Monday, September 30, 2019
Dehydration Essay
Passing out, lethargy, constipation, dry mouth and even dry eyes are very few symptoms In the long list of signs to tell us that we are dehydrated. Being dehydrated Is potentially very bad and If not taken care of a person can end up In the hospital or even dying. Many things can cause dehydration Including drinking too much alcohol or simply not drinking enough water. Without ample amounts of water our bodies cannot function correctly, and being made up of 70% water it is understandable as to why this is the case.All people suffer from dehydration, it does to affect one age group more than another, and likewise it does not affect one race or gender more than the others do. Plainly, put, If enough water Is not drank everyday than a person Is at risk for becoming dehydrated and developing symptoms that can be quite uncomfortable. First, some of the functions of water in the body are to keep everything moist, from our eyes to our mouths, and even our Joints. Imagine trying to eat food without the assistance of the saliva our bodies produce, it would be very difficult to have to swallow dry, chewed up food.Urine becomes dark yellow, with a strong ammonia meal and constipation Is common; the lack of water causes the stool to become more solid and less liquid-y because the body Is pulling water from every available resource. The recommended amount of water that the average person should drink is eight – z cups of water per day. That is a half-gallon of water every day that people are supposed to be drinking, more often than not soda and coffee is being drank instead, which sure they have water in them†¦ Just not the recommended amount that we need.Next, dehydration affects people of all ages, from little children to grown adults, to even the elderly. In children, dehydration causes tiredness and grumpiness, even the sensation of being hungry, or the craving for something unknown. In adults, dehydration can mean different and more serious side effects suc h as passing out or getting dizzy when standing up. In the elderly, dehydration, in my opinion is the worst time to see it. I think that older people need more water in their bodies because they dispel more In the given day.They may not have bladder control, especially If they are hooked up to a urinary bag, and not necessarily know when they have lost all of their water. Nursing homes help the elderly with this a lot of the time cause the people cannot do it on their own. For everyone else however, it is important to make sure we drink the vital amount of water to remain healthy. On another note, when a person is dehydrated they lose important vitamins and nutrients known as electrolytes.When children have a fever or diarrhea, pediatric is a good drink to give them because It Is packed full of electrolytes, It Is k for adults to are sodium, potassium, and chloride. These electrolytes help maintain blood pressure. Body movements require electrical currents to run through the body an d these charged ions make this possible. Sodium and potassium are positive ions that both function to provide nerve transmission, muscle contractions, and fluid balance. Chloride is a negative ion and its main function is to provide fluid balance.Not having enough sodium in your body can cause muscle cramps, but table salt is a quick fix of this deficiency. Not enough potassium can cause fatigue, and once again can be fixed quickly and simply with eating bananas. Finally, a chloride deficiency can cause a potassium or sodium deficiency. When being active and playing sports or Just being outdoors, drinking sports drinks like Storage can help maintain proper electrolyte balances. Yet again, many things cause people to lose water from their bodies at different speeds.Sweating causes us to lose water at significant speeds because our skin seeps water to cool us down on a hot day. If it is scorching hot outside and a person just stops sweating, this is a sign of dehydration and they shou ld seek out a water source fast. Similarly, alcohol makes us lose water quicker on many levels because it heats people up from the inside causing them to sweat and it depletes electrolytes from our system. Drinking water in between alcoholic beverages can help a person avoid a hangover because they are staying hydrated while drinking.Caffeine on the other hand, speeds up our heart rate, causing us to urinate more that in the end is causing us to lose more water than we would without the caffeine. These things can lead to dehydration of the person ingesting them does not know what the symptoms are and how to counteract them. Finally, making sure that a person does not become dehydrated is important, even more so for people less than healthy. A person with a hole in their heart is more susceptible to symptoms of dehydration than a healthy person, and the same with elderly. Everyone is responsible for the amounts of water they drink each day.We need to instill in children at a young ag e that staying dehydrated is important. It is also important to work it into the daily routine, and make it habit to drink 64 ounces of water per day, and keeping an eye on electrolytes as well. Eating lots of fruits or vegetables or water-based foods can help a person increase their water intake without necessarily drinking as many glasses of water. Overall, there is more than enough water on this planet, and foods that contain water for everyone to be able to survive. If someone becomes dehydrated in my opinion, it is because of his or her own personal neglect.Should this be the case that person needs to understand the importance of staying hydrated and how this simple task can solve many ailments. Staying hydrated can make a person feel Just a little bit better in many aspects, maybe their Joints are moving Just a little bit better, or they do not have to use eye drops 10 times a day. If you do not stay hydrated regularly already, you should try it Just to see what kinds of thing s it could do for you. Perhaps a little more energy for those long days would be nice. References: Retrieved from: (2010) Guidelines for a Healthy Diet: Prentice Hall
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Apush 1790s Essay
Vital domestic and foreign events have occurred in the 1790s and were both what helped shape American politics. There were domestic affairs such as the Whiskey Treaty, establishment of the first bank of the United States, Alien and Sedition Acts, and discussion of narrow and broad views of the constitution. Foreign events include the XYZ Affair, Jay’s Treaty, and Pickney’s Treaty. There were two political parties that were shaped by these and many other affairs: Federalists and Republicans. The Federalists who supported Hamilton who wanted a strong centralized government, high taxes, and a national bank to find financial stability in the country. The Republicans were supporters of Jefferson who wanted to limit federal power, not create a national bank because of which they had a narrow interpretation of the Constitution. Hamilton, the Federalist, tried to repay the debt the U. S. had owed. This caused tension between the North and South creating the two parties: Federalist and Republican. A domestic affair , the Whiskey Tax was promoted by Hamilton which the tax money was used to pay off debts the U. S. had owed. The establishment of the First Bank of the United States was what helped create the thoughts of Federalists of creating a financially stable nation. Though opposed by Jefferson saying that it would only benefit merchants and investors and hurt the rest of the country, it was established anyway. The Alien and Sedition Acts were used by Federalists to get rid of whatever Republican enemies they had from France. The Acts made it harder for one to become a citizen, creating a stronger Federalist Party. It also allowed the President to deport anyone of suspicion of making false writings about the government. This was later ruled as unconstitutional by Jefferson and repealed. The Federalist Party was shaped by domestic affairs into becoming a party that cared a lot about the country’s financial position. The foreign affairs for example the XYZ Affair, almost led to war between the United States and France. The United States had sent Federal diplomats to negotiate with the French, but was asked for compensation to make agreements. The U. S. didn’t compensate any money and later came back to negotiate under serious conditions. This Federal victory had led to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Jay’s Treaty was opposed by the Republicans because of the negotiations made with Great Britain for trading purposes. These commercial reasons were thought by the Republicans that there would be a ruling elite group of merchants and investors and a large group of the poor remaining population. More and more wanting of financial stability of the country Is what led to the Pickney treaty that allowed the U. S. to use the Mississippi River trading route granted by Spain. The Republican Party was weak in forming their party because of the power it had in compare to the Federalists. The creation of the Federalists and Republicans were what Washington wished to avoid, but inevitably were created. The domestic and foreign affairs containing from the Whiskey Tax to the Pickney Treaty were used by Federalists to increase their party’s strength and to fix the nation’s debt. The Republicans, though still unmanageable to receive any favors in the Federal government, still benefitted from events like the Alien and Sedition Acts which were to be later used against the Federalists as unconstitutional to help win Jefferson’s presidency. The 1790s was an important time period in creating the first two opposing political parties.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Midland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Midland - Essay Example The Midland area has unique internal characteristics. Two key cities in the Eastern United States are represented in the Midland super region due to historical and cultural issues. The Midland does not illustrate the homogeneous aspect which marks the North. Several midland cities have formed a unique dialect character. Philadelphia is considered the most extreme type. The presentation focuses on the general features of the entire Midland, and also the concentration on the particular and unique cities. Because St Louis, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh are very distinct from other Midland areas, they deserve separate analysis. The Midland is separated from the nearby territories through the low back merger aspects. The lower /o/ emerges as /oh/. The Telsur pair data comprise four allophones categories: before /n/, before /t/, before /l/, and finally before /k/. The symbol is considered blue if they are different in perception. The green symbol is applied, if they are similar in perception and also production. The orange symbol appears when perception and production illustrates similar or different illustrations. These data divide the map into three categories. Western Pennsylvania majorly illustrates the merger, St Louis represents the distinction, and finally the transitional state represents the other Midland. The Midland represents the area that is consistently transitional, in terms of the low back merger. The Midland area has the general feature of illustrating the /ow/ nucleus. This feature is shared between the Midland and the southeastern super region. This feature differentiates the two regions from West and North. A huge proportion of the Telsur speakers in the Midland illustrate certain degree in fronting the /ow/. Extreme /ow/ fronting is determined through the mean value higher than 1550 Hz, which is the normalized distribution centre. The greatest concentration of the extreme fronting is illustrated through
Friday, September 27, 2019
Does classical traditional art have more substances than Vik Mumiz's Research Paper
Does classical traditional art have more substances than Vik Mumiz's Waste Land - Research Paper Example The area is controlled by drug cartels, and occasional dead bodies are stashed in the dump. More than three thousand pickers of recyclable materials live on the site in makeshift shacks containing appliances gathered from the dump. These people live in families of small groups, and teenage girls raising small children. This piece of art depicts the state of the society by showing the current situation of the low class individuals. Classical traditional art was used to show the culture, sexuality, and the state of the society. This makes it contain more substance than the film by Vik Muniz. Renaissance films, paintings, and sculptures are marked by renewal of classical motifs and subjects of art (Thomson-Jones, 20). These themes were evident in the 17th century when artists represented a rigid classism. Classical art exhibits a preference for order, beauty, harmony, and completeness by representing nature according to an artist’s observation (Aristides, 10). Traditional art req uires a great deal of skills and methods for its production that have been lost in the modern art. This art is manifested in painting, crafting, and sculpturing that makes objects that gratify and ennoble their viewers (Gazda, 8). Artists of classical traditional art produced images that created a perception, narration, and visualization of culture, society, and self (Janson and Anthony, 15). Current artists depict the nature of civilization, post-modernism, politics, culture, and sexuality (Kennedy and Emily, 18). Muniz has used garbage and unusual substances in the dump as his media. The film is set in a dump site where trucks deposit several tones of refuse. Catadores collect recyclable materials from the garbage to make their living (Kino, 2010). Their houses are furnished by appliances and furniture collected from the dump. When Muniz first visits the site, he sees a site crowded with dump trucks and workers, as flocks of scavenger birds hover around. Garbage collectors and mon keys climb over mountains of colorful garbage looking for items that can be sold. Muniz has used these objects to create his art for the social project in the dump. Classical traditional art usually used wood, political figures, heroes and other popular figures as media. These figures gave this form of art more meaning in the society than the use of garbage and strange substances as media for the art. The individuals may be considered to be dregs of the Brazilian society, but Muniz paints them as survivors who have endured the difficult living conditions of the dump. Some of the garbage collectors have lived in the dump for more than two generations. They have survived and gotten used to the stench emanating from the rotting garbage (Kino, 2010). The catadores are considered to be unfit and rejected by the society, but Muniz portrays them as loving, healthy, and fit to run families. However, this film shows the simplicity of life in the dump for the garbage collectors. Classical tra ditional art is a masterpiece of intelligence and complexity (Thomson-Jones, 26). The intelligence and complexity envelopes the main theme of the art and penetrates deep sections of the society. A single piece of traditional art can carry several themes that are present in the current society. The simplicity of wasteland makes it incomparable to classical art as it addresses only the hard living conditions of the dump. Classical traditional art is based upon the rediscovery or the reaffirmation of the traditions
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Energy, Sustainability and Renewability Assignment
Energy, Sustainability and Renewability - Assignment Example Various issues will be discussed in this assignment related to energy and its other variables. KEY TERMINOLIGIES For better understanding of this report some key terminologies have to be discussed in detail. These terms are the essence of this paper and cannot be comprehended without excessive research from different books and journals related to physics. Energy Although energy has been described in the introductory paragraph, a further analysis will be produced here. As described before that the ability of a system to do work on another system is known as energy. Coming towards the sub-division or the types of energy present in the language of physics. Energy can be divided into mechanical, solar, thermal, chemical, electrical, electromagnetic and nuclear energy. Mechanical energy is further broken down into two very important categories, potential and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the form of energy stored in a body for e.g. a fully stretched elastic band and kinetic energy i s the one when a body is motion for e.g. the same elastic band when being released. Sustainable Energy The fact that energy is utilized by burning or disfiguring other natural resources brings about the change in thinking of man, can we provide energy otherwise? The answer to this lies in the definition of sustainable energy. It is the provision of energy that meets the need without compromising the ability to generate energy in the future (Smith, 1998). Several factors go into making energy sustainable. The first is whether or not the current use of the energy is something which could potentially persist into the future, which leads many forms of renewable energy to qualify as sustainable. Therefore renewable and sustainable can be termed as in-lieu terminologies. Some of the renewable energy sources are hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bio-energy, and tidal power. Examples Some of the examples of sustainable/renewable will be discussed in this report to better understand the various benefits and downsides of this form of energy. Hydroelectricity is the first term that will be discussed. It is one of the most used alternate energy being used in the modern world today. The flow of water in the river is used to turn turbines which in turn produce massive amount of electricity. Then comes wind energy which is the most blossoming alternate energy source in the commercial market is the ability to produce energy with the help of wind. Wind energy has had a huge impact in the energy industries. Wind farms have been set up in various windy cities of the world top produce large amount of electricity. The output power produced has been increasing by the day. The fact is clearly shown by the figure (Maggie, 2008) Issues with Renewable Energy Various questions have been raised with the alternate energy process. Although that the new renewable sources are cheap and effective, still many organizations and researches show that this form of energy production is more harm, since cost effectiveness is not the only issue at hand. Even before the low cost electricity is produced the problem which arises is that the setup of such plants which produce cheap energy, be it a dam or a wind city. Solar panels cost way more than burning fossil fuel and setting millions of panels for sustained energy providence is also a very costly factor. The problem is just not cost effective. Natural and environmental damages have huge costs
A policy of discretion gives central bank the ability to react to news Essay
A policy of discretion gives central bank the ability to react to news about the economy. In this light discuss whether discretion is a better way to run monetary policy than following a rule - Essay Example The econometric discretion policy evaluate on fiscal and monetary policy by using the new rational expectation method of macroeconomics. This has been the substantial subject cause for increased recent year’s research. A number of factors have provided a motivation for the research. The critique of Lucas showed that traditional discretion econometric policy was flawed in its evaluation. This was supported by the fact that recognition of rational expectation is not an implication of monetary policy effectiveness as was being potted by the discretion policy. On the other hand, the finding that credibility has significant benefits which are empirical and the demonstration of time inconsistency is a blatant proof that policy rule are superior to discretion policy (Baumol & Blinder, 2011, p.41). Although it is possible to find precursors of the new policy rule research, the recent analyses have been made possible by estimation and solution techniques which are new in the wide economy equilibrium model. The empirical model development of consistent expectation of prices and wages dynamic is another key proof factor of policy rule applicability. Also, the multi-country empirical framework abilities to efficiently handle the international cash flows in the world market as a factor of occurrence has been a proof too for policy rule’s effectiveness than discretion. However, the policy rules preferred in this research description paper have generally not involved fixed settings for the monetary policy instruments. The instruments not involved are such as the phenomenon of constant growth rate for the supply of money. In this context, the rules have been proved to be responsive by calling for the changes in the supply of money, monetary base and the short term interest rates these callings are to provide a response to the changes in the levels of price
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Appraisal and Social-Cultural Factors Research Paper
Appraisal and Social-Cultural Factors - Research Paper Example A reading score that is two standard deviation below the mean implies that the student belongs to the bottom 3% of the grade sevens, implying that close to 97% of the grade sevens are ahead of her in the test. In what may be clearer terms, this means that if there are only 20 grade seven students, the student who scored two standard deviations from the mean in Reading means that she is about only as good as the slowest academic performer in 20 students. Make the students 100 instead of 20, a two standard deviation score below the mean score in reading means that she is about as good as third slowest academic performer in a reading if there only 100 grade seven students. These discussions are not very accurate, however, and were meant to impress important mental images of the situation. Table 1 refers to select portions of the normal curve. A test score that is two standard deviation from the mean imply a z-Score of -2.0 that is associated with -2.00. The numeral -2.00 follows through the intersection of the row of -2.0 in the z column and the column associated with .00 of the table. In turn, following protocols followed for the table of the normal curve, the numerals mentioned earlier are associated with the value of 0.0228 that gives area under the normal curve. The area of normal curve 0.0228 is associated with the probability associated with the lowest scorer with the score associated with two standard deviations below the mean. This means that more precisely the student we are discussing belong to bottom 2.28% of the grade sevens, following the association of 0.0228 with 2.28%. Meanwhile, a score of 115 given of 100 and standard deviation of 15 imply a z value of 1.15 following standard transformation formation protocols. In turn, the z-score of 1.15 is associated with the area 0.8749 under the normal curve based on Table 1. This means that the student we are
Monday, September 23, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Philosophy - Essay Example Since his early age, Descartes had begun to doubt every traditional fact, he had ever known or learned. His doubts even reached his own existence in the world. So, in his Discourse on Method Meditations and Principles, Descartes explains and elaborates the principles of his philosophy that depend on skepticism and uncertainty. Then, he started to rebuild his knowledge, as well as ours, by proving his own existence, and the existence of mind, soul, and God. As noticed by many thinkers, â€Å"the Method of Doubt ultimately involves the task of removing all uncertain beliefs, ensuring that only beliefs that are certainly true beliefs remain in one's philosophy†(Bellotti). In order to take us from the state of complete doubt to complete certainty, Descartes made an insightful connection between his method of doubt and his method of inquiry, resorting to the use of the scientific method of thinking, advocated by former thinkers and philosophers. In essence, the scientific method c an be considered as a process, in which one corrects himself and his previous knowledge, through continuous examination of truth, for the final aim of finding answers to questions. This examination of truth is what is referred to as doubt and skepticism by Descartes (Bracken). Theoretically, the scientific method of thinking, as practiced by famous thinkers such as Galileo and Francis Bacon, takes two main forms: deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Building on the theories of great former thinkers, Descartes found that the deductive method best suited his philosophical principles. To illustrate, the deductive form of the scientific method arrives at a provable true conclusion by reasoning after the application of thoughtful experiments and sound logic. The inductive method, on the other hand, starts with observations, which create a hypothesis to be proved through a confirmation process. This form of the scientific method can be evidenced, for example, in Newton’s la w of gravity. He arrived at this law after observing the fall of the apple from the tree. This observation led him to make a hypothesis about a hidden force that let the apple fall, leading him to arrive at the law of gravity. On the contrary, the deductive form of the scientific method does not start with a hypothesis; rather, it looks at the already existent facts and examines them through reasoning to derive conclusion about the accuracy and authenticity of the fact. So, this was exactly what Descartes wanted to implement, regarding his philosophy of doubt. For him, any known fact can be doubted till it is logically proved to be true through reasoning (Roach). Descartes derived this trust in the concept of logic and reasoning from his background as a mathematician. He clearly states this fact, when he says that he was delighted â€Å"with mathematics because of the certainty of its demonstrations and the evidence of its reasoning†(Beardsley, p. 9). Making use of his mathe matical background, Descartes then tended to apply logic and reasoning to all his future philosophical principles. Implementing the deductive form of the scientific method, Descartes goes on in his meditations to experience an intellectual journey, in which he doubts every single fact in our world. As noted by many observers, â€Å"Descartes begins his method of doubt by considering that he has, in the past, been deceived by his senses – things have looked a way that they are not†(Lacewing). As a result, this scientific method
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Proposal for PHD in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proposal for PHD in business - Essay Example In case the cash invested results in wealth creation but by an amount less than the cash invested and the resources used, society is poorer to the extent of the loss, as the borrower must repay the debt by compensating for the loss out of existing wealth owned or acquired by him/her. The same applies to cases in which invested cash is totally lost, no wealth creation having taken place. In both cases a redistribution of wealth in favor of the creditors is involved" (Siddiqi, 2007). This paper is an examination of actual investment has increased in the past few years that the tawarruq system is in place. Investment is one the path through which wealth creation can occur. We expect the tawarruq system to aid business process and investment so as to further improve the economy. Other variables that may be affected in the process are interest rates, exchange rates, consumption and bank's profitability. The three are macroeconomic variables while the last is a microeconomic variables. We particularly desire that people do not owe money for consumption purposes alone but for investment. The research will commence with the review of related literature. ... B. Research Questions a. What is the tawarruq system's impact on Saudi Arabia's over-all level of investment b. What is the tawarruq system's impact on Saudi Arabia's over-all level of consumption c. What is the effect of the tawarruq system on Saudi Arabia's interest rates d. What is the effect of the tawarruq system on Saudi Arabia's exchange rate e. What is the impact of the tawarruq system on banks' profitability C. Methods and Procedures The research will commence with the review of related literature. This is where we identify the gaps in the study that need to be filled. The literature review will also provide us a knowledge of the depth of current and previous researches on the topic. The review will also include desk research of recent news about the conduct of the business and the related figures. Data mining for the necessary figures will follow. We will particularly mine the data for the over-all tawarruq level of lending (the amount of lending per year) for the last 10 years, the figures for investment, consumption, interest rate and exchange rate for the last 10 years. To establish the relationship between these variables, we will use simple regression of the time series analysis. An econometric software, Eviews 4 will be particularly used to test the relationship. The possible outcomes are significant or not significant and whether the direction is positive or negative. D. Goals and Objectives This paper wishes to trace the practice of the tawarruq lending system in Saudi Arabia and its impact on wealth creation primarily the investment variable. Lending is a path to consumption or investment and it is said to create wealth if it goes to the latter. In this paper we particularly examine
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Pardoners Prologue Essay Example for Free
The Pardoners Prologue Essay Paying close attention to the passage, comment on what insights this offers into the Pardoners concerns and methods. (The Pardoners Prologue, lines 141-176) In this passage, we are introduced to the Pardoners motivations in tricking people, how he tricks people and his corrupted nature. Through this, we are given insights into the Pardoners concerns, that of his trade and the idea of sin. We also gain an insight on the Pardoners method of performance. One of the insights we gain through the Pardoners description of his job in the passage is on the theme of hypocrisy. The Pardoner says here, kan I preche again that same vice/ Which that I use, and that is avarice. From this, we see how illogical it is for someone to be criticising about the extreme love for money when he himself is obsessed with amassing a large amount of wealth. It shows that the Pardoner does not really mean what he says and that what he does is all just a performance. While it is ironic that the Pardoner is successful in preventing people from sinning by committing sins himself, we see that the Pardoner seems to be very proud of this achievement. We can see this from how he boasts kan I maken oother folk to twynne/ From avarice, and soore to repente and A moral tale yet I yow tell kan,/ Which I am wont to preche. Thus, we see that the Pardoner does not see the seriousness of his sins, and furthermore feels that he is very successful in his job because he is skilful and experienced in performing. His skill and experience is later shown again when he says For lewed peple loven tales olde;/ Swiche thinges kan they wel reporte and holde. From these two lines, we get the impression that the Pardoner is very shrewd and is able to understand his audience and tell them what they like to hear. We gain more insight of the Pardoners character firstly from the way he continues to trick people even though he knows and admits that it is wrongful. This can be seen when he frankly states For though myself be a ful vicious man and But though myself be gilty in that sinne. Secondly, we learn that he tricks the commoners not only of their money but also of their spiritual salvation. This shows the extent of corruption of the Pardoners character. This idea of him not having a hint of remorse is further reiterated when he goes on to say that is nat my principal entente/ I preche nothing but for coveitise and from the end of the passage Which I am wont to preche for to winne. There is another irony here in that the idea of preaching is usually associated with being holy, but in this case is used as a tool for greed. The repetition of this irony serves to emphasise the point that the only thing he cares about is monetary gains. This focus on material achievement is constant throughout the whole passage. For example, it is said And winne gold and silver for I teche, I wol noon of the apostles countrefete;/ I wol have moneie, wolle, chese, and whete, Nay, I wol drinke licour of the vine,/ And have a joly wenche in every toun and Now have I dronke a draughte of corny ale. Through these actions, we see that his life revolves around material pleasures and this is very unlike what you would expect out of someone who is supposed to be a representative of the church. We obtain more insight on the thoughts of the Pardoner through the description of his method of telling tales to trick people. We see this when he says For lewed peple loven tales olde;/ Swiche thinges kan they wel reporte and holde. From these two lines, we get the impression that the Pardoner holds himself in high regard because he sees other people as ignorant and simple-minded. This idea of self-importance is again emphasised in the later lines when he says For I wol preche and begge in sondry landes;/ I wol nat do no labour with mine handes,/ Ne make baskettes, and live therby,/ By cause I wol nat beggen idelly and That I wol live in poverte wilfully?/ Nay, nay, I thoghte it nevere, trewely!. His refusal to even think about living in poverty and his unwillingness to put himself down and do manual jobs reflects on how he thinks he is of high social status. This is ironic because by gaining wealth through such unscrupulous means of tricking people, he is the one who is truly of lower moral character. We also gain insight on his character from his description of his job. He says that he would still want to enjoy the monetary gains from all his trickery even if Al were it yeven of the povereste page,/ Or of the povereste widwe in a village,/ Al sholde hir children sterve for famine. This three lines really show the extent of the evil side of the Pardoner that he almost seems inhuman and unfeeling because he shows no sign of discomfort in enjoying even at the expense of another persons life. We can gain another insight on the methods that the Pardoner uses when he says, Now hoold youre pees! My tale I wol biginne. Over here, the Pardoner is telling everyone to keep quiet and listen to his story. This is quite dramatic and we are reminded of the theme of performance because it seems as if he is acting for the other pilgrims. In conclusion, we are already able to see the various themes of The Pardoners Tale through the concerns and methods used by the Pardoner in the Prologue. Furthermore, this also contributes to providing us with a better characterisation of the Pardoner. This better understanding of the Pardoner is useful in comprehending the tale which he goes on to tell.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Use Of Maya Dynamics In Animation Cultural Studies Essay
Use Of Maya Dynamics In Animation Cultural Studies Essay This dissertation focuses on Maya Dynamics Technology. How far this technology be used in animation.How does the production house carry out complex dynamic simulations.The author will breifly describe how the simulations was acheived in his project.How other beginers can acheive a better output.Basic production skills to simulate dynamic simulations.At the end the author breifly describe about the upcoming cg softwares based on his research works.This dissertation is primarly based on my: My personal experience. My study on Maya Dynamics. Researches carried out. This dissertation will breifly describe all about maya dynamics technology and an indepth description of technologies used in this project. Maya fluids. Blast code Natfx Introduction This dissertaion asks and begins to answer the following questions. The use of Maya Dynamics in animation.How to carry out complex dynamic simulations.  · To define Maya dynamics  · To explain various methodolagies and techniques in maya dynamics.  · How to reduce render time in Maya dynamics simulation.  · The best possible way to render Maya dynamics.  · An overview of how maya dynamics are simulated in the studios.  · Analyze the best CG simulations achieved in movies.  · Recomendations based on my study. Research Methodology  · Analyzing the real time simulations.  · Describtion of how it was carried out in movies.  · Describtion about the best possible way to achieve it. Gathering other peoples experiences. SUMMARY Chapter 4  · What is Maya dynamics?  · An in depth view on Maya dynamics.  · Techniques used in my project. Chapter 5 Study of explosions. Methods to create an explosion for a short film. Chapter 6  · How does the studios carry out simulations.  · The best possible way a freelancer or a student can achieve thier desired simulation in the best possible time Chapter 7 In depth knoweldge about project Superfortress. Chapter 8  · Future developments. Chapter 9  · Reports and conclusions. Chapter 10  · Bibilography Review of Literature Chapter 4 Introduction This chapter shortly describes about Dynamics. A study of techniques in dynamics, and breif describtion about the techniques used in the project. Introduction so what is Maya Dynamics? Dynamics is an Autodesk Maya software that depends on laws and theories of physics to let us simulate natural forces in the animation. such as rain, smoke, fire, explosions,colliding objects etc. The animation is achevied by creating required elements in a scene and connecting them to inbuild forces in Maya to achieve required simulations. such as creating expressions,fields,collisions,goals etc.. Maya dynamics can also be defined as the animation of soft bodies,particles and rigid bodies. Study of Maya Dynamics technology Rigid bodies Rigid body are defined as those surfaces that doesnt deform its shape when it collide with another object.A few examples in real world would be billard balls and carroms . Rigid body technique in maya provides the simulation of geometric elements in a dynamically controlled enviornment using collision based system in Maya. There are two types of rigid bodies Active and Passive rigid bodies. Active rigid body are created for colliding with another surface and for simulating in a realistic manner.They have the ability to move, spin, rotate and collide with passive objects. Difference between active rigid body and passive rigid body. Active Passive can be keyframed Yes No respond to collisions No Yes affectd by fields No Yes Particles Maya particles are those objects that have no volume or size.They are basically reference points simulated, animated, and renderd seperatly.Like any other nodes in maya , particles also contain nodes that contain attributes which can be used for controlling individual particles.Nodes contain array, ramps , scripts and expressions. How does Maya particles differ from Maya geometry? Particles are points in space which require special care while rendering. Particles can only be renderd out using software or hardware rendering methods Fields Fields are the natural forces in nature that are manupilated in Autodesk maya.Such as gravity,wind,turbulance,air etc..that increases particle simulation and visual of the scene in a better way. Particle expressions One of the most powerful and infinite method of controlling particle parameters.Particles expressions depends on Mel syntax.Few examples of Particle expressions are: The first expressions determines the life time and the second expression determines the color of simulated particles in a maya scene. particleShape1.lifespanPP=time*1; particleShape1.rgbPP=rand(0,1); Goals Goals are a very strong method of animating the particles.Goals work more like a huge magnet that attract particles towards it or goals are considerd as the destination point for the particles.Goals have thier own attributes specifically designed for goal based simulation. Particle instancing Particle instancing control the motion and simulation of the instanced object created in Maya.Particle instancing are uesd for creating multiple objects that folllow their parents simulation.One example is : Thousands of arrows shot up in the sky. How to render out particles in Maya? Now here is a frequent question asked by freshers.What good is it to simulate the particles in maya and doesnt have the knowledge to render it out . Maya provides two option to render particle simulation. Software rendering Hardware rendering software rendering This technique allows for scene integration of particles and other renderd objects.Software renderd particles have glows, shadows, and lighting effects. Hardware rendering Hardware rendering is one of the quickest method of image creation in maya.But these images are taken to compositing softwares for compositing with the rest of the scene. In depth study of Maya Dynamics techniques used in the project Techniques used in the project Fluids Particle Instancing Maya Fluids Maya fluids are widely used for creating fluid simulations.Maya fluid box contains emiiter and container which supports the creation and simulations of smoke,fire,clouds,explosions etc.. this chapter brefily describes about the use of containers , how to create a reaction and how to render it out. Fluid containers Fluid containers visually represents a small scene inside a maya scene.They are best used for creation of fire ,clouds and explosions.Fluids are generated inside the container by an emitter or by painting the fluid inside the container.The simulation happens only inside the container.Dynamic forces are then connected to the container for better simulations. There are two types of container in maya 2d container 3d container 3d conatiner 2d container Both work in the same way but the only difference between them is 2d containers are flat and they simulate much faster where as 3d containers are cubical volumes and will take time for them to simulate. 3d containers 3d containers have depth ,height and width.Which obviously increases the render time.The best possible way to start working in a 3d conatiner is by setting its resolution at 20,20,20 intially and grdually increasing accordigly.One important thing in 3d container is that the size and resolution are proportional to each other. If the container size is 10,20,10 then resolution should be set to 20,40,20, or 5,10,5.Other wise the fluids will get strecthed and simulation appears strecthed.But ofcourse there are some instances when they can be alterd. (Above) size and resolution Chapter 5 This chapter decribes the study of explosions i have conducted for my project. Object of Research The series of research reported in this document is the study of physical phenomenon, the visual of an explosion and the after effect of the situvation that happens when an explosion occours.This includes study of the destructions of different shaped explosions , and the turbulence that occours during the time of ignition, as well as a study of damage occured and its after effects such as fire and smoke. What is an explosion? An explosion can be defined as a sudden bursting or blowing apart caused by energy released from a very fast escape of gases under pressure, or from a very fast chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction. Which in result produces a shock wave, loud noise, heat and light. What are the different types of Explosions? Explosions are classified into three categories. Mechanical Explosions Chemical Explosions Nuclear Explosions Mechanical Explosions The gradual build up of gases and pressure inside a pressure cooker. When the safety pressure valve is destroyed, blocked or eliminated intense amount of heat is generated. Mechanical explosion results from spontaneous combustion created by dust in a grain storage bin. Chemical Explosions Chemical explosions are caused by extremely rapid conversion of solid or liquid explosive compound into gases which has highly increased volume compared to the original compound. All manufactured explosives are chemical explosions. The explosion rate is too fast that it takes only a micro second to create intense heat and pressure. Nuclear Explosions May only be induced by either fission (splitting of nuclei of atom) or fusion (joining nuclei of atoms under great force). When the action occurs tremendous energy, heat, gas and shock takes place creating a blast equivalent to 40 million pounds of high explosive. A nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from an intentionally high speed nuclear reaction. The explosion of an atomic bomb. Visual of an Explosion The effects are Heat, Light and Gases. Changes that occour results in combustion or burning. The initial color of an explosion is bright yellow, bright orange which gradually develops into bright thick red and die into a grayish and black color. Velocity of an Explosion Black powder detonates 3000-5000 feet per second. High explosives detonate from a range of 3300-29,000 fps. Primary effects from an Explosion Blast pressure effect.(positive and negative effect) Fragmentation effect. Incendiary or thermal effect. Ionization radiation. Residual radiation. Blast pressure Blast pressure are clasified into two categories Positive blast Negative blast Positive blast effect The explosion creates a blast of pressure going outward in a 360 degree from the centre of blast. At a rate of 4000-27,000 fps. Negative blast effect The explosion creates a vacuum of negative pressure that is diminished in strength in comparison of positive blast effect but still destructive enough to create an injury or death. The negative blast rushes gases and debris back towards the centre of blast. Fragmentation effect The act or the process of scattering of fragments of an exploding bomb. The fragmentation can be defined as the process of dividing. As an explosion occurs the gas pressure released pick up all the debris and any obstacles that may be picked up, bent, fractured otherwise destroyed by the pressure from the blast. Incendiary or Thermal effect Thermal radiation can be defined as an electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface of a material due to the particular temperature of the material. The intense amount of heat and light produced by a nuclear explosion. Example of Thermal effect would be heat so intense that the sand in the area is near the blast centre is turned into glass. Example of Incendiary effect would be the ignition of wooden framework of a building causing the entire structure to burn to the ground in addition to blast damage. Ionization radiation Ionizing radiation can be defined as the radiation that is capable of producing ions either directly or indirectly. Radiation of sufficient energy to displace electrons from the atoms of cells and produce ions. Forms of ionization radiation Heat waves Radio waves X rays Ultra violet light Infra red light Residual radiation Residual radiation can be defined as the radio active materials emitted by a Nuclear explosion when an atomic blast occours. Which includes, Fission products, unfissioned nuclear material Research on the technical part of the Explosions What is the possible way to create an explosion for a short film? The best possible way to create an explosion for a short films are: Miniature + real explosion Miniature + cg Complete Cg Miniature + real explosion I build a miniature and fill it up with explosives. Rent a camera for the shoot and blow up the miniature in front of a black backround.Capture the video and then take it to compositing software. Miniature + Cg I build a miniature and blow it up without any pyrotechnique.Rent a camera and capture the footage. Create a Cg explosion. Use a compositing software and composite the two videos. Complete Cg I build a Cg miniature and create a Cg explosion. Then composite the two clips. Chapter 6 Breif introduction about studios. How does the studios carry out dynamic simulations? Study of dynamic simulations achieved in movie 2012. Movie : 2012 Director : Roland Emmerich Production studio : Scanline vfx(1990) Digital domain(1993) Double negative(1998) Sony pictures image works(1993) Pixomondo(2001) Hydrulx(2002) Crazy horse effects(2001) Evil eye pictures(1997) Gradient eye effects Uncharted territory(1999) Uncharted territory About Uncharted territory(llc) is one of the succesfull independent film production company established in 1999 by Visual Effects Supervisor Volker Engel and Visual Effects Producer and Supervisor Marc Weigert. The studio focus on developing , producing and co-producing feature films, TV movies and mini-series in the action/adventure and sci-fi genres.The studio hires 30-40 artist for each project and dissolve them when the project is completed. Production focus 2012 The studio was handed over 433 shots.They hired over 100 artists for the job to get done. Shot: First half of los angeles earthquake. (above)Earthquake preview done at llc Uncharted territory started working with the preview of earthquakes.when the visual feel of the earthquake was satisfied in the preview,they moved on to create in 3d.The unique thing about this shot is that it was 100% realistic digital enviornment and it has to break 100% realisticly.That was a huge challenge as they have to make sure the shading,texturing and lighting is correct and it looks realistic.But again as they have to visually show an eartquake of magnitude of 10+, it makes the job even more difficult. Many of the shots in los angeles airplane escape sequence the background showed huge amount of destructions of office buildings and many other which collapses and falls into the massive crack opened up on the earth surface.All these incidents have to be massive and huge. To make a collapsing building you need to have more than a building if it doesnt it looks,smoke,people,traffic,plants and many more to give a realistic look to that particular shot.It dosent end there as these objects crack,collapse and collide with other objects it creates dust and secondary debris. (Above)Los angeles plane escape was composited later. (above)final compited shot. To visually display all these destructions one thing was quite clear from the rest of all that these destructions have to simulated using computer graphics.No cg software in the market was capabale of achieving they have to build a tottaly new software which supports the rigid body simulations,shattering objects,material properties and capable of running these simulations.They named the newely build softawre as DROP. Drop The software gives the artist an extra advantage to break a building at a particular point and how large or small the destruction should be and to which direction it should fall. Accurate calculation of the magnitude and the precision, accuracy of the collapse. The speed of the destruction and the stability. Ability to run the simulation thousand times faster with multiple geometry,which widley provides time for the artist to test multiple simulations in a day. ar-winning Visual Effects Supervisor Volker Engel and Emmy-award winning Visual Effects Producer and Supervisor Marc Weigert.scar-winning Visual Effects Supervward winning Visual Effects Producer and Supervisor Marc W Double Negative About Double Negative was set up in 1998 with 30 staff.At present the studio has developed upto 700+staff making it one of the largest visual effects providers for films in Europe.They currently opened up a studio in Singapore with 50+ staff which works closely to the the main company in London. Production focus 2012 Double Negatives most challenging part in 2012 was to create lava bombs and pyroclatic ashes at yellowstone.The solution to this issue was to use pre simulated ashes and then importing it to the shot.The individual simulations were build in fluid dynamics.After much testing and running simulations they were able to simulate pyroclatic ashes in different sizes and shapes.The size were varying from a football to the size of a four story building. (Above)pyroclatic ashes varying from different sizes. Later stages they build lightweight rig in maya for the timing and placement of lava bombs.Once things was finalised the scene files exported to houdini were all the softbody,rigidbody simulations of lava bombs was solved.which included the impacting,soil and bedrock layers. (Above)lava bombscollision on the ground In Houdini the artists will analyze the trajectory and direction of each lava bombs and then calculate the point of impact.Later they run a lot of test simulations till they acheive what they wanted.And then as the lava bombs collides with the ground surface the ground breaks apart and throws up a lot of smoke dust and fire etc.When everything was finalised in Houdini they exported it back to maya for rendering. Pixomondo About Pixomondo was established in 2001 by CEO and executive producer Thilo kuther. Pixomondo is an international visual effects studio which has branches all over Europe.They have a global network of studio in :Berlin,Stuggart,Frankfurt,Munich,Shangahi,London and they recently opened up a studio in Los angeles.Pixomondo have positioned themselves on the frontier of the changing visual effects world.They have efficent and collaborative workflow across different time zones which established 247 production cycle.The studio offers supervision and production of : Cg character creation 3d animation and previsualisation of feature film Television and commercial industry. They worked recently on films like 2012 and Ninja assasin. Production focus 2012 The intense amount of destruction filmed in 2012 is the reflection of intense amount of previews the studio has worked.These preview was not just a helping hand in the production and post-production phase it was equally important for the story telling phase.The previews also served the assistant directors for setting up lighting , camera positioning and many other technical issues.It widley helped the director to revision his ideas. Vfx supervisor Rainer Gombus worked closely with director from october 2008 with the previews.This team consist of a group of highly talent lead animation artist,lead visual effects artist ,producer and executive producer Thilo kuther.Work was seperated among the global studios under Pixomondo. They had to provide previews that satisfied sony pictures and which helps the film makers to enhance their production pipeline.Almost all the previews had water,fire,smoke etc..In some cases they were creating detailed number of differnt shots from different angles when storyboards didnt exsist. Digital Domain About Digital Domain was established in 1993 by film industry.The studio has done a lot of contribution to the film industry over the past decade and are still on the process of acheiving it in th future.They have worked on many award winning films like : Titanic Curious case of Benjamin Button 2012 The studio received three Academy awards for visual effects and four other awards for scientific and technical achievement. Production focus 2012 (Above)plane escape shot Digital Domain was paired with Pixomondo to create the previews of plane escape shot from Los Angeles.Working on the camera moves,massive destruction and blocking out the rest. While Pixomondo was working on the previews the vfx supervisor of DD started working on the preproduction , focusing on blue screen shots.The DD office in california started working with rd.They consisted of 150 artists and programers who started working from August 2008 and it lasted till July 2009. Shot describtion The hero comes to resuce his children ,his ex wife and her newly met boyfriend.As the plane try to take off an earthquake occours creating a huge crack in the ground and try to suck the plane into it.But the hero manges to pull up from the pressure and manges to move around the collapsing city and finally escapes through the sea. (Above) ground crack Production One of the shots at which the DD had to work was the plane lift up shot.Majority of the footage was live action excluding the cg buildings and the road.The trees was done later procedurally.The footage was compiled with large number of photographs and merging them together,they had to model each single houses, buildings and other geometry.They hired a helicopter and continuelsy shot the footage,which was later merged in the actual shots. The runway set was made out of plywood framed platform with cylinders toped under it.A tarmic type texture was applied to it ,to give a more realistic look.The construction helped the technichians to squash, stretch and flex the runway. Ground cracking and debris was acheived through 2d tracking which required a lot of detailed paint works. Simulating these sequnces from scratch would be they developed a library system and started modelling chunks of ravine  each about 100 yards long, then layers and layers of rocks,debris and small simulated particles and volumentics on top of that.Each section of the collapse scene ran around 400 frames and each of them can be repeated as they wanted.This process allowed enough control for the artist to control where the wall would collapse and the number of frames it will take.When they finalised the shots its time to render it out. All the shots was renderd out in Renderman.Since the sequnce was during day it required straight forward HDRI lighting.Each shot had around 30-40 render passes.All these was composited in Nuke. Chapter 7 Emerging technology Next limit Realflow 5 Realflow 4 is a stand alone 3d simulation software which supports fluid simulation, such as water,rigid body,meshes and gaseous substances.The software is developed by Nextlimit technologies.The creator recieved an award from motion pictures of arts and science for the creation of Realflow in 2007. Realflow is based on particle simulation.It completly depends upon the physical properties to interact with each other and creates realistic aceleration,forces and impulses.These particles can be influenced by point based nodes known as daemons,which is a powerfull tool that can simulate the motion of gravity,twister and tsunami. Running platforms Works both in 32 and 64 bits. Works on various operating systems Compaitable with 3d studio max,Autodesk maya,Cinema 4d,Xsi and lightwave. Whats new in Realflow 5 At Siggraph 2009 Nextlimit played a demo version of Realflow 5.Here are some cool new features that will be available in version 5. Particle based fluid simulation When comparing version 4 with version 5 , the version 5 can simulate much faster when using particle based solver. Hybrid based fluid solver This new feature lets you simulate medium to large scale fluids.The solver has the ability to detect those areas that need more resolution and it will automatically generate particles in those areas. New and updated plugins Nextlimit added up a new plugin for Houdini,Lightwave and Xsi.The plugins for Maya and 3dMax is also updated. Script udated Realflow works on Pyhton scripting.The new C++ sdk script opens up different variations in simulating and helps in pipeline integration. New dynamic engine for softbody and rigidbody This new engine is developed from scratch and it is completly multithreaded.It has a new level of physical accuracy. Licence scheme updated Like the previos versions of real flow version 5 dosent depend on cpu,it will be licensed by machine.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Erstwhile :: essays research papers
     Confessions of an Erstwhile Child is an essay which analyses the concept of the nuclear family. At first the author explains the ideas of Thomas More’s Utopia, but afterwards narrows his content by going into explaining his thoughts on children raised in dysfunctional families. He very cleverly shows the reader part family model’s with current ones, allowing his audience to make the decision for themselves. His tone is a logical philosophical. The reader is told of his depressing childhood growing up in a dysfunctional family, and how it had a profound effect upon his life. The author uses his own personal experience and knowledge to express his opinions on his topic, but really doesn’t use much inference to other cases or factual evidence to back up his argument. All and all, the author wrote an essay which would prove to be thought provoking and well organized.      In this first paragraph, the author battles with a commonly held belief that children are the â€Å"property†of their parents for a certain amount of time in their lives. The author constructs upon the topic slowly by disclosing his problem with the idea of children as property, only to bring his own life experiences into count by explaining his adolescence with a dysfunctional family. By bringing in his personal experiences, the author is in some sense considered an authority figure on the topic of a child’s life with a dysfunctional family. He compares the concept of parental custody with apprenticeship, and he puts it all together by creating a practical solution to the problem. His true thesis sentence is seen in the last paragraph where he says, â€Å"We have invested far too heavily in the unproved â€Å"equity†called the nuclear family; that stock is about to crash and we ought to being finding escape options†(p 196). By gradu ally giving the reader background info on the problems of the modern dysfunctional family, and then stating the thesis at the end, he very clearly gets his argument across. The author clearly shows how his childhood effected his adulthood, making in a living example of what he is writing about allowing the audience to more easily trust what he is writing about. Instead of using factually evidence from other dysfunctional family incidences, the author decides to make it more personal, by using his own life and comparing family ideas of the past to the present.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Barbara Ehrenreichs The Hearts of Men Essay -- Barbara Ehrenrech Gend
Barbara Ehrenreich's The Hearts of Men Barbara Ehrenreich, in The Hearts Of Men, illustrates how gender roles have highly constricted men, not just women, and therefore have inhibited American society from developing its full potential. She deviates from conventional wisdom, which says that gender roles have been largely detrimental to only half the population, which is simultaneously confined to working in the domestic sphere and prevented from participating in the public realm. Her theory says that Americans subscribe to a "sexuo-economic system" which reduces men to "mere earning mechanisms" and forces women to "become parasitic wives" (6, 4). As she explains, members of both sexes adhere to a system which forces them to succumb to specific gender roles, which in turn prevent them from becoming their true selves. Thus, every American has a vested interest in restructuring the ways men and women interact. The most striking element of Ehrenreich 's argument, however, lies in the her assertion that men have suffered more than women from their gender role. This provides a compelling incentive for the American patriarchal power structure to want an end to stifling gender roles. The power of her argument comes from the union that would occur, if men agreed a change must be made with women who have felt this way for centuries. Ehrenreich hopes that men and women "might meet as rebels-not against each other but against a social order that condemns so many of us to degrading or meaningless work in return for a glimpse of commodified pleasures" (182). The most illuminating element of The Hearts of Men is the unique approach Ehrenreich takes in evaluating the effect gender roles have on men financially. She takes the fact that ... ...ts Amendment it was women who voice the loudest protest. For anti-ERA women like Phyllis Schlafly, "the interests of the sexes are irreconcilably opposed; the survival of women depends on the subjugation of men; the most intimate relationships can be used as instruments of a larger coercive scheme" (168). Ehrenreich looks at the issue of gender equality from a unique, untraditional perspective. Instead of focusing on female benefits, The Hearts of Men demonstrates how much men stand to gain through gender equality. "Men will have to give up ruling-class privileges, but in return they will no longer be the only ones to support the family, get drafted, or bear the strain of power and responsibility" (116). An article was written in Time in 1970, entitled "What would it be like if women won?" Ehrenreich book "strongly suggests in would be like men had won too" (116). Barbara Ehrenreich's The Hearts of Men Essay -- Barbara Ehrenrech Gend Barbara Ehrenreich's The Hearts of Men Barbara Ehrenreich, in The Hearts Of Men, illustrates how gender roles have highly constricted men, not just women, and therefore have inhibited American society from developing its full potential. She deviates from conventional wisdom, which says that gender roles have been largely detrimental to only half the population, which is simultaneously confined to working in the domestic sphere and prevented from participating in the public realm. Her theory says that Americans subscribe to a "sexuo-economic system" which reduces men to "mere earning mechanisms" and forces women to "become parasitic wives" (6, 4). As she explains, members of both sexes adhere to a system which forces them to succumb to specific gender roles, which in turn prevent them from becoming their true selves. Thus, every American has a vested interest in restructuring the ways men and women interact. The most striking element of Ehrenreich 's argument, however, lies in the her assertion that men have suffered more than women from their gender role. This provides a compelling incentive for the American patriarchal power structure to want an end to stifling gender roles. The power of her argument comes from the union that would occur, if men agreed a change must be made with women who have felt this way for centuries. Ehrenreich hopes that men and women "might meet as rebels-not against each other but against a social order that condemns so many of us to degrading or meaningless work in return for a glimpse of commodified pleasures" (182). The most illuminating element of The Hearts of Men is the unique approach Ehrenreich takes in evaluating the effect gender roles have on men financially. She takes the fact that ... ...ts Amendment it was women who voice the loudest protest. For anti-ERA women like Phyllis Schlafly, "the interests of the sexes are irreconcilably opposed; the survival of women depends on the subjugation of men; the most intimate relationships can be used as instruments of a larger coercive scheme" (168). Ehrenreich looks at the issue of gender equality from a unique, untraditional perspective. Instead of focusing on female benefits, The Hearts of Men demonstrates how much men stand to gain through gender equality. "Men will have to give up ruling-class privileges, but in return they will no longer be the only ones to support the family, get drafted, or bear the strain of power and responsibility" (116). An article was written in Time in 1970, entitled "What would it be like if women won?" Ehrenreich book "strongly suggests in would be like men had won too" (116).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Message of Hope in Eliots The Waste Land, Gerontion, and The Love Song
Message of Hope in Eliot's The Waste Land, Gerontion, and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock          Thomas Stearns Eliot was not a revolutionary, yet he revolutionized the way the Western world writes and reads poetry. Some of his works were as imagist and incomprehensible as could be most of it in free verse, yet his concentration was always on the meaning of his language, and the lessons he wished to teach with them. Eliot consorted with modernist literary iconoclast Ezra Pound but was obsessed with the traditional works of Shakespeare and Dante. He was a man of his time yet was obsessed with the past. He was born in the United States, but later became a royal subject in England. In short, Eliot is as complete and total a contradiction as any artist of his time, as is evident in his poetry, drama, and criticism. But the prevailing of his contradictions involves two major themes in his poetry: history and faith. He was, in his life, a self-described "Anglo-Catholic," but was raised a Midwestern Unitarian in St. Louis. Eliot biographer Peter Ackroyd describes the religion of Eliot's ancestors as "a faith [that] reside[s] in the Church, the City, and the University since it is a faith primarily of social intent, and concerned with the nature of moral obligations within a society. It place[s] its trust in good works, in reverence for authority and the institutions of authority, in public service, in thrift, and in success" (18). It is through Eliot's insistence of these "moral obligations" that his didactic poetry gives us a glimpse of both his outwardly rejected faith and his inability to shun its tenets. He becomes, through his greatest poetry, a professor of that which he supposedly does not believe. Eliot's ... ...In "The Waste Land," Eliot delivers an indictment against the self-serving, irresponsibility of modern society, but not without giving us, particularly the youth a message of hope at the end of the Thames River. And in "Ash Wednesday," Eliot finally describes an example of the small, graceful images God gives us as oases in the Waste Land of modern culture. Eliot constantly refers back, in unconsciously, to his childhood responsibilities of the missionary in an unholy world. It is only through close, diligent reading of his poetry that we can come to understand his faithful message of hope. Works Cited Ackroyd, Peter. T.S. Eliot: A Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984. Kenner, Hugh. T.S. Eliot: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1962. Tate, Allen. T.S. Eliot: The Man and His Work. New York: Delacorte Press, 1966.
Nursing Care Plan Essay
Client name: Mrs. Chan Age/ sex: 48/F Medical diagnosis: Fluid overload, decreased TK output and decreased Hb Assessment date: 25-11-2012 Diagnostic statement (PES): Excess fluid volume related to compromised regulatory mechanism secondary to end-stage renal failure as evidence by peripheral edema and patient’s weight gained from 69.8kg to 73.6kg within 4 days. Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goals & Expected Outcomes Nursing Interventions Rationales Methods of Evaluation Subjective data: 1. The client claimed her weight started to gain quickly 2 weeks before admission. 2. The client reported of taut and shiny skin appeared on the limbs and face. 3. The client complained on decreasing urinary output 2 weeks before admission. 4. The client complained of increasing SOB and orthopnoea Objective data: 1. Pressing thumb for 5s into the limbs’ skin and removed quickly resulted in pitting and graded at +1. 2. The client’s weight gained from 69.8kg to 73.6kg from 25/11/2012 to 29/11/2012. 3. Reduced CAPD output was noted. 4. Shifting dullness on abdomen was noted. Dysfunctional health pattern: Nutrition and Metabolism Problem: Excess fluid volume Etiology: related to compromised regulatory mechanism secondary to end-stage renal failure Defining characteristics/ Signs & symptoms : 1. Client’s weight gained from 69.8kg to 73.6kg within 4 days. 2. Peripheral edema graded at +1. Goals: The client will exhibit decreased edema on peripheral. Expected outcomes: 1. The client can regain fluid balance as evidenced by weight loss accessed by3/12/2012 2. The client will be able to verbalize the restricted amount of necessary dietary like sodium and fluid as prescribed by 3/12/2012. 3. The client will be able to demonstrate 1 method to access edema by 3/12/2012 4. The client will demonstrate 2 method to help reduce edema by 3/12/2012 1. Ongoing assessments a) Record 24hrs intake and output balance. b) Weigh at 0600 and 1800 daily 2. Therapeutic interventions a) Introduce the needs for low sodium diet and the lower the fluid intake less than 800ml b) Apply stockings while lying down and check extremities frequently for adequate circulation. c) Advise the client to elevate her feet when sitting 3. Education for client and caregivers a) Plan ROM exercise for all extremities every 4h b) Teach pressing thumb for 5s into the skin and grading if appear in pitting. c) Educate the sign and syndromes of edema. d) Teach to avoid canned and frozen food and cook without salt and use spices to add flavour. 1a) Weight client daily can monitor trends to evaluate interventions.( Lewis& Sharon Mantik., 2011) b) Monitor IO chat can determine effect of treatment on kidney function( Lewis& Sharon Mantik., 2011) 2a) High-sodium intake leads to increase water retention(Carpenito, L. J., 2010) b) Compression stockings increase venous return and reduce venous pooling. (Carpenito, L. J., 2010) c) This prevent fluid accumulation in the lower extremities. (Gulamick & Myers, 2007) 3a) Contracting skeletal muscles increase lymph flow and reduce edema. (Carpenito, L. J., 2010) b&c) Client and caregiver can help monitor and control fluid overload ( Lewis& Sharon Mantik., 2011) d) Restrict the sodium intake can decrease the feeling of thirst to drink water. ( Gulamick & Myers, 2007) 1. Keep checking on the change of client’s weight. 2. Assess the client’s edema condition every day by pressing. 3. Ask the client to demonstrate the method for accessing and reducing edema. 4. Ask the client to record the menu eaten for checking the eating habits. 5. Ask the client to verbalize syndromes of edema.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Kraft Case Coffee Pod Essay
Competition: Market Share of Competition This chart of the market share shows that Kraft Foods was the world leader in coffee sales with 15% of the global market. In Canada Kraft’s/Nabob and Maxwell had a combined share of 35%, where Nestle had 19%, Private labels accounted for 25%, and smaller companies summed 21%. With grocery markets carrying a selection of coffee brands and flavors along with major retailers such as Starbucks and Tim Horton’s selling their coffee beans in grocery outlets, competition in the Canadian coffee market remains very aggressive. There are four major coffee pod competitors in Canada and they are One-to-one, Home Cafà ©, Senseo, and Bunn My Cafà ©. One-to-one One-to-one brews coffee pods in two different sizes and has a bar quality. This machine has advantage that it can also change its spout in order to make iced tea or regular tea. They also use the biggest coffee pods at 9.7 grams vs. the other 7 gram pods used in regular machines. One-to-one also has three different varieties to choose from; You can purchase a 16 pack of pods for $4.99. These coffee pod machines are available at the Bay, Canadian Tire, Zellers, and Home Outfitters. Home Cafà © Home Cafà © has pressure brewing coffee pods while getting the full flavor of the bean. This machine has a removable platform to avoid spilling and can brew three different cup sizes. This type of coffee pod has 4 different flavors to choose from and a 16 pack of single coffee pods cost $4.99. Senseo Senseo has a specialized machine that creates a rich froth on each coffee brewed. Each blend is brewed in 30 seconds and has an automatic shutoff after one hour of no use. Senseo uses premium beans and offers four flavors that come in packages of 18 for $4.99. Bunn My Cafà © Bunn My Cafà © use special spray head and delivers maximum flavor in each cup. This machine can also brew a cup in 30 seconds and has 9 brewing settings to change the strength of the coffee. Out of all the machines listed above Bunn My cafà © machines sell in retail for $150 per machine, the highest price out of the four. The cheapest machine is the One-To-One selling in retail from $60 – $75. The best deal for retail selling price of pods is Senseo at $4.99 per 18 packs of pods Social/Cultural Canada compering to other countries work with faster technology and faster workforce. Before Canadians, coffee drinkers were taking them longer to get their coffee. Today the Canadian coffee drinker can get their coffee in one minute. These advanced technologies reflect to overall Canadian technology and the fast-paced environment that Canadians live in. Technology Even though coffee pods may cost a little bit more per cup of coffee, it has its benefits. Whit use of the prepackaging for the single serving coffee the SSP machines can deliver coffee in less than 1 min. The SSP machine measure the water tank or the amount of ground coffee for your cup, just place pod and press a button. You no longer have to throw away the nasty wet filter with used coffee you just have to recycle the little plastic pod. Pods also do not use an actual coffee pot, so you do not need to clean the pot of coffee every day. This is perfect for people that usually make only one coffee, instead of making a batch, only a single cup is processed. Different kinds are also available in terms of taste. Environment Kraft has taken some significant actions to keep the environment safe and clean. One aspect relating to environmental factors is that, the SSP machines are much easier to clean than the other pods on the market. It allows you to have cluttered ground coffee that is unable to be used, no leftover coffee to pour away and no pot to clean. When finished, users would simply dispose of the pod in the garbage or compost bins, whereas regular disposable coffee cups and filters must be thrown away in the garbage. Micro Environment The 4 P’s Price $0.50 per cup Product Single-Serve Coffee Pods (SSP) Promotion – Consumer shows, demo program booth, television sponsorship campaign, giveaways, print ad buy one get one free coupons Place – Consumer shows and big retail outlets across Canada. Three different merchandising tools: Shelf-strips with coupon AdPad that holds 12 bags and coupon holder, On-Shelf Racking that holds 14 bags, Branded Off-Shelf Bins that holds 48 bags. Mission Statement: â€Å"Helping people around the world to eat and live better.†Kraft Foods Inc., Consolidated Income Statement USD $ in millions Marketing Objectives Herzog’s goal was to obtain 45% market share at the end of 2006 He also expected 6% from a 12.5 million household in 2004 and 8% in 2006. For advertising, Kraft wants to use TV sponsorship using all television programs for 3.5 launching. Production for a 30-second English-language contest spot would cost $10000; airtime to run English language spot for one week would cost $15000, giveaways would cost $5400. Promotional execution would cost $5000. Herzog also wanted to use direct marketing through an email campaign. This is where customers would be sent an email inviting them to visit a website and register to win a fee year’s supply of coffee pods. Merchandising objectives for Kraft’s coffee pods includes shelf-strips with coupon AdPad, on-shelf racking, as well as branded off-shelf bins. The cost for the total campaign is $961400 and there would be $38600 left from the $1000000 budget. Proposed Marketing Strategy Price: To create better value for our customers we decided that price of $4.99 for 16 pods is perfect. Our competitors have the same price but we have better value. This price of $4.99 will target Melitta in direct competition since they offer the same value. Maybe a slight increase (18 pods instead of 16 pods). This will ensure that Kraft would win in the competition. The wholesale price for the coffee pods should be $49.99 for 200 coffee pods. And for market share, we recommend Mr. Herzog to start at 20% with an increase of 5% per year that will lead him to those desired 35%; 20% is very possible for Kraft and its very profitable Product: Kraft’s branding Our Branding strategy focuses on the packaging. The branding strategy for Kraft’s Maxwell House and Nabob Brand should reflect the consistent branding strategy already being implemented by the company. However, Kraft should use upscale packaging and back up the upscale high quality product that they have. An example of an upscale packaging concept by current market entrant is Melitta. The reason for my branding strategy focus on the packaging is due to the principle of first impression and mental association that a potential consumer will have especially Kraft’s target market. The target market for single serving pods is high-income individuals and families ($91,000) and well-educated individuals. Place: Most Canadians have their cup of coffee at home or at the nearest available store. Kraft should make coffee so good it enhances the time we spend with friends and family while enjoying a cup of it. A good way to go about it would be dividing the Country in regions and market the product targeted right at their consumer profiles. Furthermore delivery straight to retail stores would make the supply chain shorter hence costs will be less. Even better would be to encourage most buyers to buy it on the Website, with free delivery or a more effective promotion tactic. If the Consumer buys the product straight from the manufacturer the dividend will scale up rather then selling them in bulk to wholesalers and retailers. Promotion: Promotion is the most important element of the proposed marketing strategy; all medium must be evaluated then used to acquire as many consumers as possible. One of the things that can be used is print advertising; billboards, magazines, newspapers etc. Another option is also TV sponsorship, using almost all television programs for 3.5 months launching. Direct Marketing can also be suggested for example email invite consumers to visit the Website then put an offer like click to win a free supply of coffee pods for a year. Merchandising has its own promotional options too like on shelf racking, shelf-strips with coupon AdPad or branded off shelf bins. References Stephanie Larkin (2007) Current Trends Of Coffee Consumption. Retrieved from: Ben Berry (Oct.2011) Coffee and Tea Industry Trends from the Canadian Coffee and Tea Show. Retrieved from: NPD Group(July 2012)More Canadians opting to brew their favourite drinks at home Retrieved from: Stock Analysis on net(2012)Kraft Foods Inc. (KFT) | Income Statement. Retrieved from: Dolcera Public (August 2009)Premium Coffee Market Segmentation. Retrieved from:
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Florida V Riley Case Brief Essay
Legal Citation: 488 U. S. 445, 109 S. Ct. 693, 102 L. Ed. 2d. 835 (1989) Procedural History: The respondent, Michael A. Riley, was charged with possession of marijuana under Florida law. The trail court granted his motion to suppress; the Court of Appeals reversed but certified the case to the Florida Supreme Court, which rejected the decision of the Court of Appeals and reinstated the trail court’s suppression order. The Supreme Court granted a writ of certiorari for Florida to review the decision of the Supreme Court of Florida. Question: Is surveillance of the interior of the partially covered greenhouse in a residential backyard from a vantage point of a helicopter located 400 feet above the greenhouse constitutes as a ‘search,’ for which a warrant is required under the Fourth Amendment and Article I, Section 12 of Florida Constitution? Facts: In this case, the Pasco County Sheriff’s office received an anonymous tip that marijuana was being grown on the respondent’s property. When the investigating officer discovered that he was not able to see the contents of the green house by the road. All he was able to see was a wire fence surrounding the mobile home and the greenhouse with a â€Å"DO NOT ENTER†sign posted on the property. He then circled twice over the respondent’s property in a helicopter at the height of 400 feet. With his naked eye, he was able to see through the openings in the roof, since there had been two missing panels, and identify what he thought was marijuana growing in the structure. A warrant was later obtained based on these observations, continuing the search revealed marijuana growing in the greenhouse. Which lead, the respondent, Michael A. Riley, to be charged with possession of marijuana under the Florida law. Decision: No. The surveillance of the interior of the partially covered greenhouse in a residential backyard from a vantage point of a helicopter located 400 feet above the greenhouse does not constitutes as a ‘search’ for which a warrant is required under the Fourth Amendment and Article I, Section 12 of Florida Constitution because helicopters are not bound by the lower limits of navigable airspace allowed to other aircrafts. Any member of the public could have legally have been flying over Riley’s property in a helicopter at the altitude of 400 feet and could have observed Riley’s greenhouse. Nothing implied that the helicopter interfered with respondent’s normal use of the greenhouse or the other parts of the curtilage. Therefore, the police did not violate his Fourth Amendment, right to privacy. Judgment: Reversed Principle of Law: The reason the court reserved the decision of the Supreme Court of Florida is because there is nothing in the records that suggest the helicopters flying at 400 feet are sufficiently rare in this country to lead substance to respondents claim that he reasonably anticipated that his greenhouse would not be subject to observation from that altitude.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Law of Intention
The law of intention, following the cases of Woollin [1999] 1 AC 82 and Matthews [2003] 3 Cr App R 30, is now satisfactorily defined in the criminal law. Intention, normally means desire to aim at something. However, in criminal law, mens rea known as ‘guilty mine’, it requires two distinguishable intentions which are direct intention as well as oblique intention, and apart from, also recklessness. Direct intention means the consequences of the action is desired specifically, just like murder. Defendant is purposed to achieve the death or the grievous bodily harm (GBH) of the victim R v Mohan [1975].Oblique intention also known as foresight intent, means the consequence which the defendant is not desired, however, it is going to happen when he goes ahead with his acts (Law teacher, 2012). An unsurprising side-effect would result when defendant is achieving some other consequences R V Nedrick [1986]. Under these situations, the court will remind the jury to consider how p robable the consequence was foreseen by the defendant. Generally, recklessness means to take an unjustified risk. It covers the case of harm such as manslaughter or criminal damage.Objective and subjective test will be applied respectively in different cases. In other words, intention could be the worst culpability in mens rea. Follow up would be the recklessness. In the case of R v Woollin [1999], the defendant loose temper with his three-month-old son, and picked the baby up and thrown him to a hard surface. The baby’s skull was fractured and dead afterwards. The defendant was convicted for murder, however, the court quashed and convicted of manslaughter substituted. In this case, the court of appeal upheld that there was a substantial risk, which the child could suffer from serious bodily harm.Substantial risk means the act of the defendant made a strong and significant cause to the death of the victim. The judge directed the jury that the consequence of the act is foresee able by throwing the child to a hard surface. However, the defendant appealed that ‘the court of appeal had widen the definition of murder and should have referred to virtual certainty instead of the jury must find the intention’ (e-lawresources, n. d. ). The appeal was rejected. Virtual certainty is defined as ‘the result will occur unless something completely unexpected occurs’ (Herring, 2012 p. 41). The House of Lord held that the jury is not entitled to infer the intention but only if the defendant realized and the death or the grievous bodily harm was a virtually certain result. Therefore, the appeal allowed in House of Lord and the conviction of manslaughter substituted. Parliament stated clearly that when defendant could foresee the death would be the result of the act did not represent that the defendant intended for murder R v Moloney [1985]. By following this case, the oblique intention can be said to being satisfactorily defined in the criminal l aw.In the case of R v Matthews and Alleyne [2003], the victim was thrown to the river after robbing by the defendants. Before being thrown into the river, the victim had stated that he was not able to swim as he lost his glasses in the attack. However, the defendants ignored what the victim’s said and thrown him to river and watching him drown. Two of them are convicted of murder. As similar as the Woollin case, the judge had directed the jury that to consider whether the consequence of act was foreseeable in order to find out the intention to kill.The court upheld that finding of intent would be ‘irresistible’ (Herring, 2012 p. 141). Defendants appealed against their conviction. However, the Court of Appeal affirmed the conviction. In English law, there is no strict definition on intention is, also there is no direct link between the foresight of consequence and intention. Foresight of consequence must not be an intention. It is clear that jury was not entitled to infer intention unless the death or the serious bodily harm was a virtual certainty.Obviously, in the above case, the result which may not be the defendants’ aim at, that is the death of the victim, may not be the defendants’ final willingness. The result may not be the virtually certain result of their actions. Moreover, the defendants even did not realize that the result was not a virtually certain result of their actions, and therefore, they did not intent the result. That is, this case would be another example to explain oblique intention can be said to being satisfactorily defined in the criminal law.Apart from those examples of oblique intention, the law of intention has also satisfactorily defined in the case of DPP v Smith [1960]. The defendant was asked to drop off from the car after stolen goods. However, he refused to do it and the police jumped onto the bonnet of the car. Defendant drove with high speed in order to get the police off. He swerving from si de to side and until the police was thrown and killed. Defendant was convicted of murder (e-lawresources, n. d. ). The court held it was clear that he had intent to cause serious bodily harm or even intent to kill.The judge directed the jury that if they are satisfied that GBH or the death of the victim would be the result in the consequence of his act. Therefore, the jury convicted him of murder. The defendant appealed against the conviction with the reason that ‘subjective test’ should apply. However, the House of Lord affirmed the conviction and held that the objective test was applicable. Generally, if the result of defendant’s act is virtually certain which can cause grievous bodily harm or death, the jury is entitle to find that he intended the result.The verdict would be guilty of murder or manslaughter, depends on different circumstances. In English Law, there is no strict definition in explaining what intention is. Intention can be distinguish in two asp ects, which are direct intention and oblique intention. As mentioned before, both intentions are desire to aim at something. The main difference between them could be unsurprising side-effect would result in the oblique intention. Depends on different circumstance, the judge would convict different level of penalty.In general cases, the jury are not entitled to infer the intention of the defendants, however, apart from two situations, firstly, the result was a virtually certain result of the defendant’s acts, secondly, the defendant must realize that the result was a virtually certain result of the his act. Otherwise, the jury is not entitled to infer the intention of the defendant. Therefore, the case of R v Woollin and R v Matthews and Alleyne [2003] had clearly explained the law of intention in the criminal law. Table of casesDPP v Smith [1960] R v Matthews and Alleyne [2003] R v Mohan [1975] R v Moloney R V Nedrick [1986]. R v Woollin [1999] Reference Law teacher. (2012). Men's Rea Lecture-Intention. Retrieved 4 Nov, 2012, from: http://www. lawteacher. net/criminal-law/lecture-notes/mens-rea-lecture. php E Lawresources. (n. d. ). R v Woollin. Retrieved 4 Nov, 2012, from: http://e-lawresources. co. uk/R-v-Woollin. php E Lawresources. (n. d. ). R v Matthews and Alleyne. Retrieved 4 Nov, 2012, from: http://www. e-lawresources. co. uk/DPP-v-Smith. php
Friday, September 13, 2019
Introduction to Social Networking and the Impact on College Life Research Paper
Introduction to Social Networking and the Impact on College Life - Research Paper Example The social network is a wonderful place to be for every individual in the world today because it provides updates from near and dear ones, assists in communicating with people living far away in remote areas of the world and also helps people to entertain themselves and keep busy. However, the social network has begun to have an adverse effect on the lives of students as well as professionals at the workplace because it has been eating into their work time. Many teachers argue that their students fail to finish their work on time because of being hooked onto the internet and on social network sites like Face book and Twitter. Social media websites have been thus affecting school and college students’ grades because students end up spending more time on websites rather than studying. Most students, when asked how they spend their day, reply by stating that they spend their hours after school or college in front of the computer, on websites like Twitter and Face book. These websites take up all their time because the new generation is obsessed with documenting their every thought on the internet. Moreover, they like checking into places on their Face book, updating their status and spend hours on a single photograph that someone would have tagged them on, commenting. All these activities eat up into their study time and they fail to get good grades or concentrate in the classroom due to being so hooked on to these websites all the time. The focus of this paper is on college students because school children can still be controlled by their parents and are under the regulation of their parent’s watchful eye. Once in college, a student is on his own, leading his own life and seldom listens to what the parents say, especially if he lives away from home. Such fr eedom tends to override the child’s life, leading him into spending his time in the most non productive and enjoyable manner possible. The internet may be very productive however using social networking websites may hinder productivity. By this I mean to say that the internet can be a very productive place to be as it has so many websites full of information and learning; one can enrich himself by reading the news as well, however college students seldom tend to do that, unless the news presents itself in the form of a Face book update. Almost 96% of college students are on Face book all the time and even if they study, they tend to keep checking their Face book page for updates every half an hour, if not lesser. This hinders work because it reduced the concentration span of the student. (Akhtar, Shabbir) â€Å"As social media websites, such as Face book, YouTube and Twitter gain popularity, they are also are becoming increasingly dangerous as they create modes to procrastin ate while trying to complete homework. Hence, in a survey of 102 students, 57% stated that social media has made them less productive.†Moreover, the student always has something else on his or her mind, or he keeps waiting for a particular notification to come, which makes him lose his attention from his college assignment completely. Obviously, being on the internet can exhaust a person because of all the browsing and the mental work that is being done, without even knowing it. So after browsing the Face book for even two hours, students tend to tire out easily, and thus delay doing their college work at all, again leading to bad grades in class the next day. Another aspect that hinders their work and brings them bad grades is that their smart phones are synchronized to their
Thursday, September 12, 2019
STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP BY EXECUTIVES Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP BY EXECUTIVES - Case Study Example This involves turning strategy into needed outcomes and behaviours, conveying these goals, evaluating progress, giving feedback, and empowering the workforce (Ashby & Miles, 2002) through performance-driven incentives and penalties. Studies show that several organisations remain dependent on conventional performance determinants. Conventional tools of performance determinants intended for the economy of the industrial period, which puts emphasis on physical assets and financial strategies, are now incapable of coping with the dynamic business environment (Ashby & Miles, 2002). Hence, there is a movement away from conventional ideas so as to address the intricacy and ever-changing business environment. According to Hagen and colleagues (1998), some of the challenges CEOs face today in relation to performance determinants are great expectations from stakeholders, demands from and threat of global and local competitors, adoption of sophisticated production technology, and demands for premium and dependable products/services from consumers. In the meantime, organisational performance can also be threatened by sub-units within an organisation making decisions which are incompatible. An organisation structure, which can be either decentralised or centralised, has considerable effect on the level of non-financial and financial strategies to be integrated into the performance measurement process (Ncube & Washburn, 2006). Usually one problem confronting an organisation is that different sub-units are taking part in the general process of decision making. Irreconcilable decisions can have varying consequences for each sub-unit. Acquiring consensus from all stakeholders is a constant problem. When a firm’s general strategy relies on the decisions of all its sub-units, as stated by Bass (2007), firm-wide support is needed. Large-scale strategic planning and assessment is critical. This planning has to focus on the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The human body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
The human body - Essay Example Brain, nerves & spinal cord. Functions to provide strength and connections to move the arm or leg or to make the facial expressions. Muscles cover almost every bone of the body except fingers and teeth and skull. It also help in Maintaining posture & generate heat by shivering. Pumps blood to each part of the body. Takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to the each part of the body and carry carbon dioxide that is released through respiration. Heart, veins and arteries. Skin has millions of sensory nerves that send information to the brain; the information regarding the environment, temperature, etc. If the brain senses that the temperature is a bit higher than the body temperature, brain sends signal to the sweat gland to open and cool the body. In some cases, the brain sends signal to the muscles connected to skin hair to contract or expand according to the environment or other condition. At 25 years the body functions seem to be efficiently functional. On the other hand considering the daily working of the 25 year person is moving door to door to distribute the leaflets and take part in the other programs as organized by the charity. The muscles (muscular system) in the body particularly the leg muscles require much oxygenated blood in order to work efficiently. The oxygenated blood is transported by the cardiovascular system and the heart pumps the blood as faster as the oxygen is required. Oxygen is supplied through the respiratory system. The respiratory system fills the blood with oxygen. It is common fact that the respiratory system and cardiovascular system synchronize in a proper manner. The rate of respiration increases as the demand for oxygen increases. On the other hand, as the muscular system uses more oxygen it produces more carbon-dioxide that is also released through respiratory process. All these functions are controlled by the brain that informs the heats to pump faster
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