Tuesday, January 28, 2020
How Do You Begin To Count Your Blessings Religion Essay
How Do You Begin To Count Your Blessings Religion Essay We embellish fear, many times covering it up, making it look like something else, so that we dont have to deal with it head on. By giving it a different cover, we can pass over it more readily and not see how it is camouflaged. Fear retains a darkness that we dont want to deal with, a place that we dont want to go, a dwelling that is undeniably uncomfortable. In the light we can speak our truth, in the darkness we can hide not wanting to venture out. The light has all healing powers, but why do we fear it so? Is it that we dont want to face ourselves, face our faults, and look ourselves in the eye? There is no issue in hiding fault, but the issues lie in opening up and facing the truth. So, we may be afraid of the ensuing circumstances, the possibility of rejection of removal or being shunned by family, friends, and society in general. But what comes of that, other than for us to slip back into the shadowy darkness. To suffer, to wallow in self pity, to yearn for a better life. Fear can grip us to the point of unmoveability, to the point of depression, to a feeling of cold and loneliness. We do not have to choose the route of others to be a part of the national alliance. We walk in shadows of other and that is ok as long as it is in the shadows of those who have gone before us and made an impact. But we do not need to walk in the shadow of those who are among us. We need to be strong, become front runners of an age of deliverance, an age that will bind those of us who are of the light. The more light that is spread, the smaller the darkness becomes until it is over powered overtaken. Light heals, darkness deceives. We have the ability to move forward, united, unified in the same thought and power to heal, to create the universe for all mankind to live in, peacefully and without fear of penetration by the dark forces. Our leadership will be from one of the light. But the masses will respond to a momentum created by the forces of light that will move us forward into a new millennium. We are the future of this earth, the keepers of the new way. We will be the teachers for those who do not believe, who have misgivings, who possess fear. Ones ability to see through the darkness, towards the light at the end of the tunnel, will encompass redemption in all of our souls. The masses will move forward, one by one, and then by groups until the flow will excel into a voluminous overthrow of the bitterness and evil of the existing mankind. We will manifest a lifetime of hope and inspiration, pushing back and pushing down, trampling on the darkness of possession, of grief, of solitude of depressiveness. We will embark on a journey to enlighten our souls, to truly understand what it is like to feel the power of love and acceptance. For those who have never felt this before, it will be all consuming, washing over you like a spiritual wind, caressing and subsiding your fears. Be willing to go to the levels it will take to bring forth and expedite this happening. Believe in the goal, believe in yourself. Believe in unity and perseverance. The sins will be washed clear when faith is put into the light. Past transgressions will be forgiven , debts will be paid, understanding will flow inward and truth will be spoken. Love will saturate the world, all will be as one and one will be all. There will no longer be an ongoing for we will live in the preset, in the presence of all that is good, all that is one, all that is beautiful in the light. Know that it may appear difficult at first, because you are unsure, because you are leery. Time and the past darkness have darkened your soul and your thoughts and beliefs. Change will not happen overnight, but just know that it will happen. Just be open to the possibility that life can and will be wonderful. We will remember our purpose, or intention and what we were set on this earth to achieve. The window will be opened and the brilliance will flow into our hearts. We will see the new world as it should be, not as it is. Once we accept our journey and our purpose, we will move forward with remarkable speed to achieve our oneness with the light. We will defy all odds, all obstacles in our path to rise above and blend with those of the same passion. What we create now will be passed on to generations to come. Our children will see the changes and become a part of the new family. Our grandchildren will be born of the light and with these gifts already instilled within them. They will be the children of the new age. The earth will respond, growing and developing more jubilantly and not whiter away. It will balance itself out and discontinue the purging to cleanse itself. We may not understand initially, but our journey is only beginning and it is going to be a wonderful journey. Keep an open mind and allow the new earths creation to seep into your awareness, becoming one with your soul. Go out into the world, into the jobs and the workplace into schools, government and every path of life and harvest the good, the tranquility and peacefulness that we know is ours for the taking. Vanquish the hostility, the inadequacies, the turmoil and look beyond the engrained believes we have been taught to live by. Qualify each person we encounter to be one of the light by your attitude toward them. Smile, share, bless, remove the hate, and rejoice in the light, which you are. Begin with yourself and remove the old self and replace it with the new improved you. When the stresses of the day begin to weight upon your body, inhale deeply and breathe in the light, the quiet, and the calm and become centered. Expel the stress, the negative thoughts, the irrational behaviors, those things that you cannot control. Send love and blessings to those who are the creators of your stress. Look around your surrounds and wish away any negative distractions or events that are occurring. Replace them with good thoughts and feelings of compassion and love. Dispel the resentments and quick response to point out the negativism. Quiet the multitudes by simply sharing the love and the happy thoughts. Believe and know that you are capable of making change happen by your own individual actions and through the words that you speak. Others will become aware and inspired by what they see and hear. This will not happened overnight but through a passage of time and endurance and faith. Like a chain reaction, it will move forward, spiraling outward through each and every person you encounter. Plant the seed of inspiration with everyone you encounter. Show by example. Look within first, the rest will come. The ability to move forward depends on the individuals intent, what they are willing to put forth, what they will do to guarantee their individual benefit from it all. Trust is highly essential to promote this well being and expansion. Reality in each individuals mind transcends all the fear that is stored there. Reality is what ones perception is of the world that we have grown accustomed to, not what is real in a spiritual sense. Adaptation is necessary to transcend the injustices imposed upon us from youth. Our reality is what we have grown accustomed to, what was beat into our minds and bodies throughout a lifetime, regardless of how short or long that life span is. We forgot who we were from the onset, who we were meant to be, who we were sent to be, and what our mission was and is. Our reality shields us from the darkness that we perceive to be there, but does not really exist. We need to quantify and qualify all our beliefs, right or wrong, to equate to one of the light, one o f the true being, one of the true self. History has taught us to be deceptive, to lie, and to cheat in order to get what we need. The reality is truth, seeking the answers that we know are out there, that will make us better individuals, true to ourselves, more than we have ever been. Perception is everything.. What we perceive is hidden in the darkness can only come to light with the reality of learning about the light and its meanings. The hidden secrets of the darkness only shields us from the truth of our own selves, of our own victimization of others, what is hidden, what is intrusive, what is not self supporting. Our goal is to reach into the darkness, draw forth the light that is hidden within, bring it to the surface and ignite it into the reality of truth and awareness. Being one with yourself and others is imperative to truth and reality. Awkward as it may seem, the shift will occur, the light will shine through, the reason and reality will surface, broadening into the daylight and sunlight, advancing forward in retribution of the ills of the past. We cannot continue to be evasive, hindering our progress, We cannot continue to breath stagnant air, living in the cesspool of a stagnant, non progressive lifestyle that we have all grown accustomed to over time. Reality is light, reality is freedom, and reality is the source of true spiritualism within the hearts of all. We cannot continue to be abolished and reprimanded for our faith and beliefs in the one true source. Indignation and self righteousness holds no place in the one who carries the spiritual light from within We atone for our sins as we grow spiritually and with love. The divine presence of God, our light source, our divination, whatever classification we give it, it is the soul of our existence. Matthew once said, it is I who has seen the light, it is I who have sinned and regressed. I come now with full heart and atonement to register my sins and my wrongdoing ,to face a new light, a new chapter in my book of transgressions. What we may believe and perceive as darkness, holds the light from shining through. We must breaks the shackles that hold us close the darkness and not freeing us or allowing us to break into the light of salvation. Forward we must go moving steadfast into a place of redemption.. Forward we must move into a place of no resentment, of no remorse, moving forward wit h love and light. Our blessings come from those who guide us from afar and within our guides or angels or believe that there is a better and more prosperous life waiting for us after we complete our journey on this earth. We consider moving forward and through each chapter of our progression as our time hear on this earth, this planet, this movement in our time span of evolvement. Christ is our savior we are thought to believe and honor. He came by example to show and lead the way. Mother sees and guides us through our times of treachery and tribulation, keeping our reality in check, causing us not to waiver in our times of questioning and despair. Matthew is my guide and shows me the true meaning of my existence. Be aware of the surroundings you live in, eliminate that which does not serve you anymore, physically, mentally and emotionally. Carry forth the blessings that have been bestowed upon you and ease outward and give from within. See the source of the light as it really is, w hat its stands for, what it means and brings to your life. Be real, be yourself, do not allow others to stain of mar what your mission and goals is in this life. Seek answers from within. Go to source of the matter he heart of things. Understanding will come with time, healing will come with the passage and removal of that which no longer works for your own good. Break free, break free from the limiting thoughts and negative cycle that you have been caught up on. Move forward, knowingly and hesitantly, but confidently for God and the source of all that is will be with you, leading the way, holding your hand and guiding you each step of the way. Do not fear that you will falter, for all of us are here to catch you if you strip and fall. Take us by the hand, walk with us, share with us, love with us. The darkness is but a house of fears holding us back, making us question of purpose and our existence. We are our own reality, the reality that we make for our life. The darkness is only necessary to the extent that it is a comfort zone, a place to be peaceful and restful. There is no fear in the darkness, only ones that we put there. There is comfort in the darkness only as you allow the light to penetrate add remove the insecurities that are stored there. Be fully aware that no one of the light can ever be harmful or prove malicious to you. The light is all good,, all sacred and all loving. The darkness should only be a period of restfulness where we can close our eyes and remove the stresses of the day and allow our insecurities and fears to diminish in to melt away to dissolve. Fear not for God is within the darkness, protecting you and keeping you safe.
Monday, January 20, 2020
In Favor of Repealing Arizona House Bill 200 :: Marijuana
In Favor of Repealing Arizona House Bill 200 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Over two hundred years ago, new settlers were finding their way around a vast and new country. Their whole philosophy about their new finding was to create new lives away from the British and develop a way of living to fit their standards. As they set up a new government many new and innovative ideas were added. Our fore-fathers wanted a country that would continue to grow and prosper within the needs of its citizens. Since the beginning of such a new government new laws have come and gone, separate governments have been set up and given their own responsibilities. These separate governments of course are at the state level. Our constitution gives direct regulations for state governments, and rights to create our own form of legislation. Arizona may have taken this right a bit too far. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The citizens of the state of Arizona decided to pass an initiative that gives doctors the right to prescribe marijuana and other such drugs for medicinal purposes only. However, this initiative has brought many controversies to the Arizona government. Many of these issues include voters of Arizona not fully understanding the bill and many associations such as the American Lung Association trying to amend the bill. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I propose that as citizens of Arizona, the only way we are going to solve this enormous problem is to take action ourselves. Such actions can include talking or writing to our Senators and letting them know our feelings on the bill and to present our own ideas to the representatives as assistance. Also, the media is a huge market that wants to hear from you, the victims of such a crime. The only way to make difference is to become involved. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It happens every two years, the speeches, appearances and the promises. We all become tired of the brown nosing done by candidates for a seat in the Arizona Senate. Most citizens tune-out the candidates and put the "x" on the ballot at a name that looks familiar. The truth is we choose our representatives, therefore it is only fair that they, the elected officials by the state, listen to what we have to say and take into consideration. It is apparent by all the media coverage that many people oppose the bill passed by Arizona in November of 1996. Currently the Arizona Senate has finished its annual session and is available for comments from citizens.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Respecting Elders
Respecting my elders, and everyone else, just comes natural to me, because when I was just a little girl, I was taught that I must always respect my elders, if I didn't, I'd get a slap on my face by my parents. As I grew up, I came to realize the true meaning of the phrase, â€Å"respect your elders,†and I agree fully with my mother's teachings. I not only respected my elders, but I respected everyone around me. When I had my children, I taught them the same way my parents taught me, on how to respect their elders, and why.I never had any problems teaching my children how to respect, not only their elders, but how to respect everyone. We need to keep up with the tradition of respect, because so many people are so ignorant with each other, I'd just turn away because I know if I stay and listen, I'll say something to these little devils for being so mean to anyone and everyone. My son, now has a son that is 11 years old, and if he is caught making fun of anyone, then he has his father to answer[pic] to, and is made to apologize to the person that he has made fun of, whether it be another child or a grownup.Respect is something that has slipped through the cracks of time, and I think it is time to bring it back into our youth. These young people today are so rude to everyone, not just their elders around them, that I'd like to smack them myself, and I don't even know them from Adam. It just makes me so mad to see how some of the elderly are treated today, and I don't know what to do about it, but is sure makes me sick. For our young children to respect anyone they have to be taught right from the start, when they are growing up.It's not something that can be taught after they are grown up, because they have never learned the meaning of the word respect. It so sad, that in today's society, you see some of the things that are going on with everybody, not only our elderly, but anyone around them. There is no respect in this world today and that's just so sad. I treat everyone with respect, even though I know they don't respect me most of the time, but that's OK, I feel better when I respect others, even if they don't. Created on: May 02, 2008 Our elders have gone through a lot in their lifetime.I think it is important to respect our elders because they have experienced life and gone through a lot more than we have. I think history has shown that we are a successful, rich country. I don't think we would have the freedom and the respect from other countries if it weren't for our elders and their sacrifice to get us where we are today. I respect my grandfather because he was captured and taken to a concentration camp during World War II. My grandfather escaped from a camp, ran into the woods and went into hiding for a year.My grandfather is one of the lucky Jews that survived because he had the will to live. Why shouldn't he be respected? I respect my parents because they are the ones that brought me in this world and have taken care of me until I was able to take care of myself. I personally have a lot of respect for my parents because they did a lot for me over the years. I wouldn't have the education without them. They got me where I am today and I am sure it wasn't easy[pic] for them. I believe they deserve thanks for everything they have done for me and thus deserve my respect.The idea of the importance of respecting our elders raised many questions in my mind. Do most even know what respect is? Wikipedia defines respect as taking into consideration the views and desires of others and incorporating it into your decisions and being truthful to people. Why shouldn't we respect anyone? I think everyone should be respected unless given a reason not to be. When you meet someone for the first time are you disrespectful? No. Why should you be? I think everyone deserves a chance and once you get to know the person you can decide based on your own values whether or not you should respect them.I have a lot of younger cous ins that respect me because I am older and know more about life than they do. I don't think elders should be singled out and immediately respected because they are older. Why shouldn't respect go both ways? I think my friends respect me because I respect them. I think it is important to understand what respect is and understand what your elders have gone through to get where we are today. I think everyone deserves the same amount of respect unless given a reason to be disrespected. Quotes: â€Å"In Western Civilization, our elders are books. â€Å"The Elders were closer to the Maker of All Things and should be deferred to whenever they made their will known. †2 paragraphs The elderly have lived long lives. They are so important in our lives because of this. The longer that one has lived, the more of a life they have to share with others. The elderly have much to contribute to this world. Most already have contributed while others will soon be contributing their best as time goes by. Even the elderly are still learning. It has been said that you learn something new every day, and that is just why even the elderly are still learning.They have much wisdom to share with the world, even if they have just learned it themselves. Learning It really does not matter what your age is. Everyone every day is learning. We learn from both the young and from the old. The young are so precious, and they often inspire us even in the simplest ways. They really have not experienced much yet in the way of living, but they sure can bring up things that we have never even thought of before. They can teach us all sorts of behaviors and help us to change our attitudes in our lives.The elderly, however, are so important in our daily lives, because we can learn much from their actual experiences. They have lived long lives, and have experienced many things worth sharing with us that can help us to improve our daily lives. We can even learn things through the elderly that will h elp us to get along with others much easier, get over things more quickly, respect others, and even enjoy looking at things in a more positive manner. Trials The elderly are so important in our lives, because they have gone through many trials.The longer that anyone has lived, the more trials that they have gone through in their lives. It is hard to accept trials in our lives, but they do exist. The elderly are more than willing to share their past experiences with us. They are actually happy to do this. The elderly have learned where they may have gone wrong in life along with things that they are very proud of the choices that they have made. Spending time with the elderly is one of the best and most exciting things that you can do these days. They can help us with many aspects in our own lives.The elderly can even help us to avoid many trials in our lives through their many words of wisdom. Sharing Elderly people in our lives are so important, because they enjoy sharing with us. Elderly people sincerely enjoy sharing all sorts of things in their lives. As people age, sharing becomes more and more important to them. As you age, you realize that you have gone through numerous experiences of all kinds that are worthy of helping others to get through their experiences. As the elderly share more and more, they enjoy it more and more.It is always a great feeling to know that your simple words can be helping others. The elderly also have many items along with valuable treasures that they enjoy sharing. As they grow older, they no longer have the need for many things in their lives. They love having the opportunity of passing these precious things in their lives onto others and sharing their joy along with their stories. Loving The elderly people in our lives are so important to us, because they are very loving people. Elderly people are very loving, caring, and thankful people.As we age, we all learn to enjoy the better things in life. Better things, as in more im portant things and things that really matter. Elderly people normally grow more loving and caring as they age. They grow more thankful of even the simplest things. Elderly grow to appreciate life much more than anything. Elderly people are so precious and enjoyable. Many of the elderly are also quite funny. Look at the elderly people in your life, and listen to them. This will surely bring you a new healthy and positive look on life.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Debate On Gun Control - 1712 Words
This paper explores gun control through five main articles. There are many standpoints that take place due to the diversity of the articles used. Gun control is a global topic and it comes up in the news all of the time. It affects society because of its wide range of topics it is involved in. This paper talks about different standpoints on gun control, from it why it should be in place, to why it shouldn t be in place, to how other countries have used it. It includes statistics about mass shootings and other countries gun control. This paper is perfect for the avid gun owner to the full fledged second amendment supporter all the way to insanely left wing democrats who hate guns. All of the sources are reliable and hold true factuality about this topic. Some come from the government, and some come from other credible websites that specialize in guns and gun control topics. The Difference Between Life and Death: A Sleepless Debate on Gun Control Most U.S. citizens have probably heard of the Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook; they probably know immediately that these names are in reference to mass shootings and/or massacres where firearms were used. The fact of the matter is that innocent deaths by guns are becoming a common occurrence in the United States. Some say that guns kill people, others say that people kill people. Although murder pre dates guns, murder rates have skyrocketed since guns have become mass produced and readily available. GunsShow MoreRelatedGun Control Debate2109 Words  | 9 PagesGun Control Debate Paper Today in the United States gun control is a topic of immense debate, because of the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary located in Newtown, Connecticut. This most recent tragic event ended the lives of 20 students and six adults. Similar events have occurred across the United States at a movie theater in Colorado, on college campuses in Texas and Virginia, or at the grocery store in Arizona each destroying families in many communities. The questions deservingRead MoreDebate on Gun Control518 Words  | 2 PagesThe Debate on Gun Control The debate concerning gun control has recently become as popular as ever. People question if guns are really necessary. Some wonder that if the government regulates who has the right to own a gun crime rates and death could decrease in the Unites States. Others believe that guns aren’t to blame for deaths; â€Å"guns don’t kill people, people kill people†. How can we conclude which side is right if they both strongly believe in their argument? There are always two sides toRead MoreThe Debate On Gun Control878 Words  | 4 Pages Debate on Gun Control Gun control is such a hot debate in the United States of America especially in the wake of so many recent, tragic mass shootings. In this nation nearly half of all US households own at least one gun, and about 31,537 people die from a gunshot each year. There should be some gun control in the United States of America; due to the number of murders of young teenagers and those who are harmless. Someone on an opposing side would say that they disagree, because many peopleRead MoreThe Debate On Gun Control2134 Words  | 9 Pages Guns Do Not Belong on Campus The debate on gun control has been an issue in the United States since the country began. The founding fathers of the nation considered the issue so important it was addressed in the second amendment to the Constitution which states, A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (US Const. amend. II). Of course these words have been interpreted differently through theRead MoreThe Gun Control Debate in America1159 Words  | 5 PagesGUN CONTROL DEBATE IN AMERICA Gun control has become a very hot topic of contention in America today. What seems to echo here are two words: â€Å"guns†and â€Å"crime†, in a sense that are these words mutually exclusive to each other? Does the use of guns ultimately lead to crime? On the flip side, have the laws in America restricting firearm use been effective enough to protect the lives of the citizens? These are some of the questions that strike the hearts of many when the gun control debate music isRead MoreEssay on The Gun Control Debate865 Words  | 4 Pagesstrict gun control policy: if theres a gun around, I want to be in control of it. -- Clint Eastwood Gun control has a history dating back to 1791, when the Second Amendment of the Constitution was ratified. However, more recently, the debate over gun control has escalated into a much more public issue to which many citizens can relate. After all, stories about incidents involving guns appear frequently today in newspapers and on television or the radio. One could say that the debate startedRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control1732 Words  | 7 Pages The topic of gun control has become very popular in recent years as there is now more controversy than ever about the role that guns play in today’s world. I have come to be interested in this topic because it seems like not a day goes by anymore where there isn’t a newspaper published with an article slandering either the pro or anti gun control activists. Going into this topic, I was assuming that I would end up reading about a lot of school shootings and how it is just guns that are causingRead MoreThe Debate On Gu n Control Laws915 Words  | 4 Pagescitizens and lawmakers when creating laws regarding gun control. However, the debate on gun control is nothing new. In 1924, Presidential candidate, Robert La Follete said, â€Å"Our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.†This debate has been brought up multiple times still in modern day due to no one settling on laws regarding ownership of a firearm. Statistic rates show gun control laws in fact do work, so why haven’t law officialsRead MoreThe Debate On Abortion And Gun Control1604 Words  | 7 Pageswith the governance of a country or other area. This especially applies to the debate or conflict among individuals or parties in hope of achieving power. Dealing with politics there is always a side that agrees and disagrees, thus developing the debate. Two of the most domestic controversial political topics are abortion and gun control. As for internat ional there is terrorism. These three topics have been ongoing debates for some time. Everyone’s opinion on political controversies can be based onRead MoreThe Debate On Owning A Gun Control1409 Words  | 6 PagesToday, the debate on owning a gun has many sides: there are many positives and negatives that come into play when talking about gun control. Gun control is a very controversial issue, however, with the right prevention steps one could relax knowing that the situation is finally being addressed. Most citizens have the right to have a gun other than felons. Felons have no rights to a gun and can not own or have one in their possession. Many people have their own feeling on guns on if they should have
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