order for countries to make necessary adjustments.A gradual rise in food prices has been under way since at least 2004 with three general and fundamental factors at work: rapid economic growth in the People’s Republic of China and India especially put upward pressure on prices as demand simply outpaced supply; a sustained decline in the United States dollar since mid-decade added to the pressures on dollar-denominated international market prices; and a combination of high and rising fuel prices coupled with legislative mandates to increase production of biofuels has established a firm link between petroleum prices and f ood prices.The causes of price spikes are crop-specific. Drought and disease in 2007 caused wheat prices to jump, and supplies of edible oil were reduced as farmers in the United States shifted acreage out of soybeans into corn for nonfood uses (ethanol). Rice is the clearest example of crop-specific causesâ€â€the price spike was driven by export bans that were aimed at helping contain domestic food price inflation in exporting countries, but had the unintended effect of setting off panic as supplies to the already thin world rice market were sharply reduced.Asia will need several years of good rice harvests in order to stabilize the situation and reduce the exposure of the poor to another shock in food prices. This will not be easy to achieve as input costs are driven higher by high energy prices. Thus, it seems unlikely that world food prices will return to the declining trend seen between the mid-1970s and the first few years of this century. Introduction:The world prices of wheat, coarse grains, rice and oilseed crops all nearly doubled between the 2005 and 2007 marketing years and continued rising in early 2008. These increases in agricultural commodity prices have been a significant factor driving up the cost of food and have led to a fuller awareness and a justifiably heightened concern about problems of food security and hunger, especially for developing countries.The causes of this price spike are complex and due to a combination of mutually reinforcing factors, including droughts in key grain-producing regions, low stocks for cereals and oilseeds, increased feedstock use in the production of biofuels, rapidly rising oil prices and a continuing devaluation of the US dollar, the currency in which indicator prices for these commodities are typically quoted. This turmoil in commodity markets has occurred against the backdrop of an unsettled global economy, which in turn appears to have contributed to a substantial increase in speculative interest in agricultural futures markets.Tight market conditions for essential agricultural commodities pose policy challenges for national governments as well as for international organizations. In order to take the right policy decisions, we need to understand what caused the current price spike, what the implications may be for prices and price volatility in the future, and how various countries and members of society may be affected. This note aims to improve this understanding and thereby to contribute to sound policy formulation. Purpose and Scope:Price hike of essential commodities created various problems in the economic growth of Bangladesh. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a clear picture of price spike and its reasons, how it is creating problems in Bangladesh and in the global economy. This paper examines the issues at stake in light of rising food prices and This paper covers the present market situation of price movements that is about more or less within the year 2005 to 2011. This research only covers the essential commodities. Overall price movements of the economy are not the concern of this paper. Literature review:The focus of this literature review thus far has been price discovery in the beef sector. There are also several additional issues related to price discovery that should be considered. Among these issues are price transmission and identity preservation. By reading economical research PRICE OF DAILY ESSENTIALS: A DIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF RECENT TRENDS by Centre Policy Dialogue (CPD) it mentioned that Price hike of essential commodities has been one of the major challenges facing the incumbent Caretaker Government (CTG) of Bangladesh. The economy has been experiencing a creeping inflation over the recent past.Two most distinctive features of this inflationary trend had been the following: (i) increase in food prices had been more than that of non-food prices, and (ii) consumer price index was higher in the rural areas than in the urban c ounterparts. These trends had adverse implications particularly for the poorest segments of the society, given that there has not been any tangible increase in their real income. It broadly provided the current situation of our economics by showing an analysis of the supply chain of selected essentials items and distribution of recent commodity prices like rice, wheat flour, potato, onion, vegetables, eggs etc.It also demonstrated the current supply situation of selected essential items and projections like to estimate national demand for essential commodities for 2007, import scenarios in 2007, product-wise global production and price scenarios, comparison between Indian and Bangladeshi retail prices etc. Methodology: This research is conducted on the basis of secondary information and the market research done by various parties.Information has been collected from relevant papers and documents provided by the different governmental departments and international organizations, publi cations of different research think tanks and newspaper and web site. The steps that can be taken are This term paper is based on secondary data. It is a quantitative and research. Data is mainly from some renowned institutions like CPD, BB, BIDS, BBS, BEA, IPB etc. Limitations: Due to data limitation, this assessment is done by a simple methodology of comparing pre and post price shock. The literature reviewed in this study covers many of the topics important to price discovery.However it should be noted that the literature covers many decades of work by many authors. Therefore this study has focused on the significant and broad based work found in the literature. FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Price changes and trends Global food and oil price hike have also increased the bar of food price in the local market. The food price of essential commodities has been increasing hastily since 2005 and climbed at the highest peak of the decade in 2008. However, prices declined a bit in 2009 but again started to increase since 2010 and till November 2011 prices of most of the essential commodities has risen more than those of 2008.If taken 2005 as the base year, the scenario of food prices in 2011 becomes a matter of stun and awe. From the table- 1, it is comprehensible that the prices of coarse, medium and fine rice have been doubled in 2011 than those of 2005. The price of Atta (white) increased by 83. 33 percent by November compared to 2005. The price of soybean and palm oil increased by 147 percent and 151. 22 percent respectively by November 2011 relative to 2005. The price of garlic in 2005 was Tk. 54/Kg while it increased by 122. 22 percent by November 2011. The prices of different types of pulses have increased over the years at an incredible rate.The prices of baby food items, powder milk and sugar are also on an upward movement. It might be very difficult for the poor people to manage three meals a day when the prices of essential commodities are on the rise at an acce lerating rate and volatile. As a result of this volatile nature of the price of essential commodities, the poorest segment and the limited earners are in great distressed. Consumer Price Index and Trend of Food and Non-food Inflation A measure that examines the weighted average prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, essential food and medical care.Specially, here we consider consumer goods i. e. ;essential food items. However, the CPI measures how much the price of consumer goods has changed over a given time period. It measures the inflation and deflation. If the large rises in CPI during short period of time indicate a period of inflation and large drops indicate deflation. From the table-2, it is caught sighted that recent data indicates the upward trend of consumer price index (CPI) in general and prices of essential commodities exceeds beyond the limit of poor income group or fixed earners. National (CPI) average is 10. 24 percent and 12. 2 p ercent for the month of October’ 2011. While the food prices of rural areas continued to boost at an accelerating rate compare to the food prices of urban. It is really a threat for the developing country like Bangladesh. This is clearly shown in the figure-1. Causes of the Current Increase in Food Prices * Black Marketing: In some cases, when governments or regulatory bodies set a maximum price for a good, this leads to black markets. To be effective, the maximum price has to be below the market price that prevails as a result of the interaction of demand and supply. For example, the market price of wheat is $5.The government is regulating the industry and fixes a price of $4 as the maximum price. Supply of wheat is going to reduce and demand is going to increase based on the laws of demand and supply. This will lead to a shortage as people are demanding more wheat than is being supplied. Some consumers will be willing to pay the original market price for wheat ($5) and some will be willing to pay even higher. This leads to a black market where suppliers will provide the willing consumers with wheat at a price higher than the prevailing one. It broadly means holding the inventories and selling it at a higher price.It creates artificial scarcity in the economy in spite of increase in production and results in price rise, * Black money: Black money encourages the people to the demand of goods and services in the economy thereby leading to high rise in the general price level. Tax evasion here is widespread with a new study by the finance ministry finding that undeclared income or ‘black money’ could account for up to 80 per cent of Gross Domestic Product  some $110 billion. Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) Research Director Binayak Sen argued that the housing sector has seen one of the most visible growths. †¦ why only took 450 to Tk 500 million is earned as tax and why the number of people having above Tk 200 million property is only 4000?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ It should not be less than 20 to 30 million if the valuation is calculated at market rate and not at the source rate,†said Binayak. Economists hold the view that black money breeding can become a major factor behind persistent inflation through misallocation of resources and shifts of resources from productive investment to current profligate consumption. Rapid Growth of Population: The rapid growth of population means more mouths to feed, more demand of clothing and basic necessities as compared to supply of goods and services which result in price rise. Several population factors play an important role in the increasing and changing nature of the demand for food, while also constricting supply and access to food. The population's role is often neither direct nor simple, and its impacts can vary at the local and global level.Nonetheless, many demographic trends that affect food supply and demand, especially rapid population growth , urbanization, population density of the rural poor, and migration for employment, are projected to continue. Urbanization, the growth of the middle class and associated changes in consumption patterns, migration and wage employment, large family size are all contributing factors as well. * Deficit Financing: Deficit financing, practice in which a government spends more money than it receives as revenue, the difference being made up by borrowing or minting new funds. Although budget deficits may occur for numerous reasons, the term sually refers to a conscious attempt to stimulate the economy by lowering tax rates or increasing government expenditures. It means printing more currency notes and coins. Deficit financing is done mainly to meet the budgetary deficit. It results in more supply of money in the economy but when the increase in the supply of money corresponds with less increase in the supply of goods and services (National output) there is a rise in the price of goods and services * High and rising price of energy: Energy and agricultural prices have become increasingly intertwined. With oil prices at an all-time high approaching $150/barrel, the U.S. government is subsidizing farmers to grow crops for energy. The U. S. farmers have massively shifted their cultivation towards bio-fuel feedstocks. High energy prices have also made agricultural production more expensive by raising the cost of mechanical cultivation and fertilizers, as well as marketing including cost of transportation. At the same time, the growing world population is demanding more and different kinds of food. * Rapid economic growth: Rapid economic growth in many developing countries, especially China and India have pushed up consumers' purchasing power, generating increased demand for food.This has shifted food demand away from traditional staples and toward higher-value foods like meat and milk. In the last five years, the world economy has grown on average by 8. 6% per year. The means our incomes have increased by this amount in real terms every year. Most of the contribution to economic growth has come from service industries, and manufacturing industries to a lesser extent. On the flip side of this, the agricultural sector has seen extremely poor growth in the last five years. While the overall economy has been growing 8. 6% per year, the agricultural sector has grown by a paltry 3. % per year in the last five years, on average. Thus, our income is rising a lot faster than food production. Demand is rising much faster than supply, and this is causing the high levels of food price in inflation. In addition, population is also growing by 1. 3% per year, further increasing the demand for food. * Dollar- depreciation: The rapid depreciation of the dollar against the euro and some other important currencies drives up the price of commodities quoted in dollars for both supply and demand reasons (see below). The depreciation of the dollar also causes invest ors â€Å"long†in dollars (i. e. most US-based investors, but holders of dollars globally as well) to seek hedges against this loss of value, with commodities being one attractive option. a sustained decline in the dollar since mid-decade added to the upward price. Pressure on dollar-denominated commodity prices directly, and indirectly fueled a search for speculative hedges against the declining dollar. Increasingly since 2006, these hedges were found first in petroleum, then in other widely traded commodities, including wheat, corn, and vegetable oils. * Increase in Money Supply: Money supply includes currency notes and coins, demands and time deposits.Increase in money supply shows that people in an economy are ready to spend more money for buying goods and services. Conclusion Essential commodities especially food in our country are important concerns at policy level to ensure the welfare of the mass people. In this regard price hike comes to top most concern with respec t to food security because if the price hike causes food insecurity for the mass of the people of our country. Availability of food, though indispensable for food security, is not enough to significantly improve food security at the household level.For improved household food security, all our efforts are needed to ensure nutrition of the poor through improving their accessibility to food and ensuring full biological utilization of the food. The overall food security can be well attained when increased accessibility to food is ensured through enhanced skill in domestic agriculture and increased availability of cereals and non-cereals, through attaining food accessibility by a sustained increase in the income of the poor and through education and health services leading to effective utilization of food of the malnourished people.It is expected that the people of the country will be able to enjoy their desired needs through essential commodities. For ensuring this situation price hike in essential commodities are to be taken into control. All the government initiatives should be targeted to increase production, reducing costs, ensure fair competition (competition law may be enacted and enforced) and gaining confidence of the business community and by ensuring these supplies could be increased and be able to keep pace with demand and price could be handled. References 1. Bangladesh institute of development studies (BIDS)Global Commodity Price Volatility and Domestic Inflation: Impact on the Performance of the Financial Sector in Bangladesh. 2. Center For Policy Dialogue PRICE OF DAILY ESSENTIALS: A DIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF RECENT TRENDS A report prepared for the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh 3. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) 4. The Finance Express (FE) Rising food prices in Bangladesh: Causes, poverty impacts and policy actions 5. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research Current State of Price Hike In Bangladesh: An Analysis Of Food Items. 6. Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA)
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