Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community
Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community Vandana Shiva (2005) seems to disagree with Thomas Friedman over the role of globalization in the international system. Vandana (2005) argues that the effects of globalization are so adverse to the people of the third world and other developing economies. He observes that people of the third world have been presented a raw deal in the globalized economy.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Globalization can be considered the buzzword for the 21st century. Globalization is a means or a process of reorienting and reconfiguring the world leading to the establishment of a new system of governance that is, a globalized world. The one, which is, as Francis Fukuyama (1992) pointed out, characterized by the convergence of systems whether this will lead to the formation of a single global economy or just num ber of regional organizations with homogenized or converging objectives is a matter of debate. Globalization has transformed the entire international system in very fundamental ways, not just the way Vandana (2005) thinks. Indeed, even the few entities, institutions and systems that have resisted the effects of globalization have been forced to transform the way they operate to withstand the effects of globalization. Globalization has led to a massive transformation in which individuals, households and rural communities have become directly involved in global processes and an exposure to a more diversified economy. This has brought about a new relationship between power and the division of labor (Mittelman, 1997). The transformations that have been imposed by globalization have not spared any entity in the international system, be they individual states, MNCs or any other non-state actors. Developed nations have been impacted by globalization as the developing nations. Therefore, Va ndana’s claim that developing nations are the only affected is null and void. In the rich nations for instance, globalization has led to generation of internal third world (Galbraith, 1992). While in the developing countries, centers of wealth have been created.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The effects of globalization however have not been uniform, just as Vandana argues. MNCs and other entities in the North have been affected differently from local firms and those in the South, an aspect that Vandan does not capture in his argument (Vandana, 2005). Globalization involves forces that are beyond one country’s control and therefore reduces the power and scope of the state. It is associated with the declining regulatory role of the state (Sassen, 1997). Held David et al capture the essence of globalization when they argue that it is th e widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life (Held, et al 1992). On the other hand, globalization has introduced a new way reasoning whereby the countries think globally and act locally. The way think global and act locally work or regionally works is that while the functions related to technology, information, product brand development and finance are managed on global scale, functions related to manufacturing, sub-contracting and marketing are managed on regional or local basis to increase responsiveness (Dierks, 2001). In a sense, the new technology innovativeness has led to a global-localization of production. Under the think global act globally era, product design remained unchanged for decades. Calculators, television sets and other technologies looked the same and remained unchanged for decades globally. In the think global act local epoch, product models changed rapidly. Indeed, there is almost a new model/s tyle of computer almost every 3-6 months. The Coca-Cola company for instance remained unchanged between 1960 and 1980, but has had numerous changes in the last five or so years.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Dierks, R. (2001). Introduction to globalization: political and economic perspectives. Chicago, Illnois. Fukuyama, F. (1992). The end of History and the Last man. New York: Free press. Galbraith, K. (1992). Culture of Contentment: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Retrieved from: Held, et al. (1992). The Columbia history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. Washington, DC: Columbia University Press. Mittelman, J.H. (1997). Innovation and transformation in international studies. Cambridge: Press Syndicate,. Sassen, J. van der Wal, J. (1997). Performance analysis of a real-time database with optimistic concurrency control. Stockholm: TU Ltd. Vandana, S. (2005). The Polarized World of Globalization. Web.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Rosa Parks And Ella Baker
Rosa Parks and Ella Baker were two of the most important women during the Civil Rights Movement. Through their many achievements and great involvement in African American committees and institutions against segregation, they were able to change the way society is for African Americans today. Always using non-violent tactics within their committees and on the streets during protests they were still successful in making life better for colored people. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks, established her involvement in defending African American rights when the President of NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People), Edgar Daniel Nixon, hired her as Advisor of the Montgomery office. Here she began to fight for African Americans to have the right of taking out books from the library, helping in getting blacks registered to vote, and also would keep track of cases concerning discrimination against African Americans. She was also a strong supporter of the Scottsbore defendants, who were nine African Americans charged with raping two white women. Parks’ biggest incident or moment in the Civil Rights Movement was in early December of 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person. She was soon arrested for not obeying the Montgomery segregation laws which demanded that she had to give her seat up. â€Å"Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it,†she quoted in her book Quiet Strength. A lot of researchers and historians believe that this was the beginning mark of the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa, was also a member of the MIA or (Montgomery Improvement Agency), which Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was appointed the leader of. The Agency was created as a result of Rosa Parks being arrested. Almost immediately Parks and King along with other members of the agency made three demands to the government; the demand for courteous treatment on buses, first come f... Free Essays on Rosa Parks And Ella Baker Free Essays on Rosa Parks And Ella Baker Rosa Parks and Ella Baker were two of the most important women during the Civil Rights Movement. Through their many achievements and great involvement in African American committees and institutions against segregation, they were able to change the way society is for African Americans today. Always using non-violent tactics within their committees and on the streets during protests they were still successful in making life better for colored people. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks, established her involvement in defending African American rights when the President of NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People), Edgar Daniel Nixon, hired her as Advisor of the Montgomery office. Here she began to fight for African Americans to have the right of taking out books from the library, helping in getting blacks registered to vote, and also would keep track of cases concerning discrimination against African Americans. She was also a strong supporter of the Scottsbore defendants, who were nine African Americans charged with raping two white women. Parks’ biggest incident or moment in the Civil Rights Movement was in early December of 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person. She was soon arrested for not obeying the Montgomery segregation laws which demanded that she had to give her seat up. â€Å"Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it,†she quoted in her book Quiet Strength. A lot of researchers and historians believe that this was the beginning mark of the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa, was also a member of the MIA or (Montgomery Improvement Agency), which Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was appointed the leader of. The Agency was created as a result of Rosa Parks being arrested. Almost immediately Parks and King along with other members of the agency made three demands to the government; the demand for courteous treatment on buses, first come f...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bill Clinton and Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bill Clinton and Globalization - Research Paper Example Clinton’s main focus was on handling the instability across the world through globalization. The other factors among the list of priorities were innovation and technology, decision making and finance. Integration of the world economy has been one of the prime concerns of Clinton. But the concept of transformation of the globalization into a unified and homogenous structure driven by free trade and capitalism was confronted with serious opposition also. It was said that the entire world has not been able to benefit from globalization and bringing the civil society in the scene was the only way of dealing with the problems. The project tries to bring forth the steps taken by Clinton in initiating outsourcing as a major step towards globalization (Weier-a, 2008). Bill Clinton chaired the â€Å"Global Fairness Initiative (GFI)†(Global Fairness Initiative, 2003, p.1) which was an organization created to introduce and enhance free trade which would simultaneously preserve th e labor, environmental and human rights standards in the world. The promise made by Clinton was to implement responsible investment and trade which would create economic opportunities and jobs across the world and would lead to the improvement of millions of lives while protecting the human rights, environmental and labor standards (Global Fairness Initiative, 2003, p.1). The promotion of outsourcing was one of the major steps towards globalization by Clinton. Outsourcing was considered to be inherent to free trade. Outsourcing was considered to be a new variant and a budget balancing tool which required farming out whenever possible. Clinton recognized that outsourcing would allow firms to provide service at a low cost at a higher quality that which the Government would produce. In the recent years outsourcing has evolved as a positive business evolution which moved towards flexibility and nimbleness Bill Clinton and Globalization It was Bill Clinton’s assumption that global ization was something inevitable. He encouraged the concept of free trade which was a major step towards globalization. He believed that low process would lead to low prices, increased exports and this would eventually build a stronger economy. â€Å"The economic benefits of the tariff reductions we negotiated during the Clinton administration represent the largest tax cut in the history of the world†(Klein, 2003). In 1998, the economic transition which he had predicted long back was actually taking place. The economy was appearing and functioning in such a way that seemed to be beyond imagination few years back. Unemployment rates were falling significantly and the inflation rates seemed to remain at historically low rates. Prosperity was appearing and increasing at all levels of income. The average household income increased by an amount of 35% during the span of eight years that Clinton has remained in office. Technology had changed the conventional notions of time, space and borders. Globalization was able to change the traditional and regular routines of the middle class family. This was a significant transformation according to Clinton (Klein, 2003). He said the globalization would yield a global economy which would have profound effects on workers, their works and their wages. It would
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Epistemologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Epistemologies - Essay Example In addition, the manifestation in this epistemology that knowledge relates with our history and social lives is arguably true since knowledge may originate from such quarters. Nevertheless, we cannot rely on historical knowledge alone to operate in today’s world. Hence, this epistemology significantly confirms that we must accommodate societal and developmental changes to define today’s knowledge. Similarly, the notion in this epistemology that realism correlates with empiricism to suggest that we can use our consciousness to establish the reality of things that exist outside our realms of knowledge is very fundamental. Hence, I agree with the fact that consciousness and reality are not distinct in establishing knowledge but rely on each other because humans have no capacity to establish all the truth but their consciousness can help them to establish some reality. Indeed, consciousness is a component of the absolute reality. Actually, reality involves more than our per ception and thus to establish adequate knowledge, there is need to apply consciousness. However, I partly agree with the notion that total knowledge exists outside our consciousness since I doubt whether we can realistically detect that knowledge as knowledge is always in motion. In addressing interpretivism, I partly concur with the fact that the knower seemingly constructs the reality. However, I concur with the idea that what we know is ultimate and that our consciousness only consults itself and not objective reality to establish the absolute reality. Indeed, we cannot use objectivity presume knowledge as our consciousness equally has limits. Nevertheless, the idea in this epistemology that the knower plays a noble part in establishing knowledge is very true in that one cannot claim to obtain knowledge in absentia. In addition, this epistemology
Sunday, November 17, 2019
My Choice Is Reading Essay Example for Free
My Choice Is Reading Essay By reading books, people can learn how to get through problems in their own lives by relating to characters. Readers can see what characters did to get out of bad situations, and what they learned from them. In Uglies by Scott Westerfield the reader grasps that what someone looks like on the outside doesn’t matter, and it is what is on the inside that counts. The Fault In Our Stars and Looking For Alaska by John Green both deal with death at a young age and losing loved ones. Love is a serious topic in all of these books, and an important lesson learned is that love is blind. The Fault In Our Stars is a love story between Hazel and Augustus who are both battling cancer at the same time. They meet at a cancer support group and fall in love, but then the cancer in Augustus comes back and ends up killing him. John Green does a considerable writing job in making whoever reads the book fall in love with both characters. That is why it is extremely sad in the end because when Gus dies, the reader undergoes the same sadness that Hazel has. Loosing a loved one is also a theme in Looking For Alaska. Miles decides to go to a boarding school, and while there, he makes friends for the first time. More importantly though, he meets Alaska whom he loves from the first moment he saw her. Alaska already has a boyfriend and she will not cheat, but she lugubriously reflected a secret love for him. Unfortunately she perishes in a car crash so their relationship will always be a great perhaps. Miles’ love story is a little different than Hazel’s in a way that Hazel got to really experience the love before it was torn, whereas Miles’ was an unexplored mystery. People everywhere love differently like in the books by John Green, but both stories are similar because the characters have to deal with the loss of a loved one. Everybody deals with losing loved ones in different ways. In Looking For Alaska the whole book is written in the parts before and after Alaska’s death. This shows that Miles is unable to separate his own life from her death. In The Fault In Our Stars Hazel deals with the death of Augustus quite differently. She tells her story building up to his death, and after his death skips to the present day to say that even though Gus is gone, she still loves him. Hazel was able to separate her life from his death in a way Miles was not able to with Alaska, while still indicating that their love survived even his death. Looking For Alaska deals with a lot of growing up. Miles and his friends throughout the whole book are trying to grow up to be who they want to be. In The Fault In Our Stars Hazel has to find ways to cope with the imminence of her own death, and rather than growing up she has to deal with the process of dying. Hazel has to find her place in death while Miles has to find his place in life. In the book Uglies the theme of growing up to be who you want to be is very important. Scott Westerfield’s book Uglies is a dystopian book much like Maze Runner or Hunger Games. In Tally’s world people live by what they look like. At the age of 16 people get the transformation to turn them into a pretty from an ugly. When someone gets the pretty operation they look like everybody else, but they also get their brain changed. Tally is forced to grow up and get the operation but she rebels and runs away. Tally finally finds out who she is and who she loves just by being who she wants to be. This book deals with he subject of appearance, which is relevant to society today. Everybody thinks that in order to be happy, that you have to be perfect looking. This book teaches the reader that it is what is on the inside that counts. Just like in The Fault In Our Stars, Hazel does not think anybody will love her because she is dying of cancer. Then Gus does. This deals with the saying that love is blind. When someone loves someone they can look past all the flaws and only see perfection. All three of the books read deal with this topic. It is so important to read. Reading makes the reader fall in love, cry, and get angry or excited. Books open people up to reoccurring themes and make them learn really valuable lessons. The books The Fault In Our Stars, Looking For Alaska and Uglies all relate in different ways, and all deal with very diverse content. The most important lesson learned from these books is to be whom you want and to love unconditionally.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Rhinovirus - The Common Cold :: Essays Papers
Rhinovirus - The Common Cold Introduction: Rhinovirus, pictured above, is best known as the common cold. It is a member of the picornaviridae family along with more virulent viruses such as polio and hepatitis A. The viruses of this family are characterized as small (20-30nm genome) positive polarity RNA viruses consisting of one genome segment and a nonenveloped capsid. Unlike the its more lethal relatives, Rhinovirus is designed to attack a host numerous times during their lifetime. It is the perfect pathogen. It is estimated that adults suffer from 2 to 4 infections with the virus each year. The statistics below show the toll that the virus has on the United States Population: . There are nearly 62 million cases of the common cold annually in the US . 52.2 million of these cases affect Americans under age 17 . There are nearly 22 million school-loss days annually due to the common cold . There are approximately 45 million bed days annually associated with the common cold . Seventy-five percent of common colds suffered by children under 5 years are medically attended Source: Vital and Health Statistics Series 10, No. 200 The economic impact of the cold is estimated at 5 billion dollars, but is far greater in indirect costs when considering loss of productivity and school abscence. Encounter: It is virtually impossible to avoid Rhinovirus encounter because it is one of the few pathogens that is present in the environment year round. There are over 100 serotypes making it unlikely to have antibodies to each strain. It often enters the upper respitory tract via aerosolized droplets coming from an infectious individuals coughing or sneezing. It is also possible to spread the pathogen through saliva. However, studies have proven that contact transmission is the dominant mode of contraction. [9] This is possible because infected individuals can shed the virus 24 hours before symptoms and as long as 2 weeks after symptoms cease. Contrary to popular belief, there is no valid clinical evidence that exposure to cold or moisture will result in infection. Entry: Primary infection occurs in the nasal mucosa and occasionally the conjunctiva. Once exposed to the epithelial cells, the virus attempts to bind to intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1). ICAM-1 is regularly used by the immune system to bind endothelial cells to leukocytes. However, as the picture above shows, Rhinovirus is able to take advantage of this property and recognizes it with its own receptors.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Short Story Essay
The characters In the science fiction genre are too small minded to see the big picture. These characters are unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions. The characters are also resistant to the warnings of others. As a result, their ignorance may not only have jeopardized their own life and freedom, but may also have Jeopardized the lives and freedom of others. Characters in the science fiction genre are unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions and as a result jeopardize their own lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others.To begin, in the short story â€Å"Men are Different†by Alan Bloch, the Robot is unable to see that treating the man as he would a fellow robot could result in the mans death, and ultimately the end of mankind. In the story the Robot decides that the man needs to be fixed and attempts to see what Is wrong with him: â€Å"†¦ His thermostat circuits were shot†¦ I turned him off without any trouble†(Bloch 1). The robot archeologist Is here studying the last man In the system. When the man begins complaining of the heat the Robot assumes he can fix him by opening him up as he loud do to another Robot.This shows that the Robot is unable to evaluate the consequences that may occur if he tries to fix this man. He is unable to see that he does not have the knowledge to fix a human and ultimately ends up killing the man, and ending mankind as a whole. Next, in the story â€Å"Random Sample†by T. P Caravan, the little girl could not see that by being mean and aggressive towards the aliens she could be putting her life, and the lives of others in Jeopardy. The little girl is telling the psychologist about her encounter with the aliens when she explains, â€Å"Anyway, hey paid a lot of attention to him, so I went over and punched him a couple of times.I'm afraid we broke up the insides of their spaceship a little†(Caravan 2). Here, the little girl Is telling the doctor about how s he Interacted with the aliens. She starts explaining what happened and It Is shown that she was very mean and aggressive towards them. By misbehaving and hurting the aliens and their spaceship, it proves that the little girl was unable to evaluate the consequences that would follow her actions. Ultimately, by acting this way towards the aliens she gave them a bad impression of humans which made them return to earth and kill off the human race. Lastly, in the story â€Å"Before Eden†by Arthur C.Clark, the scientists were unable to think about the consequences to Venus and its life forms if they buried their waste on the planet. After Hutchins and Garfield burry their waste and leave, the carpet plant comes back and discovers the garbage they left behind: â€Å"As the carpet crawled back to the lake, it carried contagion to all Its world. Even as the Morning Star set Its course for her distant home, Venus was dying†(Clark 6). When Hutchins and Garfield bury their garba ge on Venus, they do not think about how It could affect the planet. The carpet ends up coming back, finding the garbage and then eating It.The concentrated food, chemicals and nicotine from cigarette butts end up infecting the their garbage on the planet, they ultimately killed off all of the life on Venus. In conclusion, these characters in the science fiction genre were unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions and in all cases either put their own lives and freedom r the lives and freedom of others in Jeopardy. The characters in the non-fiction genre are resistant to the warnings of others and as a result, put their own lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others in harms way.To start, in the story â€Å"The Weapon†by Frederick Brown, the doctor does not listen to the warning of Mr†¦ Maenad about his creation of the weapon. When Mr†¦ Maenad comes to Dry. Graham's house he expresses his concern about what Dry. Graham is creating: â€Å"Dry. Graham, you are the man who's scientific work is more likely than that of NY other man to end the human race's chance for survival†(Brown 1). As soon as Mr†¦ Maenad enters the doctors home, he warns him of how dangerous the weapon he is creating will be to mankind. Dry. Graham is resistant to his warning and claims that he is only advancing science.Ultimately, Dry. Graham ignores the warning and creates a weapon that could destroy mankind. It is only when Mr†¦ Maenad gives a gun to his mentally ill son, that he realizes how destructive the weapon really is if put in the wrong hands. Next, in the story â€Å"A Sound of Thunder†by Ray Bradbury, the hereafter Sickles does not listen to Travis' warning about leaving the Path and how it could change the future. When Sickles asks why they cannot leave the Path, Travis explains, â€Å"Step on one mouse and you leave your print, like a Grand Canyon, across Eternity.Queen Elizabeth might never be born†¦ There m ight never be a United States at all. So be careful. Stay on the Path. Never step off†(Bradbury 7). Here, Travis is explaining to Sickles why it is important to never leave the Path. While Travis is explaining this, Sickles questions him and does not believe that what Travis is saying sakes any sense. Sickles ignores the warning and later on in the story when he is running back to the time machine, he steps off the Path and changes the future.Ultimately, he puts peoples lives and freedom in danger by ignoring the warning and changing the future. Lastly, in the story â€Å"The Murderer†by Ray Bradbury, Mr†¦ Brock does not listen to the warning the psychiatrist gives him about damaging technology and as a result Jeopardizes his own freedom. When the psychiatrist is speaking to Mr†¦ Brock, he asks him if he's aware that the technology he is damaging is not his and says, Mimi don't want any further help from the Office of Mental Health? You're ready to take the consequences? (Bradbury 4). The psychiatrist is here explaining that because the technology he destroys is not his, if he does not take help from the Office of Mental Health he will be punished. Mr†¦ Brock ignores the warning and says it is only the beginning. By ignoring the warning, Mr†¦ Brock puts his own freedom in jeopardy and therefore has to remain in prison. The characters in the non fiction genre were too resistant to the warnings of others, and as a result put their own lives ND freedom or the lives and freedom of others in Jeopardy.In the science fiction genre, characters put their lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others in Jeopardy. Characters in this genre cannot evaluate the consequences of their actions. The characters are also resistant to the warnings of small minded and blinded by what they want. The characters go by their own agenda rather than considering the greater good. They do not look at the bigger picture which results in their own de ath and loss of freedom, or the death and loss of freedom of others.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Feminism in Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners Essay
The Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary defines feminism as, â€Å"A doctrine advocating the granting of the same social, political and economic rights to women as the ones granted to men.†Feminists consider woman as an oppressed group, those who must present themselves as individuals and human beings. In Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners, Morag Gunn’s struggle for female self-representation is seen as she writes about her life. This is shown through Morag’s desires for lust and profanity, that which females should keep hidden. Furthermore, Morag breaks social boundaries by writing her novel from the female perspective. Finally, Laurence allows the reader to become sympathetic for Morag as she is marginalized in a predominantly male society. Margaret Laurence shows the intricacy that is feminism through the depiction of the assertive, yet vulnerable Morag Gunn. Morag is unlike many females as she allows herself to curse and show lust. Knowin g it is socially unacceptable, Morag rejects swearing as a teenager: â€Å"Morag does not swear. If you swear at fourteen it only makes you look cheap, and she is not cheap, goddamn it.†(126) However, as Morag becomes more mature she revises her opinion: â€Å"Shit. Bloody bloody Christly hell. And the hell with not swearing, too.†(133) By being vulgar, Laurence shows Morag’s feminist attributes by having her go against the â€Å"social norm†of her time. Finally, throughout the novel Morag becomes more aware of her lustful desires and offers them bluntly. Alia Amer wrote about a woman’s lust in society: â€Å"Women are not allowed to look closely at a man, however, or to have a lustful or provocative look, or to look deliberately at them when they happen to be in the same setting (such as on a bus, or in a room).†(Amer) Laurence contradicts this statement as Morag’s sexual awakenings are seen as empowering to the female. In conclusion, Morag Gunn’s vulgarity is a representation of Margaret Laurence’s feministic ideology. Morag’s conflicting identities of both a woman and a writer provide an outlook on female roles in her own society. As a female author Morag makes an â€Å"attempt at self-representation†(Smith) though, â€Å"women have historically hesitated to attempt to the pen†¦the woman writer’s self-contemplation may be said to have begun with a searching glance into the mirror of the male-inscribed literary text†(Gilbart and Gubar). Laurence challenges this through Morag’s determination to finish her novel and writing the novel from a predominantly female perspective. Finally, at the end of the novel, Laurence shows Morag’s accomplishment: â€Å"Morag returned to the house, to write the remaining private and fictional words, and to set down her title.†(525) Morag finishing her novel is a representation of how a female can succeed in the â€Å"representative male life†(Smith) of a writer. To conclude, Laurence challenges male identity by identifying Morag as a woman writer, therefore giving a more feminist view on society. Finally, Laurence creates sympathy for Morag as she is marginalized in a predominantly male society. Wayne Booth states that, â€Å"The solution to the problem of maintaining readers’ sympathy is to use the heroine herself as a kind of narrator, though in third person, reporting on her own experience.†(Booth) Through Laurence’s narrative technique, having Morag as the narrator, sympathy is created for the female perspective. Furthermore, Morag’s downfall for making assumptions causes the reader to feel sympathetic for her consciousness. â€Å"Morag perceived that what she had taken to be hostility had been in fact self-reproach on his part.†(278) Laurence creates empathy as the female mind is presented as solitary. Lastly, the feeling of sympathy is created when Morag asks her absent husband for forgiveness: â€Å"I need you, too, Brooke. I care about you. I can’t stand this†¦Brooke, forgive me. May we forgive one another for what neither of us could help.†(359) Laurence shows how Morag is still dependant on a male figure and as a result creates sympathy for her. Overall, sympathy is used to identify with the female perspective in a male-dependant society. In conclusion, Margaret Laurence shows the complexity of women through the contrast of inferiority and self-confidence seen in Morag Gunn. Laurence creates a character with lustful desires and profane ways that are regarded as socially unacceptable by woman in her society. Morag challenges the, at the time, conflicting roles of being both a woman and a writer by writing from a predominantly female perspective and finally, Laurence creates sympathy for Morag as she struggles in an over-bearing male society. Overall, Margaret Laurence challenges masculinity and allows femininity to prevail.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Game of Life
The Game of Life I steadily reach out and pick up the polished marble piece. The beginning tactic is always the same, push for center development so you can ensure a strong center, a strong defense, a tactical base that can‚t be shaken.Pawn to E4.My move is simple, the professionals call it a King‚s opening. The purpose is even more natural to me, it‚s what I was instructed to do since I was a kid, my Dad always said that E5 was the best opening move. It was a move that was the norm in the life of a chess game, it was a standard that allowed for perfect development, a standard beginning that would lead to success.Pawn to E5I notice the move is an uneventful response, it simply reeks of the conformity that is evident in the game. I close my eyes for a brief second, thinking about the outcomes of the response, the unavoidable consequences of my actions.English: Starting position of a chess game. House ...I decide that what I did was completely logical, it followed what had been trained into me. Yet, I find myself longing for a change - a variation from the harmony - I find myself looking for the solo.Pawn to D4.It‚s a change, the teachers would call it a gambit. I like the change in the setting of the game, it feels as if I‚ve lost control as the pieces move around me without motivation, a whirling dervish in a ballroom waltz. I picture the game‚s development, wondering where the next move of my match will take me. I try to keep the game under my control, but still giving it breathing room to allow the game to continue without being tied down.E5 Captures D4I smile to myself, the plans are working out perfectly. I steady my hand,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography and Facts About Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Biography and Facts About Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was the daughter of the Scottish Lord Glamis, who became the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, Elizabeth was educated at home. She was a descendant of the Scottish King, Robert the Bruce. Brought up to duty, she worked to nurse troops in World War I when her home was used as a hospital for the wounded. Life and Marriage In 1923, Elizabeth married the second son of George V, the shy and stuttering Prince Albert, after turning down his first two proposals. She was the first commoner to legally marry into the royal family in several centuries. Their daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret, were born in 1926 and 1930, respectively. In 1936, Alberts brother, King Edward VIII, abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorcee, and Albert was crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland as George VI. Elizabeth thus became queen consort and they were crowned May 12, 1937. Neither had expected these roles and while they fulfilled them dutifully, Elizabeth never forgave the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the titles of Edward and his wife after the abdication and their marriage. When Elizabeth refused to leave England during the London Blitz in World War II, even enduring the bombing of Buckingham Palace, where she was residing with the king, her spirit was an inspiration to many who continued to hold her in high regard until her death. George VI died in 1952, and Elizabeth became known as the Queen Mother, or fondly as the Queen Mum, as their daughter, Elizabeth, became Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth as Queen Mother remained in the public eye, making appearances and remaining popular even through the many royal scandals, including her daughter Margarets romance with a divorced commoner, Capt. Peter Townsend, and her grandsons rocky marriages to Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson. She was especially close to her grandson, Prince Charles, born in 1948. Death In her later years, Elizabeth was plagued with ill health, though she continued to appear in public regularly until a few months before her death. In March of 2002, Elizabeth, the Queen Mum, died in her sleep at age 101, just weeks after her daughter, Princess Margaret, died at age 71. Her familys home, Glamis Castle, is perhaps most famous as the home of Macbeth of Shakespearean fame. Source: The Queen Mother: Chronicle of a Remarkable Life 1900-2000. 2000. Massingbred, Hugh. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: Woman of the Century. 1999. Cornforth, John. Queen Elizabeth: The Queen Mother at Clarence House. 1999. De-la-Noy, Michael. The Queen Behind the Throne. 1994. Pimlott, Ben. The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II. 1997. Strober, Deborah Hart and Gerald S. Strober. The Monarchy: An Oral Biography of Elizabeth II. 2002. Botham, Noel. Margaret: The Last Real Princess. 2002.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Transaction and Traselation Exposure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Transaction and Traselation Exposure - Essay Example s made by both the Indian and Australian subsidiary gave back less dollars on the combined income statement i.e., translation exposure, even with no earnings remitted back to the parent company (Homaifar, 2004). Jeeves (UK) plc’s combined earnings will be reduced by the translation effect brought as a result of depreciation of the British pound against the other international currencies. Because of the fact that foreign earnings are normally translated at the standard exchange rate over the financial year would eventually mean low value of foreign currencies yielding low level of combined income (Homaifar, 2004). Existence of purchasing power parity (PPP) means higher US inflation than that of Britain. Demand for Jeeves (UK) plc products may not be affected due to price inflation from US, Canada and other euro zones aimed at offsetting the British consumer capability to obtain cheaper dollars. The British consumers’ purchasing ability on Jeeves items of trade versus other country products are not affected by rise and fall in the pound value. The economic exposure of Jeeves, a heavy exporter to the euro zone would decline since no need currency exchange is vital. Likewise, translational exposure of Jeeves would decline since Britain’s economic statements will no longer need translation. (Homaifar, 2004). Multinational companies have the obligation of ensuring that they are capable of reducing risks associated with foreign exchange. This can be attributed to the undisputable fact that their earnings are reliant on the foreign exchange rates. Because foreign exchange rates can fluctuate either up or down which would mean a constructive or destructive effect on the Company’s real profit. This calls for knowledge on minimizing risks associated with the exchange rates if they are to maximize on their profits and increase company’s equity (Homaifar, 2004). Certain strategies employed by a company to minimize foreign exchange risks include, but not restricted
Friday, November 1, 2019
What is behind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
What is behind - Essay Example More and more commercial establishment and marketing institutions are using the web in their businesses. An evolution in the business world occurs with the advancement of the internet technology. Website development was undertaken and become a part of the organisation's activities. From the survey conducted on the several organisations, 34% of them are using the web in their business activities. In the total number of respondents, 27% are using the web in purchasing while 13% are selling their products and the remaining 6% are doing both buying and selling (The Banner Survey, 2000). Companies are maximizing benefits brought about by the internet. Based on studies, the advantageous factors of doing business in the net encourage most businesses to develop their virtual operation. This mainly involves the maintenance of business transactions in the net and developing a virtual interface for the business. The benefits of e-business or business on the web include increased speed of feedback from the consumers. The interaction is in real time wherein the company can immediately answer the questions on the consumers through online information. This is due to the enhancement of technology exchange and improvement in communication which are other benefits of having a business online. This kind of operation decreases the company's operational cost and the requirement for inventory is reduced. The efficiency and productivity of the services were also improved due to standardisation of organisational procedures, thus, improvement in the services offered which ultimately inc reases customers and profits (Henbury, 2001). The Organisation on Focus is a company that operates online business. The ten year old company was developed by Jeff Bezos in July 1994 and was launched on July 1995. More than 9,000 are employed by the company and cater to about 49 million accounts of active consumers. From its main office in Seattle, Washington in the United States, it expanded into different countries worldwide such as United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, and China. The company offers products and services online that answers the needs of the consumers (, 2006f). The main business strategy is to introduce the company and the products in the most marketable way possible through the website. It is an online presentation of the objectives of the organisation and services that it provides. The visual presentation of the services offered is organised with certain features such as the 1 click technology for consumers' ease in choosing items and ordering. Every category of products has a link wherein more choices are presented. The consumers can also have their own accounts that can keep tract of the purchases made. Other details such as online payment procedure and shipping are also available, thus, once the consumer is ready, order can be placed and be delivered at a specified date (, 2006b). For a new consumer who is not familiar with the transactions in the net, the website is comprehensible. The site presents the pertinent data needed in purchasing products. When a consumer finds that online purchases are easily done, the benefits can be realized and ultimately become a regular online customer. The Role of the Employees in the Organisation employs around 9,000 people covering the total workforce of all the branches worldwide. The company is divided into different organisational units and this includes the corporate offices, the fulfilment centres, the customer
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