Friday, January 3, 2020
The Debate On Gun Control - 1712 Words
This paper explores gun control through five main articles. There are many standpoints that take place due to the diversity of the articles used. Gun control is a global topic and it comes up in the news all of the time. It affects society because of its wide range of topics it is involved in. This paper talks about different standpoints on gun control, from it why it should be in place, to why it shouldn t be in place, to how other countries have used it. It includes statistics about mass shootings and other countries gun control. This paper is perfect for the avid gun owner to the full fledged second amendment supporter all the way to insanely left wing democrats who hate guns. All of the sources are reliable and hold true factuality about this topic. Some come from the government, and some come from other credible websites that specialize in guns and gun control topics. The Difference Between Life and Death: A Sleepless Debate on Gun Control Most U.S. citizens have probably heard of the Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook; they probably know immediately that these names are in reference to mass shootings and/or massacres where firearms were used. The fact of the matter is that innocent deaths by guns are becoming a common occurrence in the United States. Some say that guns kill people, others say that people kill people. Although murder pre dates guns, murder rates have skyrocketed since guns have become mass produced and readily available. GunsShow MoreRelatedGun Control Debate2109 Words  | 9 PagesGun Control Debate Paper Today in the United States gun control is a topic of immense debate, because of the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary located in Newtown, Connecticut. This most recent tragic event ended the lives of 20 students and six adults. Similar events have occurred across the United States at a movie theater in Colorado, on college campuses in Texas and Virginia, or at the grocery store in Arizona each destroying families in many communities. The questions deservingRead MoreDebate on Gun Control518 Words  | 2 PagesThe Debate on Gun Control The debate concerning gun control has recently become as popular as ever. People question if guns are really necessary. Some wonder that if the government regulates who has the right to own a gun crime rates and death could decrease in the Unites States. Others believe that guns aren’t to blame for deaths; â€Å"guns don’t kill people, people kill people†. How can we conclude which side is right if they both strongly believe in their argument? There are always two sides toRead MoreThe Debate On Gun Control878 Words  | 4 Pages Debate on Gun Control Gun control is such a hot debate in the United States of America especially in the wake of so many recent, tragic mass shootings. In this nation nearly half of all US households own at least one gun, and about 31,537 people die from a gunshot each year. There should be some gun control in the United States of America; due to the number of murders of young teenagers and those who are harmless. Someone on an opposing side would say that they disagree, because many peopleRead MoreThe Debate On Gun Control2134 Words  | 9 Pages Guns Do Not Belong on Campus The debate on gun control has been an issue in the United States since the country began. The founding fathers of the nation considered the issue so important it was addressed in the second amendment to the Constitution which states, A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (US Const. amend. II). Of course these words have been interpreted differently through theRead MoreThe Gun Control Debate in America1159 Words  | 5 PagesGUN CONTROL DEBATE IN AMERICA Gun control has become a very hot topic of contention in America today. What seems to echo here are two words: â€Å"guns†and â€Å"crime†, in a sense that are these words mutually exclusive to each other? Does the use of guns ultimately lead to crime? On the flip side, have the laws in America restricting firearm use been effective enough to protect the lives of the citizens? These are some of the questions that strike the hearts of many when the gun control debate music isRead MoreEssay on The Gun Control Debate865 Words  | 4 Pagesstrict gun control policy: if theres a gun around, I want to be in control of it. -- Clint Eastwood Gun control has a history dating back to 1791, when the Second Amendment of the Constitution was ratified. However, more recently, the debate over gun control has escalated into a much more public issue to which many citizens can relate. After all, stories about incidents involving guns appear frequently today in newspapers and on television or the radio. One could say that the debate startedRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Control1732 Words  | 7 Pages The topic of gun control has become very popular in recent years as there is now more controversy than ever about the role that guns play in today’s world. I have come to be interested in this topic because it seems like not a day goes by anymore where there isn’t a newspaper published with an article slandering either the pro or anti gun control activists. Going into this topic, I was assuming that I would end up reading about a lot of school shootings and how it is just guns that are causingRead MoreThe Debate On Gu n Control Laws915 Words  | 4 Pagescitizens and lawmakers when creating laws regarding gun control. However, the debate on gun control is nothing new. In 1924, Presidential candidate, Robert La Follete said, â€Å"Our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.†This debate has been brought up multiple times still in modern day due to no one settling on laws regarding ownership of a firearm. Statistic rates show gun control laws in fact do work, so why haven’t law officialsRead MoreThe Debate On Abortion And Gun Control1604 Words  | 7 Pageswith the governance of a country or other area. This especially applies to the debate or conflict among individuals or parties in hope of achieving power. Dealing with politics there is always a side that agrees and disagrees, thus developing the debate. Two of the most domestic controversial political topics are abortion and gun control. As for internat ional there is terrorism. These three topics have been ongoing debates for some time. Everyone’s opinion on political controversies can be based onRead MoreThe Debate On Owning A Gun Control1409 Words  | 6 PagesToday, the debate on owning a gun has many sides: there are many positives and negatives that come into play when talking about gun control. Gun control is a very controversial issue, however, with the right prevention steps one could relax knowing that the situation is finally being addressed. Most citizens have the right to have a gun other than felons. Felons have no rights to a gun and can not own or have one in their possession. Many people have their own feeling on guns on if they should have
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