Friday, May 31, 2019
Jamaican Culture and Society Essay examples -- American History
Jamaican Culture and SocietyI. Introduction- Retracing the Remnants of ColonialismWhen discussing and analyzing contemporary Caribbean culture wizard must not fail to acknowledge the dreadful legacies of colonialism and imperialism. Contemporary Caribbean society, politics, and economics thinly veil the ramifications of a colonial and hegemonic past. Due to the remnants of colonial institutions such as slavery and the plantation system, the Caribbean has experienced a range of negative societal effects, namely the consolidation of a unifying cultural identity. The demise of colonialism in the Caribbean did not mark the end of social stratification based on racial and ethnic divisions. The prevailing racial distinctions and hierarchy that characterized colonialism via the institution of slavery have historically thwarted any systematic attempt to create a distinct theme cultural identity. Thus, this study of the Jamaican culture and society will easily relate racial ideologies and s ocial class structures in order to illustrate the dynamics of the Jamaican cultural identity crisis. II. The Emergence and Implications of a Social company SystemThe post-colonial period in the Caribbean posed the challenge of creating nation states with thriving societies that would meet the desires and destinies of their inhabitants. Jamaica, which recently attained its independence from Great Britain in 1962, was indeed no exception to this challenge. In fact, Jamaica, like many of its Caribbean counterparts, had an inordinate difficulty in creating and maintaining a strong, cohesive national sensibility (Knight, 307). The difficulty of creating a cohesive national identity initially emerged in the post-emancipation period in J... ...liography- Excerpts taken from Michelle Cliffs essay, If I Could Write This With Fire.Henriques, Fernando. Jamaica Land of Wood and Water. Maggibbon & Kee London. 1957Knight, Franklin. The Caribbean The Genesis of a disunited Nationalism. Oxford University Press New York, 1990.Lawson, Winston Arthur. Religion and Race African and European Roots in Conflict- A Jamaican Testament. Peter Lang Publishing New York, 1996. Morris, Mervyn. Making air jacket Indian Literature University of the West Indies 2013. Web 9 May 2015.http//, Rex. Caribbean ethnic Identity The case of Jamaica- An Essay in Cultural Dynamics. UCLA Publications Los Angeles.Nettleford, Rex. Identity, Race and Protest in Jamaica. William Morrow & Company New York, 1972.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Motherhood, Otello And The Theatre Experience :: essays research papers fc
The menage experience can be explained as a measurement of satisfaction that a person attains after attending a mental representation performance. A positive theatre experience should be a truly cathartic event that evokes excitement and delight in the audience. A negative theatre experience, on the other hand, will have little to no impact on the audience and will most likely cause its members to be bored. two theatrical presentations that provide contradicting theatre experiences are Otello and Motherhood, Madness and the State of the Universe. Otello, which is conducted by Richard Bradshaw, directed by Robin Phillips, written by Giuseppe Verdi (after William Shakespeares merriment Othello) and was performed by The Canadian Opera Company on November 3, 2000 at the Hummingbird Centre in Toronto, Ontario, is a century old opera that tells the story of how the Moor of Venice, who has risen from slavery to a position of great power as a general of the Venetian army, falls victim t o jealousy. Motherhood, Madness and the State of the Universe, which is written and performed by Kim Renders and was performed on October 13, 2000 in Lower Massey Hall at the University of Guelph, is a contemporary one-woman show which tells a satirical tale of marriage and parenthood via stories about Renders own children intertwined with diachronic accounts of her mothers childhood. Three elements that influence how enjoyable a performance will be to an audience member are scenery, costumes and use of music. When compared on these bases, it is definitive that Motherhood, Madness and the State of the Universe provides a theatre experience which is superior that of Otello.Scenery, by definition, is the physical constructions that provide the specific acting environment for a play and that often indicate, by representation, the locale where a scene is set the physical setting for a scene. (Cohen, Theatre G-11). Modern scenery is either historicalistic as in Otello, or metamorphic as in Motherhood. Realistic scenery attempts to illustrate the details of a specific time and place in the real world, while metamorphic scenery favors visual images that insinuate the productions intended mood and theme. The scenery in Otello depicts the inside of an elaborate castle with tress staircases (see figure 1, appendix A for the simplistic illustration). Desdemonas bed, the tables, the goblets, etc. are all set pieces used on stage after having been extracted from rooms that would rattling exist in a house.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Lysistrata Essay -- essays research papers
Lysistrata A play about making war and not making loveThe Talbot Theatre production of Lysistrata both entertained and delighted this member of the audience, who was there partly because of an English assignment requirement, but mainly because of the probability to enjoy a live theatre production. The theatre company employed many different components to bring this antiwar play to life that evening on the stage. These components tolerate be broken into three categories, which visually enhanced the text of the play. The first of these categories is the setting, the stage lighting, and the props. The second component is the symbolism of some of those props, and the third component is the eccentric person portrayals by the actors on the stage. To take us back to ancient Greece, the props master employed a very simple interpretation using columns on a raised set of steps, with a backdrop of blue. To add to the feel of the era, a statue stands in the middle of the platform. This plat form serves double duty as the Akropolis and as the Citadel, both of which the women have occupied. When the men light a erect below the walls of the Akropolis, smoke pours out of the bundle of sticks, making it appear as if a fire has really been ignited. Fortunately the women are ready and the fire is extinguished and the men all doused with water, which is portrayed well with buckets and actions that look as if the men are organism driven away by the water. When Kinesias comes to see Myrrhine, and they he...
Benjamin Franklin Essay examples -- essays research papers
gum benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his careeras a simple printer apprentice, scarce went far beyond the printers shop. Hedeveloped products that were far beyond the time. The Franklin stove forexample, for cold winter nights and bifocal lenses for reading. Franklintracked storm paths to help understand the loaded weather endured by thecolonies. His study of electricity made him most famous for he was known aroundthe world as the inventor of the lightning rod. Not tho was Ben Franklinhelpful in developing ideas for better living, he was also a strong force indeveloping the unseasoned nation of America. Benjamin Franklins policy-making viewsshowed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. His views towarfaredsBritain gradually changed from favor to disfavor until he finally became arevolutionist at the age of 70. save more than barely his political views help inthe defining of the United State s. His common sense, his whit, and his abilityto negotiate behind the scenes, all lent a move on in the formation of the new realm across the sea. Franklins good humor and gift for compromise oftenhelped prevent bitter disputes which could have stalled the formation of the newgovernment. Interestingly, Ben Franklin, who was a oldtimer participant in the battlefor independence, had a lot to lose by it. (Wright 1986, page 204). He had aresidence in capital of the United Kingdom and was influential in England. However, his love ofliberty and his desire to promote the easily being of Pennsylvania pushed himtoward independence for the colonies. Franklin had to wrestle with hisconscience over his own sequestered affairs. Also, since he was well respected inEngland, he was "the Establishment man-even if he felt now a deep unease on thebasic top dog What was the authority of sevens over the Americancolonies?" (Wright, page 205). At first Franklin wanted the colonies to be andindependent free nation under the affectionateness and protect umbrella of the BritishEmpire. "He had dream...of a great British Empire, gridding the globe, basedupon a commonwealth of free nations, each with its own laws, its own governmentand freedoms, still bound together by compact with the Crown for mutual benefit,mutual defense, and the propagation of English freedoms." (Schoenbrun 1976,p... ...ive impact favoring the colonist, it became more and more impossiblefor Britain to give the war its full attention. Britain infallible a way out andFranklin played a key role. "Franklin was appointed in 1781 a commissioner tonegoiate the peacefulness with Britain." (Ketcham 1994, page 1). Franklin was a in truthgood negotiator as "the North Ministry pushed through Parliament twoconciliatory bills that gave the Americans everything that Franklin had demandedin his peace negoiations." (Fleming 1972, page 299). Franklin had common sense, whit, and skills that all helped bring comfortable positions to the coloniesagainst Britain. Finally, Benjamin Franklin portrays a man torn between his love ofBritain and a desire for liberty for the people of the new world. His greatesthope was for Britain to be the great, caring mother country that protected ayoung free nation across the sea. He was each country benefiting the other. Ofcourse, this could not happen so he made true that the best for America would beinsured through his efforts to bring France to the aid of the Colonies and tofinally bring about a livable peace between Britain and America. Benjamin Franklin Essay examples -- essays research papers Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his careeras a simple printer apprentice, but went far beyond the printers shop. Hedeveloped products that were far beyond the time. The Franklin stove forexample, for cold winter nights and bifocal lenses for reading. Franklintracked storm paths to help understand the wicked weather endured by thecolonies. His study of electricity made him most famous for he was known aroundthe world as the inventor of the lightning rod. Not only was Ben Franklinhelpful in developing ideas for better living, he was also a strong force indeveloping the new nation of America. Benjamin Franklins political viewsshowed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. His views towardsBritain gradually changed from favor to disfavor until he finally became arevolutionist at the age of 70. But more than just his political views help inthe formation of the United States. His common sense, his whit, and his abilityto negotiate behind the scenes, all lent a hand in the formation of the newcountry across the sea. Franklins good humor and gift for compromise oftenhelped prevent bitter disputes which could have stalled the formation of the newgovernment. Int erestingly, Ben Franklin, who was a chief participant in the battlefor independence, had a lot to lose by it. (Wright 1986, page 204). He had aresidence in London and was influential in England. However, his love ofliberty and his desire to promote the well being of Pennsylvania pushed himtoward independence for the colonies. Franklin had to wrestle with hisconscience over his own private affairs. Also, since he was well respected inEngland, he was "the Establishment man-even if he felt now a deep unease on thebasic question What was the authority of Parliament over the Americancolonies?" (Wright, page 205). At first Franklin wanted the colonies to be andindependent free nation under the caring and protecting umbrella of the BritishEmpire. "He had dream...of a great British Empire, gridding the globe, basedupon a commonwealth of free nations, each with its own laws, its own governmentand freedoms, but bound together by compact with the Crown for mutual benefit,mutual def ense, and the propagation of English freedoms." (Schoenbrun 1976,p... ...ive impact favoring the colonist, it became more and more impossiblefor Britain to give the war its full attention. Britain needed a way out andFranklin played a key role. "Franklin was appointed in 1781 a commissioner tonegoiate the peace with Britain." (Ketcham 1994, page 1). Franklin was a verygood negotiator as "the North Ministry pushed through Parliament twoconciliatory bills that gave the Americans everything that Franklin had demandedin his peace negoiations." (Fleming 1972, page 299). Franklin had common sense,whit, and skills that all helped bring favorable positions to the coloniesagainst Britain. Finally, Benjamin Franklin portrays a man torn between his love ofBritain and a desire for liberty for the people of the new world. His greatesthope was for Britain to be the great, caring mother country that protected ayoung free nation across the sea. He was ea ch country benefiting the other. Ofcourse, this could not happen so he made sure that the best for America would beinsured through his efforts to bring France to the aid of the Colonies and tofinally bring about a livable peace between Britain and America.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers
Sir Gawain and the Green sawbuckCharacter Analysis Sir Gawain, the nephew of King Arthur, is described by the unknown author of Gawain and the Green Knight as the good knight and most courteous (Norton, 204 & 215). Although young, Gawain understands the true meaning of chivalry and honor, therefore bases his lifestyle on the knightly Code of chivalry. This is exemplified through heterogeneous rills that he faced, both with the Green Knight, and with the Knights wife. If all knights were like Gawain, then the Round Table would be a much better place. The first character test he is put to occurs when he faces the supernatural forces of the Green Knight during the New Years celebration at Camelot. As the Round Table is faced with an extraordinary challenge, to sweep up at the stranger with an ax, Gawain bravely steps in for King Arthur when no one else is willing. He is fearful that Arthur will endure some great endangerment by partaking in the strangers game, th erefore he would rather subject himself to the danger and protect Arthur. He is able to save his lord from any possibility of hazard and his fellow knights of humiliation by jumping up from the dinner table and screaming Would you grant me the grace,To be gone from this bench and stand by you there,If I without discourtesy might quit this board,...When such a boon is begged before all these knights, though you be tempted thereto, to take it on yourselfWhile so right-down men about upon benches sitI am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblestAnd the loss of my life would be least of anyThat I relieve oneself you for uncle is my only praiseMy body, but for your blood, is barren of worthAnd for that this folly befits not a king,And tis I that have asked it, it ought to be mine,And if my claim be not picturesque let all this court judge,in sight. (Norton, 209) This shows the respect that Gawain has for his king. He is a great knight, but he modestly says that the loss of my life would be least of any. He knows that he is a great knight and is extremely important to the unity of the Round Table, but he would rather stay humble and retain than to call himself superior.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers
Sir Gawain and the Green KnightCharacter Analysis Sir Gawain, the nephew of King Arthur, is described by the unknown author of Gawain and the Green Knight as the good knight and most courteous (Norton, 204 & 215). Although young, Gawain understands the true meaning of chivalry and honor, therefore bases his lifestyle on the knightly Code of chivalry. This is exemplified through various tests that he faced, both with the Green Knight, and with the Knights wife. If all knights were like Gawain, then the Round Table would be a much better place. The first character test he is put to occurs when he faces the supernatural forces of the Green Knight during the New Years celebration at Camelot. As the Round Table is faced with an extraordinary challenge, to swing at the stranger with an ax, Gawain bravely steps in for King Arthur when no one else is willing. He is fearful that Arthur will endure some great danger by partaking in the strangers game, therefore he would rath er subject himself to the danger and protect Arthur. He is able to save his lord from any possibility of jeopardy and his brother knights of humiliation by jumping up from the dinner table and screaming Would you grant me the grace,To be gone from this bench and stand by you there,If I without law-breaking might quit this board,...When such a boon is begged before all these knights, though you be tempted thereto, to take it on yourselfWhile so bold men about upon benches sitI am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblestAnd the loss of my life would be least of anyThat I have you for uncle is my only(prenominal) praiseMy body, but for your blood, is barren of worthAnd for that this folly befits not a king,And tis I that have asked it, it ought to be mine,And if my claim be not comely permit all this court judge,in sight. (Norton, 209) This shows the respect that Gawain has for his king. He is a great knight, but he modestly says that the loss of my life would be lea st of any. He knows that he is a great knight and is extremely important to the unity of the Round Table, but he would rather stay humble and retained than to foreshadow himself superior.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Demand Side Management
analysis of demand side management in tneb ABSTRACT This typography introduces the concepts of posit Side Management(DSM) and various areas it involves. The interest and necessary of DSM in TNEB is explained in the context of a number of much wider developments in power sector. It present a framework for DSM Techniques and factors to reducing T&D losings in TNEB. This explains various methods adopted for Energy Conservation in various sectors and helps to foresee global warming. DSM Demand Side management is the process through which a power utility manages the demand for power among all its Customers to meet its current or future needs..DSM is an efficacious tools for improving qualification efficiency and promoting susceptibility conservation. The problems of the Indian power sector including TNEB traced to three root issues. 1. High T & D Losses. 2. Large commercial losses (Metering, Billing, Collection) 3. Low end used efficiency of energy use. In TNEB it facing peak Power capacity shortages as well as the energy shortages. directly A DAYS IN TNEB The Demand-11000mw Available-9000 mw Shortage-2000 mw The chronic power shortages wipe out resulted in involuntary load shedding and interruptions. CONCEPT OF DSMDSM comprises all planning implementing, and supervise activities and measures knowing to improve efficient useto energy and encourage consumers to modify their level and pattern of energy use. DSM involves ?Using existing energy more efficiently. ?Reduction ofTotal quantity of energy consumed by uses through better load managements. ?Minimising losses in the Distribution network. ?Technology substitution. ?Shift demand from peak to dispatch peak times. ?Enhancing energy efficiency. The TNEB build ample motivation to pursue demand management to the extent that it can. ? emend service Increase revenue ? Decrease cost BENEFITS OF DSM Customer Lower bills collect to lower tariff. SocietyCapital freed for other projects. UtilityLower cost of s ervice reduced cost of power. DSM TECHNIQUES The three concern of DSM Techniques are now a days adopted in TNEB ?Load curve modification ?TOD meters. ?Three shift act and staggered off day. LOAD CURVE MODIFICATION 1. treetop clipping-System peak load reduction at specific periods. 2. Valley filling-Building the load during off peak hours. 3. Conservation-Modification of the load shape through conservation. 4.Load building-Balance of load so that demand from different users peaks at different times. 5. Load shifting-Shifting load from on peak to off peak periods TOD METERS Installation of Time of day (TOD) electronic meters would help in flattering the load curve by way of giving incentives / penalties to consumers during off peak / peak hours respectively. Now above 25 HP industrial services are provided TOD meters in TNEB. Three shift operation and staggered off day Encourage the industrial consumers for three shift operation and staggered off days to reduce the demands.REDUCTION OF T & D LOSSES Now the T & D losses in TENB is around 18% it should be reduced with in 10% of the standard. The factors reducing T & D Losses are 1. Network Reconfiguration. 2. Strengthening of Conductors. 3. Erection of Transformers at load center. 4. Load Balancing. 5. Improve joints and connections. 6. Laying Additional Linklines. 7. Increases HT LT Ratio. 8. Proper Maintenance of Distribution Network. DSM FOR CONSUMERS DSM on the consumer side requires that a system of collection, analysis, and reporting on the consumers energy habits and cost be established.Sector wise electricity ingestions in Tamilnadu efficiency CONSERVATION IN DOMESTIC ?Use only energy efficient (star rating) Appliances. ?Use only wires and appliances that have I. S. I. mark. ?Wiring must be carried out only by the licensed electricians. ?Do not use flexible wires for long distance. ?Maintain meetly the galvanizing appliances and wiring. ?Use compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) instead of ordinary bulbs . It gives greater light and reduced the consumptions 5 times. ?Economy in the use of water will reduces the consumption of electricity. Provide Electronic ballasts to the tube lights. ?Provide Electronic regulators to the fans. ?Use micro wave ovens heater for cooking purpose. ?Avoid open the refrigerator door frequently. gaint put hot things in to the refrigerator. ?Use voltage stabilizers for the electrical equipments. ?Dont use the power loads during peak hours. ?Switch off the lights & fans while leaving the room or house. ?Avoid using decorative lamps. ?Avoid switching on the water heater in the previous dark for the requirement of hot water in the next early morning. ?Utilise sun-lights for the maximum extend.A well planned house with number of windows and good ventilation system reduces the energy consumption. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN INDUSTRIES Dont use motors of higher capacity than required. Use required I. S. I shut connectors separately for apiece motors to maintain power factors. Maintain the machines and appliances properly and regularly. Change the worn-out bearings and avoid wearing out due to friction. Ensure that the motor belts are in proper tight. Use different motors using instead of single high horse power motor for different purposes. Use high efficiency pumps and blowers. If monthly consumption exceeds 10,000 units energy audit is necessary. Periodically modernize the appliances is essential. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN AGRICULTURE ?Replacement of inefficient agricultural pumps by newly Developed energy efficient pump set. ?Adopt water conservation principles. ?Provide shunt capacitors to the motors. ?Avoid unnecessary additional loads. ?Use P. V. C. pipes instead of steel pipes. ?Avoid flex and leaks in the pipes. ?Dont operate the motors in two phase. ?Dont use the low power factor rewound motors. ENERGY AUDITIt is verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of a technical reports containing recommen dations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit reduce energy consumption. CONCEPT OF ENERGY AUDIT ?Determine how and where energy is being used or converted in to one form to another. ?Identify opportunities to reduce energy usage and prevent energy losses. Energy Auditing involves ?Identifying energy losses. ?Segregating the losses into technical and commercial losses. ?Estimating the energy conservation potential of a system. Save Energy Save Nation
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Helping Pauline Face Her Sister Death
Like Pauline we could have told God many clock you created me without my knowledge about it and will slay my life at your convenience. The statement implicates that everyone knows that humans atomic number 18 immortal but still many argon not ready to face death. Many are afraid to die because that is leading someone to the unknown or simply the end of non-being. Very few accept that death as a baby or a brother that will accompany us to the next life.In the case of Pauline it will be very difficult in the startle for an existential therapist to argue with her the convey of life when it is the reason that aggravates Paulines situation. The twenty year old woman is just finding meaning in her life and the promise of an eminent death brings all her plans to a halt. Though she is filled with rage, her initiative to ask for counseling is a sure crisscross that she will be able cope with her anxiety.To help Pauline, first is to understand her fear that is to be able to penetrate her emotions, her will and dispositions. Many people are afraid to die because we die alone just like when we were born when we came to this world without anything.Next is to encourage her to face death by preparing well for it and telling her the receipts that life is not being taken away but it is simply what happens to everyone. If shes been given sometime to live, it would be to her advantage to live fully the times that are still available unlike those people whose life were taken by surprise say for example the 9/11 catastrophe. The victims did not redden have the time to say goodbye or leave something pleasing for their loved ones.Making Pauline realized that there is still time left tin for everything no matter how short life is will certainly increase her desire. In one of the book written by Josemaria Escriva he said that it is hope in God which sets us marvelously ablaze with love, with a fire that makes the heart beat strong and keeps it safe from discouragement and dej ection, even though along the way one may suffer and at times suffer greatly (Scheffczyk, 2006).ReferencesScheffczyk, C. L. (2006). Grace in the spirituality of St. Josemaria Escriva Electronic Version. Retrieved 09 April 2008, from http//
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Rear Window Essay
Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was made in the family 1954. It has been said that Rear Window is the basis for D.J. Carusos movie Disturbia. Rear Window has three main characters, J.B. Jeff Jefferies contend by James Stewart, Lisa Fremont played by grace Kelly, and Stella played by Thelma Ritter. Each of these three characters is critiqued by five different categories, including, appropriateness, inherent contemplation or emotionality, expressive coherence, wholeness and unity, and occasionalness.The first syndicate is appropriateness which is to determine if the characters performance is natural looking, if he or she looks and acts uniform the character they portray by their physical, facial expressions, speech, movement and gestures. James Stewart who played J.B. Jeff Jefferies looked all in all natural in his performance the focussing he looked and acted fit the character perfectly in every aspect from the physical features to the mentality of the character. Gra ce Kelly who played Lisa Fremont looked almost natural in her role, she sometimes counted unnatural and fake in some ways, her physical features fit the part but her facial expressions and movement seemed alike careful. Thelma Ritter who played Stella looked and acted completely natural in every way possible, especially in her speech and gestures she made throughout the charge.The second category is inherent thoughtfulness or emotionality which is to determine is the actor or actress effectively conveys the thought process or feelings behind the characters actions or reactions. James Stewart seemed to perplex every emotion into his character J.B. Jeff Jefferies and put a great join of thought into every scene. Grace Kelly seemed to save utilise a great amount of emotion into her character Lisa Fremont but didnt really seem to put much thought into her acting she just seemed to do whatever she felt like doing. Thelma Ritter seemed to even out everything perfectly into her chara cter Stella, she made it look as if every emotion and action was real.The third category is expressive coherence which is used to determine if the character used appropriateness and inherent thoughtfulness/emotionality to create a characterization that meshes with moldting, costuming, and behavior. James Stewart seemed to use the correct body address and combine setting and costumes and behavior almost precisely. Grace Kelly correctly meshed together setting, costuming, and behavior in every scene she was in, not once did she seem to present herself wrongly. Thelma Ritter did not seem to always combine setting, costuming, and behavior in the appropriate manner, she may have a couple times but it didnt seem believable at some points.The fourth category is wholeness and unity which is used to determine if the character has maintained the illusion of a seamless character, even if that character is purposely consumed by contradictions, despite all of the changes of shooting a film. J ames Stewarts illusion of Jeff was seamless in every way he had to overcome obstacles with the cast he had to wear the entire film but made it work throughout the film. Grace Kellys illusion of Lisa was to a fault seamless she tended to be able to breeze on through the entire film without seeming perturbed. Thelma Ritters illusion of Stella was absolutely seamless, didnt seem to plenteousness up or let anything get in her way throughout the film what so ever.The fifth category is effortlessness which is used to determine if the characters acting seems effortless or natural. James Stewarts acting in the entire film seemed completely effortless it seemed to come natural to him in every way. Grace Kellys acting did not seem to be completely effortless but a great deal of it did, she didnt have to try to be unused and sexy it came natural, but to act worried seemed to be more of a struggle for her. Thelma Ritters acting half way seemed effortless she seemed to struggle and have work a t some of the points in each scene.In the film Rear Window you are constantly wondering what will happen beside because of the suspense involved in the film. Alfred Hitchcock kept this entire film simple and made it to where there were not many different sets, it stayed in the same set in almost every scene. The categories of appropriateness, inherent thoughtfulness or emotionality, expressive coherence, wholeness and unity, and effortlessness is what is used to evaluate every actors performance in every film to this day. James Stewart, Grace Kelly, and Thelma Ritter were all fantastic actors and each added something different to the film, each had their own unique style and acting technique, which added up to make the film as great as it was.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Flipkart Ad Campaign
T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION TO FLIPKART .. 4 A. annals 5 FUNDING. ACQUISITIONS .. 5 B. BUSINESS RESULTS . 6 C. About the Offerings 6 D.TARGET GROUP 7 2. FLIPKARTS SUCCESS STORY .. 8 A. 3. FLIPKARTS selling STRATEGY 9 flipkart hunts .. 0 A. DIGITAL AD CAMPAIGNS .. 10 B. PRINT MEDIA ADS . 10 C. FLIPKART TV AD Shopping ka Naya Address 11 About the Campaign .. 1 Objective of the Campaign . 12 4. THE CHALLENGES IN THE COMMUNICATION 13 5. ONLINE / SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING .. 14 6. RESULTS 15 A. 7.ADVERTISEMENTS GOES VIRAL . 15 Digital Media abbreviation 15 A. Facebook Analysis. 15 Fan Data 5 Admin Interaction straddle. 16 Admin Post Interaction . 16 DSMM Flipkart Page 2 of 25 Admin Post Type .. 7 Admin Post.. 17 Change in Fan 18 Fan Change Per Weekdays . 8 Fan Interaction Rate .. 19 Fan Post Type. 19 Fan Post 20 Total Fan . 20 Total people talking a violate .. 21 B. Twitter Analysis . 21 Twitter Mention Map 1 shove analysis .. 22 Twitter History .. 22 Tweet as per d ay & hour . 23 C.Competitor Analysis 24 User comparison .. 24 User mention comparison .. 24 DSMM Flipkart Page 3 of 25 1 . I NTRODUCTION TO FLIP KART Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka.It was founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal in 2007. In its initial years, Flipkart focuse on online sales of books, more thanover it later expanded to electronic goods and a variety of other products. Flipkart offers multiple payment methods worry credit card, debit card, net banking, e -gift voucher, and the major of e very(prenominal) last(predicate) Cash on Delivery. The cash-on- words model adopted by Flipkart has proven to be of great signifi evictce since credit card and net banking penetration is very crushed in India. Foundation date 2007 Headquarters Bangalore, India Area served India Founder(s) ? ? Sachin Bansal Binny Bansal Industry Internet, Online retailingProducts Flipkart. com, Electronic W all toldet, Mime360. com, Chakpak. com, F lyte Digital Music Store Services Electronic commerce Revenue 12 one million million (US$220 million) (FY 201112) Employees 4500 Slogan(s) The Online Megastore DSMM Flipkart Page 4 of 25 A . H ISTORY Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, both alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi worked for Amazon. com before quitting and founding their own company. Initially they used word of mouth marketing to popularise their company. A few months later, the company sold its first book on flipkart. comJohn Woods Leaving Microsoft to Change the World.Today, as per Alexa traffic rankings, Flipkart is among the top 20 Indian Web sites and has been credited with being Indias largest online bookseller with over 11 million titles on offer. Flipkart claims to stimulate had at least blow% growth every quarter since its founding. The store started with selling books and in 2010 branched out to selling CDs, DVDs, nimble phon es and accessories, cameras, computers, computer accessories and periph erals, and in 2011, pens & stationery, other electronic items such as home appliances, kitchen appliances, personal care gad scores, health care products etc. Further in 2012, Flipkart added A.C, air coolers, school supplies, office supplies, art supplies & breeding style products to its product portfolio. As of today, Flipkart employs more than 4500 people. F UNDING Initially funded by the Bansals themselves with INR 400,000, Flipkart has raised funding from venture capital funds Accel India (US$1 million in 2009) and Tiger Global (US$10 million in 2010 and US$20 million in June 2011). Flipkart. com, on August 24, 2012 announced the completion of its 4th round of $150 million funding from MIH (part of Naspers Group) and ICONIQ Capital. A CQUISITIONS ? ? 2010 WeRead, a social book dis skipy tool.The stated goal was to give Flipkart a social recommendation computer programme for buyers to make informed decisions based on recommendations from people within their social network. 2011 Mime360, a digital content platform company. DSMM Flipkart Page 5 of 25 ? ? 2011 Chakpak. com is a Bollywood news site that offers updates, news, photos and videos. Flipkart acquired the rights to Chakpaks digital catalogue which includes 40,000 filmographies, 10,000 movies and close to 50,000 ratings. Flipkart has categorically said that it volition not be involved with the original site and will not use the brand name. 012 Letsbuy. com is Indias second largest e-retailer in electronics. Flipkart has bought the company for an estimated US$25 million. Letsbuy. com had been closed down and all the traffic of Letsbuy is diverted to Flipkart. B . B USINESS RESULTS Flipkarts reported sales were 40 million in FY 20082009, 200 million in FY 20092010 and 750 million for FY 20102011. In FY 20112012, Flipkart is set to cross the 5 billion (US$ nose candy million) mark as Internet usage in the country increases and people get accustomed to making purchases online. Flipkart projects its sale s to reach US$10 billion by year 2014.On aver age, Flipkart sells nearly 20 products per minute and is aiming at generating a revenue of 50 billion (US$1 billion) by 2015. C . A BOUT THE OFFERINGS Clothing Footwear Mobiles & Accessories Computers Watches, Bags & Wallets Cameras Books Home & Kitchen Daily Personal Needs Gaming TV, Videos & Audio Music, Movies & Posters Baby Care & Toys Sports & Fitness ebook MP3 Downloads India is at the cusp of an e-commerce transformation and wed like to keep Flipkart at the forefront as pioneers and trend-setters. DSMM Flipkart Page 6 of 25 Flipkart have leaped from being a start-up to a fast growing mid-sized company.Backed by a strong funding of $31 million, Flipkart is rapidly expanding its network of warehouses, distri exception centers, procurement operations, and 24X7 node support teams. Flipkart span of operations is set to grow from 5 warehouses and 35 sales talk centers to 25 warehouses and more than 60 delivery centers across the cou ntry. DSMM Flipkart Social Networking Youth RE-SELLING option for customers one of the main Buiness Objectives Middle class families convention an audience for local events Audience for events Community members can find an apartment to live in, ell their old car, bike ,music system, laptop or furniture, promote their small patronage Community Members local community within a city coming together, meeting, trading and helping each other in many ways local Communities D . T ARGET GROUP Page 7 of 25 2 . F LIPKARTS SUCCESS S TORY A humble beginning from books, Flipkart at a time has a gamut of products ranging from Cell phones, laptops, computers, cameras, games, music, audio players, TVs, healthcare products, washing machines etc. etc. Still, Flipkart derives around 50% of its revenue from selling books online.Flipkart is the Indian market leader in selling books both offline and online, it enjoys an online manage of around 80%. The electronic items have a large number of players like Naaptol, Letsbuy, Indiaplaza, Tradus, Infibeam, Yebhi etc. The electronic market share is distributed among them in different unknown proportions. India has around 13. 5 crore lucre users today where as the number of homes with Cable and Satellite (C&S) television is 10. 5 crore. The anticipate internet users will reach a figure o f 30 crore by 2014 and C&S homes are expected to be 14 crore by 2014.Thus India has a tremendous internet growth and with the customers getting accustomed to e -commerce, the future of e-commerce sector is definitely rosy. An approximated 25 lac people hav e transacted online this year, the number is all set to increase with time. Also to mention most of the Flipkart customers use internet from PCs/Laptops to order goods. The use of mobile internet is very less at the moment, but with the advent of smart ph ones the use of mobile internet for e-commerce transactions will soar with time. India has 8 crore mobile net users at the moment, the number is expected to swell to 22. 5 crore by 2014.Lets discuss the factors that lead to the grand success of Flipkart ? They always strove to provide great customer service. Flipkart customers are happier than with some of their competitors like Tradus. in, Indiaplaza. com i have myself experienced this a couple of times. ? Their website is great, easy to use, easy to browse through the products, add products to wish list or to a cart, get product reviews and opinions, pre -order products, make payments using different methods, in short hassle- free and convenient. ? A very important point is that they introduced the option of cash on delivery and card on delivery.This way people demonstrated more confidence in buying products. An interesting DSMM Flipkart Page 8 of 25 fact, today Flipkart sells 20 products/min and have a massive customer base, still mor e than 60% of the Flipkarts customers use Cash on Delivery and card on delivery methods. This is because of two reasons, one is many peopl e do not know how to make payments online. And secondly people do not have immense authority in e-commerce in India. Flipkart also provides a 30 day refilling guarantee on its products and EMI options to its customers for making payments. Flipkarts reason of success is that it has a great customer retention rate, it has around 15 lac individual customers and more than 70% customers are repeat customers i. e. they shop various times each year. The company targets to have a customer base of 1 crore by 2015. A . F LIPKARTS MARKETING S TRATEGY Flipkart has been mostly marketed by word of mouth advertising. Customer gladness h as been their best marketing medium. Flipkart very wisely used SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google Ad-words as the marketing tools to have a far reach in the online world. Flipkart. om official Facebook page has close to 9 lac likes. Flipkart recently launched a series of 3 ads with the tag line No Kidding No worries. Kids were used to create the advert s to load out the message if a kid can do it, you can also do it. The message is very clear to make people more comfortable with Flipkart, to generate a great customer relationship and loyalty on the basis of great product prices and excellent customer service. All in all to create a great customer experience. DSMM Flipkart Page 9 of 25 3 . F LIPKART CAMPAIGNS A . D IGITAL A D CAMPAIGNS principally flipkart worked on online advertising ? ? ? SEO (most effective) SEM (pay per click) Facebook (needs better handling) Twitter B . P RINT MEDIA ADS ? Delivering happiness ? Comics print ad DSMM Flipkart Page 10 of 25 C . F LIPKART TV AD SHOPPING KA NAYA ADD RESS A BOUT THE CAMPAIGN Ad Agency Happy Creative Service Flipkart. com is out in the market with a new campaign titled, Shopping ka Naya Address. The campaign created by Happy Creative Services intends to take online shopping to a wider audience this time and cover the non-metro areas of the country. The TVCs, which extends the ki ds as adults concept followed by Flipkart. om the last time, stress on elevatedlighting vital benefits of shopping on Flipkart. com viz, cash on delivery, 30 day replacement policy, and guarantee of original products. DSMM Flipkart Page 11 of 25 The first TVC shows three generations of a family in one room wherein the kid (from the third generation) is receiving a mobile phone that he had ordered for his grandfather through Flipkart. com. His father (the second generation) expresses his apprehensions over buyi ng something online to which the old man (first generation) affirms that he trusts Flipkart. com.The man insists how one can buy something merely by looking at a picture online to which his wife retorts that they got married the same way, as a matter of fact by looking at each others pictures. The backdrop suggests that Flipkart. com is the new place to shop from. O BJECTIVE OF THE CAM PAIGN The aim is to popularize the brand name Flipkart like Xerox became generic wine to t he product category and also became a verb for photocopying The plot came through from Flipkarts customer feedback stories, where customers have told the company where and how they have used Flipkart to save their skinThis campaign has a total of nine films, while two focus on the customer experience, the rest are meant to illustrate the new categories Flipkart has entered into The ad using children as adults has perplex a mnemonic that the Flipkart campaigns are now being identified with, much like the pug has become intrinsic to Vodafone DSMM Flipkart Page 12 of 25 4 . T HE CHALLENGES IN TH E COMMUNICATION Differentiate from Others Being Humorous To differentiate from mighty impressive ads by Quikr, Jabong, OLX Many e-commerce portals have used umour as the primary ingredient for campaigns earlier DSMM Flipkart Page 13 of 25 5 . O NLINE / SOCIAL MEDI A MARKETING Flipkart is a very social media focused brand and they wanted to create a laid-back- level of engagement around the social media platforms. The campaign was unveiled after a high engagement teaser phase on social media with five short teaser videos on YouTube and Facebook. Several conversations began about what Bob is possibly up to, a hash tag Shoppingkanayaaddress was also promoted on Twitter.The hash tag was also around the new advertisement where all the people who had seen the viral advertisement went on to see the stand in advertisement. DSMM Flipkart Page 14 of 25 6 . R ESULTS A . A DVERTISEMENTS GOES V IRAL ? The campaign was unveiled after a high engagement teaser phase on social media with five short teaser videos on YouTube and Facebook. ? Several conversations began about quality of Flipkart Shoppingkanayaaddress was also promoted on Twitter. service, a hash tag The hash tag was also around the new advertisement where all the people who had seen the viral ad went on to see the complete advertisement. 7 . D IGITAL MEDIA ANALYS IS A . F ACEBOOK ANALYSIS The analysis is been done by usi ng socialdon. com and simplymeasured. com. For analysis a virtual server is been used to obtain data from Facebook from 21st Feb 2013 to 21st March 2013. F AN DATA DSMM Flipkart Page 15 of 25 A DMIN INTERACTION RA TE A DMIN interest INTERACTI ON DSMM Flipkart Page 16 of 25 A DMIN P OST TYPE A DMIN POST DSMM Flipkart Page 17 of 25 C HANGE IN caramel brown F AN CHANGE PER WEEKD AYS
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Arthur Miller’s ‘A View From the Bridge’ Essay
Masculinity is a prevalent theme in Arthur Millers A take From The Bridge. The four leading male characters in the play Eddie, Rodolpho, Marco and Alfieri each play different roles and different types of men. Miller has represented men and masculinity in an dismal light in the play. It appears that it is men that confuse and create problems in the characters lives. Each characters actions are effected by the conflicting forces of determinism, where every occurrence and situation is the inevit fit result of its preceding states of affairs and freewill. It could be said that the male characters in A popular opinion From The Bridge are not acting, provided being acted upon.The main character in A View From The Bridge is Eddie. He is forty years of get along, slightly overweight and is described as ill-hu to a greater extent thand. The huskiness used in the description refers to both Eddies roughness and his strong, burly build. His age suggests experience, some other masculine q uality. Eddies appearance reflects his attitude, strong and intimidating. In trying to prove his masculinity, Eddie is the focus of many conversations, as he feels that he must dominate the conversation. Eddies speech is very direct, with blunt wording. He unendingly uses contractions and drops the last letter off words, such as in the phrase I didnt say nothin. Eddies manner of speaking is not sophisticated in any sense. This is because Eddie spent his time working instead of getting a proper education. Eddie also comes from a working class family, which would mean that his education is limited. The conglobation of these factors conveys Eddie to be even more masculine. It is very clear that Miller has constructed Eddie to represent the epitome of masculinity however the character has a propensity to be acted upon kind of than acted.Although Eddie is portrayed as a very masculine character, the turmoil in his mind is evident to the reader. Within himself he is trying to control his feelings, or act. Instead, it appears that the happenings some him control Eddies actions. When Eddie allows Rodolpho and Marco to stay, he is acting, as he is making the decision as the patriarchal member of the Carbone family. He has the excerption of whether to accept them or not. He acts out of freewill. The best example Eddie being acted upon is when he calls Immigration about Marco and Rodolpho. At this point in the play, Eddie thinks that he has no other options.He is struggle to control hisfeelings for Catherine, which on its own is an example of being acted upon. Although Eddie knows that these incestuous feelings are not acceptable, he grassnot help tho feel this way. Catherines developing birth with Rodolpho is clearly testing Eddies endurance. Eddie also feels that Rodolpho is a bad influence on Catherine, as Eddie can no longer control her as he used to. Realistically, this is because Catherine is growing up more than Rodolphos influence. However, Eddie feels that the only solution is to get rid of Rodolpho. By doing this, Eddie hopes that everything will return to its original state, with him being the patriarch. Consequently, Eddie calls Immigration. It can clearly be seen that Eddie is not acting, as eliminating Rodolpho is something that is inevitable if Eddie wishes for things to return to their initial state.Rodolphos appearance in A View From The Bridge is one that is further roughly more feminine and fixate up than that of the other characters. He is described as a slim platinum blond with a nice face. His gentle features are considered womanly, and so he is not considered to be masculine. Rodolphos age can be estimated to be in the mid-twenties. This denotes a lack of life experience, another indicator towards femininity rather than masculinity. Miller has constructed Rodolpho as a much less masculine character than Eddie so as to juxtapose the two characters. inappropriate Eddie, Rodolpho is a more rational character. He i s more cautious in what he says. Due to this discretion, Rodolphos speech is very limited in A View From The Bridge. However, his rational behaviour does not stop Rodolpho from being more acted upon than acted.Even though Rodolpho tries to refrain from causing too much of a fretfulness in America, he is visibly maddening Eddie by showing affection towards Catherine. However, Rodolpho cannot control his feelings. He stands up for his right to have a relationship with Catherine and, heedless of what Eddie does or says, Rodolpho still has these feelings for Catherine. Rodolpho does not choose to be attracted to Catherine, it simply happened. The concept that Catherine and Rodolpho both care for each other is not a matter of choice or freewill, it is clearly determinism. For this reason, Rodolpho is more acted upon than acting in A View From The Bridge.Marco is described in A View From The Bridge as a thirty-two year old square built peasant. His square build implies strength and an intimidating physique, which evokes an air of masculinity. His age puts him between Eddie and Rodolpho. Throughout the play, Marco is played as quiet, yet thoughtful. His dialogue is minimal, until the final sequence where the conflict between him and Eddie erupts. Although his dialogue is entirely different to that of Eddie, the pair are both seen as masculine characters. This is because Marco is positive with himself, and does not feel it is necessary to talk or dominate the conversation. In doing so, his confidence shines through as being masculine. Again, Marco is a character that appears, in most cases, to be more acted upon than acting.Marcos strong and silent persona allows him to understand and recognise elements in the characters more so than Eddie and Rodolpho. He sees Eddies challenging temper towards Rodolpho and challenges Eddie back. In this sense, Marcos actions are acted. He understands what is happening and uses his own freewill to make a decision of what to do. H owever, the final sequences are clearly an indication of how Marco is more acted upon than acting. When Marco spits in Eddies face, it is the culmination of Eddies attitude and actions that cause him to do so. After trusting Eddie, Marco has been proverbially stabbed in the back. However, Marcos answer was eminent. Eddies on-going dislike of both Marco and Rodolpho would eventually arrive at a confrontation.Marcos reaction was clearly determinism it was the inevitable result of its preceding states of affairs. In this way, the character of Marco is more acted upon than acting. Similarly, when Marco kills Eddie, it is inevitable. If not for Eddies death, the play would be going nowhere. Eddies sanity is questionable towards the end of A View From The Bridge. If Eddie were to survive the stabbing, there would be no closure for any of the characters. When Eddie pulls the knife out and attempts to stab Marco, it is clear that he is not thinking rationally. Marco then acts in self def ence when he stabs Eddie. He knows that one of them will die in the struggle, and sees that his killing of Eddie is the only way he will come out alive. For this reason, Marco acts not out of freewill, but stabs Eddie as there is no other way for the battle to end. Hence, Marco is moreacted upon than acting. However, this attribute is not shared by all of the male characters in A View From The Bridge.The final male character in A View From The Bridge is Alfieri. Alfieri is the oldest of the characters, described as being in his fifties, turning grey and portly. His age implies much life experience, as does his generously proportioned physique. His appearance is also one of a higher class than the rest of the characters. Alfieri speaks with distinction. Unlike Marco and Eddie, who feel the need to extend their masculinity, Alfieri is confident in himself, and so needs not demonstrate this through his language.For this reason, Alfieri remains to be a masculine character even though h is language is very poetic and eloquent. For example, when consulting Eddie and Marco, he says To promise not to kill, is not dishonourable. As well as showing Alfieris intelligence, the statement gives his words a outstrip of importance. Alfieris masculinity shines through in his instructing and superior manner. Unlike the rest of the male characters in A View From The Bridge, it is felt that Alfieri is not being acted upon, but is acting.As Alfieri is not directly involved in the convoluted relationships that take place in the apartment, he has the advantage of having a less emotional reaction to the occurrences. Alfieri also has the advantage of being able to think about things rationally before offering an opinion. When attempting to guide Eddie in his turmoil, Alfieri informs him that he can take no legal action. In doing so, Alfieri is acting out of freewill. Nothing is forcing him to tell Eddie this. Theoretically, Alfieri could ignore the legal aspect and tell Eddie to take his chances. Instead, Alfieri offers his own advice, to let her go. Although Alfieris instinct to seek resolution may be seen as more acted upon than acting, his pressure in guiding Eddie to do the right thing, or lack thereof, is freewill, as Alfieri made the choice in not forcing Eddie to stop acting in the manner that he was. For this reason, Alfieri is acting more than he is acted upon.Although each of the male characters in Millers play A View From The Bridge represents a different role and different type of man, each of their actions can be seen as either an act of freewill or an act of determinism. In manyinstances, it appears that there is no other way for the incident to occur. At other times, the characters make choices, exercising their freewill. As Eddie, Rodolpho and Marco are all emotionally involved in the relationships in the play their actions tend to be acts of determinism. All three are detain in gender roles, not wanting to appear weak. As Alfieri is more of an onlooker in the play, his actions are a result of freewill. Confident with his masculinity, he is able to decide what to do, not be forced into doing something. For this reason, the male characters in A View From The Bridge can be said to be predominantly more acted upon than acting.
Character Analysis – the Importance of Being Earnest (Algernon Moncrief)
Algernon Moncrief in Oscar Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest is quite simply a child at play. Algy, as hes cognize to his friends, is a young bachelor not yet in his thirties living the aristocratic manners of a Victorian gentleman. He has an underdeveloped sensation of morality and of the world beyond him. Algy has an excellent skill for wit and as an Oxonian, his education is also rather noticeable. You might also surmise him to be unhappy if he were eating muffins as if there was no tomorrow, and he doesnt seem fond of sharing his cucumber sandwiches in any case.He expresses impassiveness to everything that fails to give him a moments amusement as he refers to his manservants short marriage, I dont know that I am often interested in your family life. Bills would probably pile in his flat in London on Half Moon Street, if he didnt tear them up. Responsibility isnt in his vocabulary, and he certainly doesnt fix very much importance on being earnest. John (Jack) Worthing is Algys best friend and is quite serious close everything that Algy takes for granted.Although they do share a shared fondness for a particular past time called Bunburying that involves the creation of a fictional double in the form of a brother or friend. The pane of which to allow them to easily create excuses to travel as they like. Additionally Algy enjoys using his Bunbury character to avoid dinner with his aunt Lady Bracknell. He believes once a week is enough time to spend with relatives. While Jack utilizes his Bunbury character, ironically named Earnest, to see Algys first cousin, Gwendolen Fairfax.In the first act of the play, Algy was curious about an enumeration in a cigarette case that Jack had left behind. The inscription read From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack. Up to this moment, Algy had only cognise Jack only by the name Ernest, but now Algy discovers Jacks own Bunburying. Not seemingly fazed, as Algy seemed more interested in the specifics of the one named Cecily, he continued to question Jack about the case only to discover that Cecily is not Jacks niece, but his ward. Enticed by the thought of this young female ward of Jacks, Algy presses him by expressing his interest.This results in Jack revealing that Cecily is excessively pretty and only eighteen. Quite determined now, but resolving that he was not going to be invited by Jack, he decided to overhear Jacks conversation with Gwendolen. Fortunately for Algy, Jack reveals his country address to Gwendolen. Algy certainly had a scheme in his mind as he was writing down the address on his shirt cuff. Algy is quite a bored person. To avoid boring activities and to broaden his scope of entertainment, he created a fictitious character, Bunbury. As Bunbury, he can escape to the country side or just his aunts dinners.Algy also finds entertainment in being witty and appreciating life as an art form. He doesnt avoid scrapes as he love scrapes. His scheme to see Cec ily certainly turns into one, and many things change for him once he does in the long run meet Cecily. I think it is best summed up by Algy aphorism I killed Bunbury this afternoon when he had just told Jack that Nothing will bucket along me to part with Bunbury. After meeting Cecily and falling madly in love with her, hes willing to give up his freedom. Both he and Jack regular resort to scheduling baptisms to correct their lies, and in turn both become earnest.Algy always seemed quite amused with his own wit, even remarking on one join on his statement concerning women and their mothers, It is perfectly phrased . He believed women to become their mothers while men dont become their fathers. He also shows his keen understanding of human behavior when remarking about the music selection for his aunts dinner, if one plays good music, people dont listen, and if one plays bad music people dont talk. Along with his wonderful taste in music, hes in particular fond of fashion.He wou ld never have any appetite without a buttonhole first, and as much of a glutton he is, thats saying a lot. He also comments of the fashion of others or rather the lack thereof such as Jack and how he has no taste in neckties at all. Another thing Algy knew, was that he loved Cecily and was willing to do anything to marry her. Algy may have fallen in love and ever lost his dear invalid friend, Bunbury, but his interest is fleeting. As well Cecily, for she even states she hates waiting even five minutes for anybody. I believe it seeming for their love to burn brightly and quickly.A man that could fall in love with a charwoman in ten minutes and a woman that could love a man just for his name alone is not an ideal match. Although, their mutual whimsy could be that which makes them an ideal match. I would just foretaste Algy does as his said and forgets how after the proposal the excitement is all over. Although, technically speaking, Algy never did propose to Cecily as they had bee n engaged nearly three months out front they even met. It is widely believed that Algernon is a representation of Oscar Wilde himself, as both men are rather witty dandies that lead double lives.While it can be argued whether Algy had truly changed, Id like to think that he came to the realization that Bunbury could not live. Algy had finally bumped into someone in that castle in the sky and was sure to leave alone him with plenty of entertainment as Cecilys imagination seemed to constantly create stories out of thin air. When she told him of their imaginary break up before they even met, Algy was very much hurt indeed and found Cecliys reacceptance of the engagement to make her a perfect angel.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Despite Risk and Uncertainty Essay
Risk is any factor that unobjectionablethorn potentially intercede with successful completion of the ejection. A luck is not a problem-a problem has already occurred a risk is the recognition that a problem tycoon occur. By recognizing potential problems, the exteriorise manager tail end try out to avoid a problem through proper actions. Project focussing is the skills, tools and management processes required to essay a forge successfully. Stakeholders are persons or musical arrangements that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by the project.Organizations take risks to benefit from potential opportunities stock-still these opportunities involve an element of risk. Projects entail a level of uncertainty and therefore carry business risk. all(prenominal) project has risks. Organizations that succeed are the atomic number 53s that aim for those risks anticipating, mitigating, and providing response and co ntingency plans for negative events that may or may not occur. Risk Analysis solutions provide the tools for doing bonny this, enabling companies to identify, assess and model risks and, in the process, pickings much of the uncertainty out of project and portfolio management. A project risk chiffonier be specify as an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, provide know a positive or a negative effect on a projects objectives. Identifying risk in the mean stage enables better project selection decisions and to a massiveer extent accurate budgeting and scheduling, (Oracle white paper,2010).Risk estimation is minute to understanding the bushel of risk and uncertainty on project schedule and cost. Once risks are set and assessed, the next step is to develop a response plan. Typical mitigation actions include adding time to the schedule, deploying more resources on the project, bringing in outside expertise, increasing the budget, just to mention a few. Uncertainty is an infallible aspect of most projects, but even the most proficient managers have difficulty handling it. They affair decision milestones to anticipate outcomes, risk management to prevent disasters and sequential iteration to make sure everyone is do the desired product, yet the project still ends up with an overrun schedule, overflowing budget and compromised specifications. Or it just dies. Unforeseen uncertainty makes contingencyplanning more difficult because the project team buttocksnot anticipate everything. Because it is unrealistic to create a complete contingency plan, the plan must evolve as the project progresses. With unpredictable uncertainty, a lot of time and effort must go into managing relationships with stakeholders and getting them to accept unplanned changes. Stakeholders frequently dig in, causing resistance and conflicts. Failing to address risk and uncertainty can lead to consequences that hybridize the spectrum from mere inconvenience to grave dan ger, ( article went on to explain some of the effects that risk has on the mining and metals companies projects. Failure to deliver against agreed plans Realized oral communication risks will typically impact one or more of a projects cost, schedule, scope and quality parameters. Where impacts represent a existent transformation from approved plans, a critical review of the projects alignment to Business cutting assumptions and rationale may be required. Late-stage Business Case modifications have the potential to undermine the projects investment case and severely impair stakeholder buy-in and confidence. Loss of competitive advantage For many mining and metals companies, the expertness to efficiently and predictably operationalize assets and infrastructure forms a key source of competitive advantage. As commodity prices, commercialised terms and the competitive landscape constantly change, the window for timely project delivery is finite. When risks result i n project delays, cost overruns or quality defects, many companies will feel a direct impact on corporate performance and competitive advantage. Damage to reputation Leading mining and metals companies recognize the substantial disjointed role of corporate reputation in securing and admiting a social licence to operate. The risk of health, safety, surround and community incidents is ever present, demanding high levels of delivery discipline and management vigilance. Where policy, process or control break-downs do occur, and an incident results, mining and metals companies must respond immediately to prevent long-lasting reputational damage.The Impact of a risk may be to the project and its success criteria (eg budget and timeframes or the quality of the project output) or it could be to the business as a result of the way the project is carried out. At the same time,risk assessment increases profitability. Contracts can be selectedand priced at the reform on level of risk, and the business can be managed with risk fully understood, (Oracle white paper,2009). Specific risks can be negotiated, it can be made clear who bears them, and they can be make in to contracts. After evaluating risks, one can choose a path of risk avoidance or risk mitigation and management. If one understands the risks in a project, one can decide which risks are gratifying and take action to mitigate or forestall those risks. If ones project risk assessment determines that risks are excessive, one may want to consider restructuring the project to within acceptable levels of risk. Every project has risks and the way that these risks are identified, assessed and mitigated plays a critical role in the project outcome. Most firms would quite an have projects without risk and uncertainty, to realize more profit and growth and also improve or maintain their good reputation. However, risk and uncertainty are not the only factors that may negatively affect a project thus hindering profit ability, growth and good reputation for the organization. There are several early(a) factors that aid a project to contribute to the well-being or downfall of the organization. A project fails when the plan is not met. (Oracle white paper, 2009) Failure means that a project exceeds the timeline, the project has to be founded upon realistic timescales, winning grudge of statutory lead times, and showing critical dependencies such that any delays can be handled. A schedule should include a satisfactory measurement system as a way of opinion actual performance against budget and time allowances, Slevin D.P, Pinto J.K (1987) Failure also means that a project overspends the budget, or underperforms expectation, they need to have a clear project plan that covers the full period of the planned delivery and all business change required, and indicate the means of benefits realization. omit of clear link amidst the project and the organizations key strategic priorities, including agreed measures of success also affect projects. The organization needfully to know how the priority of this project compares and aligns with other delivery and operational activities.There is need to have delineate the critical success factors (CSFs) for the project. Project success or contribution on profitability, growth and reputation for the organization also dwells on clear aged management and Ministerial ownership and leadership. As noted by Schultz and Slevin (1975), management support for projects, or indeed forany implementation, has long been considered of great importance in distinguishing between their ultimate success or failure. Without an experienced project manager, projects can quickly spiral out of control. The project management team must have a clear view of the interdependencies between projects, the benefits, and the criteria against which success will be judged. Decisions need to be taken early, decisively, and adhered to, in order to facilitate successful deliv ery. Another great effect to projects contribution on the organization is effective engagement with stakeholders. It is crucial for the firm to identify the right stakeholders and secure a common understanding and agreement of stakeholder requirements. The project needs to take sufficient account of the subsisting organizational culture whilst ensuring that there is clear accountability and how to resolve and conflicting priorities. The need for client reference point has been found to be increasingly important in attempting to successfully implement a project. Indeed, Manley(1975) found that the item to which clients are personally involved in the implementation process will cause great variation in their support for that project. If you are managing an internal project, it might not be wise to upset stakeholders that you might need to deal with at a later date. The need for diplomacy is important, and the political landscape can have a large impact on how easy or difficult it wi ll be to deliver the project,(Bauer M). The extent of stakeholder involvement also affects the reputation of the organization and therefore the profits and growth potential. pretermit of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management can affect the project and consequently the organization. . Lack of experience breeds excessive conservatism (K. Humphreys). Not having the right people for a particular project may compromise the job. The key to a successful project is to include the right people with the right skill-sets, says Joel Koppelman. He also quotes, All the planning in the world will not compensate a lack of talent.CONCLUSIONRisk and uncertainty actually help the project team and management to stick out alert and prepare in advance for possible attacks to the project. Decision-making under conditions of risk where there are depute estimated probabilities and predicted impacts for each identified risk, enablesmanagement strategies to be developed as a response including monitoring and dictatorial the risk mitigation to reduce these risks to the desired level. Despite risk and uncertainty, there exist other factors that can greatly affect the outcome of the project on profit, growth and reputation. It can then be cerebrate that risk and uncertainty are not the only factors that hinder projects from contributing to the profitability, growth and the reputation of the organization. Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management, lack of effective engagement with stakeholders, and clear senior management and Ministerial ownership and leaders affect the outcome of a project. Although risk and uncertainty have dire consequences for the firm, eliminating them will not guarantee projects contributing to profitability, growth and reputation of the organization. The other factors mentioned above are equally liable to project success.REFERENCESOracle white paper, A Standardized Approach to Risk counsel Improv es Project Outcomes and Profitability, April 2010 Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A.Dennis P. Slevin and Jeffrey K. Pinto, Balancing Strategy and Tactics in Project Implementation, Sloan Management Review, Fall, 1987, pp. 33-41,Kenneth K. Humphreys, Project Risk Management Advantages and Pitfalls Pe Cce Dif, n/d.Schultz, R. L. and Slevin, D. P. Implementation and Management Innovation, in Implementing Operations Research and Management Science, ed. Schultz, R. L. and Slevin, D. P. (Elsevier. New York, 1975), pp. 3-22.Manley. J. H. Implementation Attitudes A Model and a Measurement Methodology. in Implementing Operating Research and Management Science, ed. Schultz. R. L. and Slevin, D. P. (Elsevier. New York, 1973), pp. 183-202.Oracle snow-covered Paper, The Benefits of Risk Assessment for Projects, Portfolios, and Businesses,June 2009. Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 OracleParkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A.Bauer M. Project Success Factors. Retrieved from on 21March 2014.Project Management Planning,January 1997. Retrieved from On 22March 2014.Ernst & Young orbicular Limited, Effective mining and metals capital project execution,The consequences of risk. U.K Retrieved from on 19 March 2014.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Lead and manage people Essay
I used to work at a fine dinning restaurant, the restaurant manager at that emplacement was really good. He has very strong knowledge roughly how to manage hoi polloi. He never universe aggressive or uses any inappropriate language. He never considers some unrivalled to do the play that he doesnt know how to do. He shows people how to get the play done efficiently. No matter what assortment of issues or lines that supply have, he almodal values is willing to help. He gains respect from people non nevertheless ab come to the fore his position but also his knowledge, skill as swell as his ad hominemity. Also he has a strong knowledge about all the wines and the food that we were serving. He made the perfect unified wine list for the menu that impresses everyone who worked or ate there. People enjoy working with him, as he give his knowledge to everyone, as a model to teach people a better trend to do things and improve the way we usually do. His encouragements made o ur target easier to achieve. We worked like a family, people took distribute of each other(a)s.I used to work at a Thai restaurant, the legation statement was to shoot the authorized Thai cuisine to life and let people enjoy. In order to achieve this mission statement, we need to cook as authentic Thai food as possible as well as let the guests to enjoy the cuisine that we bring overseas. I think the statement is good for the company. culinary art changes as it moves overseas. People travel overseas and know how the authentic local cuisine is. They cannot find it in Melbourne because cuisine shifts then the flavour changes. Imagine if there is only one restaurant can trammel the real authentic taste that would be the selling point. Thats what this business wanted and they succussed. They do truly follow the statement. They hire the chefs from Thai to train and monitor other chefs, follow all the steps to mould dishes in Thai way, import all the necessary ingredients only f rom Thai, keep in touch with the authentic Thai cuisine, and always ask well known Thai chefs to taste the food.I will talk about this change in some(prenominal) formal and informal communication ways,such as via email, lag obtain board, through meeting, and face to face to talk about this change. The email and the notice board argon skilful the tools that I want round to know there is a change to be happening in 6 weeks. Let them to dissertate themselves first, get themselves well prepare for the change, and also to establish some issues to discuss in the incoming meeting, like invigorated color against the religion, discrimination, etc. The meeting process is to formally cash in ones chips out the change and receive the feedback from staves. It may require a bit editing or more than work on to suit everyone. Last for the individual problem, I will have to discuss the problem in person and try to get a best outcome.I want to delegate the job of making behave A to Jahn, as he is the new apprentice of the job. As well as sauce A is the dairy farm big job for this section. In 2 weeks time, Jahn should be able to cook up the sauce A without any supervision and within a very short period of time. only when meanwhile, I need to guide through him all the reading that he needs to make sauce A. Demonstration is necessary. When he is making sauce A, I will have to supervisor the whole process, good to make sure he follows correct procedures ensure he is able to make it by himself. sauce A is a very complex job for anyone, thus 2 weeks training is required. After 2weeks time, people should be able to make it without supervision. We can delegate the task but not the responsibility, therefore I still need to check the correct seasoning for sauce A from Jahns work, also the developed time he spends on making it. If I am not at work, then other chefs will supervisor his work as well, undecomposed to make sure he keeps his work consistence. instruct is mo re than just pure training and it involves more of personal relationship over time and in many ways it is like mentoring. It makes better environment for the organisation from management to the workers together to build a better workplace in order to achieve a better result. As a chef de cuisine, I would evaluate each individuals skill and put them in the right place, such as put someone on web design or programming if he/she is good at doing computer. wherefore consider the current situation to establish a plan for coaching. Well explain to members about the plan, make sure theyunderstand and make changes for any better leads. I will also butt on the task to members. I need to show members that I can complete the task better not just I cant do it therefore I have to hand out for you guys. When there is a specific skill require for the cut, I will show them how to do it, and I am willing to help to teach them and develop their individual skill level. Teach them what is the best wa y to do things right here. To help them to multi-tasking from my past experience.I think I will be using participatory and Laissez-Faire style to coach people, they are more guider and helper kind of coaching style alternatively of being boss to ask around. As a learner, people is willing to learn from others especially from the one who is easy to talk to, image if your teacher is very grumpy, would you ask him/her any questions? I will ask open questions rather than close questions. It is also a good way to get the feedback from people check to their answers.The recognition and promotion are my motivation at the moment. As I just take offed a new chef job at a distinct restaurant, everything starts from fresh, humbly gaining knowledge from co-workers. I need to fit in the new working environment is the priority. Within a month period, the recognition from headchef or other chef is my motivation, reading new knowledge everyday at the same time improve myself. I can hang myself is improving a better understanding of the food that I make, developing the better skill that as a chef should have, etc. Those factors create satisfaction for myself in order to achieve better position to the job as well as lead co-workers feel is good to have me on board. According to Herzbergs motivation-Hygiene theory, they are leading to satisfaction. My motivation has changed over the past few years. When I first came to this country, I just needed a job to feed myself, therefore my motivation at that time was just money, and I didnt care about the quality of work environment or the skill that I could improve. Then I moved to another restaurant, also I had a fair amount of money to start with, so at that time a better working environment, better pay, better standard was my motivation.It is more like Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, different stage has vary needs, as well as the motivations. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs can also explain why younger people have different motivational goals than older people. At different age group,people are tend to have very needs, those needs result different motivational goals. For example, at age 3 you may do what it takes to action your parents in order to get a lollypop. But you wouldnt do the same when you are 20. Because the lollypop wouldnt be your motivational goal at all after you already had hundred of them.Assignment activity 7 Trust-Trust employees, headchef give new staff the opportunity to run the section him/herself. Fully delegate responsibilities to new staff without micromanaging the outcome.They feel being trusted, they will work well in a soften environment. If you always doubt the ability of employee, then they are not happy, how could they work for you. Support- Do not hide the information, give employees the information they need to get the job done. Management should make itself open for the talk regards to the employee manner or dairy issues. As well as welling to help employees to solve the problems that they are facing. Employees feel loved, then they can reserve a better outcome to work for you. Facilitation- Provide a happy environment for employees to work with in order to maximize the outcome.No, I dont think so. One of the previous restaurant that I worked, it doesnt have a well communication system. When we say communication, it means two ways, the message from the sender to the receiver, then the feedback from the receiver back to the sender. At that place we have staff notice board and staff communication board. But they are only use to post from the top management only. No staff feedback is needed. It doesnt work as it is only a one way communication tool, it is really severe for management to know if staff understand or award of the new ideas and so on. Within cordial reception industry, two ways communication is important, well understand the message and the feedback is essential as they can improve the quality of work or service. Therefore, they should provide t he feedback form for staff to fill up, management should really go down and understand what staffs really want. Email out the ideas then get the reply direct from staff may be a good way to start with.The manager at the last place that I used to work, I reckon he uses both paternalistic and democratic management styles. He understands each one ofworkers within the company and he talks to each one of them like family, therefore everyone calls him brother. As a brother, he takes care of each of us and releases the pressure from both workers family and work. He listens to people, and talks to people very gently, never use any offensive language. When there are some decisions need to be made, he always listens to all the workers need and try to minimize the issues would cause. Those styles were effective for him.He is happy to delegate tasks to colleagues, gaining more power by earning peoples respect. I personal believe he is a good manager as after he took over the place, the tax rev enue was increase and less staff turnover, everyone works together like in a family.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hewlett-Packard, Inc Essay
Hewlett-Packard, Inc. has been one of the in the lead IT Company competing with DELL. Throughout the political party history, Hewlett-Packards top management team has always sought to assure that the company stays up of its competitors. Though this has been the case, strategic decisions do by the companys ult and present CEOs, especially, Carleton S. Fiorina and Mark V. Hurd may differ as much as they may be similar in some ways. During Carleton S. Fiorinas tenure, the main focus was on the future and all strategic decisions and investments were made for future developing and stability.This kind of investment was at the expense of any decisions that would ensure growth at the time. Fiorina was the HP CEO from 1999 to 2005 and during her tenure the main causes of loss of revenue and market share were due to the occurrence that she not only focuses on the future rather than current growth but she made investments that seemed dear(p) to the company at the time but which she be lieved could bring greater revenue growth in the future. capital opposition from managers and some board members, coupled with the scandal on leaked company information saw the company scene delve into the negative causing financial damage to the company.According to Evans-Correia (2005), Broderick said HP sedate faces numerous problems. It continues to lose market share to Dell Inc. and its corporate-computing unit, which includes storage, software and server computers, has remained weak and unable to suffer off competition from IBM and EMC Corp. The company has good technologies, but their to-market strategy has not been effective. Though the merger with Compaq brought increase revenue growth in the future, at the moment the merger was given a go ahead and completed, HP encountered its share of losses that were a little higher than it may have predicted initially and inform publicly.The then CEO, Fiorina, was questioned about these losses and the apparent in-disclosure of t hese information to the public and board of directors. In his article, Intense grill Flusters Fiorina, one of the writers, Burt (2002) reported that Just as he had done yesterday, Hewlett attorney Stephen Neal repeatedly grilled the top dog executive about internal financial reports that predicted larger revenue losses for 2003 than HP projected in publicly issued statements. Increasing counterfeit products could also be seen as one of the setbacks that cost HP its revenue, image as well as market share.While the merger with Compaq brought H-P an added rivalrous strand in the computer computer hardware manufacture, the acquisition of EDS, an HP Company will now see H-P attain a competitive edge in the IT Services sector. This means that both ventures are almost equally important to H-P in maintaining leadership in the IT industry. The Compaq merger/acquisition was aimed at gaining HP footing in the computer hardware industry firearm the acquisition of EDS was strategically tar geted at giving the company the competitive edge in IT wait ons and customer care.While HP was mainly focused on the sale of printers, magnification to the computer hardware would prove strategic at the time the merger with Compaq was initiated. The moment EDS came on board, expansion and enhancement of the HP outsourcing service delivery was realized. During ex-CEO Fiorinas tenure, the main strategic choices that were made were aimed at cost cutting and investment in the future with hot ventures.While Fiorina focused on hot ventures and expansion of the business part of the company, Hurd focused on expansion, growth and retention of employees and enhancement of customer service and support. Fiorina was more focused on sales, high profits and numbers at all costs while Hurd focused on the company tradition of focusing on the employees as well as growth and expansion. While Fiorina went to on to cut jobs so as to cut on costs, Hurd took on a new stand by focusing mainly on all th at could be done to maintain the vanquish workers and staff retention as well as customer satisfaction.As stated by Hurd and Lesjak in the HP Annual Report (2008), The addition of EDS further expands HPs comprehensive, strategically assembled portfolio that provides uncomparable capabilities for delivering end-to-end solutions. More importantly, EDS adds a world-class, globally scaled services capability to HPs established leadership in hardware and management software. Since inception, the company has proven to be a greater competitor and leading in innovation and customer satisfaction.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Effective Communication Skills in Nursing Essay
1. Explain the principles of confidentiality in the health consider milieu. The principles of confidentiality be to maintain the tolerants privacy and confidentiality that on the whole training about the treatment, the perseverings accredited medical conditions, prognosis and all other aras of the perseverings personal information be kept confidential. This means that it is legally and ethically wrong to founder their information to a third political party unless the value has gained consent from the affected role of to do so, the only time a accommodate entrust disclose the patients information is if it falls within her affairal duties and only discussed with other health commission master keys (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p. 29).The privacy and confidentiality be governed by the code of deal and the code of ethics the book moldiness work within these codes and their ambit of practice, a breach in the patients confidentiality can lead to legal proceedings against the have (Nursing and Midwifery mount of Australia, 2014).2. What are the types of small lax radicals and work teams that nurses are likely to be complicated in?There are different groups or work team that nurses can be involved within the health care environment and bequeath consist of two or more people, an type of the types of group could accept, Infection control committee that promotes awareness of areas in infection control an example of this is the compliance in hand washout or using alcohol rub before and after procedures in the body of work and communicating the refuse procedures in workshops and education sessions (infection control today 2014). haves can also be involved in research teams and colloquy may come in the form of surveys or interviews to conduct studies on the ways a nurse learns, this could be studies on the way patient care is provided or how nurses suffice situations, so the best evidence based practices can be implemented i n the nursing profession (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher and Camera 2013,p.12).Educational groups are also an area that nurse can work in an example of this is a Diabetic educator, were they teach people suffering with diabetes management strategies and risks of the illness, and health promotion to pr regular(a)t the invasion of this illness (Australian Diabetes Educators Association 2014)3.what are dynamics and what are the attributes that aid groups in working efficaciously?The description of Group dynamics is the way that a group of people interact when grouped together (the free dictionary 2014), the benefits and attributes of group dynamics is the way communication and interaction are received and working as part of a team for a common goal, communication between a group should be are clear and concise, being an effective listener to all parties involved in the group, understanding that your horizon may differ to others, respect for yourself and others, to stay each ot her and structure, all of these pull up stakes help in team building and effective communication between nurses so that effective communication is achieved (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 98-100).4. Describe the communication strategy that could be implemented when establishing a healing(predicate) relationship with the following types of clients.When an Enrolled nurse is establishing a healing(predicate) relationship with patients the Enrolled nurse may invite use a variety of different communication strategies to resonate the patients health care strikes, there are different techniques that the enrolled nurse will postulate to use to effectively communicate this includes display the patient respect for their values and beliefs even if they go against what the nurses beliefs are, having a non-bias attitude, listening to the put across of the patient, maintaining eye contact, and having a positive attitude can help a patient feel at ease (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 108-122).Cultural differencesWhen the Enrolled Nurse has a patient from a different cultural in theircare, the nurse must(prenominal) be culturally sensitive and ca-ca a non-bias approach. For effective communication the nurse will need to respect the patients beliefs and values and communicate at a level that the patient and the family can understand this also may require the nurse to have an interpreter available if position is a second expression ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 114-115). ).Religious practicesReligious beliefs are very similar to cultural beliefs, the nurse must have a non-bias approach and respect the patients beliefs and values. The nurse will need to ask principals to find out every special requirements and make some(prenominal) special arrangements available for the patient communication may be verbally or non verbally ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 114-118).Language barriersWhen the Enrolled nurse is dealing with language barriers in the health care setting the nurse may be able to communicate with the patient through a family member, interpreter service or arrange to have visual aids that will be able to guide the patient ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p.108).Physical disabilitiesWhen you are dealing with a patient with a physical disabilitie there is a variety of different materials available to help communicate with the patient this could include advising the patient of who you are and what you are their to help them with, using a normal tone in your voice, tryout aids and making sure there in working order, sign language, having pen and paper available, and lecture books are some of the aids that can help with communicating, ((Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 118 -120).Intellectual disabilities/emotional disordersWhen communicating with a patient that has an intellectual disabilitie or an emotional disorder it is important for the nurse to use the appriote communicatio n, the nurse may need to slow down when pardoning a process,using words that the patient can understand, listening to what the patients is communicating and showing empathy and understanding (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 108 -120).5. health care records are legal documents. What are the requirements of documentation in the health care environment?The legal requirements of documentation in the health care setting that all events in in the correct order of which they happened and be dated and timed using the twenty four hour clock, that all paper work correctly displays the patients full name, date of birth and gender, That all documentation is legible, only the facts are recorded e.g. only what you personally see, hear, touch or smell, That the signature and name of the nurse is on the paperwork, any mis numbers on the paper work you are involve to draw a line through the penetration and initial it, Only put in the care that you have done is documented unless in an p arking brake situation, only use authorised abreviations, if there are any gaps are to be filled with a signal line to stop information being added at a later date (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 272-274).6. deal the meaning of a nurses occupation of care.A nurses duty of care refers to using lesson and ethical judgement when providing care for a patient without compromising their own honorable values and the moral values of the patient, this means to me that you treat people the way you wish to be treated. The nurse has a duty to provide the best possible care and to act in a moral, ethical and maestro trend to maintain the patients dignity and respect the wishes of the patient even if this conflicts with your own moral judgement (Crisp and Taylor 2010, pp 334-339)7. Briefly explain five (5) potential constraints to effective communication?An Enrolled nurse working in the health care environment needs to be an effective communicator to patients and other health care professional tobuild a nice therapeutic relationships, some barriers that can effect the communication process are talking to a patient but not actively listening to what the patient has to say, abruptly changing the subject, being defensive and playing in a defensive means, becoming distracted or daydreaming not paying aid to what the patient is saying and asking them to repeat themselves, giving the patient false reassurance when the patient asks a question that makes the nurse feel uncomfortable, and offering an opinion on what they think the patient should do (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 113-114)8. What is e-Health and what are the advantages of e-Health?E-Health is a secure summary of an several(prenominal)s personal health information that is available online. the advantages of having an e-Health account is that the individual has personal control over who can access their private information and what information the individual wishes to have recorded, havin g an e-health account allows the individual, their Doctor and Health care providers share information and allows the individual to have an active contact in the treatment and insures that the approve care is provided (Australian government Health Department 2014)9. Explain the meaning of certified consent and give an example of informed consent in the health setting.Informed Consent is providing the patient with the most current up to date facts and any associated risks for the prescribed treatment or procedure that is required to meet the health care requirements for the patient, this ensures that the patient can base their decision on all the information that they have been provided with. The nurse must ensure that the patient has understood this information and that the consent of the patient must be voluntary and coercion free. (Crisp and Taylor 2010,p.345) An example of informed consent is informing a patient that requires chemotherapy that all the evidence based facts on th e benefits and side effects of the prescribe treatment, The patient will then need to sign a legal consent form prior to the commencement of treatment (Crisp and Taylor 2010,p.345).10. Define control surface disclosure and briefly explain the key principles of unfastened disclosure.The definition of open disclosure is an open tidings with the patient on adverse events to the patient while receiving health care (Australian commission on sanctuary on quality in the healthcare 2010). When openly disclosing information to a patient and their family the nurse must act in a professional manner and provide the patient with the facts of the adverse event even before all the information is available, an apology which should include I am or we are dark (Australian commission on safety on quality in the healthcare 2010) for the what has happened, give the patient and family an luck to relate their experience, discuss the potential ramifications of the event, explain what is being done to prevent a recurrence, and understanding that open disclosure is a discussion between the patient and the health care facility and this will take time and numerous meetings over a period of time (Australian commission on safety on quality in the healthcare 2010).11. Clinical handover can pose a high risk scenario for the clients safety. There are dangers of discontinuity of care, adverse events and legal claims of malpractice. Describe the SBAR framework for handover.The SBAR framework for handover can be done by the bedside of the patient or by phone when transferring care to a different healthcare facility, The SBAR framework for handovers ensures that an organised and efficient process of communicating the patients private and confidential information to other health care professionals, This process includes Identifying yourself and the patient, The current situation of the patients current medical condition, the background information on what has happened and any know medical co nditions and medication that can help aid in the patients treatment, the nurses assessment of the patient including current observations or complaints the patients may have, and recommendations that the nurse has that will assist the patients conditions or recapping all the patients details to ensure that the correct information has been handed over(Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 122- 123).12. Describe the role of the Australian Health Practitioners restrictive Agency (AHPRA).The Australian Health Practitioners Agency in Australia has offices in each state and works with the fourteen national boards that are in charge for regulating the heath care profession and public protection (Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency 2014). The primary role of AHPRA is to provide the public with registered health practitioner information, oversees the registration and renewal of nurses and students, investigates complaints of professional conduct issues, a health practitioner s cognitive operation with the exception of New South Wales and Queensland. Provides support in developing the registration standards, codes and guidelines, guides and advises the Ministerial Council in relation to the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency 2014).13. Briefly describe two (2) nursing Codes and two (2) nursing Guidelines relevant to professional practice for the Enrolled Nurse?The Code of Ethics for the Enrolled nurse is a set of self-imposed rules that ensures the decision, beliefs and the nurses action towards others is at the highest standard. The Enrolled Nurse will work with integrity a high moral standard that ensures the patient will receive the appropriate care whilst tin their care (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014).The Code of Professional canalize ensures that the Enrolled Nurse work in a compitant and professional manner, The enrolled nurse will show respect to the patient, their cul ture and the patients values and beliefs, keep their the personal information private and confidential, and provide accurate information on the patients health care needs (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014).Professional Boundaries guidelinesThe professional boundaries guidelines for the Enrolled Nurse outlines the importance of establishing a therapeutic relationship with the patient that only occurs to meets the patients healthcare need, and ensures that the Enrolled nurse acts in a professional manner, It is unprofessional for the Enrolled Nurse to enter into a personal relationship with the patient while in their care to except gifts, operate or for financial gain (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014).The competency Standards for the enrolled nurse also outline areas that the Enrolled nurse must be competent in to perform their duties in a competent and professional manner and abide the legislations for the nursing profession, this ensures that the nurse wi ll work within their scope of practice (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014).14. What are the functions of performance appraisal and development in the workplace? Promote breeding reflect learning The function of the performance appraisal in the health care environment is to a evaluate the performance of the Enrolled Nurse working practices, this helps the Enrolled nurse and their manager to identify areas of improvement, areas where the healthcare facilities goals are being met, recognising areas of professional or personal development and promoting learning and continuous development in areas that will benefit the Enrolled nurse (Queensland Government of Health 2014)15. Using the examples given below as your guide, research the following medical terms. Provide a definition for each and where possible, break the word down into the meanings of the prefix, words root and suffix.16.Read the following case occupy and document the events that occurred. Be objective and keep to the facts, you are documenting as you would in the clients progress notes following an incident. routine the focus charting system outlines in Koutoukidis, Stainton and Hughson 2013.Reference list1. Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p. 29).Nursing and Midwifery board of Australia viewed 23.6.14 code of conduct12 Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency 2014, viewed 25.6.14 about2infection control today 2014 viewed 26.6.14hand washing commitees4Queensland Government Health 28.6.14 Cultural Communication 2014http// Queensland Government Health 28.6.14 Cultural requirements http//, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 108-120).10 http// 201015 (http// australian government health department 2014 viewed 28.6.14 about e-health http// Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 272-274).9 (Crisp and Taylor 2010,p.345).13 NMBA viewed 29.6.14 professional boundries http// Queensland Government of Health 2014 viewed 30.6.14 performance and development appraisal http// 6 Crisp and Taylor 2010, pp 334-339)7 Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, pp 113-114
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