Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Benjamin Franklin Essay examples -- essays research papers
gum benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his careeras a simple printer apprentice, scarce went far beyond the printers shop. Hedeveloped products that were far beyond the time. The Franklin stove forexample, for cold winter nights and bifocal lenses for reading. Franklintracked storm paths to help understand the loaded weather endured by thecolonies. His study of electricity made him most famous for he was known aroundthe world as the inventor of the lightning rod. Not tho was Ben Franklinhelpful in developing ideas for better living, he was also a strong force indeveloping the unseasoned nation of America. Benjamin Franklins policy-making viewsshowed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. His views towarfaredsBritain gradually changed from favor to disfavor until he finally became arevolutionist at the age of 70. save more than barely his political views help inthe defining of the United State s. His common sense, his whit, and his abilityto negotiate behind the scenes, all lent a move on in the formation of the new realm across the sea. Franklins good humor and gift for compromise oftenhelped prevent bitter disputes which could have stalled the formation of the newgovernment. Interestingly, Ben Franklin, who was a oldtimer participant in the battlefor independence, had a lot to lose by it. (Wright 1986, page 204). He had aresidence in capital of the United Kingdom and was influential in England. However, his love ofliberty and his desire to promote the easily being of Pennsylvania pushed himtoward independence for the colonies. Franklin had to wrestle with hisconscience over his own sequestered affairs. Also, since he was well respected inEngland, he was "the Establishment man-even if he felt now a deep unease on thebasic top dog What was the authority of sevens over the Americancolonies?" (Wright, page 205). At first Franklin wanted the colonies to be andindependent free nation under the affectionateness and protect umbrella of the BritishEmpire. "He had dream...of a great British Empire, gridding the globe, basedupon a commonwealth of free nations, each with its own laws, its own governmentand freedoms, still bound together by compact with the Crown for mutual benefit,mutual defense, and the propagation of English freedoms." (Schoenbrun 1976,p... ...ive impact favoring the colonist, it became more and more impossiblefor Britain to give the war its full attention. Britain infallible a way out andFranklin played a key role. "Franklin was appointed in 1781 a commissioner tonegoiate the peacefulness with Britain." (Ketcham 1994, page 1). Franklin was a in truthgood negotiator as "the North Ministry pushed through Parliament twoconciliatory bills that gave the Americans everything that Franklin had demandedin his peace negoiations." (Fleming 1972, page 299). Franklin had common sense, whit, and skills that all helped bring comfortable positions to the coloniesagainst Britain. Finally, Benjamin Franklin portrays a man torn between his love ofBritain and a desire for liberty for the people of the new world. His greatesthope was for Britain to be the great, caring mother country that protected ayoung free nation across the sea. He was each country benefiting the other. Ofcourse, this could not happen so he made true that the best for America would beinsured through his efforts to bring France to the aid of the Colonies and tofinally bring about a livable peace between Britain and America. Benjamin Franklin Essay examples -- essays research papers Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his careeras a simple printer apprentice, but went far beyond the printers shop. Hedeveloped products that were far beyond the time. The Franklin stove forexample, for cold winter nights and bifocal lenses for reading. Franklintracked storm paths to help understand the wicked weather endured by thecolonies. His study of electricity made him most famous for he was known aroundthe world as the inventor of the lightning rod. Not only was Ben Franklinhelpful in developing ideas for better living, he was also a strong force indeveloping the new nation of America. Benjamin Franklins political viewsshowed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. His views towardsBritain gradually changed from favor to disfavor until he finally became arevolutionist at the age of 70. But more than just his political views help inthe formation of the United States. His common sense, his whit, and his abilityto negotiate behind the scenes, all lent a hand in the formation of the newcountry across the sea. Franklins good humor and gift for compromise oftenhelped prevent bitter disputes which could have stalled the formation of the newgovernment. Int erestingly, Ben Franklin, who was a chief participant in the battlefor independence, had a lot to lose by it. (Wright 1986, page 204). He had aresidence in London and was influential in England. However, his love ofliberty and his desire to promote the well being of Pennsylvania pushed himtoward independence for the colonies. Franklin had to wrestle with hisconscience over his own private affairs. Also, since he was well respected inEngland, he was "the Establishment man-even if he felt now a deep unease on thebasic question What was the authority of Parliament over the Americancolonies?" (Wright, page 205). At first Franklin wanted the colonies to be andindependent free nation under the caring and protecting umbrella of the BritishEmpire. "He had dream...of a great British Empire, gridding the globe, basedupon a commonwealth of free nations, each with its own laws, its own governmentand freedoms, but bound together by compact with the Crown for mutual benefit,mutual def ense, and the propagation of English freedoms." (Schoenbrun 1976,p... ...ive impact favoring the colonist, it became more and more impossiblefor Britain to give the war its full attention. Britain needed a way out andFranklin played a key role. "Franklin was appointed in 1781 a commissioner tonegoiate the peace with Britain." (Ketcham 1994, page 1). Franklin was a verygood negotiator as "the North Ministry pushed through Parliament twoconciliatory bills that gave the Americans everything that Franklin had demandedin his peace negoiations." (Fleming 1972, page 299). Franklin had common sense,whit, and skills that all helped bring favorable positions to the coloniesagainst Britain. Finally, Benjamin Franklin portrays a man torn between his love ofBritain and a desire for liberty for the people of the new world. His greatesthope was for Britain to be the great, caring mother country that protected ayoung free nation across the sea. He was ea ch country benefiting the other. Ofcourse, this could not happen so he made sure that the best for America would beinsured through his efforts to bring France to the aid of the Colonies and tofinally bring about a livable peace between Britain and America.
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