Thursday, December 26, 2019
Night By Elie Wiesel Character Analysis - 849 Words
Traumatic and scarring events occur on a daily basis; from house fires to war, these memories are almost impossible to forget. The Holocaust is only one of the millions of traumas that have occurred, yet it is known worldwide for sourcing millions of deaths. Elie Wiesel was among the many victims of the Holocaust, and one of the few survivors. In the memoir, â€Å"Night†, by Elie Wiesel, Elie, the main character, is forever changed because of his traumatic experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camps. Prior to Auschwitz, Elie displayed many positive character traits, such as confidence, curiosity, and self care. Elie wrote about news from the Russian Front by claiming that â€Å"There could no longer be any doubt: Germany would be defeated. It†¦show more content†¦This being the case, Elie had been taking care of himself. Elie’s life before Auschwitz was average, yet also very taken for granted. During his time in the concentration camps, Elie’s outlook on life shifted to a very pessimistic attitude, showing emotions and actions including rebellion, forgetfulness of humane treatment, and selfishness. Elie shows rebellion early in the Holocaust at the Solemn Service, a jewish ceremony, by thinking, â€Å"Blessed be God’s name? Why, but why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled†(Wiesel 67). Elie had already shifted his view on his religion and faith in God. After witnessing some of the traumas of the concentration camps, Elie questioned what he did to deserve such treatment. Therefore, he began to rebel against what he had grown up learning and believing. Not only had Elie’s beliefs changed, his lifestyle changed as well. When Elie’s foot swelled, he was sent to the doctor, where they put him â€Å" a bed with white sheets. I [he] had forgotten that people slept in sheets†(Wiesel 78). Many of the luxuries that Elie may h ave taken for granted have been stripped of their lives, leaving Elie and the other victims on a thin line between survival and death. By explaining that he forgot about many of these common luxuries, Elie emphasizes the inhumane treatment the victims of the Holocaust were put through on a daily basis.Show MoreRelatedNight By Elie Wiesel Character Analysis1455 Words  | 6 Pagesmemoir, Night, Elie Wiesel recalls his experiences with his family during World War II. After he first arrives at Auschwitz, Elie Wiesel’s mother and sisters are taken away from him. His father is suddenly all that remains of his family. Elie Wiesel witnesses many other terrible events during his first night at camp; the only thing that keeps him sane is his father. Elie Wiesel’s father even keeps him from rebelling and possibly getting himself killed before the Germans intended. When Wiesel livesRead MoreCharacter Analysis In Night By Elie Wiesel1011 Words  | 5 Pagessuffering seemed t he right thing to do to people. Elie Wiesel was a victim of the torture and suffering by the Germans, in his book Night, and spoke up when he survived. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the main character, Elie, was a really good person and showed many positive traits, but when he was sent to the infamous death camp, Auschwitz, that forced him to change his character. Before Elie went to Auschwitz, he exhibited many positive character traits. (Such as Compassion, Depressed, and FriendlyRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel849 Words  | 4 Pagesthrough so they could survive. Just like Elie he survived Auschwitz and he will never be the same person he was before the concentration camps. In â€Å"Night†by Elie Wiesel, the main character, Elie developed into a new person through his experiences at Auschwitz Concentration Camp and survived. Before he was exiled to a concentration camp, Elie exhibited some character traits that he has had from day 1, such as he felt guilty, disciplined, and a great listener. As Elie stated in his book, â€Å" He wanted toRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel1053 Words  | 5 Pagessometimes you don’t even fear this happening. In the book Night the author Elie Wiesel takes the reader to a place in time that they wouldn‘t ever want to be; a place with terrifying experiences were the usually. All of these awful experiences, during the Holocaust, truly changed Elie as a character. Before, Elie was sent off to a concentration camp he had many good character traits. For example, Wiesel states on page 109, it speaks of Elie being caring. â€Å"‘Eliezer...Eliezer†¦ tell them not to beatRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel920 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom happening ever again. For Elie Wiesel, this is especially true, after he survived he went on to write the book â€Å"Night†, this book has really helped people to understand what truly happened and to gain respect for the survivors; he also went on to win a number of awards, including the nobel peace prize. In the book â€Å"Night†by Elie Wiesel, our main character, Elie, changes through the traumatizing events he experienced in Auschwitz. In the first place, before Elie went to Auschwitz, he displayedRead More Dawn by Elie Wiesel Essay716 Words  | 3 PagesDawn by Elie Wiesel In this report you will see the comparisons between the novel Dawn and the life of Elie Wiesel, its author. The comparisons are very visible once you learn about Elie Wiesel’s life. Elie Wiesel was born on September28,1928 in the town of Hungary. Wiesel went through a lot of hard times as a youngster. In 1944, Wiesel was deported by the nazis and taken to the concentration camps. His family was sent to the town of Auschwitz. The father, mother, and sister of Wiesel died inRead MoreNight Trilogy By Elie Wiesel1075 Words  | 5 Pages14 10 June 2015 Night Trilogy Criticism Elie Wiesel’s Night Trilogy is comprised of an autobiography about Wiesel’s experience during the Holocaust and the horrific struggle he faced while in concentration camps, and two other stories depicting the rise of Israel and an accident. The acclaimed Holocaust writer is most well-known for Night due to its effect across the globe. Dawn and Day are not autobiographies, yet they have lingering presences of Wiesel in the main characters and narrators. HeRead MoreNight: Heart-Wrenching and Traumatic Themes1189 Words  | 5 Pagesnovel, Night, by Elie Wiesel, contains heart-wrenching as well as traumatic themes. The novel unfolds through the eyes of a Jewish boy named Eliezer, who incurs the true satanic nature of the Nazis. As the Nazis continue to commit inhumane acts of discrimination, three powerful themes arise: religion, night, and memory. As the novel begins to unfold, Anti-Semitism does as well. As Wiesel demonstrates in the novel, â€Å"Three days later, a new decree: Every Jew had to wear the yellow star.†(Wiesel, 11)Read MorePerseverance Analysis. Many People Suffer Problemsin The1228 Words  | 5 PagesPerseverance Analysis Many people suffer problems in the world today. This includes terrorism and tyranny. It includes kidnapping and hate crime. It can also be cancer and starvation. Many have lived through problems like these and told the tale because they persevered. Through Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, Wiesel’s Night, and Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, perseverance is emphasized the readers by writing about characters, whether they are survivors of the Holocaust, a prisoner of war, or familyRead MoreSummary Of Night By Elie Wiesel1773 Words  | 8 PagesNight by Elie Wiesel Chapter Summary and Analysis Chapter 1 Sighet, Hungary Main Character - Elie Wiesel Son Romanian His father is a shopkeeper Has 3 sisters One of them is younger Two of them are older Jewish Scholar of sorts (loves to learn) Hasidic Judaism (super jewish) (with all the tassels and strict rules about eating) Studies the jewish mysticisms What they call the talmud the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend comprising the Mishnah and the Gemara. There are two
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Affirmative Action Policies - 912 Words
The past few days the human resources department has been discussing the importance of implementing an affirmative action policy to assist in assuring that the company complies with equal employment opportunity laws. The department has decided that the best action is to contact the members of the board of directors. The Federal Government has passed several laws to prevent employment discrimination, and not complying with these laws can cause serious consequences. The purpose of equal employment opportunity laws are to assist in allowing the fair and nonbiased treatment of individuals in all aspects of employment (Bohlander Snell, 2007). It’s critical that management on all levels of the company is kept up to date on these laws. Failure†¦show more content†¦The organization is not required by law to have an affirmative action policy in place because the company does not have any federal contracts, but it’s in the best interest of the company to implement these policies regardless. It’s suggested that the company puts a policy into place in effort so that the company can make sure that protected class employees of the company receive fair treatment. Although affirmative action was developed to ensure the fair treatment of employees of protected classes, there are some issues that must be taken into consideration. Affirmative action is an extremely controversol issue. Several people have filed lawsuits against organizations because they claim that affirmative action causes reverse discrimination. Although implementing an affirmative action policy may assist in preventing the company from lawsuits by people claiming discrimination, the implementation of such a plan can backfire. For this reason, it’s extremely critical that steps are taken to prevent lawsuits by employees claiming reverse discrimination. One reason that affirmative action is controversial is because some people believe that affirmative action is no longer needed. Brunner (2007) stated â€Å"From the outset, affirmative action was envisioned as a temporary remedy that would end once there was a â€Å"level playing field†for all Americans†. With the implementation of affirmativeShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action Policies785 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative Action Policies University of Phoenix Human Resources Management HRM 240 As the Recruiting Manager for TR Fabric Company, I have seen firsthand the need for an affirmative action that this company. I have seen department managers not hire highly qualified individual because of race, gender, color, religion and age. Those individual could have taken our company to the next level. I am asking the board of directors of this company to commitment an affirmative action policy thatRead MoreAffirmative Action Is An Action Or Policy? Essay1774 Words  | 8 Pages Affirmative Action remains one of the more complicated and controversial topics dealt with in American society. Affirmative Action is an action or policy designed to protect specific groups who suffer from discrimination, and provide them with programs and special opportunities. These government or private programs were designed to set right historical injustices towards the members of these groups who have suffered things like employment and educational disadvantages from racial discriminationRea d MoreAffirmative Action: Social Policy1348 Words  | 6 PagesAffirmative Action Affirmative action is a social policy created to promote the welfare of minorities by supporting the idea that individuals are all created equal and should not be judged by race or gender. Therefore, in situations like job and university applications, we should consider minorities to be as feasible a choice for hire as a white male candidate, taking into consideration their background. In short, it tries to give minorities that have been at a disadvantage their whole life, anRead MoreArgument Against Affirmative Action Policies Essay1145 Words  | 5 PagesGroups that are in refutation of Affirmative Action professor Gary Becker, who states â€Å"Affirmative Action policies lowers standards of account ability need to push employees or student to perform better.†(Becker) Becker’s meaning behind this argument is that students or employees who are affecting by affirmative action tend to try harder than they should know that they are going to be accepted just because o f Affirmative Action policies. Becker say this type of polices eventually hurts more thanRead MoreThe Objectives of Affirmative Action Policies Essay1039 Words  | 5 PagesAffirmative action policies actively initiate efforts for organizations and companies to provide more opportunities for historically discriminated groups in our society (Affirmative Action: Overview.). 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In its original form, Affirmative Action was designed toRead MoreQuestioning the Effectiveness of Affirmative Action Policies1952 Words  | 8 PagesThis essay will analyze and thoroughly examine the ethics of affirmative action. At first, a short explanation of the issue under discussion will be given as to help the reader understand what is this essay all about. Along with this explanation, the relevance to the business world will be stated. Furthermore, the essay will approach the ethical problem both from a consequentialist and a non-consequentialist standpoint. These two perspectives will be interpreted by taking Mills utilitarianismRead MoreAffirmative Action Policies Of The United States1908 Words  | 8 Pageslife as the population grows increasingly more diverse. Affirmative action has been the United States’ most ambitious attempt to redress its long history of racial and sexual discrimination to provide diversity in the nation’s workplaces. Affirmative action calls for minorities and women to be given special consideration in employment, education, and contracting decisions. Focusing in particular on education and jobs, affirmative action policies required that active measures be taken to ensure thatRead MoreEssay on History and Opinions on the Policy of Affirmative Action1725 Words  | 7 Pages is Affirmative Action. The basic goal of these policies is to increase opportunities for minorities in the United States job market and educational system. Yet one might also question if these policies actually decrease discrimination or increase the inequality gap between the dominate white group and the minority African American group? What benefits do we really gain from Affirmative Action? In order to answer these and other questions, we must first fully understand what Affirmative ActionRead MoreWhich Country Has Successfully Implemented the Policy of Affirmative Action and Why Did It Succeed?11582 Words  | 47 PagesIMPLEMENTING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN NAMIBIA A summarised guide to the Affirmative Action (Employment) Act (Act 29 of 1998) published and distributed by Namibia Institute for Democracy Updated 3rd Edition  © April 2000 All rights reserved Contents by Dr.J.W.F. van Rooyen NAMIBIA INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY Namibia Institute for Democracy 53 Independence Avenue P.O. Box 11956, Windhoek, Namibia Tel: (061) 229117/8 Fax: (061) 229119 E-mail: http://www/
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
My Dictionary Definition of Me free essay sample
So here’s the problem†¦I am not just one girl who thinks one thing and does one action. I am complex. I am not easily defined, yet I have to do it in less than 500 words. So, here goes nothing. Mau†¢ra [mawr-uh] noun 1. a girl who wants independence Once a girl enters her teenage years, she thinks mommy and daddy aren’t needed anymore. So she starts to try new things and see what it is really like to be â€Å"on your own†. Mommy and Daddy understand her path of righteousness and show signs of their understanding. First step, she goes to the movies alone. Mom and dad may drop her off but getting inside is all up to her. There is a giant line to wait in with tons of people known and unknown with a cashier who hates his job and expresses it with his oh so enthusiastic personality. We will write a custom essay sample on My Dictionary Definition of Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her mind whips around every corner with a new question. How do I pay for this? Where do we sit? Do I look cute? What should I eat? What do my friends think of this movie? I am seventeen years old, still whipping my head around, asking questions everywhere I go. I am not independent yet. College will allow me to dabble in independence. It will be, for me, like the moment when I let out a sigh of relief as I saw my parents waiting for me after the movie. College will teach me how to think on my feet, take care of myself, and maybe even find myself. Mom and Dad won’t be waiting outside my dorm. Then again, do I need them there? 2. a girl who plays poker Yes, it’s cliche, but life is a poker game. We each get our hand, maybe a royal flush or a pair of twos. A girl not having a prom date is a problem. To her, this may be a bad hand. On September 8th, I was dealt a hand hard to handle. My father died of stage four colon cancer. Two months later, it is still hard to handle. Yet, somehow I make the hand work. I put out my chips and pray with a pair of twos. I still go to school, still go to swim practice, and still have the time to see my friends and live my life. The last year I have been figuring out what to do with a pair of twos. It is good days that convince me to take a chance on the hand I was dealt. I have overcome what seemed to be impossible only to find that nothing is impossible with a pair of twos. In 485 words, I was partially defined. This is the meaning of Maura so far. Still, Webster continues to evolve as do I. Clearly, I can never be fully defined because I am constantly redefined. Problem solved.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Interpersonal Skills free essay sample
What are Interpersonal Skills? Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, individually and in groups. Interpersonal skills include not only how we communicate with others, but also our confidence and our ability to listen and understand. Problem solving, decision making and personal stress management are also considered interpersonal skills. People with strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. They are perceived as more calm, confident and charismatic qualities that are often endearing or appealing to others. Being more aware of your interpersonal skills can help you improve and develop them. SkillsYouNeed provides an extensive library of articles to help you learn about and improve your interpersonal skills. A list of Interpersonal Skills could include:  ·Listening Skill  ·Communication Skill  ·Stress Management  ·Verbal Communication  ·Assertivenss  ·Decision Making  ·Problem Solving  ·Non-Verbal Communication How To Develope your Interpersonal Skill? There are a variety of skills that will help you to succeed in different areas of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Interpersonal Skills or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, the foundation for many areas of our lives are good interpersonal skills since these are relevant to our personal relationships, social affairs and professional lives and are the basis on which we can develop other life skills. Unlike specialised and technical skills (hard skills), interpersonal skills (soft skills) will be used every day and in every area of our lives. Here, you can find out how to develop specific interpersonal skills including: Find more at: http://www. skillsyouneed. com/interpersonal-skills. Interpersonal Skills free essay sample In this assignment, I need to reflect on the situation that taken place duringmy clinical placement to develop and utilise my interpersonal skills in order tomaintain the therapeutic relationships with my patient. In this reflection, I amgoing to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognisedframework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988) consists of six stages to complete onecycle which is able to improve my nursing practice continuously and learningfrom the experience for better practice in the future.The cycle starts with adescription of the situation, next is to analysis of the feelings, third is anevaluation of the experience, fourth stage is an analysis to make sense of theexperience, fifth stage is a conclusion of what else could I have done and finalstage is an action plan to prepare if the situation arose again (NHS, 2006). Bairdand Winter (2005, p. 156) give some reasons why reflection is require in thereflective practice.They state that a reflect is to generate the practice knowledge,assist an ability to adapt new situations, develop self-esteem and satisfaction aswell as to value, develop and professionalizing practice. We will write a custom essay sample on Interpersonal Skills or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, Siviter (2004,p. 165) explain that reflection is about gaining self-confidence, identify when toimprove, learning from own mistakes and behaviour, looking at other peopleperspectives, being self-aware and improving the future by learning the past. In my context with the patient, it is important for me to improve thetherapeutic relationship which is the nurse-patient relationship.In the therapeuticrelationship, there is the therapeutic rapport establish from a sense of trust and amutual understanding exists between a nurse and a patient that build in a special verbal so that the message could be understood and do not break the nurse-patient communication. In my opinion, I evaluated that it does not a matter whether it was a patient-centred communication or task-centred communicationbecause both communication mentioned by McCabe (2004) actually doesinvolves communication to the patients. So it was not a problem to argue whichtype of communication involves in my conversation with my patient.After analysed the situation, I could conclude that I was be able to know the skills for effective communication with the patient such as approach the patient, askingquestions, be an active listening, show my empathy and support the patientemotions (Walsh, 2005, p. 34). Actually helping the adult was a good practice indelivering the nursing care among adults. My action plan for the clinical practice in the future, if there were patientsthat I need to help in feeding or other nursing procedure, I would prepare myself better to handle with the patients who would have some difficulty incommunication.This is because, as one of the health care worker, I want thebest care for my patients. So in related to deliver the best care to my patients, Ineed to understand them very well. I have to communicate effectively as this isimportant to know what they need most during warded under my supervision as anurse. According to my experience, I knew that communication was thefundamental part to develop a good relationship. Wood (2006, p. 13) express thata communication is the key foundation of relationship. Therefore a goodcommunication is essential to get know the patient’s individual health status 9 Walsh, 2005, p. 30). Active listening could distinguish the existence of barrier communication when interactions with the patients. This is because, activelistening means listening without making judgement to listen the patients’opinions or complaints which give me chances to be in the patients’ perspective(Arnold, 2007, p. 201). On the other hand, it also crucial to avoid the barriersoccurs in the communication with the patients. I could detect the languagebarriers by interviewing the patients about their health or asking them if theyneeded any help in their daily activities living.However, I would remind myself for not interfere my communication with barriers such as using the open-endedquestions, not attending to non-verbal cues, being criticising and judging, andinterrupting (Funnell et al , 2005, p. 453). Walsh (2005, p. 31) too summary thatmaking stereotyping and making assumptions about patients, perceptions andfirst impression of patients, lack awareness of communication skills are the mainbarriers to communications. I must not judge the patients by making my firstimpression and assumption about the patients but I have to make patients feeldevalued as an individual.I should be capable to respect their fundamentalvalues, beliefs, culture, and individual means of communication (Heath, 2000,p. 27). I would be able to know on how to build rapport with the patients. Thereare eleven ways suggest by Crellin (1998, p. 49) which are becomes visible,anticipate needs, be reliable, listening, stay in control, self-disclosure, care for each patient as an individual, use humour when appropriate, educate the patient,give the patient some control, and use gestures to show some supports. Thisways could help and give me some guidelines to improve my communication 10 skills with the patients. Another important thing to add on my action plan list is toknow which the disabilities of the patients have such as hearing disability, visualimpairment and mental disability. Once I could know the disability that a patienthas, I could well-prepared my method of communication effectively as Heath(2000, p28) mention that communicating with people who was having somehearing impairment, sight impairment and mental health needs required theparticular skills and considerations.Nazarko (2004, p. 9) suggest that do notrepeat if the person could not understand but try to rephrase and speak a littlemore slowly when communicating with the hearing difficulties people. Hearingproblem commonly occurs among adults because of ageing process (Schofield,2002, p. 21). To summarize for my action plan, I would start a communication witha good rapport to know what affects the patients’ ability to communicate well andto avoid barriers in effective communication in future.In conclusion of my reflective assignment, I mention the model that Ichose, Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle as my framework of my reflective. I statethe reasons why I am choosing the model as well as some discussion on theimportant of doing reflection in nursing practice. I am able to discuss every stagein the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle about my ability to develop my therapeuticrelationship by using my interpersonal skills with one patient for this reflection
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community
Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community Vandana Shiva (2005) seems to disagree with Thomas Friedman over the role of globalization in the international system. Vandana (2005) argues that the effects of globalization are so adverse to the people of the third world and other developing economies. He observes that people of the third world have been presented a raw deal in the globalized economy.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Globalization can be considered the buzzword for the 21st century. Globalization is a means or a process of reorienting and reconfiguring the world leading to the establishment of a new system of governance that is, a globalized world. The one, which is, as Francis Fukuyama (1992) pointed out, characterized by the convergence of systems whether this will lead to the formation of a single global economy or just num ber of regional organizations with homogenized or converging objectives is a matter of debate. Globalization has transformed the entire international system in very fundamental ways, not just the way Vandana (2005) thinks. Indeed, even the few entities, institutions and systems that have resisted the effects of globalization have been forced to transform the way they operate to withstand the effects of globalization. Globalization has led to a massive transformation in which individuals, households and rural communities have become directly involved in global processes and an exposure to a more diversified economy. This has brought about a new relationship between power and the division of labor (Mittelman, 1997). The transformations that have been imposed by globalization have not spared any entity in the international system, be they individual states, MNCs or any other non-state actors. Developed nations have been impacted by globalization as the developing nations. Therefore, Va ndana’s claim that developing nations are the only affected is null and void. In the rich nations for instance, globalization has led to generation of internal third world (Galbraith, 1992). While in the developing countries, centers of wealth have been created.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The effects of globalization however have not been uniform, just as Vandana argues. MNCs and other entities in the North have been affected differently from local firms and those in the South, an aspect that Vandan does not capture in his argument (Vandana, 2005). Globalization involves forces that are beyond one country’s control and therefore reduces the power and scope of the state. It is associated with the declining regulatory role of the state (Sassen, 1997). Held David et al capture the essence of globalization when they argue that it is th e widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life (Held, et al 1992). On the other hand, globalization has introduced a new way reasoning whereby the countries think globally and act locally. The way think global and act locally work or regionally works is that while the functions related to technology, information, product brand development and finance are managed on global scale, functions related to manufacturing, sub-contracting and marketing are managed on regional or local basis to increase responsiveness (Dierks, 2001). In a sense, the new technology innovativeness has led to a global-localization of production. Under the think global act globally era, product design remained unchanged for decades. Calculators, television sets and other technologies looked the same and remained unchanged for decades globally. In the think global act local epoch, product models changed rapidly. Indeed, there is almost a new model/s tyle of computer almost every 3-6 months. The Coca-Cola company for instance remained unchanged between 1960 and 1980, but has had numerous changes in the last five or so years.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Dierks, R. (2001). Introduction to globalization: political and economic perspectives. Chicago, Illnois. Fukuyama, F. (1992). The end of History and the Last man. New York: Free press. Galbraith, K. (1992). Culture of Contentment: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Retrieved from: Held, et al. (1992). The Columbia history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. Washington, DC: Columbia University Press. Mittelman, J.H. (1997). Innovation and transformation in international studies. Cambridge: Press Syndicate,. Sassen, J. van der Wal, J. (1997). Performance analysis of a real-time database with optimistic concurrency control. Stockholm: TU Ltd. Vandana, S. (2005). The Polarized World of Globalization. Web.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Rosa Parks And Ella Baker
Rosa Parks and Ella Baker were two of the most important women during the Civil Rights Movement. Through their many achievements and great involvement in African American committees and institutions against segregation, they were able to change the way society is for African Americans today. Always using non-violent tactics within their committees and on the streets during protests they were still successful in making life better for colored people. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks, established her involvement in defending African American rights when the President of NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People), Edgar Daniel Nixon, hired her as Advisor of the Montgomery office. Here she began to fight for African Americans to have the right of taking out books from the library, helping in getting blacks registered to vote, and also would keep track of cases concerning discrimination against African Americans. She was also a strong supporter of the Scottsbore defendants, who were nine African Americans charged with raping two white women. Parks’ biggest incident or moment in the Civil Rights Movement was in early December of 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person. She was soon arrested for not obeying the Montgomery segregation laws which demanded that she had to give her seat up. â€Å"Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it,†she quoted in her book Quiet Strength. A lot of researchers and historians believe that this was the beginning mark of the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa, was also a member of the MIA or (Montgomery Improvement Agency), which Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was appointed the leader of. The Agency was created as a result of Rosa Parks being arrested. Almost immediately Parks and King along with other members of the agency made three demands to the government; the demand for courteous treatment on buses, first come f... Free Essays on Rosa Parks And Ella Baker Free Essays on Rosa Parks And Ella Baker Rosa Parks and Ella Baker were two of the most important women during the Civil Rights Movement. Through their many achievements and great involvement in African American committees and institutions against segregation, they were able to change the way society is for African Americans today. Always using non-violent tactics within their committees and on the streets during protests they were still successful in making life better for colored people. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks, established her involvement in defending African American rights when the President of NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People), Edgar Daniel Nixon, hired her as Advisor of the Montgomery office. Here she began to fight for African Americans to have the right of taking out books from the library, helping in getting blacks registered to vote, and also would keep track of cases concerning discrimination against African Americans. She was also a strong supporter of the Scottsbore defendants, who were nine African Americans charged with raping two white women. Parks’ biggest incident or moment in the Civil Rights Movement was in early December of 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person. She was soon arrested for not obeying the Montgomery segregation laws which demanded that she had to give her seat up. â€Å"Our mistreatment was just not right, and I was tired of it,†she quoted in her book Quiet Strength. A lot of researchers and historians believe that this was the beginning mark of the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa, was also a member of the MIA or (Montgomery Improvement Agency), which Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was appointed the leader of. The Agency was created as a result of Rosa Parks being arrested. Almost immediately Parks and King along with other members of the agency made three demands to the government; the demand for courteous treatment on buses, first come f...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bill Clinton and Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bill Clinton and Globalization - Research Paper Example Clinton’s main focus was on handling the instability across the world through globalization. The other factors among the list of priorities were innovation and technology, decision making and finance. Integration of the world economy has been one of the prime concerns of Clinton. But the concept of transformation of the globalization into a unified and homogenous structure driven by free trade and capitalism was confronted with serious opposition also. It was said that the entire world has not been able to benefit from globalization and bringing the civil society in the scene was the only way of dealing with the problems. The project tries to bring forth the steps taken by Clinton in initiating outsourcing as a major step towards globalization (Weier-a, 2008). Bill Clinton chaired the â€Å"Global Fairness Initiative (GFI)†(Global Fairness Initiative, 2003, p.1) which was an organization created to introduce and enhance free trade which would simultaneously preserve th e labor, environmental and human rights standards in the world. The promise made by Clinton was to implement responsible investment and trade which would create economic opportunities and jobs across the world and would lead to the improvement of millions of lives while protecting the human rights, environmental and labor standards (Global Fairness Initiative, 2003, p.1). The promotion of outsourcing was one of the major steps towards globalization by Clinton. Outsourcing was considered to be inherent to free trade. Outsourcing was considered to be a new variant and a budget balancing tool which required farming out whenever possible. Clinton recognized that outsourcing would allow firms to provide service at a low cost at a higher quality that which the Government would produce. In the recent years outsourcing has evolved as a positive business evolution which moved towards flexibility and nimbleness Bill Clinton and Globalization It was Bill Clinton’s assumption that global ization was something inevitable. He encouraged the concept of free trade which was a major step towards globalization. He believed that low process would lead to low prices, increased exports and this would eventually build a stronger economy. â€Å"The economic benefits of the tariff reductions we negotiated during the Clinton administration represent the largest tax cut in the history of the world†(Klein, 2003). In 1998, the economic transition which he had predicted long back was actually taking place. The economy was appearing and functioning in such a way that seemed to be beyond imagination few years back. Unemployment rates were falling significantly and the inflation rates seemed to remain at historically low rates. Prosperity was appearing and increasing at all levels of income. The average household income increased by an amount of 35% during the span of eight years that Clinton has remained in office. Technology had changed the conventional notions of time, space and borders. Globalization was able to change the traditional and regular routines of the middle class family. This was a significant transformation according to Clinton (Klein, 2003). He said the globalization would yield a global economy which would have profound effects on workers, their works and their wages. It would
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Epistemologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Epistemologies - Essay Example In addition, the manifestation in this epistemology that knowledge relates with our history and social lives is arguably true since knowledge may originate from such quarters. Nevertheless, we cannot rely on historical knowledge alone to operate in today’s world. Hence, this epistemology significantly confirms that we must accommodate societal and developmental changes to define today’s knowledge. Similarly, the notion in this epistemology that realism correlates with empiricism to suggest that we can use our consciousness to establish the reality of things that exist outside our realms of knowledge is very fundamental. Hence, I agree with the fact that consciousness and reality are not distinct in establishing knowledge but rely on each other because humans have no capacity to establish all the truth but their consciousness can help them to establish some reality. Indeed, consciousness is a component of the absolute reality. Actually, reality involves more than our per ception and thus to establish adequate knowledge, there is need to apply consciousness. However, I partly agree with the notion that total knowledge exists outside our consciousness since I doubt whether we can realistically detect that knowledge as knowledge is always in motion. In addressing interpretivism, I partly concur with the fact that the knower seemingly constructs the reality. However, I concur with the idea that what we know is ultimate and that our consciousness only consults itself and not objective reality to establish the absolute reality. Indeed, we cannot use objectivity presume knowledge as our consciousness equally has limits. Nevertheless, the idea in this epistemology that the knower plays a noble part in establishing knowledge is very true in that one cannot claim to obtain knowledge in absentia. In addition, this epistemology
Sunday, November 17, 2019
My Choice Is Reading Essay Example for Free
My Choice Is Reading Essay By reading books, people can learn how to get through problems in their own lives by relating to characters. Readers can see what characters did to get out of bad situations, and what they learned from them. In Uglies by Scott Westerfield the reader grasps that what someone looks like on the outside doesn’t matter, and it is what is on the inside that counts. The Fault In Our Stars and Looking For Alaska by John Green both deal with death at a young age and losing loved ones. Love is a serious topic in all of these books, and an important lesson learned is that love is blind. The Fault In Our Stars is a love story between Hazel and Augustus who are both battling cancer at the same time. They meet at a cancer support group and fall in love, but then the cancer in Augustus comes back and ends up killing him. John Green does a considerable writing job in making whoever reads the book fall in love with both characters. That is why it is extremely sad in the end because when Gus dies, the reader undergoes the same sadness that Hazel has. Loosing a loved one is also a theme in Looking For Alaska. Miles decides to go to a boarding school, and while there, he makes friends for the first time. More importantly though, he meets Alaska whom he loves from the first moment he saw her. Alaska already has a boyfriend and she will not cheat, but she lugubriously reflected a secret love for him. Unfortunately she perishes in a car crash so their relationship will always be a great perhaps. Miles’ love story is a little different than Hazel’s in a way that Hazel got to really experience the love before it was torn, whereas Miles’ was an unexplored mystery. People everywhere love differently like in the books by John Green, but both stories are similar because the characters have to deal with the loss of a loved one. Everybody deals with losing loved ones in different ways. In Looking For Alaska the whole book is written in the parts before and after Alaska’s death. This shows that Miles is unable to separate his own life from her death. In The Fault In Our Stars Hazel deals with the death of Augustus quite differently. She tells her story building up to his death, and after his death skips to the present day to say that even though Gus is gone, she still loves him. Hazel was able to separate her life from his death in a way Miles was not able to with Alaska, while still indicating that their love survived even his death. Looking For Alaska deals with a lot of growing up. Miles and his friends throughout the whole book are trying to grow up to be who they want to be. In The Fault In Our Stars Hazel has to find ways to cope with the imminence of her own death, and rather than growing up she has to deal with the process of dying. Hazel has to find her place in death while Miles has to find his place in life. In the book Uglies the theme of growing up to be who you want to be is very important. Scott Westerfield’s book Uglies is a dystopian book much like Maze Runner or Hunger Games. In Tally’s world people live by what they look like. At the age of 16 people get the transformation to turn them into a pretty from an ugly. When someone gets the pretty operation they look like everybody else, but they also get their brain changed. Tally is forced to grow up and get the operation but she rebels and runs away. Tally finally finds out who she is and who she loves just by being who she wants to be. This book deals with he subject of appearance, which is relevant to society today. Everybody thinks that in order to be happy, that you have to be perfect looking. This book teaches the reader that it is what is on the inside that counts. Just like in The Fault In Our Stars, Hazel does not think anybody will love her because she is dying of cancer. Then Gus does. This deals with the saying that love is blind. When someone loves someone they can look past all the flaws and only see perfection. All three of the books read deal with this topic. It is so important to read. Reading makes the reader fall in love, cry, and get angry or excited. Books open people up to reoccurring themes and make them learn really valuable lessons. The books The Fault In Our Stars, Looking For Alaska and Uglies all relate in different ways, and all deal with very diverse content. The most important lesson learned from these books is to be whom you want and to love unconditionally.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Rhinovirus - The Common Cold :: Essays Papers
Rhinovirus - The Common Cold Introduction: Rhinovirus, pictured above, is best known as the common cold. It is a member of the picornaviridae family along with more virulent viruses such as polio and hepatitis A. The viruses of this family are characterized as small (20-30nm genome) positive polarity RNA viruses consisting of one genome segment and a nonenveloped capsid. Unlike the its more lethal relatives, Rhinovirus is designed to attack a host numerous times during their lifetime. It is the perfect pathogen. It is estimated that adults suffer from 2 to 4 infections with the virus each year. The statistics below show the toll that the virus has on the United States Population: . There are nearly 62 million cases of the common cold annually in the US . 52.2 million of these cases affect Americans under age 17 . There are nearly 22 million school-loss days annually due to the common cold . There are approximately 45 million bed days annually associated with the common cold . Seventy-five percent of common colds suffered by children under 5 years are medically attended Source: Vital and Health Statistics Series 10, No. 200 The economic impact of the cold is estimated at 5 billion dollars, but is far greater in indirect costs when considering loss of productivity and school abscence. Encounter: It is virtually impossible to avoid Rhinovirus encounter because it is one of the few pathogens that is present in the environment year round. There are over 100 serotypes making it unlikely to have antibodies to each strain. It often enters the upper respitory tract via aerosolized droplets coming from an infectious individuals coughing or sneezing. It is also possible to spread the pathogen through saliva. However, studies have proven that contact transmission is the dominant mode of contraction. [9] This is possible because infected individuals can shed the virus 24 hours before symptoms and as long as 2 weeks after symptoms cease. Contrary to popular belief, there is no valid clinical evidence that exposure to cold or moisture will result in infection. Entry: Primary infection occurs in the nasal mucosa and occasionally the conjunctiva. Once exposed to the epithelial cells, the virus attempts to bind to intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1). ICAM-1 is regularly used by the immune system to bind endothelial cells to leukocytes. However, as the picture above shows, Rhinovirus is able to take advantage of this property and recognizes it with its own receptors.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Short Story Essay
The characters In the science fiction genre are too small minded to see the big picture. These characters are unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions. The characters are also resistant to the warnings of others. As a result, their ignorance may not only have jeopardized their own life and freedom, but may also have Jeopardized the lives and freedom of others. Characters in the science fiction genre are unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions and as a result jeopardize their own lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others.To begin, in the short story â€Å"Men are Different†by Alan Bloch, the Robot is unable to see that treating the man as he would a fellow robot could result in the mans death, and ultimately the end of mankind. In the story the Robot decides that the man needs to be fixed and attempts to see what Is wrong with him: â€Å"†¦ His thermostat circuits were shot†¦ I turned him off without any trouble†(Bloch 1). The robot archeologist Is here studying the last man In the system. When the man begins complaining of the heat the Robot assumes he can fix him by opening him up as he loud do to another Robot.This shows that the Robot is unable to evaluate the consequences that may occur if he tries to fix this man. He is unable to see that he does not have the knowledge to fix a human and ultimately ends up killing the man, and ending mankind as a whole. Next, in the story â€Å"Random Sample†by T. P Caravan, the little girl could not see that by being mean and aggressive towards the aliens she could be putting her life, and the lives of others in Jeopardy. The little girl is telling the psychologist about her encounter with the aliens when she explains, â€Å"Anyway, hey paid a lot of attention to him, so I went over and punched him a couple of times.I'm afraid we broke up the insides of their spaceship a little†(Caravan 2). Here, the little girl Is telling the doctor about how s he Interacted with the aliens. She starts explaining what happened and It Is shown that she was very mean and aggressive towards them. By misbehaving and hurting the aliens and their spaceship, it proves that the little girl was unable to evaluate the consequences that would follow her actions. Ultimately, by acting this way towards the aliens she gave them a bad impression of humans which made them return to earth and kill off the human race. Lastly, in the story â€Å"Before Eden†by Arthur C.Clark, the scientists were unable to think about the consequences to Venus and its life forms if they buried their waste on the planet. After Hutchins and Garfield burry their waste and leave, the carpet plant comes back and discovers the garbage they left behind: â€Å"As the carpet crawled back to the lake, it carried contagion to all Its world. Even as the Morning Star set Its course for her distant home, Venus was dying†(Clark 6). When Hutchins and Garfield bury their garba ge on Venus, they do not think about how It could affect the planet. The carpet ends up coming back, finding the garbage and then eating It.The concentrated food, chemicals and nicotine from cigarette butts end up infecting the their garbage on the planet, they ultimately killed off all of the life on Venus. In conclusion, these characters in the science fiction genre were unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions and in all cases either put their own lives and freedom r the lives and freedom of others in Jeopardy. The characters in the non-fiction genre are resistant to the warnings of others and as a result, put their own lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others in harms way.To start, in the story â€Å"The Weapon†by Frederick Brown, the doctor does not listen to the warning of Mr†¦ Maenad about his creation of the weapon. When Mr†¦ Maenad comes to Dry. Graham's house he expresses his concern about what Dry. Graham is creating: â€Å"Dry. Graham, you are the man who's scientific work is more likely than that of NY other man to end the human race's chance for survival†(Brown 1). As soon as Mr†¦ Maenad enters the doctors home, he warns him of how dangerous the weapon he is creating will be to mankind. Dry. Graham is resistant to his warning and claims that he is only advancing science.Ultimately, Dry. Graham ignores the warning and creates a weapon that could destroy mankind. It is only when Mr†¦ Maenad gives a gun to his mentally ill son, that he realizes how destructive the weapon really is if put in the wrong hands. Next, in the story â€Å"A Sound of Thunder†by Ray Bradbury, the hereafter Sickles does not listen to Travis' warning about leaving the Path and how it could change the future. When Sickles asks why they cannot leave the Path, Travis explains, â€Å"Step on one mouse and you leave your print, like a Grand Canyon, across Eternity.Queen Elizabeth might never be born†¦ There m ight never be a United States at all. So be careful. Stay on the Path. Never step off†(Bradbury 7). Here, Travis is explaining to Sickles why it is important to never leave the Path. While Travis is explaining this, Sickles questions him and does not believe that what Travis is saying sakes any sense. Sickles ignores the warning and later on in the story when he is running back to the time machine, he steps off the Path and changes the future.Ultimately, he puts peoples lives and freedom in danger by ignoring the warning and changing the future. Lastly, in the story â€Å"The Murderer†by Ray Bradbury, Mr†¦ Brock does not listen to the warning the psychiatrist gives him about damaging technology and as a result Jeopardizes his own freedom. When the psychiatrist is speaking to Mr†¦ Brock, he asks him if he's aware that the technology he is damaging is not his and says, Mimi don't want any further help from the Office of Mental Health? You're ready to take the consequences? (Bradbury 4). The psychiatrist is here explaining that because the technology he destroys is not his, if he does not take help from the Office of Mental Health he will be punished. Mr†¦ Brock ignores the warning and says it is only the beginning. By ignoring the warning, Mr†¦ Brock puts his own freedom in jeopardy and therefore has to remain in prison. The characters in the non fiction genre were too resistant to the warnings of others, and as a result put their own lives ND freedom or the lives and freedom of others in Jeopardy.In the science fiction genre, characters put their lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others in Jeopardy. Characters in this genre cannot evaluate the consequences of their actions. The characters are also resistant to the warnings of small minded and blinded by what they want. The characters go by their own agenda rather than considering the greater good. They do not look at the bigger picture which results in their own de ath and loss of freedom, or the death and loss of freedom of others.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Feminism in Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners Essay
The Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary defines feminism as, â€Å"A doctrine advocating the granting of the same social, political and economic rights to women as the ones granted to men.†Feminists consider woman as an oppressed group, those who must present themselves as individuals and human beings. In Margaret Laurence’s The Diviners, Morag Gunn’s struggle for female self-representation is seen as she writes about her life. This is shown through Morag’s desires for lust and profanity, that which females should keep hidden. Furthermore, Morag breaks social boundaries by writing her novel from the female perspective. Finally, Laurence allows the reader to become sympathetic for Morag as she is marginalized in a predominantly male society. Margaret Laurence shows the intricacy that is feminism through the depiction of the assertive, yet vulnerable Morag Gunn. Morag is unlike many females as she allows herself to curse and show lust. Knowin g it is socially unacceptable, Morag rejects swearing as a teenager: â€Å"Morag does not swear. If you swear at fourteen it only makes you look cheap, and she is not cheap, goddamn it.†(126) However, as Morag becomes more mature she revises her opinion: â€Å"Shit. Bloody bloody Christly hell. And the hell with not swearing, too.†(133) By being vulgar, Laurence shows Morag’s feminist attributes by having her go against the â€Å"social norm†of her time. Finally, throughout the novel Morag becomes more aware of her lustful desires and offers them bluntly. Alia Amer wrote about a woman’s lust in society: â€Å"Women are not allowed to look closely at a man, however, or to have a lustful or provocative look, or to look deliberately at them when they happen to be in the same setting (such as on a bus, or in a room).†(Amer) Laurence contradicts this statement as Morag’s sexual awakenings are seen as empowering to the female. In conclusion, Morag Gunn’s vulgarity is a representation of Margaret Laurence’s feministic ideology. Morag’s conflicting identities of both a woman and a writer provide an outlook on female roles in her own society. As a female author Morag makes an â€Å"attempt at self-representation†(Smith) though, â€Å"women have historically hesitated to attempt to the pen†¦the woman writer’s self-contemplation may be said to have begun with a searching glance into the mirror of the male-inscribed literary text†(Gilbart and Gubar). Laurence challenges this through Morag’s determination to finish her novel and writing the novel from a predominantly female perspective. Finally, at the end of the novel, Laurence shows Morag’s accomplishment: â€Å"Morag returned to the house, to write the remaining private and fictional words, and to set down her title.†(525) Morag finishing her novel is a representation of how a female can succeed in the â€Å"representative male life†(Smith) of a writer. To conclude, Laurence challenges male identity by identifying Morag as a woman writer, therefore giving a more feminist view on society. Finally, Laurence creates sympathy for Morag as she is marginalized in a predominantly male society. Wayne Booth states that, â€Å"The solution to the problem of maintaining readers’ sympathy is to use the heroine herself as a kind of narrator, though in third person, reporting on her own experience.†(Booth) Through Laurence’s narrative technique, having Morag as the narrator, sympathy is created for the female perspective. Furthermore, Morag’s downfall for making assumptions causes the reader to feel sympathetic for her consciousness. â€Å"Morag perceived that what she had taken to be hostility had been in fact self-reproach on his part.†(278) Laurence creates empathy as the female mind is presented as solitary. Lastly, the feeling of sympathy is created when Morag asks her absent husband for forgiveness: â€Å"I need you, too, Brooke. I care about you. I can’t stand this†¦Brooke, forgive me. May we forgive one another for what neither of us could help.†(359) Laurence shows how Morag is still dependant on a male figure and as a result creates sympathy for her. Overall, sympathy is used to identify with the female perspective in a male-dependant society. In conclusion, Margaret Laurence shows the complexity of women through the contrast of inferiority and self-confidence seen in Morag Gunn. Laurence creates a character with lustful desires and profane ways that are regarded as socially unacceptable by woman in her society. Morag challenges the, at the time, conflicting roles of being both a woman and a writer by writing from a predominantly female perspective and finally, Laurence creates sympathy for Morag as she struggles in an over-bearing male society. Overall, Margaret Laurence challenges masculinity and allows femininity to prevail.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Game of Life
The Game of Life I steadily reach out and pick up the polished marble piece. The beginning tactic is always the same, push for center development so you can ensure a strong center, a strong defense, a tactical base that can‚t be shaken.Pawn to E4.My move is simple, the professionals call it a King‚s opening. The purpose is even more natural to me, it‚s what I was instructed to do since I was a kid, my Dad always said that E5 was the best opening move. It was a move that was the norm in the life of a chess game, it was a standard that allowed for perfect development, a standard beginning that would lead to success.Pawn to E5I notice the move is an uneventful response, it simply reeks of the conformity that is evident in the game. I close my eyes for a brief second, thinking about the outcomes of the response, the unavoidable consequences of my actions.English: Starting position of a chess game. House ...I decide that what I did was completely logical, it followed what had been trained into me. Yet, I find myself longing for a change - a variation from the harmony - I find myself looking for the solo.Pawn to D4.It‚s a change, the teachers would call it a gambit. I like the change in the setting of the game, it feels as if I‚ve lost control as the pieces move around me without motivation, a whirling dervish in a ballroom waltz. I picture the game‚s development, wondering where the next move of my match will take me. I try to keep the game under my control, but still giving it breathing room to allow the game to continue without being tied down.E5 Captures D4I smile to myself, the plans are working out perfectly. I steady my hand,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography and Facts About Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Biography and Facts About Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was the daughter of the Scottish Lord Glamis, who became the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, Elizabeth was educated at home. She was a descendant of the Scottish King, Robert the Bruce. Brought up to duty, she worked to nurse troops in World War I when her home was used as a hospital for the wounded. Life and Marriage In 1923, Elizabeth married the second son of George V, the shy and stuttering Prince Albert, after turning down his first two proposals. She was the first commoner to legally marry into the royal family in several centuries. Their daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret, were born in 1926 and 1930, respectively. In 1936, Alberts brother, King Edward VIII, abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorcee, and Albert was crowned King of Great Britain and Ireland as George VI. Elizabeth thus became queen consort and they were crowned May 12, 1937. Neither had expected these roles and while they fulfilled them dutifully, Elizabeth never forgave the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the titles of Edward and his wife after the abdication and their marriage. When Elizabeth refused to leave England during the London Blitz in World War II, even enduring the bombing of Buckingham Palace, where she was residing with the king, her spirit was an inspiration to many who continued to hold her in high regard until her death. George VI died in 1952, and Elizabeth became known as the Queen Mother, or fondly as the Queen Mum, as their daughter, Elizabeth, became Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth as Queen Mother remained in the public eye, making appearances and remaining popular even through the many royal scandals, including her daughter Margarets romance with a divorced commoner, Capt. Peter Townsend, and her grandsons rocky marriages to Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson. She was especially close to her grandson, Prince Charles, born in 1948. Death In her later years, Elizabeth was plagued with ill health, though she continued to appear in public regularly until a few months before her death. In March of 2002, Elizabeth, the Queen Mum, died in her sleep at age 101, just weeks after her daughter, Princess Margaret, died at age 71. Her familys home, Glamis Castle, is perhaps most famous as the home of Macbeth of Shakespearean fame. Source: The Queen Mother: Chronicle of a Remarkable Life 1900-2000. 2000. Massingbred, Hugh. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: Woman of the Century. 1999. Cornforth, John. Queen Elizabeth: The Queen Mother at Clarence House. 1999. De-la-Noy, Michael. The Queen Behind the Throne. 1994. Pimlott, Ben. The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II. 1997. Strober, Deborah Hart and Gerald S. Strober. The Monarchy: An Oral Biography of Elizabeth II. 2002. Botham, Noel. Margaret: The Last Real Princess. 2002.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Transaction and Traselation Exposure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Transaction and Traselation Exposure - Essay Example s made by both the Indian and Australian subsidiary gave back less dollars on the combined income statement i.e., translation exposure, even with no earnings remitted back to the parent company (Homaifar, 2004). Jeeves (UK) plc’s combined earnings will be reduced by the translation effect brought as a result of depreciation of the British pound against the other international currencies. Because of the fact that foreign earnings are normally translated at the standard exchange rate over the financial year would eventually mean low value of foreign currencies yielding low level of combined income (Homaifar, 2004). Existence of purchasing power parity (PPP) means higher US inflation than that of Britain. Demand for Jeeves (UK) plc products may not be affected due to price inflation from US, Canada and other euro zones aimed at offsetting the British consumer capability to obtain cheaper dollars. The British consumers’ purchasing ability on Jeeves items of trade versus other country products are not affected by rise and fall in the pound value. The economic exposure of Jeeves, a heavy exporter to the euro zone would decline since no need currency exchange is vital. Likewise, translational exposure of Jeeves would decline since Britain’s economic statements will no longer need translation. (Homaifar, 2004). Multinational companies have the obligation of ensuring that they are capable of reducing risks associated with foreign exchange. This can be attributed to the undisputable fact that their earnings are reliant on the foreign exchange rates. Because foreign exchange rates can fluctuate either up or down which would mean a constructive or destructive effect on the Company’s real profit. This calls for knowledge on minimizing risks associated with the exchange rates if they are to maximize on their profits and increase company’s equity (Homaifar, 2004). Certain strategies employed by a company to minimize foreign exchange risks include, but not restricted
Friday, November 1, 2019
What is behind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
What is behind - Essay Example More and more commercial establishment and marketing institutions are using the web in their businesses. An evolution in the business world occurs with the advancement of the internet technology. Website development was undertaken and become a part of the organisation's activities. From the survey conducted on the several organisations, 34% of them are using the web in their business activities. In the total number of respondents, 27% are using the web in purchasing while 13% are selling their products and the remaining 6% are doing both buying and selling (The Banner Survey, 2000). Companies are maximizing benefits brought about by the internet. Based on studies, the advantageous factors of doing business in the net encourage most businesses to develop their virtual operation. This mainly involves the maintenance of business transactions in the net and developing a virtual interface for the business. The benefits of e-business or business on the web include increased speed of feedback from the consumers. The interaction is in real time wherein the company can immediately answer the questions on the consumers through online information. This is due to the enhancement of technology exchange and improvement in communication which are other benefits of having a business online. This kind of operation decreases the company's operational cost and the requirement for inventory is reduced. The efficiency and productivity of the services were also improved due to standardisation of organisational procedures, thus, improvement in the services offered which ultimately inc reases customers and profits (Henbury, 2001). The Organisation on Focus is a company that operates online business. The ten year old company was developed by Jeff Bezos in July 1994 and was launched on July 1995. More than 9,000 are employed by the company and cater to about 49 million accounts of active consumers. From its main office in Seattle, Washington in the United States, it expanded into different countries worldwide such as United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, and China. The company offers products and services online that answers the needs of the consumers (, 2006f). The main business strategy is to introduce the company and the products in the most marketable way possible through the website. It is an online presentation of the objectives of the organisation and services that it provides. The visual presentation of the services offered is organised with certain features such as the 1 click technology for consumers' ease in choosing items and ordering. Every category of products has a link wherein more choices are presented. The consumers can also have their own accounts that can keep tract of the purchases made. Other details such as online payment procedure and shipping are also available, thus, once the consumer is ready, order can be placed and be delivered at a specified date (, 2006b). For a new consumer who is not familiar with the transactions in the net, the website is comprehensible. The site presents the pertinent data needed in purchasing products. When a consumer finds that online purchases are easily done, the benefits can be realized and ultimately become a regular online customer. The Role of the Employees in the Organisation employs around 9,000 people covering the total workforce of all the branches worldwide. The company is divided into different organisational units and this includes the corporate offices, the fulfilment centres, the customer
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Specific events over the past years that have affected the stock Essay
Specific events over the past years that have affected the stock market - Essay Example Prices remain steady and predictable and investors are confident in the market remaining steady. Markets respond to changes in the economy and a major change in the economy often results in major shifts in the stock market. Market crashes are precipitate by something occurring within the economy or war (or the threat of war). The stock market (New York Stock Exchange) responds to changes by gaining value or losing value. Markets losing value are not good. Changes in the economy can be real or perceived (the belief that something bad is going to happen). The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) has responded in the past to changes (some perceived, some real) in the economic environment. Careful study of the stock markets since 1900 shows several events that affected the markets. Crashes in the market were swift and often lasted more than a year before the markets recovered. The most recent stock market crash was from January of 2000 to October 2002. During this time frame the markets were affected by the bursting of the 'tech bubble'. A lot of small '.com' start-ups went out of business and their investors incurred great losses. Also, during this time frame the twin towers were toppled by a terrorist attack (September 11th 2001). The instability this caused was reflected in market performance. The market dropped 37.8% before it recovered. According to Brenda Spotten, Associate Professor ... other symptoms of financial instability may adversely affect the real economy if they impair the ability of the financial markets to provide funds and hence transfer command over resources."(Spotten, B p1) In essence, a perceived inefficiency in the market can affect the economy and vice versa. Recently another 'bubble' burst. The housing market currently is in a slump. Good advice for investors would be to not invest in trendy new investments like 'tech bubble' start-ups. Investing in funds that are market resistant (such as a diversified fund) would provide some protection from market instability. Changes in the Federal Reserve lending rate can cause ripples in financial markets. Sometimes investors watch closely when the Federal Reserve changes interest rates for overnight lending (for banks). In 2004 investors were relieved when then Chairman, Alan Greenspan, raised the interest rate by 2.5%.(Ip, G p1) The markets continued to remain stable. Between November of 1973 and December of 1974 the market lost 45% of its value before recovering. During this time frame the Vietnam campaign was winding down. The retreat of American forces from Vietnam and the Watergate investigation had the affect of reducing consumer confidence in the market. Going back further in history finds another stock market crash that was the result of events in history. During 1939 and 1942 the United States grappled with entering World War Two. During this time frame the stock market lost 40% of its value. The attack on Pearl Harbor cemented the United States' entry into the war. As wartime production increased, the markets recovered. Prior to the United States' commitment to the war, politics, and fear of war, fueled the market crash during this period. The early American
Monday, October 28, 2019
Education Essay Example for Free
Education Essay The most prominent example of a formal setting in the book is school. However, Scout does not learn much from school. This can be examplified by the fact that when Scout is able to read better than the teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher had expected, Miss Caroline Fisher told her to tell her father to stop teaching her how to read. Instead of helping Scout to improve her reading, Mrs Fisher is impeding Scouts learning process. This shows that schools do not cater to children of different abilities and Scouts learning is restricted in school. Hence, school is not the only place where a child learns. Jem and Scout learn moral values from Atticus. This is examplified by the many values Atticus teaches them such as moral courage and to stand up for what one believes is right. Atticus brought his children up to treat the blacks and the whites as equals. When Scout tells Atticus to send Calpurnia away, Atticus told Scout that they could not survive a day without Calpurnia and he told Scout to mind her. Scout learnt that she had to treat Calpurnia (a Negro) like how she would treat a White and to be respectful towards Calpurnia. Jem looks up to Atticus and tries to emulate him. This is because Atticus is a good role model and a good father. Jem learns from Atticus to have the moral courage to fight for what is right. This is evident as Atticus went all out to fight for Tom Robinson as he believed that Tom was innocent. Atticus did this although he knew that he would face severe criticism from the people in Mycomb and that he would put his life and his childrens at risk. From the example he sets, Jem is able to learn to have the moral courage to fight for what is right. Hence, Jem and Scout do learn in informal settings. Jem also learnt to have the courage to do what one decides to do. This is evident from Jems encounter with Mrs. Dubose. Mrs Dubose is a morphine addict and she tried very hard to get rid of her addiction. Mrs. Dubose sets an alarm clock and made Jem read to her as he was angry at what she said and cut off the top of her bushes. When the alarm clock rings, it would mark the end of Jems reading time. During this period of time when Jem is reading, Mrs Dubose will refrain from taking morphine. She used this method to try and get rid of her morphine addiction. To further elaborate, Mrs. Dubose was very courageous to try and get rid of her morphine addiction as it was a very painful process. Mrs. Dubose was almost dying but she wanted to leave the world beholden to nothing so she tried her very best to get rid of her addiction and displayed a strong sense of courage. Jem learnt from Mrs. Dubose that no matter how painful the process is, one should have the courage and determination to accomplish it. Hence, Jem do learn in an informal setting. Jem and Scout also gained knowledge from a new experience that Calpurnia showed them. This is evident as Calpurnia showed them how it was like in a Negro church. By visiting their church, they learnt about the difference in the conditions of the Negroes church and their church. They also learnt more about Tom Robinsons case when Scout asked Calpurnia why the pastor demands a donation from everyone to help Tom Robinsons wife provide for her kids. From these, the children were somewhat more aware of the discrimination happening in Maycomb.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Descriptive Essay: Grandpas Place -- Descriptive Essays, Observation
Grandpa's Place I know to take one last breath of fresh, clean air before I open the front screen door and then the faded, chipped white wood door. I walk in, and the blend of the aroma of apples and old people suffocates me. As I walk in, the same two-year old cat food is right where it has been for the last six months: in front of the front door on the cold faded tile floor. The cat disappeared four months ago, but I guess there is still hope that he will come back one day. I approach the sliding wooden door to enter the front living room and see some bird feed on the floor that must have been spilled the previous week along with a stack of news papers. This single story brick house was purchased by my Grandma and Grandpa twenty years ago. Ever since, the house has been filled with nothing but love and laughter. Behind the house, there are five or six tall, skinny trees that have died from disease but haven't fallen to the grass covered ground. Near the loose clothes line in the back yard, there are four rose bushes that need water. Dead daises and pansies from the previous summer are the main attraction in the front yard along with a five foot high metal windmill stuck in the middle of a flower garden that needs grease. The two car garage houses a huge '78 black Buick. The ol' Buick hasn't been driven in a while, but my Grandpa claims that it is still in top shape. I guess my Grandpa just keeps it around to remind him of my Grandma. Next to it is a green John Deere tractor with a ripped black seat that has a flat left rear tire, but my Grandpa claims, "It still runs like a champ." Next to it is the push lawnmower. Before I open the door, I can hear the Bronco game being televised on my Grandpa's 36"... ...the same story about so and so and how their daughter's husband's brother did this and that. All this time, I just sit there and watch my Grandpa be happy telling me this story while he slops stuff out of his mouth and onto his already stained clothes. Eventually, we finish our dinner, and I clean up the kitchen. I get all of my stuff together, make a final check that everything is good to go, and sit on a kitchen chair. My Grandpa asks sadly if it is time to go, and I say, "Yeah," with a quivering voice. So, I get up, give my Grandpa a hug and head out the door. I hate leaving this place more than anything. I hate leaving my Grandpa in that house by himself. I push open the front door and breathe in the fresh night air. As I pull out of the narrow leaf covered driveway, I look back to see my Grandpa waving at me through the dirty storm glass windows.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Environmental factors effecting motor skill development Essay
Child development is defined as to how a child ables itself to complete more difficult tasks as they grow in age. Development is often confused with growth, which refers to a child’s tendency to grow bigger in size. Parents can become concerned easily when a child’s developmental skills take longer then the â€Å"normal†or when pressures of milestones are not satisfied â€Å"on time†. Developmental milestones are functioning tasks or skills that should occur at specific ages. Observing what specific environmental factors influence the development of motor skills in the infant and toddler stages and how that compares to my findings of the children I personally documented, is what will be discussed. I searched for other scholars who have current information and academic research of similar topics finding information that was both, similar as to my own research concluding a main point that the environment of these children have an effect on how they will lea rn. A common topic that has been analyzed in these journals is Gross motor skill development. It is a specific factor that plays a crucial role in the child’s overall development and of course combined with the environment in which the child is confined to has a profound effect to the development of these motor skills (newton 2008) . The aim of this study was focusing on the two main environmental factors affecting children motor development. Looking over the articles it reveals that there are many particular factors within the family details such as socioeconomic status, mother’s educational level, relationships with family and the existence of siblings can also affect a child’s motor ability, Preschools also have became an infuencial part of development for all children but also can be a detriment to a child’s development by not attending, due to the simple fact that nowadays large amounts of time children spend at them so by not having a child go through li fe with preschool would set them back as far as motor development goes. The social-cultural background where a child is brought up from, creates specific demands for his/her motor behavior. Read more: Influences that affect children’s development essay This thought can go with the fact that movement programs are very important for the development as well, such as physical education, especially if the social-cultural environment that the child is in does not require them to be very active. If the child is not pushed or has no motivation to do these obstacles, that are often taken for granted, then can cause a long term even life altering issue down the road. These are all the â€Å"social norms†nowadays with children. It is becoming incredibly competitive to get into colleges and other type of educational programs and it all starts from these crucial infant years where all these environmental factors that the family contributes too have a say in what a child will be like as it develops. Many of these environments are expected and often not over looked or analyzed by parents due to the reason that the child is so young that these things don’t have an impact on them yet. That is false, the first five years of a child’s life are the most important in developing these motor skills for the rest of their life, and that is a fact that is not looked at close enough by parents. This is a huge developmental problem that has been happening for ever and now that there is studies and documentation proving that this here is correct, it needs to be and is being put into action. All of the environmental factors have some way played a role in the children I observed lives but because of the limited length of paper I will discuss the two most obvious influences. This purpose of this paper is to document the environment that infants and toddlers are in and describe how these environmental factors have affected them. To begin I observed a toddler and an infant but both of the same family. The two children are different ages but similar environments and upbringings. I observed the children in there home environment looking at the situation as a Mother-child interaction first then I observed the sibling vs sibling interactions that the children tended to take a like too. I continued to follow the children on and off for two weeks at different locations and got the opportunity to observe the toddler and infant in both of these settings. At each observation site I sat with a notepad and jotted down how they interacted under these three circumstances and noted of the surroundings environments each time I observed. At the end I had a lot of notes and information to choose from, but the way that I chose what information to use was by organizing my no tes into my three main cases then divided them into infant and toddler. All the situations that most frequently happened for each child i used as conclusive information and discarded the minor details. The majority of the two weeks of observing the infant under these two cases my evidence appeared to be quite on point with other researchers studies. To begin, the mother-infant relationship (parent-child). WIthin my study I found when playing with each other the infant was much more responsive to this one on one play then a group of people. What I noticed was the child did not do as much looking and observing like statistics show or as he did in the other cases. seven out of fifteen times the mother demonstrated what I wanted the infant to do, that involved a motor skill, most of the time picking up a block or a toy car, the child attempted the action after watching the mother demonstrate. What I noticed of those fifteen times all seven of the successful tries were because it was right in front of him. if it was far away he would try with a different object that was closest to him and wouldn’t even notice that he was using a different toy. As for the toddler he payed much closer attention but on the contrary of his fifteen attempts he actually cared that he used the same exact object as his mom. For him I used a test involving throwing of a ball. His mother would throw the ball using different styles such as over the head, two hand, one had, and under arm. Eight of the fifteen attempts the toddler successfully mimicked the motor skill of which hand to use and the style in which the mom threw it, which was very surprising in this case for the reason that this usually does not develop until five or six years of age. The next case I observed was the sibling vs sibling. typically we think of the mother to be seen as the leader to specific child development. However, when the child has siblings the situation becomes much more influenced. (circirelli 1975). A child’s position in the family or sex even of the sibling has a huge influence on the interactions they have. The environment used was once again the home setting but the family has there own jungle gym outside in the backyard. I used this play set to see if these sibling influences can play a role in development of specific skills . Studies have shown that, irrespective of the age difference among the children of the family, the elder siblings lead the youngers’ behaviour (circirelli 1975) and those in turn imitate elders’ movements (abramovitch et al. 1979: Lamb 1978). As I continued my research outside I watched and studied how they were interacting. The younger infant, surprisingly can walk at his age of sixteen mont hs old. There was a set of stairs that the toddler was walking up to get to the top of the gym and eventually slide down the slide to only continue the process over and over again. The infant continued to watch and observe for about fifteen minutes with no signs of him motivated to make a move or give it a try. To our surprise the infant began pointing and mumbling as if he wanted to make an attempt. He was brought over to the play set, climbing up the steps and eventually we got him to go down the slide. He held his hands on the railings same position as where she did as if he was copying her techniques exact and the influence of his big sister took effect. This whole process took about twenty- twenty five minutes but once he tried it one time, the infant, like his toddler sister continued to doing the routine using similar if not the same route. All in all he was hesitant, the infant waited, studied, and then slowly analyzed the process as he did it for his first time, and then continued to go on with the process as his big sister had been. The infant and the toddler both have demonstrated there developing gross motor skills. These skills are coordinated with many other parts of the body such as the legs and arms and the ability to notice what one is doing and mimic the other is all part of the development of the these physical abilities of large body movements ( Berger, 2009). Reference section 1.) kambas, A. (2009). environmental factors affecting preschoolers motor development. 2.) Infants learn about objects from statistics and people. By: Wu, Rachel, Gopnik, Alison, Richardson, Daniel C., Kirkham, Natasha Z., Developmental Psychology, 00121649, 20110901, Vol. 47, Issue 5 3.) Research Institute MOVE, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 4.)nicholson, T. (2010, june 2). What can a one year old do?. Retrieved from 5.)Developmental Science; Nov2009, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p1060-1069, 10p, 3 Charts, 4 Graphs
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Examine Marxist views of the role of the family Essay
Marxist is a perspective view that society is built as class conflict between the Capitalist who own the means of production and the working class. Capitalists believe that there is are three functions of the family: Inheritance of property; ideology functions and unit of consumptions. Marxists say that the family benefits capitalist. Marxists say that one role or functions of the family is inheritance of property. The Bourgeoisie own the means of production whereas the working class just work for the capitalist and own no means of production. The Capitalist want to keep control of the means of production and the only way they can do this is by inheritance of property, which means that all the property is handed down to the first son. A Marxist sociologist, Engles, says this explains the rise in monogamist marriages as marriage makes sure there is a legitimate heir. This is why families are important as it helps maintain a capitalist society. Another role or function the family has i s an ideology function. Ideology function means a set of beliefs and ideas that the capital is a dominant class and that the equality is right and just. The family helps keep this idea by primary socialisation of the young and children being brought up learning these ideas that Capitalism is right. This helps maintain capitalism because children will eventually become the next labour force for capitalists. The last role of the family is that it is a unit of consumption which means that Capitalist own the production and the working class are wanting for Capitalist as well as buying from them. This helps maintain capitalism, which is a family’s main role or function, because they are buying from capitalism and they would benefit. Feminist would criticise Marxist by saying that the family benefit men and men only, causing aoppression for women. Functionalist would criticise the Marxist view that the family benefits Capitalist. They believe that society is based or a value consensus. And that the family benefits society as well as its individual members.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Systems and Operations Management
Systems and Operations Management Executive Summary The vital improvements in companies have been the change of roles of operations managers who have become innovators of systems and continuous developers of the daily running of the systems of the company. Companies have realized that to have a competitive edge the operations systems, development of capabilities is key to their success.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Systems and Operations Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Increasing the reliance of their systems is solely the focus of their marketing and delivery of services and products. (Slack et al, 2010). Therefore, improvement of their information systems enhances the effectiveness of their operations thereby giving them the capacity to satisfy their customers who in turn continue to buy their products. Improving new processes of technology brings in new methods of controlling the market thus the companies are also able to manag e their internal affairs and management of operations. It is in these new developments that the company is able to deeply delve into the knowledge that allows operations to adapt flexibly in reaching out effectively to their customers (Bic Alan, 2003). Therefore, internal auditing of their running is everyday managed properly in a more advanced way by information systems. Recent management trends of information systems points out that technological change has become a vital means towards company managing resources and facilities. This is true in the sense that many companies have been forced to adapt to the new system technology to earn a position in the competitive world (Stallings, 2008). As the companies expand in various ways, they realize that they need to adapt to their growing need to become more effective in their operations. This therefore, has led to many companies introducing systems that make them practice best management methods in their production and delivery of thei r services (Checkland, 1999). However the increasing importance of information systems among companies has highlighted the current demand for an increased need to be flexible and to adapt to various methods of management.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has brought about the effective means to production and service delivery as a way to respond to the growing demand in the market. This involves having a broad based information system that allows the flow of data in the company to allow efficient running of their systems and production efficiency. This paper thus explores approaches used by the company to address this trend and also how it has adapted to the new changes in their use of the information technology. It reviews how the suggestion of introducing this new system to the company is improving its operations in accomplishing its market goal and targ et market. The paper also proposes some recommendations after the analysis. Building from this, it proposes some principles for the regular development of information systems and points out the path to model the progress in an adaptable and flexible way. Introduction Atokowa being a major influence in the market of stationery and office supplies give them an advantage among other businesses and organizations. This is due to the fact they deliver their products directly to their customers and in addition, own various retails outlets. The business idea came from an Australian called Lachlan who started his own photocopying business when he purchased a machine thereby printing various jobs for the company (Adler, 1992). This in history was the first photocopying machine where his work extended immensely in Australia. In the process, he started other outlets extending the small enterprise to a big business. The business had a reputation of giving high quality services therefore it conti nued to grow immensely. This led the owner to develop a vision that his would be the only business that would offer stationery and office supplies and thus expanded his spectrum to other cities in which he stocked his premises with all sorts of stationery and office materials. In the later years, the owner retired and passed on his business to his son who changed the vision to focus on technology and started selling various computers of the time (Laudon, Kenneth Jane, 2009). This selling of items integrated or involved the use of information technology leading to more expansion to other cities and hence the son followed the footsteps of his father.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Systems and Operations Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The method will give the staff an opportunity to understand the role of systems and operations management and its integration into efficient and effective running of b usiness. It took a practical approach which will give the staff a good understanding of better business practice within the global organization. The soft systems approach of the company’s systems development was be used to analyze and define business requirements. People and management issues will be reviewed with emphasis on communication, teamwork and effective leadership. Quality management and business excellence focusing on customer relations will be considered. The staff will develop an understanding of analysis process and its improvement to reflect on business process in introducing the information system using rules and analysis to examine costs, allocation of resources, and efficiency related to the delivery of goods and services. The method will consider the impact of operations systems and management in the wider social-economic environment. The skills in operations management therefore become an important requirement of employers in many areas of business. Develo pments of operation systems therefore become practical as employees learn and employ professional skills which in turn maximize profit. In systems operation management, the directors of businesses have to be knowledgeable and understanding to the role of strategies in integrating this in their businesses and in examining the quality involved in managing their business and products. In addition, the practical aspects of their skills are challenged by the intellect transferring this role into their management and operation systems. Thus in this, Laudon and Laudon (2011) highlight that retailers’ understanding of growth in productions is as a result of using proper ways of keeping their data and knowing what needs to be implemented in the shortest time possible. This is made possible by introducing systems that allow flexibility in their access to the customers and making sure they satisfy them. In using a good information system, the company will avoid lagging behind in their a im to deliver as much efficiently as possible thus making sure the needs of the clients are taken care of.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order to do this, the company has to progressively track its transactions and analyze its efficiency by properly following up their daily interactions with those they serve. The company plans to contract with as many as possible of their customers in developing their continuous influence through information systems. This will keep them on the market as the customers rely more on their systems thus permanently gaining the trust thus continue being long-term clients (Adler, 1992). To remain competitive in the market, the company has to review its products with the changing needs of the clients and use their adaptive nature to inform their market of the various developments of their products. Thus in using quality control tools, the need for product development will be realized. In conclusion, the company’s operation process has to take root in the human resource to transform the entire operations department (Jacobs and Chase, 2011). This will lead to questioning the entire o peration systems in determining when and how to operate and who to manage in these circumstances. How was this analysis undertaken? The analysis was done in a manner that reviewed the company’s foundation and how it grew to expand in many other cities which operated independently without major supervision. This led to the elder son to appoint other people to help him run the company. In the five stages, each manager ran the business separately and thereby reporting whatever was happening to the main branch. In the process of running the outlets in this manner, it was deemed as difficult because it involved the employees counting every stock in the end of the day. It was then that one of the managers thought and suggested for the implementation of integrating electronic points of sale system thereby making the company stock be tracked by a bar code. Thus by this suggestion, the owner asked the person who suggested his ability to manage the design and implement the Microsoft Ac cess database whose operation’s success was based mainly on its simplicity. In its application, each outlet became equipped with standard Window’s computers which were connected over a simple local area network. The structure of the following report is one that focused on the organisation which questioned the effectiveness of the system introduced for their daily accounting and stock taking. Thus, the report looks at the information system and how it led to solving the cumbersome tedious process of taking their stocks every day. It also recommends the action that looks at the solution to their business expansion. The company therefore used the following: Analysis of Current Systems and Operations In analyzing the current system, we look at all the transactions that go all the way until the processing stage. Here, the product is usually scanned into the data bases which are summed and payment is taken. After the payment, each product sold is to be written in the transac tion table of the database and whenever any transaction in the outlets was done, this was recorded in a different table thereby helping the manager to know and maintain the stock efficiently. In the latter process of stock taking, the manager was unsure of what really had taken place because he only had to trust that his co-managers would give an account of their daily sales or he would personally supervise by travelling to the various outlets which is inefficient and takes much valuable time. But with the new system, the manager had access to the daily running of the business and would follow each transaction to their designated customer. By doing this, the manager could make any changes or suggestions that he saw fit to increase the efficiency of his business if he predicted that certain outlets needed more stock or they were overstocked. This is a very effective way of management because time which is essential is used wisely and the business is run in a coordinated manner unlike before. In overseeing the stocks in the warehouse, the manager would be able to audit unusual requests thereby avoiding theft and errors in that if the warehouse had items ready for sale; they would authorize the selling at that point without sending it to the particular outlet thus reducing time and increasing efficiency and accountability. Structured analysis The company came up with a structured method to analyze it systems which one of the managers saw as the right way of solving the problem of taking stocks. This was possible because he was having the know- how of how to handle information systems and understood its mechanisms. He therefore, used simple technical techniques which could be understood by all the people who would use the new systems. Use of experienced staff and inexperienced staff By asking the right question to solve a problem, the structured method did not isolate the experienced staff from the inexperienced ones, but rather made sure everyone in the company h ad the opportunity to learn and be able to use the new that was system introduced. This was done by using the experienced staff to guide the ones who were lagging behind. Improving the control and planning of the company The approach used to introduce and implement the new system was made more effective by dividing the company into stages in that the introduction and implementing of the new system was introduced in stages thus giving all major outlets time to sieve in their data and be able to connect with the central management point. The quality of the system The quality and effectiveness of the system was determined by ensuring that the structured method was also flexible to suit the various states according to their operation. This was done by reviewing the daily use of the system as the members participated in the change of how things were to be run. Thereafter the system was developed in another level allowing progress of effectiveness thus meeting the user’s requiremen t when it was operational. Business system designed This proved to bring out the required factors that would broaden the specifics of the stages of analysis. In this part various solutions are evaluated on the basis of meeting the required expectations from the suggestions of a technical professional like the one who saw the need for pushing for changes in the company. The evaluator has to understand the business therein making specific recommendations of what is best to deal with the problem and offer a solution. Physical design The theoretical design has to be transformed or converted to the actual practical sense in dealing with the problem. In the case of the company discussed, one member came up with the idea which led overall manager to accompany him and thus appoint him as the one to manage and maintain the data system. This involved specifications of duties and tasks needed to make sure that the new system kicked off. Transition In moving from one point to the next, planning is needed before implementation. This will mean that the company had to move from the old systems to the new ones. This isn’t an easy task as all required personnel have to come to the understanding that the system being introduced was known and explained to everyone; otherwise the company would go backwards and regress. Therefore installations of nearly all major equipments had to be taken into consideration and also the training of those who are going to use the equipments has to be budgeted and put into consideration. In doing this, the implementation stage has to come in when all participants are in tune to start using the new system. Evaluating the system In the process of use, the system has to be review and maintained through the phases of implementation. This is because the system has to be developed every now and then in order to improve its performance and usage among both the clients and employees (Silberschatz et al, 2008). Conclusion In many organizations, infor mation systems have been realised to be effective means to success of the businesses. In realising this, many businesses have invested broadly in strategic planning in using systems that would develop their businesses as they expand. This is often as a result of analysing the present position of the company by observing and listening to the users of their products and also their employees. It is therefore prudent to have the following analysis before introducing any new system. Feasibility study This helps in deciding whether the company is able to technically have a new system that would be introduced in their running of their daily businesses (Silberschatz et al, 2008). Thus considering their financial and social justification is vital to understanding whether the organization will be resistive or accepting to the new system. Systems analysis In analysing the present ways of running the company, we note that the current one is to be analysed in detail to determine the extent to wh ich the new system needs preparation or resources. Therefore, system analysis has to provide the environment in which the results of the company’s research have adopted the recording and analysing position. Computer based production planning and control systems Computer based control systems allowed the company to handle various difficult factors that cropped up in their daily transactions. Therefore in using the computer based system in their running of the business, the production advanced thus reduced inefficiency resulting from human error. In overall with proper management, theses parts of the system became productive thereby making the business more profitable and a leading entity. In using computer based analysis, the company became more flexible and wholly integrated in their operations. O’Brien (1999) says that in doing this the business has more control to increase their production sector with a well structured system that predicts their success. Thus in comb ining all these systems the staff became very much aware of how information systems can be integrate production and databases which all have to be functional and assist in proper coordinated systems. In accomplishing this, the level of responding to the customer’s needs became highly competitive and flexible. This highlights the important role of computer technology and information systems’ operations (AdlerWinograd,1992). Recommendations The following are some suggestion of how to improve the operation system of the company. Operational Data Store analysis This as viewed by Auslander (2011) will maintain a larger data on the systems thus accommodating access to information and allowing effectiveness of viewing various transactions in their daily stock taking. This therefore when reviewed will serve as a data store allowing the manager to view all that was takes place in the various outlets thereby improving daily operations. Initial State Service This mechanism is bas ed on the customer or client being able to get and view information of products available and update them on the development of the company products (Pant Hsu, 1999). In employing this type of system, the client would be able to access information and orders from various points and the results would register in the main system thus making the manager assess the demand of particular products and services. In integrating computer based control and operating systems in manufacturing and production, increased delivery and success will be observed.This is deemed to bring in a competitive advantage to the company because it will enhance faster means to reaching the clients and also increased production and sales. Therefore, when properly organized, the system would offer designs and productions that will be automatic and thereafter, able to be traced when transactions takes place. In applying technology based systems, the company will be able to specifically meet the individual needs of their customer’s thus increasing demand and credibility. This in return will allow flexibility and will increase the quality and efficiency thus making the company earns the reputation it deserves. In conclusion, many of the operation systems within and without are to be tracked often for effectiveness. Thus in being more flexible, the process of change will introduce better effective systems enhances growth and efficiency of the company. This will look at the factors that lead to growth and the means with which to continue developing the process of growth. By doing this, the company will consider various aspects that invites them to take on technology for the betterment of their operation systems. Therefore operation systems need to be reviewed regularly to ensure that the company benefits. References Adler, P Winograd A1992, The Usability Challenge. Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools, Oxford University press, New York. Adler, P 1992, Technology and the Future of Wo rk, Oxford University Press, New York. Auslander et al 1981, The evolution of the MVS Operating System, IBM, New York. Bic, F Alan C 2003, Operating Systems, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Checkland, P1999, Systems thinking, systems practice: with a 30-year retrospective, John Wiley, Chichester. Deitel, H et al. Operating Systems. Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Jacobs, R Chase, B 2011, Operations and supply chain management, (13th ed.), McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York. Laudon,KLaudon,J2011,ManagementInformationSystems, Prentice Hall/CourseSmart, New Jersey. Laudon, C Laudon, P 2009, Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Prentice Hall/CourseSmart, New Jersey. O’Brien, J 1999, Management Information Systems – Managing Information Technology in the Internetworked Enterprise, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Boston. Pant, S Hsu, C 1995, Strategic Information Systems Planning: A Review, Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 21â€⠀œ24. Silberschatz et al 2008, Operating Systems Concepts, John Wiley Sons, New York. Stallings, W 2008, Computer Organization Architecture, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
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