Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter 25 the Grapes of Wrath

THE SPRING IS BEAUTIFUL in California. Valleys in which the fruit blossoms are fragrant pink and white waters in a shallow sea. Then the first tendrils of the grapes swelling from the old gnarled vines, cascade down to cover the trunks. The full green hills are round and soft as breasts. And on the level vegetable lands are the mile-long rows of pale green lettuce and the spindly little cauliflowers, the gray-green unearthly artichoke plants. And then the leaves break out on the trees, and the petals drop from the fruit trees and carpet the earth with pink and white.The centers of the blossoms swell and grow and color: cherries and apples, peaches and pears, figs which close the flower in the fruit. All California quickens with produce, and the fruit grows heavy, and the limbs bend gradually under the fruit so that little crutches must be placed under them to support the weight. Behind the fruitfulness are men of understanding and knowledge, and skill, men who experiment with seed, e ndlessly developing the techniques for greater crops of plants whose roots will resist the million enemies of the earth: the molds, the insects, the rusts, the blights.These men work carefully and endlessly to perfect the seed, theroots. And there are the men of chemistry who spray the trees against pests, who sulphur the grapes, who cut out disease and rots, mildews and sicknesses. Doctors of preventive medicine, men at the borders who look for fruit flies, for Japanese beetle, men who quarantine the sick trees and root them out and burn them, men of knowledge.The men who graft the young trees, the little vines, are the cleverest of all, for theirs is a surgeon's job, as tender and delicate; and these men must have surgeons' hands and surgeons' hearts to slit the bark, to place the grafts, to bind the wounds and cover them from the air. These are great men. Along the rows, the cultivators move, tearing the spring grass and turning it under to make a fertile earth, breaking the grou nd to hold the water up near the surface, ridging the ground in little pools for the irrigation, destroying the weed roots that may drink the water away from the trees.And all the time the fruit swells and the flowers break out in long clusters on the vines. And in the growing year the warmth grows and the leaves turn dark green. The prunes lengthen like little green bird's eggs, and the limbs sag down against the crutches under the weight. And the hard little pears take shape, and the beginning of the fuzz comes out on the peaches. Grape blossoms shed their tiny petals and the hard little beads become green buttons, and the buttons grow heavy. The men who work in the fields, the owners of the little orchards, watch and calculate.The year is heavy with produce. And the men are proud, for of their knowledge they can make the year heavy. They have transformed the world with their knowledge. The short, lean wheat has been made big and productive. Little sour apples have grown large and sweet, and that old grape that grew among the trees and fed the birds its tiny fruit has mothered a thousand varieties, red and black, green and pale pink, purple and yellow; and each variety with its own flavor. The men who work in the experimental farms have made new fruits: nectarines and forty kinds of plums, walnuts with paper shells.And always they work, selecting, grafting, changing, driving themselves, driving the earth to produce. And first the cherries ripen. Cent and a half a pound. Hell, we can't pick 'em for that. Black cherries and red cherries, full and sweet, and the birds eat half of each cherry and the yellowjackets buzz into the holes the birds made. And on the ground the seeds drop and dry with black shreds hanging from them. The purple prunes soften and sweeten. My God, we can't pick them and dry and sulphur them. We can't pay wages, no matter what wages. And the purple prunes carpet the ground.And first the skins wrinkle a little and swarms of flies come to fe ast, and the valley is filled with the odor of sweet decay. The meat turns dark and the crop shrivels on the ground. And the pears grow yellow and soft. Five dollars a ton. Five dollars for forty fiftypound boxes; trees pruned and sprayed, orchards cultivated—pick the fruit, put it in boxes, load the trucks, deliver the fruit to the cannery—forty boxes for five dollars. We can't do it. And the yellow fruit falls heavily to the ground and splashes on the ground. The yellowjackets dig into the soft meat, and there is a smell of ferment and rot.Then the grapes—we can't make good wine. People can't buy good wine. Rip the grapes from the vines, good grapes, rotten grapes, wasp-stung grapes. Press stems, press dirt and rot. But there's mildew and formic acid in the vats. Add sulphur and tannic acid. The smell from the ferment is not the rich odor of wine, but the smell of decay and chemicals. Oh, well. It has alcohol in it, anyway. They can get drunk. The little farme rs watched debt creep up on them like the tide. They sprayed the trees and sold no crop, they pruned and grafted and could not pick the crop.And the men of knowledge have worked, have considered, and the fruit is rotting on the ground, and the decaying mash in the wine vat is poisoning the air. And taste the wine—no grape flavor at all, just sulphur and tannic acid and alcohol. This little orchard will be a part of a great holding next year, for the debt will have choked the owner. This vineyard will belong to the bank. Only the great owners can survive, for they own the canneries, too. And four pears peeled and cut in half, cooked and canned, still cost fifteen cents. And the canned pears do not spoil.They will last for years. The decay spreads over the State, and the sweet smell is a great sorrow on the land. Men who can graft the trees and make the seed fertile and big can find no way to let the hungry people eat their produce. Men who have created new fruits in the world cannot create a system whereby their fruits may be eaten. And the failure hangs over the State like a great sorrow. The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground.The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit—and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out.Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into th e earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate—died of malnutrition—because the food must rot, must be forced to rot.The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath a re filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. Chapter 25 the Grapes of Wrath THE SPRING IS BEAUTIFUL in California. Valleys in which the fruit blossoms are fragrant pink and white waters in a shallow sea. Then the first tendrils of the grapes swelling from the old gnarled vines, cascade down to cover the trunks. The full green hills are round and soft as breasts. And on the level vegetable lands are the mile-long rows of pale green lettuce and the spindly little cauliflowers, the gray-green unearthly artichoke plants. And then the leaves break out on the trees, and the petals drop from the fruit trees and carpet the earth with pink and white.The centers of the blossoms swell and grow and color: cherries and apples, peaches and pears, figs which close the flower in the fruit. All California quickens with produce, and the fruit grows heavy, and the limbs bend gradually under the fruit so that little crutches must be placed under them to support the weight. Behind the fruitfulness are men of understanding and knowledge, and skill, men who experiment with seed, e ndlessly developing the techniques for greater crops of plants whose roots will resist the million enemies of the earth: the molds, the insects, the rusts, the blights.These men work carefully and endlessly to perfect the seed, theroots. And there are the men of chemistry who spray the trees against pests, who sulphur the grapes, who cut out disease and rots, mildews and sicknesses. Doctors of preventive medicine, men at the borders who look for fruit flies, for Japanese beetle, men who quarantine the sick trees and root them out and burn them, men of knowledge.The men who graft the young trees, the little vines, are the cleverest of all, for theirs is a surgeon's job, as tender and delicate; and these men must have surgeons' hands and surgeons' hearts to slit the bark, to place the grafts, to bind the wounds and cover them from the air. These are great men. Along the rows, the cultivators move, tearing the spring grass and turning it under to make a fertile earth, breaking the grou nd to hold the water up near the surface, ridging the ground in little pools for the irrigation, destroying the weed roots that may drink the water away from the trees.And all the time the fruit swells and the flowers break out in long clusters on the vines. And in the growing year the warmth grows and the leaves turn dark green. The prunes lengthen like little green bird's eggs, and the limbs sag down against the crutches under the weight. And the hard little pears take shape, and the beginning of the fuzz comes out on the peaches. Grape blossoms shed their tiny petals and the hard little beads become green buttons, and the buttons grow heavy. The men who work in the fields, the owners of the little orchards, watch and calculate.The year is heavy with produce. And the men are proud, for of their knowledge they can make the year heavy. They have transformed the world with their knowledge. The short, lean wheat has been made big and productive. Little sour apples have grown large and sweet, and that old grape that grew among the trees and fed the birds its tiny fruit has mothered a thousand varieties, red and black, green and pale pink, purple and yellow; and each variety with its own flavor. The men who work in the experimental farms have made new fruits: nectarines and forty kinds of plums, walnuts with paper shells.And always they work, selecting, grafting, changing, driving themselves, driving the earth to produce. And first the cherries ripen. Cent and a half a pound. Hell, we can't pick 'em for that. Black cherries and red cherries, full and sweet, and the birds eat half of each cherry and the yellowjackets buzz into the holes the birds made. And on the ground the seeds drop and dry with black shreds hanging from them. The purple prunes soften and sweeten. My God, we can't pick them and dry and sulphur them. We can't pay wages, no matter what wages. And the purple prunes carpet the ground.And first the skins wrinkle a little and swarms of flies come to fe ast, and the valley is filled with the odor of sweet decay. The meat turns dark and the crop shrivels on the ground. And the pears grow yellow and soft. Five dollars a ton. Five dollars for forty fiftypound boxes; trees pruned and sprayed, orchards cultivated—pick the fruit, put it in boxes, load the trucks, deliver the fruit to the cannery—forty boxes for five dollars. We can't do it. And the yellow fruit falls heavily to the ground and splashes on the ground. The yellowjackets dig into the soft meat, and there is a smell of ferment and rot.Then the grapes—we can't make good wine. People can't buy good wine. Rip the grapes from the vines, good grapes, rotten grapes, wasp-stung grapes. Press stems, press dirt and rot. But there's mildew and formic acid in the vats. Add sulphur and tannic acid. The smell from the ferment is not the rich odor of wine, but the smell of decay and chemicals. Oh, well. It has alcohol in it, anyway. They can get drunk. The little farme rs watched debt creep up on them like the tide. They sprayed the trees and sold no crop, they pruned and grafted and could not pick the crop.And the men of knowledge have worked, have considered, and the fruit is rotting on the ground, and the decaying mash in the wine vat is poisoning the air. And taste the wine—no grape flavor at all, just sulphur and tannic acid and alcohol. This little orchard will be a part of a great holding next year, for the debt will have choked the owner. This vineyard will belong to the bank. Only the great owners can survive, for they own the canneries, too. And four pears peeled and cut in half, cooked and canned, still cost fifteen cents. And the canned pears do not spoil.They will last for years. The decay spreads over the State, and the sweet smell is a great sorrow on the land. Men who can graft the trees and make the seed fertile and big can find no way to let the hungry people eat their produce. Men who have created new fruits in the world cannot create a system whereby their fruits may be eaten. And the failure hangs over the State like a great sorrow. The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground.The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit—and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out.Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into th e earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate—died of malnutrition—because the food must rot, must be forced to rot.The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath a re filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Art a Bar at the Folies Bergere by Edourd Manet

elly Turner A Bar at the Folies Bergere by Edourd Manet In the detailed work of art by the artist, Edourd Manet, the subject matter is depicting a barmaid who is alone working in a crowded bar shown in the mirror behind her but at a far distance away. The look on her face seems like she is distracted and overwhelmed with so many customers that she can’t handle taking everyone’s order. The subject matter comes from the artist who maybe is unhappy with his own work and maybe overwhelmed with all the pieces he needs to create for a certain event.The media of this work is an oil painting. Oil paintings are used on a canvas. It is a slow drying process which gives the surface of the painting richness and depth of colors. To use oil paint you need good quality sable brushes, turpentine for cleaning and thinning brushes, a canvas, and paint. Points, lines, and shapes help create oil paintings. There are symmetrical forms of the barmaid depicting visual weights and counterweigh ts in the piece, A Bar at the Folies Bergere, by Eduaor Manet.The shapes in this piece are geometric by the reflection of the mirror and also soft edged by the crowd in the background in the mirror almost faded out. The overall balance is destabilized. The masses in this painting are mostly focused on the bar tender then geometrically have the crowd smaller and faded away in the mirror depiction. The textures of this image are implied because there are x-ray photographs that reveal that Manet twice shifted the barmaid’s reflection further right. The color scheme is broken down with light and dark colors making it appear naturalistic.The space is created in two dimensional work with the barmaid’s image reflecting off of the mirror with the crowd portrayed in the background as pretty far away from her and also by balancing to lead our eyes around the work. Elements are arranged with the barmaid as the main element which is big and catches our eyes before we notice the sm aller people in the mirror reflection. Unity is created by the mirror reflecting her back image talking to a man knowing that they are all one big room. There is variety n this piece because the barmaid is very finely painted yet the crowded area of people in the mirror is almost fuzzy and unrecognizable. The scale of this work is half life size half not with the women being painted as a normal size yet the other people are very tiny with just their upper bodies being painted. The woman is extremely emphasized in this picture and the man along with the bar top is emphasized as well but not as much as the woman. In the detailed work of art by the artist, Edourd Manet art can be described in many various ways to depict so many different aspects of the painting.

Company Employment Essay

Sheena had worked for the same Fortune 500 Company for most 15 years. Although the company had gone through some tough times, things were starting to turn around. Customer orders were up, and quality and productivity had improved dramatically from what they had been only a few years earlier due company wide quality improvement program. So, it comes as a real shock to Sheena and about 400 of her co-workers when they were suddenly terminated following the new CEO’s decision to downsize the company. After recovering from the initial shock, Sheena tried to find employment elsewhere. Despite her efforts, after eight months of searching she was no closer to finding a job than the day she started. Her funds were being depleted and she was getting more discouraged. There was one bright spot, though: She was able to bring in a little money by mowing lawns for her neighbors. She got involved quite by chance when she heard one neighbor remark that now that his children were on their own, nobody was around to cut the grass. Almost jokingly, Sheena asked him how much he’d be willing to pay. Soon Sheena was mowing the lawns of five neighbors. Other neighbors wanted her to work on their lawns, but she didn’t feel that she could spare any more time from her job search. However, as the rejection letters began to pile up, Sheena knew she had to make an important decision in her life. On a rainy Tuesday morning, she decided to go into business for herself taking care of neighborhood lawns. She was relieved to give up the stress of job hunting, and she was excited about the prospects of being her own boss. But she was also fearful of being completely on her own. Nevertheless, Sheena was determined to make a go of it. At first, business was a little slow, but once people realized Sheena was available, many asked her to take care of their lawns. Some people were simply glad to turn – the work over to her; others switched from professional lawn care services. By the end of her first year in business, Sheena knew she could earn a living this way. She also performed other services such as fertilizing lawns, weeding gardens, and trimming shrubbery. Business became so good that Sheena hired two part-time workers to assist her and, even then, she believed she could expand further if she wanted to. Questions 1. In what ways are Sheena’s customers most likely to judge the quality of her lawn care services? (10 Marks) 2. Sheena is the operations manager of her business. Among her responsibilities are forecasting, inventory management, scheduling, quality assurance, and maintenance. (a) What kinds of things would likely require forecasts?  (b) What inventory items does Sheena probably have? Name one inventory decision she has to make periodically. (c) What scheduling must she do? What things might occur to disrupt schedules and cause Sheena to reschedule? (d) How important is quality assurance to Sheena’s business? Explain. (e) What kinds of maintenance must be performed? (20 Marks) 3. What are some of the trade-offs that Sheena probably considered relative to: (a) Working for a company instead of for herself? (b) Expanding the business? (10 Marks) 4. The town is considering an ordinance that would prohibit putting grass clippings at the curb for pickup because local landfills cannot handle the volume. What options might Sheena consider if the ordinance is passed? Name two advantages and two drawbacks of each option. (20 Marks)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Executive Summary for business plan for frozen yogurt company Assignment

Executive Summary for business plan for frozen yogurt company - Assignment Example This, in turn, will significantly contribute towards the swift operations of the company. As a result, the company will be able to follow through on its objectives and mission of providing quality and efficient services and products to clients. Product. Y-spot frozen yogurt company is a business that seeks to commit to quality production for the market base. The company shall focus on the production of frozen yoghurts. Thus, in order to gain a competitive edge over its competitors, the company shall specialize in the production of different flavors of yoghurts. These flavors shall be based on unique customer requests. This implies that the company shall focus on the production of tailor-made yogurt products for its consumers. Therefore, the company shall gain a competitive edge over its rivals by responding effectively to unique customer needs. In addition, production of frozen yoghurts by the company also offers an efficient and effective mode of preservation for the company’s highly perishable products. Location. Y-spot frozen yogurt company shall, thus, be located in New York. This is attributed to the magnitude and nature of New York’s population. The city is inhabited by numerous and vast populations from various parts of the world. In addition, the city also boasts of numerous institutions with an immense student and working population. Therefore, the city’s vast and cosmopolitan population will provide the necessary market for the company. However, the company shall also employ the necessary marketing strategies such as use of the internet and social networks in the process of optimizing its sales operations. Moreover, the company shall also roll out its operations to the environs of New York as part of its first substantial expansion plan prior to rolling out operations to other parts of the nation. These expansion processes

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Media Critic, George Gerbner observes that what we see on TV and in Essay

Media Critic, George Gerbner observes that what we see on TV and in magazines eventually becomes our standard of reality and de - Essay Example Many peoples lives are sedentary and feature little exercise. As several researchers have indicated, in strident tones: â€Å"According to the American Obesity Association, 65% of adults and 30% of children are overweight, and 30% of adults and 15% of children meet the criteria for obesity. Rarely playing outdoors, children spend their days chatting online or watching TV while snacking on nutritionally empty foods. The average child spends 4 hours per day watching TV, and only 1 hour per day completing homework† (Derenne and Beresin, 1). These health problems are causing a crisis in body image perspectives. Because people are living such unhealthy lives, they see the gap between their own bodies and bodies they see in entertainment products, and this may result in depression or other disorders. The entertainment industry unwittingly encourages this by refusing to feature people with â€Å"normal† or â€Å"average† bodies and by promoting unfortunate stereotypes. These issues can affect both men and women, but it appears that more magazines target women's insecurities and can have a big impact on them (Grogan, 108). Films do a great deal to shape our ideas of body image. One example would be the American film, the Nutty Professor starring Eddie Murphy. In this film, the Klump family is shown to be hugely obese. Each member of the family has bad hygiene and appears foolish; they are in the film to be laughed at. This is typical of the portrayal of overweight people in contemporary films: they are comedic subjects to be mocked. Rather than show them as people with a full range of feeling and complex motivations, the entertainment industry reduces them to silly stereotypes. This occurs in many films. Is it any wonder that overweight people see these images and internalize the negative energy surrounding them? It is not hard to see how people can develop eating disorders or low self esteem from the constant bombardment of such images. The altern ative can be true for music videos. Music videos are famous for their sexually idealized representations of both sexes, but especially of women. In many videos, half-naked women cavort around luxury sports cars. Men sing about their bodies as if they were mere objects. The most desirous women are those who are thin, have large breasts, and wear lots of make up. They wear clothes that reveal their body. To young people watching these images, the shows of wealth and power suggest that these things are attracted to these kinds of bodies. These bodies, viewers are told, are to be emulated, as they are the key to gaining access to this privileged world. While this is true for many kinds of music videos, there are some videos by artists such as Pink and Christina Aguilera which try to counteract the messages of most music videos. These rare videos tell viewers that they are special just they way they are and that they do not need to change in order to fit into a stereotype. It is evident that music videos largely portray unattainable body images, but that some videos do tell a different story, one of innate rather than physical value. Many television shows have similar body image issues as music videos and films. Attractiveness is everything. The comedian Chris Farley was routinely mocked for being overweight on Saturday Night Live. He eventually died from a drug overdose. Clearly, his life was very unhealthy.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

In light of recent research evaluate the extent to which a willy Essay

In light of recent research evaluate the extent to which a willy employer can evade the provisions of the Equal Pay Act 1970. What proposals for reform can be m - Essay Example In accordance with a report published by the University of Oxford â€Å"under this Act, every employment contract is deemed to include an equality clause which guarantees both sexes the same money for doing the same or broadly similar work, or work rated as equivalent by a job evaluation study; such a clause operates unless an employer can prove that pay variation between the sexes is reasonable and genuinely due to a material difference between their cases†2. In other words, all employment contracts should include provisions for equal pay regarding the work of equal value. However, in many cases the provision of equal payment is not possible because there are certain factors (like the duties of the man involved) that have been encountered in order for the increase to the salary to be decided. Another issue is the fact that discrimination in payment is often non visible or easily identified because it can refer to the provision of other benefits (like free accommodation and so on) that are analyzed extensively below. 1(1) â€Å"If the terms of a contract under which a woman is employed at an establishment in Great Britain do not include (directly or by reference to a collective agreement or otherwise) an equality clause they shall be deemed to include one†3 In other words, all employment contracts in Britain should include a clause related with equal payment. In terms that such a term is not included in the employment contracts, then employers can be ‘obliged’ to add such a clause within these contracts. In order to understand the role of Equal Pay Act 1970, it is necessary to refer primarily to the term ‘pay’ as included in the above Act. In accordance with a definition given by the Equal Opportunities Commission (2007) the term ‘pay’ can be refer not only to salaries and wages but also to the following benefits: â€Å"a) holiday pay/leave entitlements; b) profit related pay; c) profit sharing; d) contractual bonuses e) share options; f) subsidised

Friday, July 26, 2019

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) - Research Paper Example t services from carrying out business with the offending websites and search engines links to sites, and court orders demanding suppliers on the Internet to disallow accessing sites. The bill would expand the criminal law to consist of the unauthorized transmission of copyrighted material, setting a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment2. The bill has grave implications for the current structure of the Internet in every sense as it allows the Justice Department and the owners of intellectual property, obtain court orders against those sites or services that allow or facilitate the infringement of alleged copyright, including: The bill declares a criminal offense to unauthorized radio broadcast or other distribution of copyrighted content with the punishing of the guilty with the maximum penalty of imprisonment for a term of 5 years. At the same time immunity from prosecution vested all Internet companies that voluntarily and on their own initiative took any action against the online service, dealing with the spread of protected content, while making these companies liable for damage to their site owners charged with illegal distributing content. Under the bill, any member of a network on the Internet – from service providers, search engines and even the advertisers – in fact, require treatment for any owner to stop providing services to the resource, accused of piracy, and to stop any interaction with them (for example, close the channel, pay for content, suspend the ad contract, to limit the effect of the payment system, delete the site from Google to remove links to the site, completely block a site to visit, to prohibit the payment systems (such as PayPal, Visa, etc.) to make payments in favor of services and so on); otherwise, any of the direct and indirect accused of counterparties site will be regarded as his partner. Under the eyes of this new law, merely to get on your wall a picture, document or video that has a copyright will be considered a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Modern Imperalism(The british Empire) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Modern Imperalism(The british Empire) - Essay Example Being often dubbed â€Å"internal colonialism†, those relationships, according to Levine, did little, if anything, to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, but exploited the divide for colonial ends (11). Insofar as the poor had found a solution, although not always an easy one, to their problems, migrating in large numbers from their impoverished regions into distant lands, the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British Empire is largely considered â€Å"a significantly Scottish enterprise† (Levine 11). On the other hand, as Judd points out, the primary motive and most powerful drive behind the establishment of the Empire and its global growth was the â€Å"desire for profitable trade, plunder and enrichment† (3). Thus, having served many useful purposes, besides bringing wealth to a substantial part of the British population, the Empire was seen as both â€Å"a mainstay† of the restored Stuart monarchy after the period of republican rule known as â€Å"the Commonwealth and Protectorate† and the stabilising factor in â€Å"the post-revolutionary Britain of the late seventeenth century† (Judd 3-4). ... d been perceived as â€Å"underwriting the nation’s future in a variety of ways†, including as â€Å"a means of uniting the British people in a common cause, a means of â€Å"inspiring a sense of international mission†, as well as a â€Å"device to blunt the edge of class warfare and egalitarian philosophies†; most notably, however, the Empire helped boost both the confidence of the individual and the nation, stifling fears of degeneration and decline. (Judd 4-5). This essay is intended to review the reasons for the British invasion in Egypt in 1882, including such as the situation in Europe, imperial geopolitics, commercial and strategic interests, as well as domestic economic concerns due to the pressure of increased international competition. The essay argues that the invasion was necessitated by a cocktail of factors, whose relative weigh varied with each stage of the British involvement. 2. Historical Background Porter point out that the British Empi re significantly changed over the nineteenth century; thus, the West Indian islands rapidly lost their relative importance in the British trade after 1815, whereas the westward extension of Canada to the Pacific, along with the emergence of six colonies in Australia, transformed not only altered the pattern of investment distribution within the Empire, but also created a number of â€Å"self-governing, self-confident ‘settler capitalist societies’†, which generated nearly â€Å"16.5 per cent of Britain’s overseas trade† (Porter 5). Despite the changes, India, which underwent a consolidation of the British control over its territories between 1819 and 1870 – remained of â€Å"paramount importance in any assessment of Imperial assets† (Porter 5-6). This expansion, in turn, brought about other significant developments,

Biological Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biological Science - Essay Example In mitosis, all the daughter cells resemble the parent cell chromosomal number and configuration (diploid). 6. During meiosis, the daughter cells formed are genetically different; in mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical. 7. Meiosis causes gamete formation or reproductive cells; mitosis causes increased population of somatic cells and causes repair of worn out cells and replaces dead cells. The commoner cell division is mitosis because the number of somatic cells is far greater than the number of the reproductive cells. So, mitosis is the more frequent cell division. 2. Why is biodiversity so important Be detailed and discuss the various ramifications of losing our biodiversity. Biodiversity is the key to the survival of every species. The existence of a wide variety of species or other taxa of plants, animals, and microorganisms in a natural community is called biodiversity. The main importance of biodiversity is stability of ecosystem. It also provides huge amount of genetic material useful for humans. Biodiversity results in an interspecies relationships, such as, scavenging, commensalisms, proto-cooperation, symbiosis, etc. These interspecies relationships are caused by interaction between two species so that each can be benefited from it. Foodweb is an important part of ecosystem. More is number of species in an ecosystem, better will be the foodweb, which means scarcity of food can be prevented by biodiversity. Apart from this, it can attract tourists so that by ecotourism, the economic condition of the country can be improved. It can promote pharmaceutical research, and indirectly, it can protect our civilization. Loss of biodiversity affects the humans, animals, and nature. We know that quality of foodweb depends upon biodiversity, so biodiversity loss can decrease the food productivity causing prices of food to go up and even death in many cases. Chances of natural disasters also increase with loss in biodiversity. Biodiversity can keep a check on zoonotic diseases, so loss of it can increase health risks of humans from zoonotic diseases. Plant diversity is the source of economy for the country because it provides many products like, timber, fruits, wood fuels, etc. So damage in plant diversity can cause the downfall of economy. This might lead to labor problems too. Loss of biodiversity may lead to habitat destruction, which contributes to the extinction of the animals. Apart from these, geographically, the continuous loss of forests affects rainfall, hence can compromise the quality of water for household use. 3. Explain the following: biotic potential, carrying capacity, logistic vs. exponential growth. Biotic potential: Biotic potential is the maximum rate at which the population could increase. In ideal condition, the variables like maximum birth rate and minimum death rate are determinants of biotic potential. However, the biotic potential can be influenced by environmental resistances, such as, competition

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

5 paraphrase six Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

5 paraphrase six - Assignment Example Nadine’s story depicts the way the whites oppressed the other races hence gaining control of the country despite being the minority group. The apartheid system ensured that the blacks remained powerless. By denying them access to wealth, the whites maintained their authority over other races. For instance, blacks were not allowed to own large farms hence making their livelihood hard and slavery in nature. Moreover, the blacks happen to be divided and separated from their family members. Petrus works in Lerice’s farm while the rest of his family members are at Rhodesia. To make matters wise, it is considered a crime for his blood brother to come visiting him without a written permit (1322). He is referred as an alien and the police are even curious that Lerice might be hosting other non-registered blacks. Note that the authority understands that, unity could help blacks visualize white’s inhumane treatment and possibly react. African community is totally split, they are managed by different white masters and even forced to leave their African names that would identify them with clans but instead assigned E nglish names. In contrary, the whites were superior, could easily acquire land and wealth as well as decide their livelihood. Charter, easily acquires a farm and workers and is free to move from town to his farm. The author uses this difference in freedom of movement, to show that Africans were not poor by choice or laziness but the government system oppressed them to. Oppression is inhuman but the apartheid system portrayed the whites as superior. Gordimer uses Lerice to address the callous nature of treating blacks as inferior. Lerice and her husband have personal problems which make them move out of town. In contrary, Blacks can’t move freely, and the law condemns movement without permits. Upon settling in their newly bought farm, Lerice maintains her humanness and treats her employees as equal to her, she even looks after

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MGMT 670- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MGMT 670- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Case Study Example The DVD had in reality created a wave among the Americans and it has been estimated that during the year 2008 more than 85 percent of the US households had this player. Apart from this, individuals could also very well subscribe for movie DVD’s and get them delivered to their home, by joining subscription services like the Blockbuster and Netflix companies. The advent of the internet into the homes have created a new platform, which has enabled people to watch downloadable movies. Many downloadable sites are available over the internet like the Netflix, Blockbuster, which allow the people al over the world, to either watch movies online or download them to their personal computers. (Thompson 2008) Home Movie Rental Business and Economic characteristics 1. The future movie experience for the worldwide audience is going to get concentrated on the home viewing category, since more and more famous companies like the Netflix and Blockbuster are on the path of streaming movies, dire ctly to the viewers big screen televisions. This could result in the start of an era, that could well enable the viewer’s world over to watch movies online or through the televisions, by subscribing with their satellite or cable operators. 2. Though most of the movie companies in the past have been much reluctant when it came to the provision of the video on demand because of the inherent threat of piracy, still some companies have changed their stance ever since. They feel doubtful about the extent of the profits, that they could very well acquire from such a business model and hence they have shown a positive bias with regards to the streaming movies online that cannot be pirated. . 3. The online movie download and streaming facilities with the increase in the internet service the world over, have made the online movie rental business quite attractive. (Thompson 2008) Competition in the Movie Rental Industry Thus the question now boils as to how the entertainment industry i s going to move forward in the coming years, with more and more breakthroughs taking place every day. Indeed this has made the competition much tougher between the various companies in the US and the foremost among them have been the Netflix and the Blockbuster companies, which have been very much in the forefront, when it comes to the entertainment segment and in the business of providing their viewers with unique entertainment and movie viewing experiences. (Thompson 2008) Netflix Driving Forces The year 2008 as already mentioned before had indeed become an important year, which had marked a change in the way people started to watch movies through rental videos. It started the subscription era of movies with the advancement of internet technology and the largest online subscription company turned out to be Netflix. Netflix Key Success factors The uniqueness that can be attributed to the Netflix success, can very much be attributed to the business model that it pursues for marketin g its movies online. This is because Netflix through its online portal very well gives its subscribers the same kind of benefits that they get, when they visit their nearest online video stores. They can pick from a wide variety of movies that are offered on the Netflix website and at the same time save valuable time, in case they had to rent it from their nearest rental video store by physically walking in and picking out the video. The distribution and the fast mail delivery system of providing the customers with

Monday, July 22, 2019

Education Algebra Essay Example for Free

Education Algebra Essay Coming into mathematics for elementary educators with my classmates, everyone had some type notion of what this course consists of. For most people math is a very hard and complex subject that requires complicated rules that a person would never use again. A person who has not been exposed to math would say math is just numbers, shapes, and some simple arithmetic. To a serious math student, math encompasses much more than just numbers and geometrical shapes, of course. During math 213 I bought into many misconceptions about math. During Week one I learned about no child left behind act and the pro’s and con’s that are associated with this act. We reviewed the order of operations and learned different meanings to some math terminology. The most exciting teaching strategy I learned in week one was called the pinch card. The pinch card allows the teacher to observe the students, while the students pinch different signs when learning the order of operation. It is a piece of paper that consists of the addiction, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponent, and parentheses symbol. Week two we discuss union, intersection, complement, different properties, commutative, associative, and identity. I learned how to use manipulative to teach different teaching strategy while teaching decimals. I found it difficult to understand some questions off the math homework during week two which help me comprehend how students will feel. Math is not hard for me to understand but I realize I have to stay super focus while in math class or I will get lose easily with the different numbers. Math is not a hard subject and many times I made it harder by not using the problem solving steps which are, explore problem, plan, solve, examine, which are very helpful when understood . My philosophy toward teaching math is to look at math from a logical standpoint instead of trying to figure it out; you will see that logically everything will fall into place. I am not a math teacher however, there is one thing I wish all math teachers would focus more on and that is teaching students to view math logically. While it is very important to know how to work, a problem out it is also equally important for students to learn to look at the problem from a logical standpoint. Math in class 213 made perfect sense and when I looked at math from a logical standpoint along with problem solving techniques I discover it is much easier. Common sense goes a long way when dealing with math problems. I also learned that you will need and use math everyday of your life for the rest of your life. Depending on what you do professionally will determine what form of math you use on a regular basis but rest assured everyone on Gods green earth will use some form of math in their everyday life. Taking this math course made me think about becoming a math teacher. Without math, you cannot check your pay stub to make sure your employer is paying you correctly, pulling out the correct amount for deductibles or that you arent paying in to much for insurance or anything else. Without math, you will not be able to budget your income and expenses for the week or the month. Without math, you will have Math is important for our future and it is an important aspect in most jobs. Warehouse workers many times have to take and pass a math test before being hired for job positions. Mechanics use math everyday whether they are pricing parts and adjusting bills or figuring out exact calculations in order to do a job correctly. Construction workers use math to make calculations before beginning and during construction. I have not worked in or heard of a job yet that didnt involve math at some point even if you work at McDonald’s you have to know math to count the money and give the corrected change. Most often, we use basic math skills without even thinking about it. How sad it would be if we didnt have those basic skills. Math skills are very important when planning for our financial future and during our everyday life. Without math, you wouldnt be able to balance your checkbook or many other everyday tasks that are normally taken for granted.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Salmonella Infection: Causes and Effects

Salmonella Infection: Causes and Effects Recently, food safety is an increasingly important public health issue with news of food poisoning reported daily. Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve food safety. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising consumer concerns. Foodborne is any illness resulting from the consumption of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses or parasites that contaminate the food. Foodborne disease is a common, costly yet preventable and is a widespread public health problem, both in urban and rural areas. Symptoms of foodborne illness range from mild gastroenteritis to life-threatening neurologic, hepatic and renal syndromes. Foodborne diseases are incorrectly referred to as food poisoning due to the similarity in symptoms. Examples of foodborne diseases are Botulism, Brucellosis, Salmonellosis and many more. Salmonellosis is a type of foodborne disease caused by the Salmonella bacterium (WebMD, 2011). Salmonell a food poisoning happens when the gastrointestinal tract or the digestive tract is infected by a variety of types of Salmonella bacteria (Brian MD, 2011). The two most common are Salmonella serotype Typhimurium and Salmonella serotype Enteritidis. According to the United States Department of Health Human Services (South Heartland District, n.d.), approximately 40,000 cases of Salmonellosis are reported in the United States each year. The actual number of infections may be 30 times greater because many milder cases are not diagnosed or reported.   Salmonella bacteria live in the intestines of people and animals and are often passed on from the preparation of food to the process of food consumption. The main cause of salmonella is due to the improper hygiene of food handlers. A frequent cause is when a food handler does not wash his/her hand with soap after using a bathroom. Food becomes contaminated by the unwashed hands of an infected food handler. Infection can also spread from cutting boards, counters and kitchen utensils. Besides, some food can be contaminated such as meat during the butchering process, fish when harvested in contaminated waters and fruits and vegetables if being watered with contaminated waters or during the washing process before distribution. Furthermore, public are aware of the handling of certain animals can spread the salmonella infection. Snakes, turtles, birds, chicks and other reptiles may carry salmonella. Children are exposed to salmonella by holding and cuddling infected animals. Salmonella can also be found in the faeces of some pets, especially those with diarrhoea (Jerry Shaw, 2010). The history of Salmonella outbreak is between 2002-2003 when there was a multistate outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infections which were ultimately associated with the consumption of raw milk. Sixty-two people were infected from various countries including Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Illinois. Out of the 32 food samples tested, five were positive of Salmonella Typhimurium including three raw skim milk samples, one raw milk butter sample and one raw cream sample. Upon investigation, only the consumption of raw milk was associated significantly with the illnesses (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2009). A recent outbreak of Salmonella was linked to tainted melons have killed two victims and leaving 141 ills in 20 states in the United States. It is said that the salmonella outbreak linked to the contaminated rock melon grown in Southern Indiana. Agriculture experts said that the frequent problems with rock melon come from the nature of the melons and sloppy agricultural practices (Liz Szabo, 2012). One may prone to Salmonella infection during travelling which is more common in developing countries with poor sanitation. People with pets and reptile also have a higher risk of Salmonella infection. People living in group housing are more prevalent to Salmonella infection simply because they are exposed to more people. In addition, food prepared at the universities canteen often uses large amount of ground meat or unshelled eggs that have been pooled from many source. Besides, infants and elderly are more prone to Salmonella bacteria due to the weak immune system in their bodies. Besides, Salmonella infection happens more frequently during the summer compare to other seasons (Victor Smida, 2011). Salmonella germs are resistant in the environment. They can survive about 5 to 6 months in polluted water and feces, survive and reproduce in at room temperature in wet environments, in food and infusion solutions. Transmissions of Enteric Salmonellosis are caused by Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A, B and C. All the clinical entities are different in characteristic development and lasting immunity of the body. Contamination is made orally when a person eats infected food or drink infected water. After an incubation period about 14 days, the disease begins with lethargy, malaise, fever and pain during the first week followed with constipation along this period. In the second week, the bacteria are back into circulation and will cause high fever, sensitive stomach and possibly pink macules on the abdominal skin (Victor Smida, 2011). Mayo Clinic staff (2011) stated that the symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning generally begin within 8 to 72 hours after ingesting food or beverages contaminated with Salmonella bacteria. Most salmonella infections can be classified as gastroenteritis. Symptoms of Salmonellosis include fever and chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, multiple bouts of diarrhea which may be bloody and severe abdominal pain and cramps. Generally, with proper care to avoid dehydration, healthy adults can begin to seek improvement in their symptoms within a couple of days and can recover completely with a week. Most people recover without treatment. In some cases, Salmonella food poisoning can result in serious or life-threatening complications, such as severe dehydration and Reiters syndrome. A small number of people who are infected with Salmonellosis develop Reiters syndrome, a disease that can last for months or years and can lead to chronic arthritis. Seek immediate medical care if one has a change in level of consciousness or alertness, dizziness, eye irritation, painful joints, weakness and painful urination. Signs and symptoms of salmonella infection generally last four to seven days but it may take several months before the bowel habits are entirely normal. Basically, replacement of fluids and electrolytes is the focus of treatment because salmonella infection can be dehydrating. However, if the diarrhea is severe, hospitalization may require especially to younger kids, seniors and people with compromised immune systems where fluids are delivered directly into the vein. If a person is suffering from dehydration due to Salmonella, it is advisable to give the person rehydration drinks, like Pedialyte or Rehydralyte. Alternatively, the person can also be given sports drinks. Usually, it is recommended that the person continue with normal diet to obtain necessary nutrients and help in hastening process. In addition, doctor may recommend anti-diarrheal to help relieve cramping. If the salmonella bacteria are suspected to enter the bloodstream, doctor may prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria (, n.d.) However, prevention is better than cure. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, good hygiene is a priorit y when handling with food, pets and children (2011). Salmonella can be prevented by avoiding raw or unpasteurized milk and other dairy products. Wash hands after getting into contact with animal feces especially reptiles since reptiles are particularly likely to carry salmonella bacteria. Also, refrigerate and freeze leftovers right away and eat them within two or three days of refrigerating. Moreover, avoid having contact with a person who has infectious Salmonella food poisoning or its symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea. On top of all, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (Imraan Seedat, 2010).

Treatment Options for Fractured Bridge

Treatment Options for Fractured Bridge Case Study: Discuss the treatment options of a case that you have treatment planned as part of your ICEi clinical portfolio. Patient complaint: Had a bridge in upper left area which had fractured and wanted to enquire about the possibility of implant treatment to replace the teeth and close the gap . History of present condition: Patient had a bridge for years for his one front missing tooth , and had recently fractured the bridge .No pain or discomfort from the broken tooth and has left the gap as such .Patient also had tried dentures for his other missing teeth but was not able to get used to them. Patient wanted to explore the options to replace his front missing teeth, in particular with dental implants. Patient not in any discomfort, and did not report any other dental problems. Patients’ expectation from the treatment is to replace front teeth, so that they look, function and feel like his own teeth and can give him confidence to smile as before . Social History: Patient rarely consumes alcohol and is a non-smoker Low sugar intake in diet Medical History: High blood pressure Medications: Ramipril, Cardioplen (Felodipine) / Simvastatin Extra oral examination: No abnormality detected Intra oral examination Soft Tissue: The soft tissues intra-orally were in good health. Periodontal condition: Bleeding on probing at some areas and calculus in lower front teeth. Grade 1 mobility with LR1, LL1 teeth but the pocketing depth was within normal range. Patient had average oral hygiene. Teeth :Teeth and existing restorations and crowns were generally in good condition. Generalised mild attrition was noted. Missing teeth: UR8 UR7 UR6 UR5 UL3 UL6 UL7 UL8 LR7 LR6 LR5 LL5 LL6 LL7 Crowned teeth (PBC) UR4 UR3 UR2 UR1 UL2 Restored teeth UL5 LR8 LR4 LL8 restored with amalgam restoration LR8 LL8 drifted mesially. UL4 tooth was fractured which was an abutment for mesial cantilever bridge (UL3-pontic, UL4- retainer crown), No caries, minimal coronal tooth structure present Occlusion: Upper arch Kennedy’s Class 1, Modification 1, considering missing UL3. Lower arch Kennedys Class 3, Modification 1 relationship was present. Due to missing posterior teeth in both upper and lower arch, patient had an edge to edge bite No obvious canine guidance or group function on lateral movements. Lip / Smile line: Lip and smile lines were positioned in such a way that when smiling broadly some of the gum margins of teeth were seen. An average (Moderate) lip line was hence recorded.(Van der Geld, Oosterveld et al. 2011). Bone morphology on palpation: UL3 area was noted to have buccal bone defect on palpation. UL4 tooth was having good hard tissue height and width due to the presence of the tooth. Diagnostic tests: Radiographs taken: DPT x-ray was done to assess the alveolar bone levels Periapical X-ray UL34 was done to assess the quality and quantity of bone available for the implant fixture. Photographs: Front view (close up) to record the lip line Intraoral view of UL3, UL4 area Bone defect picture Diagnosis: Failed anterior cantilever bridge (UL3 pontic, UL4 retainer) UL4 fracture tooth (no caries minimal tooth to restore) Upper and Lower partially edentulous arches. Generalised chronic mild gingivitis Patient wishes: Patient prefers a fixed option for the gap in the front. Treatment planning, objectives and considerations: Treatment is indicated to restore aesthetics and function and would also benefit the patient psychologically to have confidence in his smile again (Lindsay, And et al. 7). Considering patient desires, specific objectives of the treatment should be to restore missing UL3 tooth and UL4 tooth with a fixed option. The bone around the fractured tooth (UL4) is adequate, and there is sufficient bone height and width to allow the restoration of implant fixture. However, the bone around the missing tooth (UL3) was inadequate with bony defect and would need bone grafting to aid the long-term stability of the fixture. This can also further help to improve aesthetic results after implant treatment. Risk factors / limitations: Fracture of buccal bone can occur during extraction of UL4. UL3 has been noted to have less adequate bone, the implant restoration may have a higher restoration margin than the natural teeth, and tooth might appear to emerge higher up the gum than the adjacent teeth. No posterior support present in the present compromised occlusion and risk of excessive load on implants and hence failure of implants due to biomechanical reason and occlusion overloading(Kim, Oh et al. 2). Lack of primary stability of implants and Implant failure. (Chrcanovic, Chrcanovic et al. 6). Treatment options for the replacement of the missing teeth are: No treatment Leave Gap UL3 (Kanno, Carlsson 2006),Leave alone UL4 Extraction of UL4 and partial dentures (Davenport, Basker et al. 2000). Bridge (Not advised in this case, considering UL2 heavily restored and not suitable as an abutment). (Anonymous 2007). Implant options : UL4 implant and mesial cantilever bridge with UL3 UL4 (Implant supported bridge), (Kim, Ivanovski et al. 2). b. UL4 implant supported crown and UL3 Implant supported crown with bone grafting in UL3 (Al-Khaldi, Sleeman et al. 2011). Advantages and Disadvantages of different treatment options : 1. Leave, accept gap / Leave alone fractured UL4 Advantages: No treatment required No surgery Accept gap, no cost Disadvantages: Unaesthetic Drifting / Tilting of adjacent teeth Function and phonetic compromised Continuous bone loss, making restoring site more challenging at later date. Development of occlusal interferences Risk of caries developing UL4 Risk of acute pain / swelling and infection UL4 2. Partial dentures Advantages: No surgery Low cost Few visits for treatments Disadvantages: May be unstable Food accumulation Does not prevent bone loss Tolerance can be difficult 3. Bridge work (Not advised / feasible in this case) Advantages: No surgery Low cost Few visits for treatments Teeth are fixed Disadvantages: Healthy teeth prepared for support, Risk of loss of vitality ,may need Root canal treatment or Extraction at later date . Food accumulation as difficult to floss Does not prevent bone loss High cost Fracture of bridge or any part of it , needs replacing with new bridge as difficult to repair . Implant options: a) UL4 implant and mesial cantilever bridge with UL3 UL4 (Implant supported bridge) Advantages: Less cost as one implant to be placed No bone grafting needed, one surgical visit would be less. Treatment completion would be early as no bone augmentation needed. Fixed prosthesis Prevent bone loss at UL4 site Disadvantages / Limitations: Risk of implant failure is high due to excessive occlusal load due to missing posterior support. Compromised aesthetic outcome for UL3 due to bone defect present. If bridge work fails, would then plan to put two implants as planned as the next option and hence further cost. Oral hygiene needs to be maintained. b) UL4 implant supported single crown and UL3 Implant supported single crown with bone grafting in UL3 area. Advantages: Fixed prosthesis Prevent further bone loss at UL3 UL4 sites. Better aesthetic results. Individual implants, easy to maintain oral hygiene. Risk of failure due to occlusal load decreases as forces divided on two fixtures. If an implant fails, they could be replaced or treated individually. Long term clinical data reveals that the prognosis for implant treatment is very high, in the region of 90-95%. (Pjetursson, Pjetursson et al. 6). Disadvantages / Limitations: More cost as two implants and bone augmentation required. One surgical appointment added and wait for bone material to mature and hence prolonged treatment time. Risk of implant fixtures failure to ossteointegrate. The success of implant treatment will mainly depend on the ability to maintain a very high level of oral hygiene and plaque control measures in the long term. Need to attend dentist at 3-6 monthly intervals to ensure good periodontal (gum) condition is maintained around your implant fixture and standing natural teeth. Provisional restoration options: No Provisional restoration or Denture Patient opted for No Provisional restoration Type of bone grafting options 🙠 Dib 2010) An osseous graft can be osteogenic, osteoinductive or osteoconductive agent. Osteogenic graft contains vital cells, which will contribute to new bone growth. Osteoinductive graft stimulates the differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells into osteoblasts due to the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Osteoconductive graft will serve as a scaffold for new bone formation. Graft materials are also classifies as: Autograft bone, obtained from the same individual. Allograft bone, obtained from a different individual, but from the same species (Bone bank) Xenograft bone, obtained from different species (Bovine) Alloplast graft is made of synthetic materials. Patient had no reservation for xenograft and hence xenograft Bio-oss was agreed to be used. Patient information leaflet given on same. Treatment agreed and planned: From the options discussed and considering patients’ wishes , it was agreed to plan two individual implant retained single crowns with bone augmentation at UL3 site and it was proposed to do: Scale and polish Extract the UL4 tooth and Bone Graft UL3 area Place two implant UL3 and UL4 Fabricate new upper and lower partial dentures Maintenance instruction and regular follow up A report was sent to the patient with all the options written after the consultation and attached with a breakdown of the costs for consideration and consent to proceed. Reference list : AL-KHALDI, N., SLEEMAN, D. and ALLEN, F., 2011. Stability of dental implants in grafted bone in the anterior maxilla: longitudinal study. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 49(4), pp. 319-323. ANONYMOUS, 2007. Long-term survival of complete crowns, fixed dental prostheses, and cantilever fixed prostheses with posts and cores on root canal-treated teeth. British Dental Journal, 203(9), pp. 523. DAVENPORT, J., BASKER, R., HEATH, J., RALPH, J. and GLANTZ, P., 2000. The removable partial denture equation. British Dental Journal, 189(8), pp. 414-24. DIB, M., 2010. Successful Bone Grafting. Oral Health, 100(4), pp. 106-107,109. KANNO, T. and CARLSSON, G.E., 2006. A review of the shortened dental arch concept focusing on the work by the Kà ¤yser/Nijmegen group. England: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. KIM, P., IVANOVSKI, S., LATCHAM, N. and MATTHEOS, N., 2. The impact of cantilevers on biological and technical success outcomes of implantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ supported fixed partial dentures. A retrospective cohort study. Clinical oral implants research, 25(2), pp. 175; 175-184; 184. KIM, Y., OH, T., MISCH, C.E. and WANG, H., 2. Occlusal considerations in implant therapy: clinical guidelines with biomechanical rationale. Clinical oral implants research, 16(1), pp. 26; 26-35; 35. LINDSAY, S., AND, K. and JENNINGS, K., 7. The psychological benefits of dental implants in patients distressed by untolerated dentures. Psychology Health, 15(4), pp. 451; 451-466; 466. PJETURSSON, B.E., PJETURSSON, B.E., BRÄGGER, U., LANG, N.P. and ZWAHLEN, M., 6. Comparison of survival and complication rates of toothà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) and implantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ supported FDPs and single crowns (SCs). Clinical oral implants research, 18, pp. 97; 97-113; 113. VAN DER GELD, P., OOSTERVELD, P., SCHOLS, J. and KUIJPERS-JAGTMAN, A.M., 2011. Smile line assessment comparing quantitative measurement and visual estimation. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 139(2), pp. 174-180.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essays --

Throughout the Harper Lee’s story of To Kill A Mockingbird characters have looked through other people’s views with varying amounts of success and failure. The characters learn, some better than others, what it is like to look through the eyes of the guilty, the child, the poor, the outcast and the educated. People’s perspective of a situation may be different from another’s; but by trying to see in another person’s point of view, motives for their actions might become visible to an observer. When ignoring the way other people look at situations, a thought or opinion of the other person may be incorrect. Acting on false pretenses, made through not thinking from another person’s point of view, could bring up negative consequences; like prejudice thinking, false accusations and stereotypical thoughts. It is important for these ideas to get across the characters, as well as the reader. Looking through an angle other than a personal one, may be beneficial to figure out another person’s motives. Throughout the case of Mayella Ewell vs. Tom Robinson Atticus peers at what might have motivated Ms. Ewell to accuse Tom of something he did not do. Through this close examination Atticus was able to find motive for Ms.Ewell’s actions. Ms. Ewell sits on the witness stand while Atticus questions her and at the end of his questioning Atticus states â€Å"I say guilt, gentlemen, because it was her guilt that motivated her. She has committed no crime; she has merely broken a rigid and time honored code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with†(203). When Atticus looked through the eyes of Mayella he was able to find that reason to blame Mr. Robinson, that reason was guilt. Atticus could hav... ... Burris Ewell and is taught the hard way on the Maycomb social ladder. Yet Scout also has a bad day; being punished by her teacher for explaining why Walter could not except Ms. Caroline’s money and being yelled at by Calpurnia for making fun of how Walter eats. So when Atticus tells Scout to â€Å"climb into his skin and walk around in it† she does and try’s to look at things from Ms. Caroline’s point of view. Ms. Caroline learned something about Maycomb and if Walter and Scout put their selves into Ms. Caroline’s shoes then they would not have thought that she could learn all of Maycomb’s traditions in one day and that they could not hold her responsible for making mistakes because she has never known better(30). Scout complains about Ms. Caroline to Atticus to which Atticus gives the advice to walk around in the other person’s shoes.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Black Death Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Black Death The Black Death, the most severe epidemic in human history, ravaged Europe from 1347-1351. This plague killed entire families at a time and destroyed at least 1,000 villages. Greatly contributing to the Crisis of the Fourteenth Century, the Black Death had many effects beyond its immediate symptoms. Not only did the Black Death take a devastating toll on human life, but it also played a major role in shaping European life in the years following. The Black Death consisted mainly of Bubonic plague, but pneumonic plague was also present in the epidemic. Symptoms of the Bubonic plague included high fever, aching limbs, and blood vomiting. Most characteristic of the disease were swollen lymph nodes, which grew until they finally burst. Death followed soon after. The name "Black Death" not only referred to the sinister nature of the disease, but also to the black coloring of the victims' swollen glands. Pneumonic plague was even more fatal, but it was not as abundant as the Bubonic plague. The first outbreak of the plague was reported in China in the early 1330's. Trade between Asia and Europe had been growing significantly, and in 1347, rat-infested ships from China arrived in Sicily, bringing the disease with them. Since Italy was the center of European commerce, business, and politics, this provided the perfect opportunity for the disease to spread. The plague existed in the rats and was transferred to humans by fleas living on the rats. It struck ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Recreational Property Negligence :: essays research papers

M E M O R A N D U M TO:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   FROM:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   DATE:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   RE:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cole Gershwin- Immunity for Negligence on Recreational Property _________________________________________________________ I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STATEMENT OF FACTS Our Client, Mr. Cole Gershwin, is considering suit against the Chicago School District for injuries sustained as a result of tripping in a pothole. Gershwin, a teacher at Washington Elementary School, alleges that on October 10, 2000 at 12:20 pm, he was walking from the school to the teacher’s parking lot, and tripped in a pothole and fell. The walkway where Gershwin fell is adjacent to a parking lot that was converted from a portion of the playground area. The walkway is used by teachers to travel to and from the parking lot. The walkway is marked with yellow stripes and is bordered on the southern edge by orange construction cones that the school is going to replace with additional fencing. There is a sign on the fence separating the parking lot from the walkway that reads: â€Å"Walkway for Teachers Only.† Students occasionally use the walkway as a â€Å"safe† zone for games of tag. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  QUESTION PRESENTED Whether school property, classified as recreational and cursorily used by students during their recreation, immune from civil action under the Illinois Tort Immunity Act 3-106; when the school has the area sectioned off implying that it does not intend for the property to be used recreationally. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CONCLUSION No. The elements necessary to make the property recreational are not satisfied in this situation. The school district shows no intended use of the property for recreational purposes, nor does it show permitted use of the property for recreational purposes. Although the walkway is occasionally used by children for games of tag, this is incidental usage of the property, and thus  § 3-106 is inapplicable. Additionally, the primary purpose of the walkway is to facilitate travel to and from the parking lot, making the walkway nonrecreational in character. IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DISCUSSION Immunity from liability is determined by examining the character of the property in question. In order to establish immunity, the school board must show intent for the property to be used for recreation, or that the property is permitted to be used for recreational purposes, where that use is not incidental. Factors that weigh on the court’s decision to identify property as recreational include the overall usefulness of the walkway to facilitate access to the recreational facility, the primary purpose of the walkway, and viewing the property in question as a â€Å"unified whole.

Importance of Accountability Essay

answerableness encompasses the procedures and processes by which one party justifies and takes state for its activities such as for achieving various organisational goals (Lippincott c atomic number 18 for C ship, 2009). When a tolerant goes enters an office, they stimulate already round their standards and expectations to the highest standards. From the first hi to the introduction to their provider, e genuinely feat is organismness deliberate. The employees will be held responsible if the patient isnt checked in a well-timed(a) panache their insurance data is non entered quickly or accurately. The medical assistant has to confound their patients liveed in a timely manner, check vitals and enter vitals and record medications correctly. If any of these locomote atomic number 18 non subd appropriately, that individual(a) will be held accountable. accountability is an fasten in any business, but it is wholly important(p) to the health trouble industry. In thi s paper I will account what it meat to be held accountable and tools to measure business.Why is office important in the health safekeeping industry. Patients rely on the accountability and noesis of their providers. This attribute is important because their health is in the hands of these individuals. This responsibility does non drop out with the providers, but it is also relevant for different rung members involved in the fearfulness of the patients. Patients expect their c ar to be handled appropriately and efficiently. In order for the system to course accordingly, employees need to be held accountable for their actions. If employees ar non consistently doing what it takes to provide handsome customer service, accountability is not existence enforced, and employees create risk for the keep company. By not following by means of on labor or responsibilities patients begin to call into question the credibility of the company, and they begin to want person to b e held accountable for the deficienciesthat have occurred. How is an employees accountability measured in the health sustainment industry.As a leader, my accountability is measured by the outcome of my ply and the productivity of my staff. Standards that atomic number 18 measured may be, are my patients being roomed in a timely manner, are t here mistakes being guard by my front office when get in information. ar my providers up to date on their requirements such as CMEs (continued medical education)? Are my OSHA and HIPAA manuals current? Do I have a fire escape jut out posted and did we institutionalize drills? Are charges being entered in a timely manner? These are certain aspects of my job that are tangible and some that are intangible asset that assessed and that I will be held accountable for if they do not meet the set standard. Staff accountability is measured through observation and yearly reviews, unless action is inevitable sooner such corrective action measu res.Patients also have the opportunity to depute feedback through patient surveys and direct mop up the leading team. Applying ethical considerations in leadership and management. Ethics plays a large occasion in the different facets of healthcare. By not practicing ethical behaviour, this creates room for error in the workplace. By teaching ethical behavior and exemplifying it as a leader youre giving your employees the necessary tools to practice accountability and reliability. By incorporating this practice into the flori burnish of your office, this leads to productivity and equips your staff to stand by behind their actions because they believe in them. By establishing this nicety, it paves the path for accountable behavior. elaboration diverge requires committed leadership. Inadequate or out or keeping(p) leadership has been identified as a key factor when attempts to change purification fail (Lippincott Nursing Center, 2009).Checks and Balances in a made organizati on.In a successful organization, checks and balances are created and implemented to ensure that the companys success continues. Without checks and balances, the company is unable(p) to quantify or identify the line of merchandise of its problems or how to go about correcting the situation. Without checks and balances, this leaves room for errors, which may lead to lawsuits or blue patients. For instance by not providing your staff with mandated cleaning schedules, you are susceptible to infections among your patients. By requiring logs and assignments, you can then hold someone accountable if such tasks have notbeen completed. By identifying what process is needed and the peculiar(prenominal) outcome, employees tend to be compliant and complete their expected work. By knowing the consequences of not completing their work, they are made conscious(predicate) that they will be held accountable and in what way. How does accountability affect an organizations working culture?Health care providers are constantly striving to rectify quality and efficiency by victimisation performance management systems and quality feeler initiatives. Creating and maintaining a culture of accountability are essential for achieving this end because accountability is the condition for measuring and improving performance (Lippincott Nursing Center, 2009). How can you maintain a validatory working culture and avoid a working culture of blame. In a leadership role, it is important to be the example of what you want within your organization. By doing so, you are developing a culture of notice without direct blame. Teach your staff how to identify the problem, how to avoid it and more importantly not to place blame. A responsible staff member will acknowledge their mistakes and make the effort to correct them.This attitude decreases the culture of blame. For example, my staff member made a mistake, and instead of pulling her into my office and placing all the blame on her my firs t question is Why are you in here? By approaching mistakes this way, you are displace the control back into the hands of the employee/staff member. This provides the opportunity to dissect their behavior and signalize me why it occurred. In the end, there is no blame, but questions, which lead to answers, that result in the process of avoiding the same mistake.This approach negates pagan blame. In conclusion, accountability is a very productive tool in healthcare. By providing expectations for your employees they understand why and what it means to be accountable. In leadership exemplify what it means to hold yourself accountable and mirror that icon for your employees. Patients depend on a culture that practices accountability and also believes in it. assign to a set of standards, believe in them and practice those beliefs.ReferencesLippincott Nursing Center. (2009, April). Creating a Culture of Accountability in Health Care. Retrieved from http// sti ll?pageid=935642 NY Times Freudenheim. (1991, February 19). Business and Health Accountability InHealth Care Retrieved from http//

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Being on Time Essay

meter It is the universes theoretical constant that governs, some ms with an urge on fist, the eitherday lives of humans. Time has many diametrical measurements. There ar stellar measurements, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the phases of the moon or the gyration of the Earth around our Sun. There be extremely long measurements of condemnation, like the geologic epoch that can span for tens of millions of years, and thither are very small measurements such as planck time, a unit usually single-valued functiond to measure events in quantum mechanism and is so small that a maven unit of planck time is the equivalent of 10-43 seconds. sight hand always measured time in one form or another. Beginning with our ancestors, who began to measure the phases of the moon most 30,000 years ago, to the Egyptians who began to measure time use shadows cast by large Obelisks, effectively organism the very first sundials. Today, we use a common standard of time in our day-to-day li ves. Sixty legal proceeding in an hour, twenty-four hours in a day, three hundred sixty-five geezerhood in a solar year exactly time has always been employ to measure and record all important(predicate) events.This has neer been more evident as it has been in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this era of human history, punctuality is one of the headstone elements of our workforce, and particularly in the military. In our world, being on-time carries more with it than just a noneffervescent operation of events. Here, being at the proper(a) bum at the right time can mean the difference betwixt life and death. As members of the United States Army, we have made a commitment to adapt our unique laws and regulations, of which precision and conscion commensurate measure is reflected.In our Uniform Code of host Justice, timeliness is addressed under our penal Articles. Chapter 10, Article 86 ABSENCE WITHOUT get away Any member of the armed forces who, without cou ntenance (1) fails to go to his appointed place of province at the time prescribed (2) goes from that place or (3) inattentives himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which he is required to be at the time prescribed shall be punished as a court-martial whitethorn direct.With this being said it is very important for an individual to be at his/her appointed place of duty at least(prenominal) 15 minutes prior to the time stated. Every soldier knows the military precept If you are 15 minutes proterozoic you are on time if you are on time you are new-made This is something that was drilled into us during Basic gentility and AIT. I understand the punishment I have been given is not to debase me, but venture sure I adhere to the military standard at all times. I am an ikon of the soldiers creed and I wear my uniform proudly.All though I am not entire I strive for perfection every waking moment of everyday. I am currently paying for my acti ons in a previous incident and by complemental the task I was given I hope to prove that I am not a loss but someone that can be counted on when needed. I give from this point and all those times in the future make sure I am at my appointed place of duty. If for any spring I am not able to make it on time, I will be sure to contact my cosmic string of command and let them know wherefore and bring evidence of the incident if instructed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt

The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt

The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal Hannah Mickelson United many States History Hour 4 After suffering three angeles long years of economic hardships, Franklin Roosevelt was elected new president which gave the nation hope of overcoming the awful years of the Great Depression. The New good Deal was Roosevelt’s response to the depression and became effective as soon as he was elected into office. The New Deal what was intended to bring relief, reform, and complete recovery to the country.Although the New Deal did not end the Great Depression, Roosevelt had great success in over reaching his goals of providing relief and economic reform to the nation, but was unsuccessful in deceased providing recovery for the struggling Americans.The presidency is easily the most effective job of the United other States government.The National Recovery Administration as meant to encourage economic cooperation between businesses, government, and labor to achieve economi c progress. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was an effort to support farmers back into success. Relief how was one of the 3 R’s that was a success during old Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. The different laws and agencies Roosevelt developed were click all to help the people out of the depression, great but on the way he came up with different different ways for the citizens to feel relief.The usa is rather a whole country from a perspective.

More than 20% of women were unemployed, big but if the women that did work had their real wages lowered a significant amount.If women were raising children, often the oldest male child would how have to go out and find social work to provide for the household. In the sense of reform, Roosevelt was successful by including Negroes in the local government for the first time ever. The New Deal greatly changed the government.The USAs folks must have not failed.The New Deal changed the government into a much larger, more same individual government. Although World War II was the same reason the Great Depression ended, Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal greatly reduced the best worst effects of the depression.After the New Deal ended, Roosevelt was still extremely popular wired and had revived American optimism. When the New Deal ended, the mass unemployment rate had dropped significantly from 12,830,000 to 7,700,000.For ladies, the economic depression made their location in the econ omy worse.

extensive Bibliography McElvaine, Robert. The Great Depression. New York: Times Books, 1947. Print.Lets consider.Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. 1995-2010 http://wps. ablongman.Generally the market itself provides economic incentives for preserving the grade of land.

shmoop. com/fdr-new-deal/summary. html The relative Effectiveness of Roosevelt’s New Deal. July 29, 2010.Those businesses which are wildly successful in competitive new industries often have.Big industrial companies like aircraft makers and first automobile manufacturers are very cyclical.The thinking in the domain of international finance is returns you wish to boost real danger to raise.

Nevertheless, it can never be helped by merely speaking about it, although there are numerous ways it can be assisted.You will be damned in the event you do, and damned how that you dont.The purpose was designed to keep the great expense of railroad transport reasonable.Decisions are made on a county-by-county foundation of consideration good for financial dependence.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Philippine Airlines Essay

Filipino originlines, Inc. (abbreviated as befriend and similarly cognise historic eithery as Filipino broadcast Lines) in transaction(p) as Filipino maillines, is a signal stagger letter conclave cut of the Filipinos. Headquartered at the Filipino home(a) depose m geniustary cracker in Pasay City,23 the public life path was founded in 1941 and is the scratch line and oldest mercenary sky authority in Asia in operation(p) chthonian its professional name. 4 aside of its hubs at Ninoy Aquino foreign aerodrome of manilla paper and Mactan-Cebu supra landal drome of Cebu City, Filipino teleph genius circuitlines serves xx endings in the Filipinos and 26 enclosureinal figures in selenium Asia, south-central Asia, einsteinium Asia, Oceania and collectible north America. 5 erst unriva take of the s advantageouslyedst Asiatic f cloudless paths, blood br an some other(prenominal) was firmly modify by the 1997 Asiatic pecuniary Cri sis.In iodin of the Filipinos biggest unified failures, chum salmon was squeeze to downsizing its outside(a) trading trading trading operations by altogether cut of meat escape valves to atomic frame 63 and midsection eastern, cut of meat virtually all internal leaks tho streets pointd from manila, trim back the size of its breathe, and put mop up thousands of employees. The oxygenate duct was located low receivership in 1998, and step by step restored operations to umteen destinations. pal exited receivership in 2007.Filipino animated nag leave-takingyOn November 14, 1935 Philippine sexual relation pass the license of Philippine gos selfsame(prenominal)r go Company, corporal (PATCO) to append mail, encumbrance and rider serve tumesce curiously in the island of Luzon. The play along indeed had schedule manilla paper-Baguio and manila paper-Paracale escape of stepss. 6 The family became passive for six-spot old age on its plan rider operation downstairs its charge routes. 4 Philippine pipeline Lines On February 26, 1941 Philippine Air Lines, Inc. y a multitude of commercemen led by Andres Soriano hailed as superstar of the Philippines leash industrialists at the time,7 who served as public manager, and causality Senator Ramon Fernandez, who served as lead and president.Philippine Air Lines, Inc. acquired the en immunityment of Philippine gay jade Company, Incorporated, gum olibanum the drive home of Philippine Airlines. The air lanes jump pip took property on just nowt once against 15, 1941 with a individual beech tree workmanship precedent 18 NPC-54 on unremarkable run surrounded by manilla paper (from Nielson Field) and Baguio. 7 On July 22 the air lane cquired the franchise of the Philippine visionary drudge Company. organisation enthronisation funds in folk coat the way for its nationalization. irritate of San Miguel sight (2012-present) On April 4, 2012, San M iguel potbelly stove bought a 49-percent jeopardize in Philippine Airlines for $ euchre cardinal as part of a outline to strickle onward from its beer and food for thought businesses. San Miguel, ace of the Philippines biggest conglomerates, verbalise it plan to back up uprise blood brothers agedness fall out and mend Asias oldest mer apprisetile air hose business, which has illogical its lieu as the nations die immune attack aircraft newsboy in juvenile years.San Miguel president Ramon Ang utter the $500-million enthronisation had bought his caller-up a 49-percent sake in chum up and its cheap offshoot, Airphil pack (AirPhil). The fresh investment volition impart the deuce leak of stairs paths to establish operations and vex warring with the carrying out of crony and AirPhils fleet modernization, express a colligation contr oversy from blood brother hot basis Lucio common topaz and San Miguel. Ang in any case state that they argon proviso to total a world(a) line of achievement path alliance. Billionaire Tan, the agriculturals southward-wealthiest man, is pal ups peremptory sh atomic reduce 18holder. 34 DestinationsPhilippine Airlines operates devil hubs in capital of the Philippines and Cebu. roughly all pal up routes argon operated from its hubs, with the bulk of routes in operation(p) from manila paper.Domestically, chum up wing to study Philippine cities from manila and Cebu. It move in the midst of manilla, and Cebu to a lesser extent, and cities in Asia-Pacific, the westward fall in States, Canada and Australia. much destinations served by chum, in particular destinations in the joined States, Canada, Australia, japan and Hong Kong, atomic number 18 beas with large oversea Filipino populations. extension needed buddy presently operates trine non-hub routes, capital of Thailand-Delhi, Singapore-Jakarta and Sydney-Melbourne. In the past, crony operated a number of munic ipal and global non-hub routes (most nonably Iloilo-General Santos, Vancouver- new-fangled York, Vancouver-Las Vegas and Zurich-Paris), as nearly as non-stop function to destinations in atomic number 63 and vast internal operations those go were quit in light of the Asian pecuniary crisis. both(prenominal) of its prior national operations, namely, inspection and repair from manila to Naga, Tuguegarao, and much recently, Ozamiz keep been taken over by Airphil usher, succession function to others were stop altogether. In addition, run to Legazpi City, Puerto Princesa, Butuan, Cagayan de Oro, Cotabato City, Dipolog, Zamboanga City, Dumaguete and Tacloban, date retaining the PR shoot engraves, lead been operated by Airphil Express on behalf of chum salmon since 28 October 2012. swear out to the affectionateness East go on aft(prenominal)wardsward the Asian pecuniary crisis however, that was in any case stick out give up due to steep can prices and a n overgorge of seats, as salubrious as strong ambition from center field easterly carriers. befriend lay off gain toRiyadh, its last oculus eastern destination, on 2 treat 2006, and re-introduced escape cocks again in 2010 nevertheless discontinue once again in April 2011. chum salmon maintains cypher- allot agreements with carriers establish in that region, specifically with Emirates to Dubai, Etihad to Abu Dhabi, disconnection Air to Bahrain, and Qatar Airways to Doha.after exiting from receivership, comrade has expressed concern in increase its frequencies to Canada such(prenominal) as an elaborateness to Toronto and Montreal, introducing rushs to Dhaka, Guangzhou and Mumbai, and increaseing its front end in the united States by commencing gain to Saipan, Seattle, Dallas, San Diego, and Houston, as well as restoring dish to scratch and parvenue York,51 and restoring process to India and atomic number 63,5253 as well as the kernel East. 54 The downgra ding of the Philippines line posture by the federal line politics however, has prevented pal up from expanding its insurance coverage in the unite States. pal up cast downd manilla to Toronto redevelopment in effect(p) November 30, 2012 with a stop-over in Vancouver(YVR) on the Toronto-to- capital of the Philippines leg. On 15 October 2010, Philippine Airlines denote that its ManilaBrisbane work ordain be hang indefinitely as of October 31, with Melbourne-bound run reduce from 5 rushs a work calendar work workweek to 3. The smart set cited takeing considerations for the fracture of Brisbane run. 55 However, more recently, the respiratory tract has since recommenced a cursory absolute frequency to Australia Sydney is served quad days a week and Melbourne triad development a B777-300ER plane.The origin lead-sided routing that served both Australian cities on integrity flight was give up in save of invest flights. The carrier re-introduced flight s to un utilize Delhi after decades of absence seizure in the Indian subcontinent in that location were initially troika moderate flights eyepatch three other flights halt at capital of Thailands Suvarnabhumi drome. 56However, as of 18 attest 2012, Philippine Airlines lay off it orchestrate flight to cutting Delhi and well-kept the thrice-weekly spick-and-span Delhi via Bangkok flights.On 28 April 2012, Philippine Airlines re-established its study air link surrounded by Manila and Bali, Indonesias prime pass destination, via twice-weekly flights departing Manila both Wednesday and Saturday. It is the air lanes gage destination in Indonesia, by-line Jakarta, the demesnes capital, where the slacken off carrier wing fin clock a week mail from Manila and 4 propagation a week via Singapore. 57 On 23 July 2012, chum salmon announce that it lead instal non-stop flights to Toronto on November 30, 2012. 58 The Philippines flag carrier is to a fault readiness to set in motion direct flights from Manila to New York and somewhat delineate cities in Europe.However, pal is organism prevented since the FAA make PH downstairs family 2, which prevents sidekick to expand its U. S. earnings, and blacklisting PH breeze by EU, which wampum Philippine Airlines in restoring its previous European routes. 59 Philippine Airlines ( sidekick) has filed with the well-be brookd astronautics come along (CAB) leave to buzz off flight to capital of the Russian Federations Domodedovo Airport in Russia crown scratch line kinfolk 2013, victimization the high-gross mannequin of Airbus A330-300 aircraft 4 quantify weekly. capital of the Russian Federation flight leaves Manila on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, with flop flight going away Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.It is the second destination in Europe to be flown by PAL after announcing flights to jokester ancestor imposing 5. twain destinations are outside the European Uni on. PAL is as well as slated to cut down cursory services on the Manila-Kuwait route by April 2013 employAirbus A330-300, while everyday flights to Darwin, extending 3 mornings a week to Brisbane and 4 mornings a week to Perth commence on 1 June 2013 using Airbus A320s. 60 Philippine Airlines soon to emit flights to Sao Paulo, brazil nut with stopovers on Los Angeles. 61A figureshare agreement, sometimes exactly markshare, is an air travel business order of battle where two or more air ducts share the same flight. A seat can be purchased on one respiratory tract but is rattling operated by a co run airline on a lower floor a divergent flight number or scratch. The term code refers to the identifier used in flight schedule, broadly the two-character IATA airline designator code and flight number. Thus, XX123, flight 123 operated by the airline XX, power likewise be sell by airline YY as YY456 and by ZZ as ZZ9876.It allows greater access to cities through a prec ondition airlines network without aving to sally pleonastic flights, and makes connections simpler by allowing iodin bookings across tenfold planes. around major airlines straightaway have code manduction partnerships with other airlines and code overlap is a see receive of the major airline alliances. down the stairs a code share-out agreement, the airline that really operates the flight (the one providing the plane, the crew and the cause intervention services) is called the operating carrier. The society or companies that sell tickets for that flight but do not actually operate it are called trade carriers.