Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Affirmative Action Policies - 912 Words
The past few days the human resources department has been discussing the importance of implementing an affirmative action policy to assist in assuring that the company complies with equal employment opportunity laws. The department has decided that the best action is to contact the members of the board of directors. The Federal Government has passed several laws to prevent employment discrimination, and not complying with these laws can cause serious consequences. The purpose of equal employment opportunity laws are to assist in allowing the fair and nonbiased treatment of individuals in all aspects of employment (Bohlander Snell, 2007). It’s critical that management on all levels of the company is kept up to date on these laws. Failure†¦show more content†¦The organization is not required by law to have an affirmative action policy in place because the company does not have any federal contracts, but it’s in the best interest of the company to implement these policies regardless. It’s suggested that the company puts a policy into place in effort so that the company can make sure that protected class employees of the company receive fair treatment. Although affirmative action was developed to ensure the fair treatment of employees of protected classes, there are some issues that must be taken into consideration. Affirmative action is an extremely controversol issue. Several people have filed lawsuits against organizations because they claim that affirmative action causes reverse discrimination. Although implementing an affirmative action policy may assist in preventing the company from lawsuits by people claiming discrimination, the implementation of such a plan can backfire. For this reason, it’s extremely critical that steps are taken to prevent lawsuits by employees claiming reverse discrimination. One reason that affirmative action is controversial is because some people believe that affirmative action is no longer needed. Brunner (2007) stated â€Å"From the outset, affirmative action was envisioned as a temporary remedy that would end once there was a â€Å"level playing field†for all Americans†. With the implementation of affirmativeShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action Policies785 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative Action Policies University of Phoenix Human Resources Management HRM 240 As the Recruiting Manager for TR Fabric Company, I have seen firsthand the need for an affirmative action that this company. I have seen department managers not hire highly qualified individual because of race, gender, color, religion and age. Those individual could have taken our company to the next level. I am asking the board of directors of this company to commitment an affirmative action policy thatRead MoreAffirmative Action Is An Action Or Policy? Essay1774 Words  | 8 Pages Affirmative Action remains one of the more complicated and controversial topics dealt with in American society. 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